Mega Rich RWA

Freedom Isn’t Free – What Are We Willing to Pay For It?

Before deciding what freedom is worth to us in this time of financial catastrophe and preemptive war, let's take a…

15 years ago

Common Wealth – Key to Our Democracy and Threatened by a Growing Aristocracy

" ... to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all; to afford all an unfettered start, and a fair…

16 years ago

Who Should Pay for the Mistakes of Our Leaders and Their Rich Friends?

If I made a major decision that I later came to regret because it is costing me much more than…

17 years ago

2006 Tax Cut Update – Evangelical Losses Even Larger

In a previous article based on a 1996 study by Pew Research, I stated, "In conclusion, the white evangelical Protestants…

19 years ago

2006 Tax Cuts – What Did the Christianists Get for Their Support of the GOP?

On March 17, 2006, "The Decider" (President Bush II) signed a $70,000,000,000 (billion) tax cut passed by "The Follower" (Congress),…

19 years ago