I’ve contended for some years now that there was the potential that the Iraqi’s may not have all the resources needed to make any form of stable government work. This is espicially true since those with the most to offer have probably left the country to avoid being killed.
The recent Iraq experiences, unlike other nations that have developed over time on their own, have been either a dictatorship ruled by secret police or one that is based on lies and backed by a foreign, well-funded and highly-skilled military force that can temporarily push the insurgents from here to there and back again. With these options, the Iraqi’s are either denied their freedom or denied the opportunity to plan their own future without external influences. In either case, the Iraqi nation can’t grow.
The young nation of Iraq is like a child and the Decider has become the parent. It’s time for the parent to give up the child and the lies, and let Iraq become, in whatever way it so chooses, its own nation(s).