Bad Barrel

An enviroment which causes normally good poeple to committ an immoral act.

Fascist Politics for Protecting and Empowering a Demagogue

The distinct strategies of fascist politics include: the mythic past, propaganda, anti-intellectualism, unreality, hierarchy, and victimhood. Other strategies also included…

6 years ago

News Media “Bad Barrels” And the Parable of the Frog in Boiling Water

Professor Phillip Zimbardo, who conducted the Stanford Prison experiment in his younger days and has since written about what he's…

7 years ago

America’s Two Party System – The Good, Bad, and The Really Ugly

First of all, a short summary of The Lucifer Effect. It explains how events like Mi Lai, Abu Ghraib, and…

12 years ago

The “Bad Barrel” for All U.S. Presidents – Some Try to Resist, Authoritarians Enhance It

What changed many of the promises of candidate Obama into either inaction or the adverse actions of President Obama? Here's…

13 years ago

Violence Against Americans by Americans – Individual Action Is Only Part of the Story

Individual actions result from the influences of many factors. This is referred to as "systemic causation." Some factors are genetic…

14 years ago

Inside the Beltway – A Bad Barrel Produces Bad Apples

Mr. President, There was an exclusive news report on MSNBC tonight. The main point was that instead of reemphasizing what…

16 years ago

Mr. President: Put Action to Your Words – Pardon Sgt. Frederick

RE: Recently Released Bush II Torture Memos Mr. President, I agree with not prosecuting the lower level CIA employees for…

16 years ago

Karl Rove – The Authoritarian’s Architect and “Bad Barrel” Builder Par Excellence

Let's start with this quote from John Dean's Conservatives Without Conscience, "But Karl Rove has all the credentials of a…

18 years ago

Corruption in Our Capitol – The “Bad Barrel” Seduces Others

In an article titled In the Democratic Congress, Pork Still Gets Served, the Washington Post reported last Thursday that Congressman…

18 years ago

Corruption in Our Capitol – Bad Apples or Bad Barrel That Turns Good People Bad

In a 2004 interview on CNN, Dr. Phil Zimbardo was commenting on situations like Abu Ghraib in Iraq and My…

18 years ago