My parents and The Greatest Generation united as Anti-Fascist during WWII. Then fascism was in Europe, not in America.

Today, antifa (anti-fascist) individuals are you and I and we are fighting home grown fascism. Antifa is all of us who are working to stop the current threat to our democratic republic from an excessively wealthy and powerful minority of right-wing authoritarians who have stolen past elections and are planning to steal the next one.
We may all feel despair, but don’t let it have the last word. Embrace your despair and use its emotional force to stop our growing neofascism by any means available. Use it to become a force for a long-term greater good that is still possible but not yet within sight.
Vote Democratic, vote for every Democrat on the ballot and VOTE EARLY to make sure it counts.
VOTE to not only replace the leader of our fascist GOP Cult, but to replace ALL his right-wing authoritarian enablers.
VOTE to take back, protect and empower our democratic Republic.
VOTE to end decades of massive economic, social, racial, and environmental injustices perpetrated the right-wing authoritarian GOP Cult.
VOTE to make the Greatest Generation proud. We need an undeniable victory in 2020.
VOTE to reform government to maximize equality.
Damn it, VOTE!!!