Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds for 2-24-2009

Hero Pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger To Congress: My Pay Has Been Cut 40 Percent In Recent Years, Pension Terminated – Sullenberger, a 58-year-old who joined a US Airways predecessor in 1980, told the House aviation subcommittee that his pay has been cut 40 percent in recent years and his pension has been terminated and replaced with a promise “worth pennies on the dollar.” He said the problems began with the deregulation of the industry in the 1970s. The reduced compensation has placed “pilots and their families in an untenable financial situation,” Sullenberger said. “I do not know a single professional airline pilot who wants his or her children to follow in their footsteps.” Sullenberger’s copilot Jeffrey B. Skiles said unless federal laws are revised to improve labor-management relations “experienced crews in the cockpit will be a thing of the past.” And Sullenberger added that without experienced pilots “we will see negative consequences to the flying public.”


Republican Congressman Repeats Lie About Train to Sin City as Part of Stimulus Bill – When California Congressman Darrell Issa brings up the right-wing stimulus lie du jour — the so-called “train to Sin City” — David Shuster delivers a well-deserved smackdown, practically laughing at Issa for spreading that lie on his show.
ISSA: When we see $8 billion into a train to Sin City as part of a stimulus, we reject it. SHUSTER:

But Congressman, there’s no project for a train from California to Las Vegas. You Republicans know better. It’s $8 billion that’s going to the Department of Transportation, and a Republican, Ray LaHood — he was a Republican in your Congress — he’s the Transportation Secretary who gets to decide where the money is spent! It is wrong to say there is a project from L.A. to Las Vegas. It’s not in the bill, Congressman.


CNBC “Reporter” Falsely Claims White House Threatened Him – White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the following about CNBC reporter Rick Santelli’s rant against the Obama housing plan:

GIBBS: I’ve watched Mr. Santelli on cable the past 24 hours or so. I’m not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what house he lives but the American people are struggling every day to meet their mortgages, stay in their jobs, pay their bills, send their kids to school.

But on (convicted Nixon Watergate burglar) G. Gordon Liddy’s radio program, Santelli tried to make it sound very different:

SANTELLI: He started that press conference saying, “I don’t know where he lives, I don’t know where his house is.” This is the Press Secretary of the White House. Is that the kind of thing we want? Is that —
LIDDY: It’s a veiled threat.
SANTELLI: It really is. […] I don’t really want to be a spokesman, but I really am very proud of a) the response I’m getting, which is overwhelmingly positive, and b) discourse, that is debate. That if the pressure and the heat I’m taking from the White House – the fact my kids are nervous to go to school – I can take that, okay.


McCain Says Blame the Republican Party, Not Me – Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is the subject of a federal lawsuit that claims he violated the copyright of Jackson Browne’s 1977 hit song, “Running on Empty,” when it aired in one of his presidential campaign commercials. Does McCain take responsibility for his campaign ads? “I was not involved at all in any way in the writing, creation, production, distribution or dissemination of the video, nor do I have any knowledge whatsoever of how this video was written, created, produced or disseminated or who was involved in any aspect of the writing, creation, production, distribution or dissemination of the video,” McCain said in a statement acquired by Wired’s David Kravets. “I was completely unaware that this video even existed until I was informed of it after this lawsuit was filed.” McCain claims the Republican Party is solely responsible for his campaign ad, not him, and has asked that he be stripped from the case.A federal judge allowed the suit to move forward Friday.


McCain Tries to Blame President Obama for Costly Helicopters Ordered by Bush – McCain tried to put the president on the spot for he new presidential helicopters ordered by the Bush administration. “Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One,” McCain told Obama. “I don’t think that there’s anymore graphic demonstration of how good ideas have cost taxpayers enormous amount of money.” But President Obama was both straightforward and cool with his answer: “This is going to be one of our highest priorities. By the way, I’ve already talked to [Defense Secretary Robert] Gates about a thorough review of the helicopter situation. The helicopter I have now seems perfectly adequate to me. Of course, I’ve never had a helicopter before. You know? Maybe — maybe I’ve been deprived and I didn’t know it. But I think it is an example of the procurement process gone amuck and we’re going to have to fix it.”


The Myth of Republican Fiscal Responsibility – One graph is worth a thousand words:

Republican vs. Democratic Debt

Republican vs. Democratic Debt


If Today’s Republicans Had Been Around at Key Points in Human Civilization… – By around 46BC, the Romans had sewage systems to drain waste from homes. In the 19th century major city governments undertook projects to create sewage systems for most homes.

Republicans: “Can you believe this? The government is actually going to spend money on connecting each home to a series of pipes just to take away human waste! Let’s just have some tax cuts and keep the government out of people’s homes!”

Also in the 19th century, city governments begin to develop water supply infrastructures, which also hark back to Roman times…

Republicans: “Leave the market to meet supply and demand. Why waste money on a crazy system of pipes when the wells we have are full and aren’t ever going to run out. Let those who can afford such systems pay for them, and the rest can trickle down to everyone else.”

The late 18th century – the idea of the steam locomotive starts to lead to the creation of a railway transport infrastructure and government invests in laying rails across the country.

Republicans: “Are we really going to waste money on some pie-in-the-sky scheme to connect far off places by building miles and miles of railway lines? Let’s just have some tax cuts and stick to horses!”

The notion of an education system for children and older students has existed since around 1500BC, perhaps earlier…

Republicans: “You want to take away my child for hours each day to be indoctrinated and controlled by government forces – and you want my tax dollars to pay for it? Then you’ve got a serious fight on your hands, mister! Tax cuts would allow families to spend more on educating their own children.”

In 1881, the world’s first electricity distribution system was established in Godalming, England when a generator supplied power to street lights. In the ensuing decades electricity grids spread throughout the world.

Republicans: “Am I hearing this right? You want to waste my money on some crazy scheme to connect each and every home with copper wires? Sounds like a communist mind-control plot. Count me out. Tax cuts would be far better.”

In the early 19th century, the invention of the electrical telegraph spurs the eventual invention of the telephone.

Republicans: “You want what?! A system of cables so that the government can listen to me in my home. You’ve got a fight on your hands, mister. Now let’s quit this crazy talk and pour ourselves a nice round of tax cuts instead.”

In 1936 the United States Government agreed to coordinate the Air Traffic Control System which built a series of radar stations and employees operators to keep airlines traveling upwards of 400 mph from colliding with each other.

Republicans: We don’t need to waste government money on some radar towers and people on the government dole, those pilots can just learn to fly better and if they have an accident the insurance company are willing to pay for the damage.

Trails lead to paths and they lead to roads. In 1956, Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower appropriates $25 billion for the construction of highways in the US. A similar boom takes place across much of the developed world folowing the success of the automobile.

Republicans: “$25 billion!?!?! Are you crazy? My taxpayer money is being spent on concrete? Are we living in communist Russia? Tax cuts would build far more…”

Today: Ideas for new grids to transport green energy; new kinds of green energy; electric cars that could be recharged just by plugging them in to your power socket at home…

Republicans: “No, no, no, no, NO!!!! This is socialism! I want a TAX CUT!!!”



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Bad Deeds for 2-23-2009


Diebold ‘Offices’ Turn Out to Mostly be Wal-Marts – To convince Utah decision-makers that Diebold (voting machine company) was a big company with a substantial presence, a company representative told the decision-makers in 2006 that Diebold “has about 20 offices in Utah.” However, when calls were made to all of these offices, only one picked up the phone. And when the addresses of offices listed under Diebold in the White Pages were visited, the addresses turned out to belong to either a Wal-Mart, a Sam’s Club, or no building at all. In the end, 16 of the 18 Diebold offices in Utah listed in the White Pages were false listings. A similar scam existed in New York, with another Diebold listing in Buffalo turning out to be a Wal-Mart. Out of 13 listings in Florida, 5 turned out to be Wal-Marts. Similar office listings have been uncovered in Alabama, Mississippi, and New Hampshire.


McDonalds Refuses Workers Comp for Employee Shot While Protecting Patron – Fast food giant McDonald’s has denied workers compensation benefits to a minimum wage employee who was shot when he ejected a customer who had been beating a woman inside the restaurant. Nigel Haskett, then aged 21, was working at a McDonald’s in Little Rock, Arkansas last summer when he saw a patron, later identified as Perry Kennon, smacking a woman in the face. A surveillance video of the incident, which had been posted to YouTube, was taken down after McDonald’s charged copyright infringement, but according to written descriptions of the video, Haskett tackled Kennon, threw him out, and then stood by the door to prevent him from reentering. Kennon, who has a long criminal record, was arrested a few days later and charged with first-degree battery. The judge at his arraignment praised Haskett as a hero.


Alabama Senator Still Pushing Rumor About Obama’s Citizenship – In a meeting with constituents, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby stated, “Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate,” Shelby said. “You have to be born in America to be president.” State officials in Hawaii checked health department records during the campaign and determined there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.


McConnell Peddles Old Republican Party Lie About Small Business Taxes – On CNN’s “State of the Union,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Sunday fired the first salvo against President Obama’s plan to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans who need it least. Claiming that “a vast majority of American small businesses pay taxes as individual taxpayers.” But, as CNN concluded in October, “fewer than 2% of small business owners would pay more under Obama’s plan.”


Army Charity Hoards Millions Rather Than Aiding Troops – As soldiers stream home from Iraq and Afghanistan, the biggest charity inside the U.S. military has been stockpiling tens of millions of dollars meant to help put returning fighters back on their feet, an Associated Press investigation shows. Between 2003 and 2007 — as many military families dealt with long war deployments and increased numbers of home foreclosures — Army Emergency Relief grew into a $345 million behemoth. During those years, the charity packed away $117 million into its own reserves while spending just $64 million on direct aid, according to an AP analysis of its tax records.


TV News Treated Stimulus Plan Like a Political Battle Rather Than an Economic Issue – There were plenty of familiar faces on-screen during TV coverage of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan, people like James Carville, Laura Ingraham, Karl Rove, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Joe Trippi and Dick Morris. What it lacked, some critics suggest, were people with real expertise in what the $787 billion plan will mean for the economy and for communities and individuals. In short, it was treated like just another political battle. Of the 681 people who appeared as guests on a dozen cable news and four network Sunday morning talk shows in the three weeks that ended last Sunday, only 41, or 6 percent, were economists. the Center for Economic and Policy Research said the media had “badly failed” to inform the public about what the stimulus plan means. The group said news organizations also didn’t keep things in perspective, focusing on criticisms of the bill that were a very small part of the price tag.


New CBS News Executive Claimed That Democrats are Bad People – CBS News has named Jeff Ballabon, a New York Republican activist, to serve as the Senior Vice President of Communications. Ballabon claimed that, after his most recent job in Washington, he became convinced that Democrats are inherently bad people and Republicans are fundamentally good people. In fact, it is not atypical of Ballabon to use this kind of extreme partisan rhetoric. During the 2008 election, Ballabon said, “Obama is incredibly dangerous.”


Conservative Alan Keyes Calls President Obama a Radical Communist – Alan Keyes, in an interview with a reporter from KHAS-TV, filmed outside a fundraiser for the AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center in Hastings, Neb., said this:

Obama is a radical communist, and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it’s true,” said Keyes, who ran unsuccessfully against Obama for the state’s open Senate seat in 2004. “He is going to destroy this country, and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist.

Keyes also said that the military should think about not obeying their commander-in-chief because he is not rightly the president of the United States.


SEC Missed Numerous Red Flags Surrounding Stanford – Billionaire R. Allen Stanford managed to run his alleged scheme while the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators stood by, well after he arose on their radar screens. ample warning signs over the years suggested Stanford’s business wasn’t what it seemed. Among them:

  • A finding by regulators in June 2007 that Stanford’s company lacked enough capital to function properly as a securities brokerage firm. The company paid $20,000 to settle charges by the National Association of Securities Dealers without admitting or denying them.
  • Stanford’s businesses were inspected and investigated several times, starting in 2006 by the SEC and in 2004 by the NASD, the brokerage industry’s self-policing group, now called the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA. NASD’s scrutiny resulted in several disciplinary actions: the regulator fined his brokerage company four times, with penalties totaling $70,000, for violations that included misleading investors in sales materials about the risks of the CDs.
  • A 2006 lawsuit by a former employee alleging that Stanford’s company ran a Ponzi scheme. Two other ex-employees asserted in a suit in January 2008 that Stanford’s Antigua bank, Stanford International Bank Ltd., sold CDs based on inflated returns and had destroyed documents.
  • A board of directors that included Stanford’s father, his college roommate and a family friend who remained on the board years after suffering a debilitating stroke.
  • The Antigua-based accounting firm that audited the offshore bank was tiny and little known.
  • A 1999 Treasury Department advisory that warned U.S. banks to scrutinize transactions involving Antigua. It said a new regulator in Antigua was essentially a captive of offshore banks it was meant to supervise. (The advisory was lifted in 2001.)



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Bad Deeds for 2-20-2009

John Cornyn Introduces Bill That Would Require Home Owners To Retain Internet Access Logs – Republican politicians on Thursday called for a sweeping new federal law that would require all Internet providers and operators of millions of Wi-Fi access points, even hotels, local coffee shops, and home users, to keep records about users for two years to aid police investigations. The legislation, which echoes a measure proposed by one of their Democratic colleagues three years ago, would impose unprecedented data retention requirements on a broad swath of Internet access providers and is certain to draw fire from businesses and privacy advocates.

“While the Internet has generated many positive changes in the way we communicate and do business, its limitless nature offers anonymity that has opened the door to criminals looking to harm innocent children,” U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said at a press conference on Thursday. “Keeping our children safe requires cooperation on the local, state, federal, and family level.”

Joining Cornyn was Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, the senior Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who said such a measure would let “law enforcement stay ahead of the criminals.”


Judge’s Office Wouldn’t Stay Open for Extra 20 Minutes to Spare Life – On September 25, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Sharon Keller refused to keep her clerk’s office open an extra 20 minutes to receive a last-gasp pleading from the attorneys for condemned inmate Michael Richard. Richard’s lawyers were having computer problems that prevented them from turning in their motion on time. The 49-year-old murderer was executed just hours after Keller locked the door. Keller’s decision to close her court at 5 p.m.—a move that has since been blasted by even her Republican colleagues—violated the court’s unwritten policies for handling executions. It also broke sharply from tradition. In Texas, it’s not unusual for judges and clerks to take last-minute pleadings at their homes. On execution day, the courts don’t have a strict closing time. (What are the chances that she labels herself “Pro-Life”?)

Here are some other cases concerning this judge.
And more information.


Limbaugh: Trying To Understand A Democrat is Like Trying To Understand A Murderer Or Rapist – Rush Limbaugh likens Democrats to murderers, rapists, and “this Muslim guy” that “offed his wife’s head. He also says that Democrats are now socialist liberals who will establish separate rules for themselves, such as not having to pay their taxes and not being subject to greenhouse gas laws. Hear the audio:


Sean Hannity Recommends Stanford Company – Mention ‘Sean Hannity’ to Stanford Coins & Bullion and get a free guidebook. Yup, that’s Stanford as in Stanford Financial Group, or Allen Stanford, the Texas billionaire who was apparently on the lam after being charged Tuesday in connection with a multi-billion-dollar fraud. “Stanford Coins & Bullion, a member of the Stanford Financial Group, their name as good as gold,” Hannity intones on advertisements that regularly run on his radio show.


How Industry and the EPA Failed To Stop the Growing Environmental Disaster of Coal Ash – Pat Nees never liked the water at the Moose Lodge. Almost everyone in tiny Colstrip, Montana, drank and dined at Lodge #2190, but the well water was notorious — it smelled like a sewer. It felt oily, gritty from sediment. Lodge members braving a drink — Nees among them — frequently doubled over from indigestion. Nees, 57, a board member at the lodge, fielded numerous complaints about the water. But he and fellow Moose members, many of them equipment operators and technicians at the nearby Colstrip Steam Electric Station, a giant coal-fired power plant, never thought twice about the massive waste ponds a half mile away. They never fathomed they were drinking water laced with coal ash.

Coal ash is the collective term for the various solid remnants left over from burning the black rock to produce electricity at more than 500 power plants nationwide. The ash amounts to dirty stuff, replete with toxic constituents — arsenic, chromium, lead, mercury, and many others — that can wreak havoc on the environment and human health. Exposure to its toxins can lead to cancer, birth defects, gastro-intestinal illnesses, and reproductive problems. For decades, the dangers of coal ash had largely been hidden from public view.


BP Guilty of Violating Clean Air Act – BP has plead guilty to violating the Clean Air Act and agreed to pay a separate fine of $50 million. The settlement addresses what the government identified as the company’s failure to comply with a 2001 consent decree requiring tight controls on benzene during the refining of petroleum. Benzene is a hazardous air pollutant known to cause cancer, damage the nerve and immune systems, and affect reproduction and development. The government says the new efforts will reduce emissions of benzene and other volatile organic compounds at the site by 6,000 pounds a year. BP has also agreed to eliminate roughly 51,000 pounds of ozone-depleting hydro-chlorofluorocarbons, often referred to as HCFC’s, by modernizing industrial cooling appliances at the refinery.


Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence (As He Tries to Rewrite History) – Richard Perle is known as the Prince of Darkness — so dubbed during his days opposing arms control in the Reagan Pentagon . He was the ideological architect of the Iraq war and of the Bush doctrine of preemptive attack. But at yesterday’s forum of foreign policy intellectuals, he created a fantastic world in which:

1. Perle is not a neoconservative.
2. Neoconservatives do not exist.
3. Even if neoconservatives did exist, they certainly couldn’t be blamed for the disasters of the past eight years.

“There is no such thing as a neoconservative foreign policy,” Perle informed the gathering, hosted by National Interest magazine. “It is a left critique of what is believed by the commentator to be a right-wing policy.”
So what about the 1996 report he co-authored that is widely seen as the cornerstone of neoconservative foreign policy? “My name was on it because I signed up for the study group,” Perle explained. “I didn’t approve it. I didn’t read it.”

Mm-hmm. And the two letters to the president, signed by Perle, giving a “moral” basis to Middle East policy and demanding military means to remove Saddam Hussein? “I don’t have the letters in front of me,” Perle replied.
Right. And the Bush administration National Security Strategy, enshrining the neoconservative themes of preemptive war and using American power to spread freedom? “I don’t know whether President Bush ever read any of those statements,” Perle maintained. “My guess is he didn’t.”

Pearle had been a leading cheerleader for the Iraq war, predicting that the effort would take few troops and last only a few days, and that Iraq would pay for its own reconstruction. Perle was chairman of Bush’s Defense Policy Board — and the president clearly took the advice of Perle and his fellow neocons. And Perle, in turn, said back then that Bush “knows exactly what he’s doing.”

All in the Neocon Family


The War Party
Feed by David Frum, Richard Perle, AEI, others

Richard Perle, Neocon and Key Architect to Bush’s Iraq War – “It is victory or holocaust.”


Right-Wing Radio Host Repeatedly Replaces Female Congresswoman’s Name With Female Genital Reference – During a discussion about President Barack Obama’s signing of the economic recovery bill in Denver, Peter Boyles repeatedly referred to Democratic U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, who attended the ceremony, as “Vagina DeJet” and “Vagina DeGette.”


Conservative View of Bicycle Paths – OCCULT WITCHCRAFT – This bike path is used by people who are practicing a pagan ritual that involves an unholy avoidance of the use of fossil fuels. Adherents also believe “bicycling” will increase their health and lifespan, thus forestalling their eventual doom in the fires of Hell.



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Common Wealth – Key to Our Democracy and Threatened by a Growing Aristocracy

” … to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all;
to afford all an unfettered start,
and a fair chance in the race of life. “

In my previous posting, I provided a list of critical factors that compare the conservative and progressive worldviews. One of the key progressive principles mentioned several times in that posting was common wealth for the common good. As noted in that article, this principle was also mentioned in President Obama’s inaugural speech.

Unfortunately, this principle is totally absent from the strict-father, you’re-on-your-own, conservative-without-conscience, profit-first worldview because it requires empathy and responsibility to act on that empathy. This principle is also not broadly understood any more and is only documented in a few places on the internet like The Rockridge Institute. However, common wealth is critical to our democracy and here is why.

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin were all concerned about the accumulation of great wealth and the disparities between wealth and poverty they observed in Europe. They attributed these inequities to the European “aristocratic system of land transfers, hereditary political power, and monopoly.” Rather than concentrating wealth in a very few, our founding fathers saw common wealth as necessary for creating equality of opportunity for creating self wealth.

In the following excerpt from Wealth And Our Commonwealth, William H. Gates (father of Microsoft founder Bill Gates) and Chuck Collins, an expert on U.S. economic inequality, document our founding father’s fear of aristocracy and their ideas on taxation for creating the common wealth for the common good. This excerpt was originally posted at

The essence of the American experiment is our collective rejection of European hereditary aristocracy and grotesque inequalities of wealth. When Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States in the mid-nineteenth century, he noted that equality of condition permeated the American spirit: “The American experiment presupposes a rejection of inherited privilege.” In the words of novelist John Dos Passos, “rejection of Europe is what America is all about.”

The nation’s founders and populace viewed excessive concentrations of wealth as incompatible with the ideals of the new nation. Revolutionary era visitors to Europe, including Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Adams, and Ben Franklin, were aghast at the wide disparities of wealth and poverty they observed. They surmised that these great European inequalities were the result of an aristocratic system of land transfers, hereditary political power, and monopoly.

Monarchies and hereditary aristocracies mocked the republican principle of self-government. Writing in Common Sense, Thomas Paine attacked the notion of hereditary government: “To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary succession; and as the first is a degradation and lessening of ourselves, so the second, claimed as a matter of right, is an insult and imposition on posterity.”

In two other articles, “Rights of Man” and “Agrarian justice,” Paine extended his contempt of inherited political power to a critique of inherited economic power. Paine proposed an inheritance tax that would fund an early version of Social Security.

The distrust of concentrated wealth was so great that, in an extreme sentiment, Ben Franklin argued “that no man ought to own more property than needed for his livelihood; the rest, by right, belonged to the state.” One could not accumulate vast wealth, in the republican worldview, simply through one’s own labors. In small-scale agrarian freeholder society, where land ownership was more widely distributed among men of European ancestry, there was a “natural distribution of wealth.” Farmers, artisans, and other workers reaped the “fruits of their own labor.”

In 1776, artisans from Philadelphia put forward a provision for inclusion in the original state constitution of Pennsylvania. They advocated for a limit on the concentration of wealth. “An enormous Proportion of Property vested in a few Individuals is dangerous to the Rights, and destructive of the Common Happiness of Mankind; and therefore any free State hath a Right by its Laws to discourage the Possession of such Property.”

The provision was narrowly rejected. But the concern about inequality and accumulated wealth was present at the formation of our nation.

Indeed, central to American republicanism was the principle of a broad and fair distribution of wealth and property. Noah Webster, writing in favor of adopting the U.S. Constitution in 1787, expressed that “a general and tolerably equal distribution of landed property is the whole basis of national freedom” and wide spread distribution of property was “the very soul of a republic.” Too much inequality was a threat to a self-governing society. Without an equitable land distribution, the founders believed, the republic would not survive.

John Adams also viewed broad land ownership as a key ingredient in maintaining a balance of political power. He was greatly influenced by seventeenth-century philosopher James Harrington, who argued that the widespread distribution of property dispersed power. Adams believed that when “economic power became concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny.” In a 1776 letter to James Sullivan, Adams articulated his perspective that a balance in property owner ship was essential to liberty.

“The balance of power in a society, accompanies the balance of property in land. The only possible way, then, of preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue, is to make the acquisition of land easy to every member of society; to make a division of land into small quantities, so that the multitude may he possessed of landed estates. If the multitude is possessed of the balance of real estate, the multitude will take care of the liberty, virtue, and interest of the multitude, in all acts of government.”

Thomas Jefferson, writing to James Madison in 1785 made the now famous statement that “the small land holders are the most precious part of a state.” He argued that legislators could not invent too many devices for subdividing property, “only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.”

In the republican worldview, European aristocrats created unbalanced distributions of wealth by controlling the land through inheritance, laws of primogeniture and entail. These land tenure systems allowed land transfers only to oldest male children, maintaining hereditary concentrations of land rather than broadly distributing it. In a conscious rejection of primogeniture, Jefferson wrote:

“The descent of property of every kind therefore to all children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree, is a politic measure and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.”

The revolutionaries believed in equitability, a notion of relative equality and fairness, rather than rigid equality. Revolutionary writers and orators underscored that American society would have modest inequalities. “The utopian schemes of leveling, and a community of goods,” wrote Sam Adams, “are as visionary and impracticable, as those which vest all property in the Crown.” Rigid equality, according to Sam Adams, would be “arbitrary, despotic, and in our government unconstitutional.” Minor inequalities would exist as the result of differences in individual talent, effort, and modest variations in property ownership.

This equitability translated into a culture that was antiaristocratic in sentiment. To be labeled an aristocrat or to be accused of advocating for “aristocratic policies” was the ultimate political slander in revolutionary America. For instance, John Adams through much of his later years had to fight the whispers that he had “monarchist sympathies,” having spent so many years consorting with royalty in France and England.

The founders celebrated the exceptionalism of the American experiment and heartily rejected aristocratic politics and economic policy. “The economic agenda for a republic became clear,” writes James Huston. “Enact the opposite of aristocratic legislation.”

What made the new nation unique was its relative equality. Noah Webster exuded confidence in the justness of the American system: “Here the equalizing genius of the laws distributes property to every citizen.” In other words, no rent to an absentee landlord or land ownership monopolies.

In their enthusiasm, the revolutionaries glossed over some of the enormous inequalities that existed in colonial society, the most obvious of which was the existence of slavery. “American society was not egalitarian and some individuals possessed impressive amounts of wealth,” writes Huston. “An elite did exist, and much of its property had come from political favoritism, inheritance, or family connections.” At the same time, their prescriptions for addressing this inequality were overly simplistic. For instance, the founders thought that eliminating the aristocratic land laws of entails and primogeniture would institutionalize relative equality. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson wrote confidently that America’s land tenure system encouraged subdivision and a broader distribution of land ownership, preventing aristocratic concentrations of ownership. Our nation’s founders were blind to some of the inequalities in their midst. But our national creed — with its aspiration to greater equality and suspicion of accumulated wealth and power — was forged at the time of our nation’s independence.

This “suspicion of accumulated wealth and power” was a significant cause for our revolution against Great Britain. The majority of our earliest citizens rejected aristocracy in favor of democracy and wanted taxation to limit the accumulation of wealth. However, this limitation must be turned to the common good of the new nation by equality of opportunity.

Now, over two hundred and thirty years later, we are in the midst of another struggle over the concentration of excessive wealth and power. This struggle has evolved slowly by reducing the funding of our common wealth for the common good. It started in 1963 when our top personal tax rate of 91 percent, which had existed since the end of World War II, was reduced to 70 percent. In 1982 the top rate was dropped another 20 points to 50 percent. Since 1987, the top tax rate has varied between 39.6 and 28 percent.

Since 1963, we have been creating a new conservative-without-conscience (CWC) aristocracy which, as our forefathers feared, is a threat to our democracy. We have been conned into letting this happen by the CWCs who have been telling us for years that taxes are not good; government will not make proper use of it; only the free market works in the best interest of the nation’s citizens; if you are disciplined, it’s OK to be extremely rich; and there are those among us who do not deserve a helping hand because they are not moral.

This growing aristocracy is using their excessive wealth and power to pay tens of thousands of lobbyists to get their taxes reduced and their powers increased further. Looking back at our early history, I suggest that today’s CWCs represent the new American Empire. They are at least leftover “Loyalists” from our revolution for independence.

As the CWCs have grown their aristocracy, our infrastructure, our government and the rest of us have suffered. Our bridges and highways are decaying. Our schools are failing our children and only the very rich get a good education. Our air and water are poisoned. Our national resources are being pillaged for profit. Our right to vote is under threat to help keep the CWC minority in control. Our heath care is failing to care for all but the very rich CWCs and our climate may turn on us all like never before while the CWCs speed around in their luxury SUVs.

What all this means is that we are transferring the funding of our nation’s common wealth back to the Paris Hiltons, Rupert Murdochs and other powerful CWCs of the world through one tax reduction after another. Yes, you might get something back to help pay your bills that are piling up, but the CWCs get much much more and will buy another yacht or congressman with their spare change. The rest of the nation, on the other hand, struggles to get their kids a good education, find affordable transportation to get to work, keep themselves and their children healthy and wonder if their future is doomed to climatic cataclysm. In the mean while, the mega-rich continue to shop extravagantly, collect unreasonable bonuses and take corporate welfare while avoiding proportionately replenishing our common wealth through progressively higher taxation.

Common wealth is not what CWCs believe in. CWCs are moral by virtue of their disciplined nature and are thus more deserving of wealth and power than other citizens. Their individualistic, self disciplined, moralistic, authoritarian, direct-causation worldview means all the money they earn is theirs. They earned it all by themselves.

CWCs don’t recognize that the nations’ infrastructure helped create their wealth. Since it didn’t help them, there is no need for them to pay to maintain it. Thus, they believe that taxes to fund the common wealth are wrong regardless of its contribution to their self wealth.

In addition to our vanishing common wealth, our democratic government is disappearing courtesy of the CWC aristocracy. In the CWC worldview, the Government interferes with creating wealth and steals self wealth just to give it to undisciplined immoral slackers (Remember, direct causation blinds the CWCs to the intermediate common wealth that is managed by the democratic government to promote equal opportunity for all). So, to minimize government, stop funding it. Specifically, stop taxing the CWCs that gain the most from the infrastructure which was built from our common wealth. In addition, redirect what common wealth is left to privatize government functions and help maximize the CWC aristocracy.

Privatization is fine as long as the government responsibility to protect and empower is not part of the deal. Privatizing means there is no accountability to the voters and profit takes precedence over protecting and empowering citizens. Our democratic government is responsible for protecting and empowering its citizens. The free market is responsible for making profit and profit will trump protecting and empowering citizens every time.

Our democratic government must protect and empower all of us. Protection includes the police, firefighters, emergency services, public health, the military, and so on. Empowerment includes the infrastructure needed for business and everyday life: roads, communications systems, water supplies, public education, the banking system for loans and economic stability, the SEC for the stock market, the courts for enforcing contracts, air traffic control, support for basic science, our national parks and public buildings, and more.

Building the new CWC aristocracy is wrong. It robs us of our common wealth, redirects our protection toward war and away from civil rights, prevents building and maintaining our nation’s infrastructure and eliminates equal opportunity.

Many of us believe, like our American revolutionary heroes mentioned at the beginning of this post, that we need to be responsible for ourselves and others and do what is necessary to keep and continually improve our democracy. Our innate empathy tells us that as parents we must protect and empower our children and, likewise, our government must protect and empower its’ citizens. To do that, we must proportionally fund the nation’s common wealth for the sake of the nation’s common good.

The progressive worldview closely matches our Founding Fathers. Progressives support Paine’s inheritance tax and Jefferson’s progressive tax. We must fund the common wealth for the common good. We must fund the common wealth so the government can protect and empower we the people. We must fund the common wealth to promote equality of opportunity for creating self wealth which will replenish the common wealth. We must fund the common wealth to promote our American democracy and inhibit the new CWC aristocracy.

The CWC worldview is wrong. We can’t have a government to protect and empower us (infrastructure) while we let the very rich become the mega rich. Eventually, most of us will pay a very high price.

The Greatest Generation paid for World War II with income tax rates as high as 94 percent. All we were asked to do for Bush’s war was shop.


Top marginal US income tax rates since 1920


It’s time we pay our own way. It’s time to stop asking others (China, Japan, etc.) to pay our bills. It’s time for the very rich and corporations to contribute much more to our common wealth so they don’t succeed in turning our democracy into an aristocracy.

I close with a quote from another great American, an American that was not an aristocrat, Abraham Lincoln.

“This is essentially a people’s contest. On the side of the Union it is a struggle for maintaining in the world that form and substance of government whose leading object is to elevate the condition of men — to lift artificial weights from their shoulders; to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all; to afford all an unfettered start, and a fair chance in the race of life. Yielding to partial and temporary departures, from necessity, this is the leading object of the government for whose existence we contend.” – Abraham Lincoln Address to Congress (4 July 1861)

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Stop Trickling on My Boots and Telling Me It’s Raining

“There’s class warfare, all right but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning,” Warren Buffet, CEO Berkshire Hathaway and third richest man in the United States. 
In 2006 Mr. Buffet compiled a spreadsheet on the taxes paid by himself and everyone in his office, mostly secretaries and clerks.  He found that he paid a tiny fraction of his income in taxes while those working for him paid much more of their income into taxes.  He asked the simple question, “How can this be fair?”   As far as I know he hasn’t found an answer. 
In 1970 the top 1% owned 13% of the wealth in the United States.  By 1993 they owned 40% of the total wealth.  Today they own close to 80% of the stocks, bonds and real estate in the country.  In 1992 the 400 richest people in the US averaged $24 million/year.  By 2000 that income grew to $174 million each. 
Did those 400 people work harder between ’92 and 2000?  Did they stay longer at the office?  Did they take on more responsibility?  Were they more productive?   Nope, the tax code changed.  Nothing else, just the tax code.
The really sick part of it is how they’ve recruited us, the working people, to fight the class war for them.   Somehow they’ve convinced us that if we just keep giving tax cuts to the wealthy we will someday become wealthy ourselves when in actuality the working men and women have seen their incomes decline over the last three decades.   Between 1969 and 1996 the middle quintile of incomes saw a decrease in disposable income of 1.5% and from 1996 to 2000 another 2% (measured in constant dollars adjusted for inflation, source: US Census Bureau).   We continually vote against our own best interests.  
The facts are simple and unassailable; the outcome inarguable.  The economic policies of the last thirty years have increased the gap between the wealthy and all other income levels (wealthy being the top 5% of incomes; $250k adjusted gross income/individual, $500k agi for couples). 
The highest progressive tax rate in the ‘50s was 91% and un-earned income was taxed the same as wages.  During those decades the median income growth was 3.4%/year.  Beginning in 1980 with the change in economic policy to “supply side” or “trickle down” which cut top tax rates to 35% the median income growth rate dropped to 1.8%, not enough to keep up with inflation.  Corresponding to those income growth rates was the growth of the GDP.   Since the introduction of Reaganomics in 1980 all measures of growth, save one, have slowed.  That one measure is the growth of the Mega Rich.  Don’t take my word for it; see Alan Greenspan about it, he’s the one who gave me those numbers.
The change in tax code not only rewards the higher incomes but has shifted the burden of taxes from un-earned income to wages.  Un-earned income is money gained from investments, capitol gains and the like.  It’s called UN-EARNED income for a reason.  As a result of the tax policies begun under Reagan and brought to their fullest under Dubya the rich got richer, the poor got poorer and the middle got to shoulder most of the burden. 
While I don’t wish for a return to everything the ‘50s had to offer, like racism, xenophobia and sexual discrimination, the economic and tax policies were good for the whole country.   Like Reagan said, a rising tide raises all ships.  Let us go about the raising of the tide and stop building bigger ships.

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Bad Deeds for 2-18-2009

John Boehner Complains About Non-Existent Stimulus Bill Las Vegas High-Speed Rail Project – The madness continues on the right-wing’s crusade against a mythical high-speed rail to Las Vegas project that Harry Reid is alleged to have snuck into the stimulus bill. “Tell me how spending $8 billion,” asked House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) on the floor, “in this bill to have a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas is going to help the construction worker in my district.” But there’s no special plan for Las Vegas. The money will be spread all across the country. The areas that will get a leg up should be the Federal Railroad Administration’s officially designated high-speed rail corridors. As it happens, LA-Vegas doesn’t make the cut. But guess who does have such a corridor? John Boehner’s Ohio! Long story short, John Boehner doesn’t know what he’s talking about and his position on this issue would imperil both short term jobs for Ohioans and an opportunity to substantially improve Ohio’s long-run capacity for economic growth.


Michele Bachmann Complains, “We’re Running Out Of Rich People In This Country” – Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann told KLTK’s Chris Baker that she opposes she stimulus because we’re “running out of rich people in this country.”

She also said ACORN is “under federal indictment for voter fraud,” but the stimulus bill nevertheless gives ACORN “$5 billion.” (In reality, ACORN is not under federal indictment and isn’t mentioned in the stimulus bill at all.)
And she said the stimulus bill includes a measure to create a “rationing board” for health care, and after the bill becomes law, “your doctor will no longer be able to make your healthcare decisions with you.” But that has been widely de-bunked.

And just to be sure she gets committed to a small room in a big building, she said the “Community-Organizer-in-Chief” is also orchestrating a conspiracy involving the Census Bureau, which the president will use to redraw congressional lines to keep Democrats in power for up to “40 years.” When the host said he was confused, noting that congressional district lines are drawn at the state level, Bachmann said Obama’s non-existent plan is an “anti-constitutional move.”


Sarah Palin Owes Back Income Tax – Gov. Sarah Palin must pay income taxes on thousands of dollars in expense money she received while living at her Wasilla home, under a new determination by state officials. The governor’s office wouldn’t say this week how much she owes in back taxes for meal money, or whether she intends to continue to receive the per diem allowance. As of December, she was still charging the state for meals and incidentals.


Republicans Share Stage With Man Holding Anti-Obama Swastika Sign – Right wing virago Michelle Malkin appeared on stage at a Colorado anti-stimulus rally with Sate Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara and this guy in the picture who carried a anti-Obama swastika sign. None of whom did anything about it, and in fact one person defended the guy saying that the swastika is not a Nazi symbol, but an honored Native American symbol.


Republicans Use Copyrighted Songs Without Permission Over and Over Again – Poor House Republicans. They were pretty psyched yesterday about that new troops-rallying video from Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) that used Aerosmith’s “Back in the Saddle” to declare that “The House GOP is back” thanks to the party’s unanimous opposition to the stimulus. But unfortunately, Aerosmith wasn’t feeling the love. Cantor’s clip has been pulled from YouTube after a copyright infringement claim made by Stage Three Music, which owns the rights to “Back in the Saddle.” Aerosmith did not approve of its use and also wanted to have it taken down.

Reagan uses “Born in the U.S.A.”; Springsteen says “Stop it!”
George H.W. Bush uses “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”; McFerrin says “Stop it!” Poppy Bush uses “This Land Is Your Land”; Woody Guthrie shakes an angry fist from Heaven, curses public domain laws. Arlo complains. Irony Meter explodes.

Bob Dole uses “Dole Man,” a brilliantly clever reworking of “Soul Man” sung by the only black Republican in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Sam Moore, of Sam and Dave; composer Isaac Hayes reportedly “upset.”

George W. Bush uses Orleans’ “Still The One”; composer/Rep. John Hall, D-NY, says “Stop it!”

McCain uses “Our Country”; Mellencamp says “Stop it!” McCain uses “Running On Empty”; Jackson Browne says “Stop it!”, sues. McCain uses “I Won’t Back Down”; Petty says “Stop it!”

Sarah Palin uses “Barracuda”; Heart says “Stop it!”


Republicans Say Obama is Off to a Bad Start Because He Wasn’t Able to Keep us From Acting Like Jerks – Top Republican lawmakers Sunday called on President Obama to change his political strategy, arguing that the passage of a massive stimulus bill on a party-line vote showed he has failed to deliver the “change” he promised. Even though Obama made an unprecedented effort to reach out to Republicans. Not just in meetings at the White House, but the president drove up to Capitol Hill to meet with Republicans where they work. Then the amendments asked for by House Republicans were put into the bill and the Republicans that asked for the amendments voted against the bill. The[n] we have the childish act of House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) actually throwing the stimulus bill on the floor, hamming it up for CSPAN.


Property Seizures Gone Wild in Tenaha, Texas – A two-decade-old state law that grants authorities the power to seize property used in a crime is wielded by some agencies against people who are never charged with, much less convicted, of a crime. Law enforcement authorities in this East Texas town (Tenaha) of 1,000 people seized property from at least 140 motorists between 2006 and 2008, and, to date, filed criminal charges against fewer than half, according to a San Antonio Express-News review of court documents. Virtually anything of value was up for grabs: cash, cell phones, personal jewelry, a pair of sneakers, and often, the very car that was being driven through town. Some affidavits filed by officers relied on the presence of seemingly innocuous property as the only evidence that a crime had occurred. Linda Dorman, a great-grandmother from Akron, Ohio, had $4,000 in cash taken from her by local authorities when she was stopped while driving through town after visiting Houston in April 2007. Court records make no mention that anything illegal was found in her van and show no criminal charges filed in the case. She is still waiting for the return of what she calls “her life savings.”



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Bad Deeds for 2-17-2009

Conservative Columnist Makes Stuff Up About Global Warming – Syndicated columnist George Will presents only one piece of evidence in his Sunday piece denying global warming — and he gets it wrong. Will writes:

As global levels of sea ice declined last year, many experts said this was evidence of man-made global warming. Since September, however, the increase in sea ice has been the fastest change, either up or down, since 1979, when satellite record-keeping began. According to the University of Illinois’ Arctic Climate Research Center, global sea ice levels now equal those of 1979.

To which the University of Illinois’ Arctic Climate Research Center replies:

We do not know where George Will is getting his information, but our data shows that on February 15, 1979, global sea ice area was 16.79 million sq. km and on February 15, 2009, global sea ice area was 15.45 million sq. km. Therefore, global sea ice levels are 1.34 million sq. km less in February 2009 than in February 1979. This decrease in sea ice area is roughly equal to the area of Texas, California, and Oklahoma combined.


Bank Run by Wife of Republican Representative Got $267.2 Million it Didn’t Need From Bailout – A bank that employs the wife of Republican Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-Va., benefited from the $700 billion Wall Street bailout that Cantor helped steer through Congress last fall. Diana F. Cantor runs a Virginia-based subsidiary of New York Private Bank and Trust. The New York bank received $267.2 million from the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program Jan. 9. Hundreds of banks, financial institutions and auto companies have received funding from the Treasury program. The $267.2 million given to New York Private Bank and Trust is almost nine times the median amount received by companies participating in the program, a Media General News Service analysis of Treasury records found. In the American Banker article, New York Private Bank and Trust chairman and CEO Howard P. Milstein said he changed the bank’s tax structure to make it eligible for the bailout. The bank was not short on cash, but Milstein told American Banker, “We are in a season when you can’t have too much capital.” Cantor and other Republican leaders voted for the bailout.


More Conservative False Claims About Stimulus and Health Care – Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck further advanced the false claim that the economic recovery package will allow the federal government to control or interfere with doctors’ treatment decisions, echoing an assertion by Betsy McCaughey in a Bloomberg commentary. In fact, the provisions McCaughey referred to in her commentary address establishing an electronic records system such that doctors would have complete, accurate information about their patients “to help guide medical decisions at the time and place of care.”


We Need to Sacrifice More, Even at the Post Office; But Don’t Expect the Postmaster to Join Us – Postmaster General John E. Potter recently warned that economic times are so dire that the U.S. Postal Service may end mail delivery one day a week and freeze executive salaries. (OK, I can live with that if I have to.) But his personal fortunes are nonetheless rising thanks to 40 percent in pay raises since 2006, a $135,000 bonus last year and several perks usually reserved for corporate CEOs. The changes, approved by the Postal Board of Governors and contained in a little-noticed regulatory filing in December, brought Mr. Potter’s total compensation and retirement benefits to more than $800,000 in 2008. That is more than double the salary for President Obama. (Maybe Potter will still get Saturday mail too?)


We Need to Sacrifice More by Paying Higher College Tuition, But University Administrators Get Big Pay Raises – Executives at the University of Texas at Austin saw their take-home pay rise sharply along with steep tuition increases, with some salaries increasing by 30 percent or more in four years, according to an Associated Press analysis. The budget for administrative jobs that paid at least $200,000 or more at some point between 2004 and 2008 rose from $5.9 million to $8.2 million, or 40 percent. The increase came at a time when tuition and fees at Texas colleges and universities rose dramatically. At UT, the cost of education per semester, counting tuition and fees, rose 57 percent, from $2,721 in 2003 to $4,266 in 2008, officials said.

UT isn’t the only school that has seen big salary increases for its top administrators. Former Texas A&M President Robert Gates made $362,000 in 2004. The new A&M president, Elsa Murano, was making $525,000 in 2008, an increase of 45 percent, school records show. At the University of Houston, figures show a more modest 10 percent increase in the president’s salary, from $387,500 in 2004 to $425,000 last year. (How much was your raise?)


Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison Misrepresents Statement made by FDR’s Treasury Secretary – In a recent column, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, stated her opposition to the economic stimulus bill being considered by the Senate. She began by writing “In one of history’s more candid reflections, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Treasury Secretary under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, confessed, ‘We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before, and it does not work.’ ”

Though Morgenthau was Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, he was an orthodox economist who opposed Keynesian economics and New Deal spending, consistently calling for a balanced budget and reducing the national debt, even during the depression. In 1937, Morgenthau and other conservatives, claiming that the country’s economic crisis had ended, convinced Roosevelt to cut many New Deal programs. As a result, the country fell into another recession, and unemployment rates, after falling rapidly for several years, began rising again.

Morgenthau also fought (unsuccessfully) against the veterans’ bonus (for World War I vets), the precursor of the World War II GI Bill. Considering that he was against the New Deal spending programs from the start, it’s not surprising that he would claim they hadn’t worked. His claim about unemployment was entirely incorrect. The unemployment rate in 1933, when Roosevelt took office, was 24.9 percent. By 1937, it had fallen to 14.3 percent. After the premature cuts in New Deal spending, unemployment quickly rose to 19 percent in 1938. Government spending was increased again and unemployment fell to 17.2 percent in 1939, when Morgenthau spoke, 14.6 percent in 1940 and 9.9 percent in 1941. The drops in unemployment rates were actually much larger than the numbers indicate, because in the 1930s, the millions of workers employed in rural electrification, highway construction and other federal projects were officially considered unemployed, since they did not work for private firms.


Republicans Tout ‘Pork’ In Stimulus Bill They Opposed – Rep. John Mica was gushing after the House of Representatives voted Friday to pass the big stimulus plan. “I applaud President Obama’s recognition that high-speed rail should be part of America’s future,” the Florida Republican beamed in a press release. Yet Mica had just joined every other GOP House member in voting against the $787.2 billion economic recovery plan.

But Mica wasn’t alone in touting what he saw as the bill’s virtues. Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, also had nice things to say in a press release. Young boasted that he “won a victory for the Alaska Native contracting program and other Alaska small business owners last night in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.” One provision would have made it harder for minority businesses to win contracts, and Young explained that he “worked with members on the other side of the aisle to make the case for these programs, and was able to get the provision pulled from the bill.” Yet later in the day Young — who recently told McClatchy that he would’ve included earmarks, or local projects, in the bill if it had been permitted — issued another statement blasting the overall measure. “This bill was not a stimulus bill. It was a vehicle for pet projects, and that’s wrong,” he protested.


Only 23 Percent of Texas 8th Graders Achieved Proficiency in Science – The National Assessment of Education Progress revealed that only 23 percent of Texas 8th graders achieved proficiency in science, compared with 41 percent of students in the top-performing states — the states with which we compete for jobs. Why? The Texas State Board of Education continues to undermine high-quality science instruction, allowing our students to slip further behind. They have been engaged in narrow theological debate about the validity of evolution. If Texas schoolchildren are to succeed in the 21st Century economy, the SBOE must focus less on internal philosophical differences and more on improving science instruction. The board’s disregard for educators, instructional experts and scientists can’t continue. It’s time to take a closer look at the operations and policies of the State Board of Education.


Bush Administration Ordered a New Fleet of 28 “Marine One” Helicopters; Each Helicopter Costing More Than the “Air Force One” Jumbo Jet – Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card got upset waiting for a helicopter delayed due to mechanical problems, so he pushed the Bush administration to a new fleet of 28 Marine One helicopters that will each cost more than the last Air Force One. A six-year-old project to build state-of-the-art presidential helicopters has bogged down in a contracting quagmire. The price tag has nearly doubled, production has fallen years behind schedule and much of the program has been frozen until the new administration figures out what to do about it. The Bush administration awarded the contract to Lockheed-Martin, which had never built a helicopter. But the work is actually being funneled to Finmeccanica (a Italian and British company). All previous Marine Ones were built by Sikorsky Helicopter, an American Company.


Three Anti-Immigration Groups Share Extremist Roots According to New SPLC Report – The Southern Poverty Law Center is releasing a new report, The Nativist Lobby: Three Faces of Intolerance, examining the three Washington, D.C., organizations standing in the way of comprehensive immigration reform. The report shows that they are part of a network of groups created by a man who has been at the heart of the white nationalist movement for decades.

The Nativist Lobby describes how the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and Numbers USA were founded and funded by John Tanton, a retired Michigan ophthalmologist who operates a racist publishing company and has written that to maintain American culture “a European-American majority” is required. The report reveals that Tanton, who still sits on FAIR’s board of directors, founded the racist Social Contract Press and has corresponded with Holocaust deniers, white nationalist intellectuals and Klan lawyers for decades – correspondence documented by his own writings stored at a University of Michigan library.


Columnist Ann Coulter Defends White Supremacist Group – `In her latest foaming-mouth tome — Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America, released on Jan. 6 — Coulter spends the better part of three pages defending a group called the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), which The New York Times had described as a “thinly veiled white supremacist organization.” Coulter begs to differ. The CCC, Coulter opines, is “a conservative group” that has unfairly been branded as racist “because some of the directors of the CCC had, decades earlier, been leaders of a segregationist group.” “There is no evidence on its Web page that the modern incarnation of the CCC supports segregation,” she says. “Apart from some aggressive reporting on black-on-white crimes — the very crimes that are aggressively hidden by the establishment media — there is little on the CCC website suggesting” that the group is racist. Indeed, its main failing is “containing members who had belonged to a segregationist group thirty years earlier.”

Coulter could hardly be more wrong. The CCC’s columnists have written that black people are “a retrograde species of humanity,” and that non-white immigration is turning the U.S. population into a “slimy brown mass of glop.” Its website has run photographic comparisons of pop singer Michael Jackson and a chimpanzee. It opposes “forced integration” and decries racial intermarriage. It has lambasted black people as “genetically inferior,” complained about “Jewish power brokers,” called gay people “perverted sodomites,” and even named the late Lester Maddox, the baseball bat-wielding, arch-segregationist former governor of Georgia, “Patriot of the Century.”



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Bad Deeds for 2-12-2009


Creationists Besiege Texas State Board of Education with Calls to Dumb Down Science Education in Texas Public Schools – As we mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, the religious right has launched a new and ferocious attack on science education in Texas public schools.

Last month the State Board of Education narrowly voted against a curriculum requirement that students learn phony “weaknesses” of evolution promoted by creationists. Creationist pressure groups have responded with fury in the press. They have even viciously attacked the religious faith of board members who support giving Texas kids a sound science education.

And now the Texas Freedom Network has learned that creationists are flooding board members’ offices with thousands of e-mails and phone calls critical of evolution. They are demanding that the board reverse course in a final vote next month and require that science classes teach anti-evolution arguments that mainstream scientists debunked long ago.

This is outrageous. Texans cannot permit the religious right to bully elected officials into voting against the interests of Texas families and the mainstream values we all support. Supporters of sound science education cannot stand aside while far-right pressure groups try to distort and undermine the education of an entire generation of Texas schoolchildren.

Take Action!

The State Board of Education will meet on March 25-27 to take a final vote on the proposed science curriculum standards. It’s important that you take the following actions to ensure that board members vote for standards that put sound science ahead of ideology in our kids’ public schools:

1. Tell your State Board of Education member that you oppose efforts to water down instruction on evolution in public school science classes.

– Ask you board member to vote to adopt the sound science standards proposed in December by curriculum writing teams made up of teachers and academics.
– Oppose requiring that students learn phony “weaknesses” of evolution.
– Ask your board member to vote to strip out any amendments approved by the board in January that undermine instruction on evolution.

You can find the name of your board member by clicking here . It’s best to write your board member in your own words and send your e-mail to: However, you can also click here to send your board member a pre-written e-mail.

2. Submit your comments about the proposed standards to the Texas Education Agency. You can read the standards by clicking here . Then scroll down to Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 112, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, Subchapter A, Elementary, Subchapter B, Middle School, and Subchapter C, High School. Send your comments to TEA to this e-mail address:

3. Sign up to testify at the State Board of Education’s public hearing on the proposed science standards on March 25. For information about how to testify, click here.

To find out how your SBOE member voted in January, and to stay informed on this issue, please click here .


Companies Try to Block Unemployment Benefits for Former Employees
More than a quarter of people applying for such claims have their rights to the benefit challenged as employers increasingly act to block payouts to former workers. The proportion of claims disputed by former employers and state agencies has reached record levels in recent years, according to the Labor Department numbers tallied by the Urban Institute.

Under state and federal laws, employees who are fired for misbehavior or quit voluntarily are ineligible for unemployment compensation. When jobless claims are blocked, employers save money because their unemployment insurance rates are based on the amount of the benefits their workers collect. As unemployment rolls swell in the recession, many workers seem surprised to find their benefits challenged, their former bosses providing testimony against them.


Another Conservative Economics Argument Proven False – Conservatives like to say we can’t go into debt (any more, but it was ok under G. W. Bush) because China will stop buying US Treasuries. But Mr. Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said after a speech in New York on Wednesday that China would continue to buy Treasuries in spite of its misgivings about US finances. “Except for US Treasuries, what can you hold?” he asked. “Gold? You don’t hold Japanese government bonds or UK bonds. US Treasuries are the safe haven. For everyone, including China, it is the only option.”

Mr Luo, whose English tends toward the colloquial, added: “We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] . . .we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.”


Lost U.S. Weapons May Be Going to Taliban, GAO Says – Tens of thousands of assault rifles and other firearms in Afghanistan are at risk of being stolen because U.S. officials have lost track of them, according to a congressionally ordered audit that warns that some weapons may already be in Taliban hands. The audit by the Government Accountability Office found that inventory controls were lacking for more than a third of the 242,000 light weapons donated to Afghan forces by the United States — a stockpile that includes thousands of AK-47 assault rifles as well as mortars, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers.


Bush Attempted to Destroy the Code of War Built by Abraham Lincoln – One of Abraham Lincoln’s little-noted accomplishments has become his most unlikely legacy. He helped create the modern international rules that protect civilians, prevent torture, and limit the horrors of combat, the body of law known as the laws of war. Indeed, he was probably our most important law-of-war president, having crafted the very rules that George W. Bush and his Justice Department tried to destroy. The code reduced the international laws of war into a simple pamphlet for wide distribution to the amateur soldiers of the Union army. It prohibited torture, poisons, wanton destruction, and cruelty. It protected prisoners and forbade assassinations. It announced a sharp distinction between soldiers and noncombatants. And it forbade attacks motivated by revenge and the infliction of suffering for its own sake. Most significantly, the code sought to protect channels of communication between warring armies and it elevated the truce flag to a level of sacred honor.


Senate Republicans Holding Up Confirmation of Secretary of Labor – Almost two months have gone by since President Obama nominated Rep. Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor. But some Senate Republicans are playing petty politics, holding up her confirmation. It looks like a cynical and misguided attempt to score points at the expense of the new Democratic President and his cabinet nominee. America desperately needs a Secretary of Labor, with 600,000 workers losing their jobs just last month. Rep. Solis is eminently qualified for the post. Her entire career is a testament to her deep commitment to making sure everyday people have equal access to educational and economic opportunity. Plus she brings a deep commitment to environmental justice and green jobs for all.

But instead of getting to work solving the country’s problems, Rep. Solis has been forced to wait and watch while a few Republican Senators try to make political hay of her husband’s small business tax woes. Her husband, Sam Sayyad, owed a few thousand dollars in back taxes. He paid them. And the county says there is no reason to think he was trying to avoid paying his taxes.


Mortgage Fraud Suspect Had $70,000 Stuffed In His Cowboy Boots, $1M In Swiss Bank Certificates – A suspect in a nationwide mortgage fraud scheme who fled the country was caught at the Canadian border with $70,000 stuffed in his cowboy boots and nearly $6,000 worth of platinum, authorities said Wednesday. Christopher J. Warren, 26, was arrested early Wednesday while entering the United States at Buffalo, N.Y. After he disappeared Feb. 3, Warren was charged with conspiracy, fraud and conducting a continuing financial crime. Warren is the second of three fugitives to be caught in the ongoing fraud investigation of Loomis Wealth Solutions, a Roseville, Calif.-based investment company, and several related companies.

Court documents alleged they defrauded investors and mortgage companies of $100 million since 2006. The fraudulent deals involved 500 homes and condominiums in California, Florida, Nevada, Illinois, Colorado and Arizona, according to Internal Revenue Service affidavits.


Media Failure: During Stimulus Debate, Only 5 Percent Of Guests Were Economists – During 139-1/2 hours of Sunday talk shows and 12 cable news programs from January 25 through February 8 in which the economic recovery legislation was discussed, economists made 25 guest appearances out of a total of 460 — only 5 percent.


Conservative Michelle Malkin Smears and Endangers People That She Doesn’t Agree With – Michelle Malkin has a really bad habit. She’s famous for revealing personal information of innocent people who differ from her extreme right wing views online so that her readers can attack them. She did that to some Santa Cruz students back in 2006 when a group of them didn’t want military recruiters on their campus. She posted the telephone numbers of the students that formed the protest and they received death threats non-stop after that. Then there was the case of Graeme Frost, the twelve year old boy that gave the Democratic radio address about his family’s plight, so Malkin went snooping around his house and father’s business, and posted their home address. Or how about when Malkin endangered Jamil Hussein’s life? Or when she posted Cindy Sheehan’s divorce records to smear her? it’s Henrietta Hughes, the woman who pleaded with President Obama for help Tuesday in Florida. Does Malkin have no shame? (Malkin certainly has no empathy.)


And now for the Chicken News … 😉

Roosting Chickens – The first twenty minutes of this evening’s news covered incredibly wealthy investment bankers responsible for costing the American taxpayers a trillion dollars, corporate executives responsible for purposely marketing salmonella-tainted peanut butter that killed children, and Mr. and Mrs. Madoff who cheated investors of $50 billion dollars.

What did this unrelated cast of characters have in common?
They all benefited from the tax cuts and deregulation policies of George W. Bush.
Seldom have chickens come home to roost so quickly after the chicken farmer left for the ranch.


Chicken Housing Crisis
A chicken housing crisis has cropped up in the U.S., and it’s producing some of the same bleak results as the human one — foreclosures, lawsuits and devastated homeowners. In the wake of last year’s bankruptcy filing by poultry giant Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., hundreds of farmers suddenly find themselves unable to make mortgage payments on their pricey chicken coops. To cut costs, Pilgrim’s, the nation’s second-largest chicken company, has terminated contracts with at least 300 farms in Arkansas, Florida and North Carolina.



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Bad Deeds for 2-11-2009

Dirty Bomb Parts and Instructions for Assembly Found in U. S. – A man who police say was shot to death by his wife two months ago, allegedly had a cache of radioactive materials in his home suitable for building a “dirty bomb.” According to an FBI field intelligence report from the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center, radiological dispersal device components and literature, and radioactive materials, were discovered at the Maine residence of an identified deceased [person]. Was the man Muslim? No. Were the parts from the Middle East? No. So what kind of person was this? An independently wealthy, white guy with ties to white supremacist groups, who was “very upset” that Barack Obama was elected president.


Suspect Was Imprisoned in Guantanamo for Reading Magazine’s H-Bomb Satire – A British ‘resident’ held at Guantanamo Bay was identified as a terrorist after confessing he had visited a ‘joke’ website on how to build a nuclear weapon. Binyam Mohamed, a former UK asylum seeker, admitted to having read the ‘instructions’ after allegedly being beaten, hung up by his wrists for a week and having a gun held to his head in a Pakistani jail. It was this confession that apparently convinced the CIA that they were holding a top Al Qaeda terrorist.

The offending article was first published in a US satirical magazine [Seven Days] and later placed on a series of websites. Written by Barbara Ehrenreich, the publication’s food editor, Rolling Stone journalist Peter Biskind and scientist Michio Kaku, it claims that a nuclear weapon can be made ‘using a bicycle pump’ and with liquid uranium ‘poured into a bucket and swung round’. Despite its clear satirical bent, the story led the CIA to accuse 30-year-old Mohamed, a caretaker, of plotting a dirty bomb attack, before subjecting him to its ‘extraordinary rendition programme’.


Congressman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said House Republicans May Need to Employ a Taliban-Like Insurgency – Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) said the Republican party will have to become an “insurgency” to counter Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, and added that the Taliban can serve as “a model.”


Fox News Passes Off Republican Party Press Release as its Own Research — Typo and All – In purporting to “take a look back” at how the economic recovery plan “grew, and grew, and grew,” Fox News’ Jon Scott referenced seven dates, as on-screen graphics cited various news sources from those time periods — all of which came directly from a Senate Republican Communications Center press release. A Fox News on-screen graphic even reproduced a typo contained in the Republican press release.


Bailed-Out Firms Distributing Cash Rewards, Saying: “Please Do Not Call It A Bonus” – Two Wall Street firms that received at least $60 billion in government bailout funds will be rewarding their financial advisers with controversial retention payments, the terms of which one senior executive described as “very generous.” “There will be a retention award. Please do not call it a bonus,” said James Gorman, co-president of Morgan Stanley. “It is not a bonus. It is an award. And it recognizes the importance of keeping our team in place as we go through this integration.” “They are putting lipstick on a pig,” said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Business and former Chief Economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission. “Very often, retention bonuses are paid to undeserving executives who helped drive their enterprises into the ground.


Bill O’Reilly Shows His Ugliness Again; Calls Helen Thomas “Wicked Witch Of The East” – Bill O’Reilly called legendary White House reporter Helen Thomas the “wicked witch of the east” Monday night following President Obama’s press conference.

“The White House press corps looked intimidated to me,” O’Reilly said. “Except for that, what’s her name? The old lady, Helen Thomas.”
O’Reilly then squawked out a Helen Thomas impression.
“It’s like the wicked witch of the east! If I were Obama I would’ve poured water on her, and she’d dissolve,” he said.
“Bill, it’s not nice to impersonate an old woman like that,” Alan Colmes told him.
“Why can’t my mom ask a question?” O’Reilly asked, trashing Thomas’ question (about Taliban hiding in Pakistan).
“Helen Thomas’ fifteen minutes were up during the Lincoln administration,” Bernie Goldberg said later. “It’s time for Helen to find something else to do during press conferences.”


Fox News Channel Producer Arrested and Arraigned on Child Pornography Charges – Fox News Channel producer Aaron Bruns, who was arrested and arraigned on child pornography charges in a federal courthouse in Washington Tuesday. Bruns covered Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008 and later was a general producer in Washington, covering politics. this is not Bruns’ first run-in with the law,” TV Newser notes. “He dropped out of the University of Michigan in 1999 after being arrested on charges of distributing child pornography.” TVNewser’s Chris Ariens continues, “So why wasn’t Bruns checked out by Fox News? A network spokesperson tells TVNewser criminal background checks were not instituted until 2003. Bruns was hired in 2002.”


Norm Coleman Says ‘God Wants Me to Serve’ – Norm Coleman is keeping a high profile these days as his court challenge of the Minnesota U.S. Senate recount plods along against Al Franken . On conservative Mike Gallagher’s radio talk show, when asked about the recount and how it is affecting him personally, Norm Coleman said he starts every day with a prayer and that he knows “God wants me to serve.” (Norm is searching for God’s ballot to prove his point.)


Texas Electricity Rates Soar Under Deregulation – In the decade since Texas deregulated its retail electricity market, rates have skyrocketed higher than any other state with such open competition, according to a report released today. Commissioned by the Cities Aggregation Power Project, a nonprofit coalition of Texas municipalities, the report found that residential electricity rates rose 64 percent between 1999 and 2007. Before that, Texans paid rates that were well below the national average, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The Legislature passed a sweeping deregulation law in 1999 that sought to break down electric company monopolies and remove strict government control over retail electricity rates. The idea was to allow competitive market forces to drive down prices. (How’s them market forces working for ya?) The sponsor of the legislation, former Sen. David Sibley, acknowledges rates have gone up but said he still considers the bill a success. Sibley now lobbies for power companies .


Peanut Company Owner Urged Shipping of Tainted Products – More from the wonderful world of private enterprise and corporate profits. Peanut Corporation of America e-mails obtained by a House committee show that owner Stewart Parnell ordered workers to ship peanut products even after test results indicated salmonella contamination because he was worried about lost sales. The resulting outbreak has led to 600 illnesses and eight deaths.


Sarah Palin’s $159,050 Conflict of Interest – Alaska’s First Dude, Todd Palin, is riding a snowmobile — I’m sorry, snow machine — 1971 miles from Big Lake to Fairbanks. In the course of performing this awesome feat, his Arctic Cat’s powerful two-stroke engine will emit the same amount of hydrocarbons as an automobile driving from Chicago to San Francisco and back 150 times. This week, as a participant in the Iron Dogâ„¢ snow machine race, Todd Palin will release as many cancer-causing and smog-forming pollutants as a Chevy Malibu driven around the Earth at its equator 28 times.

But Todd’s not just doing it because he hates his home life and likes things that make loud noises and emit benzene. He does it because it’s there. And for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gifts from corporations who do business with the Governor’s office. The total purse value of this year’s Iron Dogâ„¢ is $159,050. The sponsors include the petroleum giants Tesoro and Conoco-Phillips; State Farm, Wells Fargo, Frontier Airlines, Alaska Airlines and the Alaska First National Bank. Todd has won four times: once after Sarah was elected to the Wasilla City Council, once after she was elected mayor, the year she was appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission, and the year she was elected governor. Does this smell?


All the Hate He Needed, He Got From Conservative Talking Heads – James Adkisson has been sentenced to life behind bars for the deaths of Greg McKendry and Linda Kraeger, the Unitarian Universalist martyrs who died during his assault on their church in Knoxville, TN last July. When police searched Adkisson’s apartment and found it filled with books and newsletters penned by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other right-wing hate talkers. But Monday, Adkisson told us himself — in his own words — just how central right-wing eliminationism was in driving him to his shooting spree. Shortly after he was sentenced Monday, he released a four-page handwritten “manifesto” — which he’d intended to be his suicide note — to the Knoxville News (the full .pdf can be downloaded here). In it, he unleashes the full measure of his hatred for liberals — and encourages other would-be right-wing warriors to take up arms and follow him into battle.
Some choice excerpts:

Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them….

This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book. I’d like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me.


Republican Rep. Eric Cantor Posts Profanity-Laden Web Video Ridiculing Labor Union – Virginia Republican Eric Cantor is in hot water after responding to critics with a profane web video. The union coalition AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), along with Americans United for Change, started running ads targeting Cantor for encouraging Republican opposition to the economic recovery plan. The House whip reacted with an ad of his own, depicting AFSCME workers as curse-spewing bullies.

AFSCME President Gerald McEntee isn’t amused. “Eric Cantor may think the greatest economic crisis in seventy years is a joke, but we don’t,” he said in a statement. “He should talk to the people in Virginia who are losing their jobs, health care and homes.” Brad Woodhouse, President of Americans United for Change, responded more forcefully: “Does Eric Cantor believe that peddling profanity-laced filth around the Internet is consistent with the values of the people of Virginia or the country? This is childish, inappropriate and disgusting behavior from someone who is supposed to be a leader in Congress and a role model to others. Eric Cantor’s response to one of the most serious crises facing America in our lifetimes is to spread this filth, denigrate government employees and treat the current economic crisis like a joke. …”


Republican Representative Steve Austria Says Franklin Roosevelt Caused the Great Depression – As Republican Representative Steve Austria was explaining his opposition to the huge federal stimulus package backed by President Barack Obama, he said: “When Roosevelt did this, he put our country into a Great Depression. … He tried to borrow and spend, he tried to use the Keynesian approach, and our country ended up in a Great Depression. That’s just history.”

History? Roosevelt took office in March 1933. Many historians date the Depression from the stock-market crash later dubbed Black Tuesday, which happened in 1929.”

Here’s a graphic that shows what the New Deal accomplished. [Here is a timeline that shows GDP, deficit spending, unemployment and other factors of the depression era.]

Notice what happened [in 1937] when FDR reduced the New Deal Programs to balance the budget.


Not Much Stimulus Money for High-Speed Rail – The Senate’s revised stimulus bill provides $2 billion in funding for a high-speed rail corridor, as well as another $1.1 billion to upgrade existing trains. Altogether, big-ticket rail investment only makes up about 0.3% of the bill’s total outlay.

A new report out today from Britain’s Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, finds that new rail investment should be a key part of “green stimulus” plans, because new rail investment creates jobs and has long-term economic and environmental benefits. The Grantham Institute called today for $400 billion on global spending on “green stimulus” plans by this summer.

The Senate’s $2 billion isn’t just small compared to the total package; it’s tiny compared to the costs of developing high-speed rail. California approved a $10 billion bond issue last November for a rail line linking San Francisco to Los Angeles. Spain (with help from Brussels) has spent about 20 billion euros–$25 billion—just on its three latest high-speed rail projects. The Millennium Institute, a non-profit, figures developing a new U.S. high-speed rail network would cost $250 billion to $500 billion.



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Bad Deeds for 2-10-2009

Conservative Group Circulates “No Stimulus” Petition – A conservative group called “Americans For Prosperity” has started a petition against the stimulus package that became so popular, it crashed their website in recent days. (The site has since gone back up.) The group’s president, Tim Phillips founded Century Strategies with Ralph Reed, a Christian leader known for his role in jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s Indian casino scheme. In the summer of 2008, Americans for Prosperity launched a “Hot Air Tour” to protest “climate alarmism” in Congress.


John Boehner Gave Out Bribes From Big Tobacco on the House Floor – In this 1996 documentary by PBS called “The People and the Power Game,” John Boehner is caught red-handed in an amazing act of corruption.

Boehner: Mine asked me to give out a half dozen checks quickly before we got to the end of the month and I complied. I did it on the House floor which I regret and I should not have done, it’s not a violation of the House rules, but it’s a practice that’s gone on here for a long time.

Were the checks from tobacco companies?

Boehner: Ahh, I think if my memory serves me correctly, I think it was a tobacco company, yes.

Q)….but in this case tobacco’s well timed contributions helped save its subsidy. The people that were passing out the checks won.

So how did he become their leader in the HOUSE? And yet the media uses John Boehner as a spokesman bashing the stimulus package as if he’s been a clean member of the Republican party.


John Cornyn Absent From Stimulus Vote; Too Busy Rubbing Elbows With Wall Street Republican Donors – The question from the Senate floor this evening was “where was Cornyn,” as the Texas Republican was the only senator to miss the crucial cloture vote on the stimulus package. The answer: He was at a New York gathering of prominent media conservatives and Wall Street Republican donors called the Monday Meeting, held at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Though not a fundraiser, the meeting is a hub of conservative money and buzz, a good place for Cornyn to tap into resources in his role as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Three Democrats — Ted Kennedy, Tim Johnson and Robert Byrd — all suffer from infirmities that limit their mobility, but made it to the chamber for the 61-36 vote that cleared the way for an up-or-down vote on the package.


Interior Department Official Took Bribes in Exchange for Arranging Meetings Between Insurance Brokers and Government Officials – An Interior Department official caught taking bribes in exchange for arranging meetings between insurance brokers and government officials was swept up in an FBI corruption probe that began in a struggling New Jersey shore community near Atlantic City. Federal investigators have told The Post that the New Jersey-based insurance brokerage firm that paid 60-year-old Edgar A. Johnson $15,000 in kickbacks in 2006 and 2007 was a fake company — part of a far-reaching FBI sting operation, dubbed Operation Broken Boards.


Conservatives Say Anything to Support Their Ideology – I read where someone named Betsy McCaughey is saying that Tom Daschle slipped secret heath care provisions into the stimulus bill that will “ruin your health.” As I read the article, it reminded me of the e-mails that make some alarmist claim and usually end with, “Forward this to everyone you know!” So I wondered who is Betsy McCaughey? So I looked her up. Turns out that she has been telling stories about health care reform for a long time and she doesn’t let facts get in her way, nor did the facts prevent conservatives from quoting her erroneous statements. In 1994, McCaughey vigorously criticized the health care reform package proposed by Bill Clinton in a widely read article in The New Republic. The piece, “No Exit”, won the National Magazine Award for excellence in the public interest. Andrew Sullivan, The New Republic’s then-editor later acknowledged “I was aware of the piece’s flaws but nonetheless was comfortable running it as a provocation to debate.” While the article was seized by conservative commentators seeking to discredit the Clinton plan, much of McCaughey’s article later proved inaccurate; particularly, her claims that “the law will prevent you from going outside the system to buy basic health coverage you think is better,” and that “doctor[s] can be paid only by the plan, not by you” were flatly contradicted by the text of the legislation. (For example: Section 1003 of the Health Security Act provided that “[n]othing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the following: (1) An individual from purchasing any health care services.”)


Betsy McCauphey –
Lobbyist for High Priced Drugs


US is Dead Last in Timely and Effective Healthcare – The United States dead last in providing timely and effective healthcare to its citizens, according to a survey Tuesday of preventable deaths in 19 industrialized countries. The study by the Commonwealth Fund and published in the January/February issue of the journal Health Affairs measured developed countries’ effectiveness at providing timely and effective healthcare. The study, entitled “Measuring the Health of Nations: Updating an Earlier Analysis,” was written by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It looked at death rates in subjects younger than 75 that could have been prevented by timely and effective medical care. The researchers found that while most countries surveyed saw preventable deaths decline by an average of 16 percent, the United States saw only a four percent dip. The 19 countries, in order of best to worst, were: France, Japan, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. (Note to Ms. McCaughey mentioned in the previous story: Stop trying to prevent health care reform. We’re already the worst. Maybe some other countries actually have better programs we should look at.)


Chevron Seeks Money from Villagers Who Sued Over 1998 Shooting – Chevron Corp., one of the world’s largest non-government oil companies, is seeking nearly $500,000 in legal costs from Nigerian villagers who had brought a human-rights lawsuit against them and lost. The villagers had sought to hold Chevron responsible for a 1998 incident in which protesters and the Nigerian government clashed over an oil platform, leaving two protesters dead and more wounded. Chevron won, the villagers lost. As Laura Livoti, founder of Bay Area-based Justice in Nigeria Now, puts it in the article, Chevron is attempting to squeeze “nearly half a million dollars out of poor villagers who don’t even have access to clean drinking water.” To add insult to injury, the villagers Chevron is seeking reimbursement from include a protestor who was shot and wounded, another who was arrested and tortured, at least a dozen children, and thirty former plaintiffs who dropped out of the case before it went to trial.


Bush Gives Jobs to Rich Campaign Donors – Fred F. Fielding, Emmet T. Flood, William A. Burck and Daniel M. Price worked together at the White House under George W. Bush. Less than two weeks before leaving office, Bush made sure the senior aides shared a new assignment, naming them to an obscure World Bank agency called the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes. The appointments are for six years and are potentially lucrative, paying up to $3,000 a day plus travel and other expenses if an appointee is chosen to hear a case. Bush also named two other prominent Republican lawyers to the agency, which attempts to broker international finance disagreements. Bush made more than 100 such end-of-term appointments to a constellation of presidential boards and panels. Nearly half of Bush’s appointments after Election Day were filled by donors who gave a total of nearly $1.9 million to Republicans since 2003, according to an analysis of the postings. (Nothing says “qualified” like money. We now have a fresh new batch of [Heck of a Job] Brownies.)


Bill O’Reilly’s Hypocrisy On Privacy – Bill O’Reilly speaks out against the invasion of privacy of celebrities stalked by paparazzi, then sends out camera crews to stalk people who disagree with him on some issue. In one of several examples, O’Reilly defends Angelina Jolie against paparazzi, followed by footage of one of his producers with a camera in Jolie’s face after she reportedly banned Fox News from one of her movie premieres. “I think my favorite part about ‘The Factor’ is that they have no trouble reconciling their defense of celebrities’ right to privacy with their intimidation of everyone else,” said Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, showing unedited footage of O’Reilly segueing from an ambush of the Columbia Journalism Review editor on a city bus to outrage over “these vicious paparazzi.” Video at the link.



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