Federal Election Commission Tells Tom Delay to Return Campaign Contributions That He Received After He Quit
(Originally found on brazosriver.com)
George Allen Didn’t Disclose Stock Options
James Dobson (Focus on the Family), Daniel Henninger (Wall Street Journal), Matt Drudge (Internet) and Michael Savage (Radio) say that the sexually explicit communications that Rep. Mark Foley allegedly engaged in with former congressional pages were “sort of a joke” or a “prank[]” on the part of the former pages.
Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) suggests that the Foley scandal was engineered by Democrats for electoral advantage, but cannot cite any evidence
Fox News viewers are more ignorant about world affairs than any other category of news consumers, and also have a stronger belief than anyone else in how well informed they are
Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) Knew of Foley Messages to Pages Six Years Ago
Republican Senate Candidate Corker Won’t Release His Tax Returns
Republican Senate Candidate Kean Turns His Back On Iraq Soldier’s Mom
Karl Rove’s Resigned Chief Aide Supplied Inside White House Info To Abramoff
Republican Senate Candidate Tries To Distance Himself From Bush by Saying, I Didn’t Agree With The President, “The President Agreed With Meâ€
On the one hand, patriotism divides citizens into multiple factions based on variable notions of a nation and its history. On the…
Voters have witnessed a long history of peaceful Executive leadership change. However, we’ve just seen, 1/6/2021, how fragile that transition…
This is about the need for national efforts to stop enabling haters (individuals and political parties) from optimizing their hunting…
In 2030, the entire world is condemned to extreme inequality, slavery, baby farms with women dressed in red and world domination as originally…
Any nation with either an authoritarian political system or an authoritarian economic system, like predatory capitalism, is susceptible to totalitarianism.…