
Christianity is to Christianist as Islam is to Islamist. Another segment of the right-wing authoritarian followers – protestant evangelicals

Fascist Politics for Protecting and Empowering a Demagogue

The distinct strategies of fascist politics include: the mythic past, propaganda, anti-intellectualism, unreality, hierarchy, and victimhood. Other strategies also included…

6 years ago

Our Mass Murdering Domestic Terrorists and Their Enablers

Who are these people using WMDs for mass murder in America? They are men who have been taught that there…

7 years ago

AFP Ranks Legislators, Powell Memo, ALEC Funding, Tea Party Fear/Hate, Domestic Terrorists, US Empire

Suggested Reading for Week Ending 7/27 See How Americans For Prosperity Ranks YOUR Congressmen on free market fundamentalism - Neoliberalism…

11 years ago

The Aurora, Colorado, Shootings – Fear Based Gun Ownership Fulfills an Authoritarian Need to Severely Punish Those Not Like Them

Those most likely to become authoritarians (social dominators or followers) are raised from a young age in a strict-father environment…

13 years ago

In Support of Mayors Against Illegal Guns – Stop Domestic Terrorism

Americans are more likely to be killed by domestic terrorists with guns than international terrorists with bombs. When will we…

13 years ago

The Four Fundamentalisms of America’s Authoritarian State – Threats to Our Democracy

The excerpts below are from a recent article by Henry Giroux, author of Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age…

13 years ago

The Arab Spring and America’s Winter – Where the Authoritarians Are Taking Us, If We Let Them

In several Arab countries, citizens have been demonstrating and demanding their authoritarian governments be replaced with a democratic form of…

14 years ago

Right-wing Authoritarian Belief in Strict Punishment Produces Domestic Terrorists – Who’s Protecting America?

Within the Conservatives without Conscience, there is an extremist group - "The fringe of the fringe." This group was raised…

15 years ago

President Palin? – Social Conservatives Rejoice

Let's go back in time a few weeks, return to the present and then look to a probably future if…

17 years ago

Sarah Palin, The New Leader of the Social Conservatives – Just What Do They Represent?

I've written about the teamwork of the neocons and social conservatives (also known as values voters) throughout this blog. I've…

17 years ago