WAR, Civil or World, Enables Hunting Humans

Whether WAR, humans hunting humans, profits a very few arms manufacturers or changes national leadership (Regime Change/Coup), too many others will lose their lives and their life’s economic gains.

WAR (humans hunting humans), for any excuse, is immoral!

Some WAR is international. Civil War has two forms: full blown or small, dispersed and haphazard. Regardless, though, WAR profits the few, destroys families and can reverse the vote of the people.

Monied speech kills, at home and abroad

War benefits the few and murders many

Our Civil War

Relative to our Civil WAR, those who strive to ignore and distract us from our haphazard, internal, slaughter of fellow humans are just as immoral as are any human game hunters.

The few benefactors of our Civil WAR use various forms of other ‘frequent’ human losses in society, such as highway accidents, drug overdoses, or heart attacks, to distract us from the premeditated hunting humans by our domestic terrorists. These distractions are an immoral attempt at normalizing hate-based murder. Hate based murder is a key to conducing all WAR, civil or international.

No other ‘frequent’ death totals are comparable to our haphazard, escalating, slaughter of fellow citizens, except the murders of full blown WAR. Our Civil WAR has been underway for decades. More and more citizens are arming themselves and hoping to expand it. Most are hoping to complete their recent attempted coup.

Collateral Death

Our war in Iraq killed more Iraqi civilians, “collateral damage,” than combat personnel from all sides. Humans hunting humans in our public spaces is also collateral death from our on-going Civil War. We must to stop the one-sided arming of our Civil WAR for profit. Citizens need to stop regime change and the funding of legalized bribery (corporate monied speech) by gun profiteers.

Leaders have lied us into ‘accepting’ far too many collateral deaths of WAR, both overseas and at home. The lies and distractions from immoral deaths need to END.

Ending Our Human Game Hunting

If that means doing what Australia, England, Norway and New Zealand have done, LET’S DO IT. Being the exceptional outlier for humans hunting humans does not make USofA great again. It makes us look like a growing threat to the rest of the world.

The collateral human deaths in those four other nations have stopped. On the other hand, USofA is still exceptional with our rising, hate-based, accumulation of dead, mutilated and unidentifiable human bodies. THIS MUST END.

USofA has the highest rate of guns/person and the highest rate of deaths from enabled/armed, hate-based, humans hunting fellow humans. These two rates are beyond correlation. It’s causation and it’s profit/coup driven. (Enabling the hunting of children is also hammering another Republican nail into their coffin for public education by making parents fear public schools.)

Abused Freedoms Require Limitations

When freedoms are abused and harm others, those freedoms must be limited. Depending on self-control to avoid massive harms of WAR always fails. Letting hate-based WAR fester will not stop the huning. It only allows another hater hunting fellow humans.

This is about the need for a national effort to stop enabling haters (individuals and political parties). Stop them from optimizing their hunting of human ‘game,’ local and international.

And now hunting humans is a TV ad



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About Andy Hailey

Vietnam Vet, UT El Paso Grad, Retired Aerospace Engineer, former union rep, 60's Republican now progressive, web admin, blogger.

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