Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds for 12-21-2009

Before we get to the bad deeds, I would like to pass on a couple of comments on the Senate Health


Care Bill that I spotted: – Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa): He vowed that Democrats will continue to work on health care reform and promised more legislative fixes in the future. “What we’re building here is not a mansion. It’s a starter home. But it’s got a great foundation. … This is not the end of health care reform, it’s the beginning of health care reform,” Harkin said.


Paul Krugman: – Unless some legislator pulls off a last-minute double-cross, health care reform will pass the Senate this week. Count me among those who consider this an awesome achievement. It’s a seriously flawed bill, we’ll spend years if not decades fixing it, but it’s nonetheless a huge step forward.

And now, the Bad Deeds:


Obstruction, Like Never Before – It wasn’t always like this. Yes, there were filibusters in the past — most notably by segregationists trying to block civil rights legislation. But the modern system, in which the minority party uses the threat of a filibuster to block every bill it doesn’t like, is a recent creation.

The political scientist Barbara Sinclair has done the math. In the 1960s, she finds, “extended-debate-related problems” — threatened or actual filibusters — affected only 8 percent of major legislation. By the 1980s, that had risen to 27 percent. But after Democrats retook control of Congress in 2006 and Republicans found themselves in the minority, it soared to 70 percent.

Some conservatives argue that the Senate’s rules didn’t stop former President George W. Bush from getting things done. But this is misleading, on two levels.

First, Bush-era Democrats weren’t nearly as determined to frustrate the majority party, at any cost, as Obama-era Republicans. Certainly, Democrats never did anything like what Republicans did last week: G.O.P. senators held up spending for the Defense Department — which was on the verge of running out of money — in an attempt to delay action on health care.

More important, however, Mr. Bush was a buy-now-pay-later president. He pushed through big tax cuts, but never tried to pass spending cuts to make up for the revenue loss. He rushed the nation into war, but never asked Congress to pay for it. He added an expensive drug benefit to Medicare, but left it completely unfunded. Yes, he had legislative victories; but he didn’t show that Congress can make hard choices and act responsibly, because he never asked it to.


Tort Reform Is a Failure in Texas – Supporters of limiting health providers’ liability have touted Texas’ medical malpractice experiment as the solution for improving national health care. For example, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann held up Texas as a successful liability “pilot program” in an address in September, stating, “The state of Texas did a wonderful job of lawsuit reform and actually saw medical costs come down. We know it works.”

But most of the claims touting positive effects of the Texas law – which took effect in September, 2003 and included a $250,000 per defendant liability cap – are flatly contradicted by the data.

By the measures commonly used to evaluate health care – such as cost, the uninsured rate, and access to care – Texas has regressed since its liability law took effect. Collectively, these measures show that Texas has one of the worst health care systems in the United States. Moreover, since 2003 Texas has either failed to improve or grown even worse compared to other states on almost every measure.
Since the liability laws took effect:

• The cost of health care in Texas (measured by per patient Medicare reimbursements) has increased at nearly double the national average;
• Spending increases for diagnostic testing (measured by per patient Medicare reimbursements) have far exceeded the national average;
• The state’s uninsured rate has increased, remaining the highest in the country;
• The cost of health insurance in the state has more than doubled;
• Growth in the number of doctors per capita has slowed; and
• The number of doctors per capita in underserved rural areas has declined.

The only improvement in Texas since 2003 has been a decline in doctors’ liability insurance
premiums. But payments by liability insurers on behalf of doctors have dropped far more than
doctors’ premiums. This suggests that insurers are pocketing more of the savings than they are
passing to doctors.


Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert Gets More Than $40,000 of Taxpayer Money per Month – U.S. taxpayers are spending more than $40,000 per month on office space, staff, cell phones and a leased SUV for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, even as he works as a lobbyist for private corporations and foreign governments.

The payments are perfectly legal under a federal law that provides five years of benefits for former speakers — but only if Hastert never makes use of his government-funded perks in the course of his lobbying work. Ethics experts say that sort of separation is hard to maintain.


Top 10 Fox News Fail[ure]s of 2009 – Most of us know that Fox news is to news as MTV is to music. Since the 2003 court ruling giving the channel the right to lie on TV, they realized they didn’t have to be a credible news source as long as they are entertaining.


Sean Hannity Wants To Radically Change America – Sean Hannity never stops accusing President Obama and Democrats of being dangerous radicals. Yet he cavalierly threw out to his panel on 12/18/09 that “the real answer” is “to eliminate public schools.” Who’s trying to revamp America now?


Glenn Beck’s Christmas Wish for America – On Glenn Beck’s Christmas special on 12/19/09, Beck said that “if we could capture who we are at this time of the year… if we do that all year long, we’d be fine.” This, just three days after he had trumped up an excuse to accuse President Obama of “bordering” on treason. Beck concluded this segment by suggesting that if only more catastrophes, a la 9/11, would strike us, we’d all be better off. Really?


Glenn Beck’s The Christmas Sweater: 12 Better Titles For His One-Man Movie – 😉 Glenn Beck’s movie sold 17 tickets in New York City and another 17 in Boston. Maybe a better title would help:

· Glenn Beck Lays a Yule Log
· Debacle on 34th Street
· It’s a Wonderful Lie
· I Saw Commies Dissing Santa Claus
· Angry White Christmas
· God Hates Thee, Fairy Gentlemen
· Do You Fear What I Fear?
· Textbooks Roasting On an Open Fire
· Here I Come A-Whimpering
· Insanity Claus is Coming to Town
· O Holy Nut
· Glenn Beck’s The Holiday Fruitcake



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Welcome To Joe Lieberman’s Health Care Plan – It’s As Ugly as Him, But Maybe With Age … ?

Thanks to Senator Joe Lieberman and other conservatives without conscience (Also known as right-wing authoritarians and tea baggers), we have a health care bill that is more to the liking of health insurance companies than to the majority of Americans.

This minority has ‘had their way’ with the majority and they could care less about those other Americans not like them, but not all is lost:

  • There will still be Americans dying from lack of health care, but not as many.
  • There will still be Americans who are denied health care, but maybe fewer.
  • There will still be Americans who declare bankruptcy because of health care costs, but maybe fewer.
  • Our lives and health will still be subjugated to insurance company profits which are not limited by true compitition, but more of us may be covered.

And, according to Bob Cesca, ” the Senate bill will reduce the cost of insurance for a family of four earning $54,000 from around $19,000 per year to around $9,000 per year.” Ten thousand in savings is almost a 20 percent discount.

Remember the CWC goal is to stop this bill. We cannot help them met their goal.

We should accept what the CWCs have created, but it must be called the Joe Lieberman Health Care Plan. Then Joe can be blamed when things go wrong and have to be fixed.

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Bad Deeds for 12-17-2009


Senate Unveils CompromiseCareâ„¢ – The United States Senate today unveiled details of its health care plan, tentatively called CompromiseCareâ„¢:

· Under CompromiseCare™, people with no coverage will be allowed to keep their current plan.

· Medicare will be extended to 55-year-olds as soon as they turn 65.

· You will have access to cheap Canadian drugs if you live in Canada.

· States whose names contain vowels will be allowed to opt out of the plan.

· You get to choose which doctor you cannot afford to see.

· You will not have to be pre-certified to qualify for cremation.

· A patient will be considered “pre-existing” if he or she already exists.

· You’ll be free to choose between medications and heating fuel.

· Patients can access quality health care if they can prove their name is “Lieberman.”

· You will be entitled to natural remedies, such as death.


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Health Insurance 😉 – By David Parker

Last week, I got a letter from George. George is a regional vice president of individual sales for my health insurance provider. Every time I look at George’s mechanically reproduced signature, I’m reminded that insurance companies are people, too.

George is one of the most honest people who has ever sent me a form letter. First, he told me that he understands that I have a choice in health coverage. George is man enough to admit that even after all we’ve been through together — the bills, the notices of rate increases, the other bills — I could walk out of his life without a moment’s notice.

George also said he recognizes that health care costs are important to me. This was both accurate and intuitive: I do care about my health care costs but I’ve never told George. He just knew.

Then, George thanked me for being a member of his family. We’re not technically related but George loves me like a son. Or maybe a brother. I’m not sure how old George is.

Finally, George let me know that my health insurance premium is being raised for the third time in less than three years. He didn’t explain why the cost of my insurance has gone up 42 percent since 2007. He’s a proud man and he doesn’t want me to know how tough things are for him right now.

I felt terrible. We’re in a recession, stock in George’s company is only up 13 percent this year and all I could think about was myself. I’m just glad that I can share a bit of my good fortune with my friend George.

I like giving money to George and his friends in the health insurance business because they respect my intelligence. For example, they’re always telling me that I’m smarter than the government, that I know how to spend my money more wisely than the government does, all this nice stuff.

It’s true. If I give my money to the government, they’re just going to spend it on buying health insurance for a bunch of people I don’t know. When I give my money to George and his friends, on the other hand, I know they’re going to use it to buy things that will help grow the economy, like boats and summer houses and pet horses. Knowing that my escalating premiums are rebuilding our economy makes me feel good.


Joe Lieberman is Not Cute,
Even as a Muppet



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Mr. Lieberman – Take Your Old, Rich, “You’re on your own,” White Male Attitude and Retire – Now

You ideas for health care put corporate profit above the health of all Americans. My life/health should never be subjugated to the corporate profit of your favorite insurance companies. My health care should not be limited by insurance companies coming between me and my doctor.

Our health care system is great for the rich, but lets 45,000 Americans die every year due to lack of health care. That’s wrong, and as long as you believe that profit for insurance companies ranks higher than health care for all Americans, your opposition to more caring ideas for health care is wrong too.

Health care only for people like you is wrong.

Your support for health care corporations over caring for the health care of Americans is beyond disgusting.

Please take your rich, “you’re on your own,” old, fearful, white-male attitude and retire ASAP. This nation does not need you and deserves someone who cares about those not like you.

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Bad Deeds for 12-10-2009


Health Insurers Caught Paying Facebook Gamers Virtual Currency To Oppose Reform Bill – Health insurance industry trade groups opposed to President Obama’s health care reform bill are paying Facebook users fake money — called “virtual currency” — to send letters to Congress protesting the bill. Some Facebook users play social games, like “FarmVille” or “Friends For Sale.” They get addicted to it. Eager to accelerate their progress inside the game, the gamers buy “virtual goods” such as a machine gun for “Mafia Wars.” But these gamers don’t buy these virtual goods with real money. They use virtual currency.

An anti-reform group called “Get Health Reform Right” is using to pay gamers virtual currency for their support. “Get Health Reform Right” requires gamers to take a survey, which, upon completion, automatically sends the following email to their Congressional Rep:

“I am concerned a new government plan could cause me to lose the employer coverage I have today. More government bureaucracy will only create more problems, not solve the ones we have.”

Under the “Who We Are” tab on, the following organizations are listed:

· Association of Health Insurance Advisors
· America’s Health Insurance Plans
· American Benefits Council
· BlueCross BlueShield Association
· Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers
· Healthcare Leadership Council
· Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers
· National Association of Health Underwriters
· National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
· National Retail Association


ABC News Tries to Make Jon Stewart Seem Like a Climate Change Denier – On Tuesday, ABC News used a clip of the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart to make him look like a climate change denier. But in fact, the full clip shows that Stewart was arguing the opposite.

This is the sound bite ABC News played :

Stewart: “Poor Al Gore, global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh!”

The full clip goes like this.

Stewart: “Poor Al Gore, global warming completely debunked via the very internet you invented. Oh!” Stewart mocks. “Oh, the irony. The iron-y. Actually, the real story is not quite that sensational. Now, does it disprove global warming? No, of course not!”


John McCain Made Robo-Calls Urging Voters to Pressure Their Senators on Health Care Bill – Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) made robo-calls urging voters to pressure their senators into supporting a McCain-led amendment to the Senate health care bill. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, filed the complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee on Wednesday, saying the Arizona senator and former presidential candidate violated Senate ethics rule 38, which prohibits senators from using political money to fund official Senate business. McCain’s robo-calls were targeted to five states represented in the Senate by conservative Democrats whose votes on the health care bill are seen as crucial. The robo-calls were targeted at senators Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Kent Conrad (D-ND), according to CREW.


Conservatives Have Mislead You About the Importance of Christmas in Early America – From 1659 to 1681, showcasing one’s holiday spirit in Boston could cost you a fine of as much as five shillings. That’s right, Christmas used to be illegal. It’s somewhat surprising then that the same puritanical minds also created the first American batch of eggnog at Captain John Smith’s 1607 Jamestown settlement. (The word “nog” comes from the word grog, that is, any drink made with rum). Christmas was so inconsequential that after the Revolutionary War, Congress didn’t even bother taking the day off to celebrate the holiday, deciding instead to hold its first session on Christmas Day, 1789. It took almost a century for Congress to proclaim it a federal holiday.


Top 10 Crooked CEOs

ï‚· Bernard Madoff
ï‚· Kenneth Lay & Jeffrey Skilling
ï‚· Dennis Kozlowski
ï‚· John Rigas
ï‚· Joe Nacchio
ï‚· Gregory Reyes
ï‚· James McDermott Jr.
ï‚· Sam Waksal
ï‚· Sam Israel
ï‚· Bernie Ebbers


Bush Deficit Hurting Obama



Meet the Billionaire Koch Brothers Funding the Right-Wing War on Obama – They’re the 9th richest people in America and they’re pushing hard to upend President Obama’s progressive agenda.


Karl Rove and O’Reilly Say Fixing Health Care is Not a “Bread and Butter” Issue for America – The disgraced man once known as Bush’s Brain actually has the nerve to say that the reason President Obama’s poll numbers are slipping is because he’s wasting time trying to fix our broken health care system and that’s not one of the real “bread and butter” issues that Americans care about.

As Stephen Colbert said about Fox News: “Fair and balanced. To be fair, you have to balance every fact with corresponding bullshit.”


Obama Sends Predator Drone to Pick Up Nobel Peace Prize 😉 – Responding to criticism about his receiving this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, President Barack Obama today sent an unmanned predator drone to Norway to pick up the prize for him.

Mr. Obama’s decision to have an unmanned bomber plane accept the Peace Prize raised eyebrows in diplomatic circles, as well as concerns about whether the plane was accurate enough for such a delicate mission.

“We know there’s a possibility that the predator drone might miss Norway altogether and instead hit Finland,” said White House press spokesman Robert Gibbs. “Having said that, an unmanned plane is still more accurate than one manned by a couple of Northwest pilots.”

Elsewhere, a new study shows that teens who experiment with sex are at risk of getting involved in professional golf.



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Bad Deeds for 12-9-2009


North Slope Oil Spill in Alaska Among Worst Ever – Remember how conservatives tell us how oil drilling is completely safe? Well (no pun intended), a North Slope spill of an estimated 46,000 gallons was caused when a pipeline ruptured lengthwise along the bottom, creating a 2-foot-long opening. A unified command of officials handling the spill say the rupture along the bottom of the 18-inch pipeline was caused by too much pressure in the line, likely caused by ice plugs. The spill of crude oil, mixed with natural gas and water, occurred more than a week ago in the Lisburne field just north of the Prudhoe Bay oil field. The pipeline was not in operation at the time. When it ruptured, residual material spilled on to the tundra. Just imagine if the pipe had been in use.


U.S. Lags China in Green Stimulus – In less than a year, China went from a polluting megapower to an up-and-coming clean-tech contender that promises to outpace America. Both countries responded to the recession by authorizing big stimulus plans with significant green components: 34% of China’s stimulus money was green, compared with just 12% of funds in the U.S.


Madagascar Has Already Lost 80% of its Rain Forest – Madagascar has already lost some 80% of its rain forest — crucial habitat for its many species — to logging, and despite some effort to preserve the rest, there’s a real danger that one of the most biodiverse places on the planet could be losing more species than anywhere else.


Fox News Falsifies Poll Numbers About Scientists Allegedly Falsifying Data – Fox News reported that a vast majority of Americans — 94 percent — believe that climate scientists have falsified research into global warming (see picture below). The only problem is, according to Fox’s poll graphic, the total number of participants in the poll adds up to 120 percent.

The network had been reporting on a Rasmussen poll that shows considerably different numbers. It appears Fox added the number of people who said data falsification was “very likely” (35 percent) to the number of people who thought it was “somewhat likely” (24 percent) and then presented that sum — 59 percent — as the number of people who said it was “somewhat likely.”

Any independent observer will certainly note the coincidence that the fudged number makes it look like a disproportionately large part of the US population is opposed to climate change legislation, a favorite whipping boy of Fox news hosts.


Fox News Hides Good News – On Tuesday, as Fox News broadcast a speech by President Barack Obama in which the president announced that the US will spend $200 billion less on bank bailouts than previously estimated, the chyron at the bottom of the Fox News screen announced that the president’s bailout savings would amount to … $2 billion.

Raw Story has confirmed that, as of press time, Fox News hasn’t corrected the error on air. But they certainly must know what the actual figure is, as the online version of the story correctly cited the $200-billion figure. (That bit of good news for taxpayers is buried way at the bottom of Fox’s story.)
Fox’s factual errors — which somehow always seem to lean towards the network’s conservative bias, rather than against it — are quickly becoming the stuff of legend.


Warmer Temperatures Affecting Americans Ability to Reason – A near-consensus from scientists doesn’t have Americans convinced that Global Warming is real. A Pew poll found that 57 percent believe that the earth’s climate is changing, and just 36 percent believe that humans are responsible. 77 percent believed that global warming existed in Pew’s poll conducted in 2007.

A blog at the website of Foreign Policy notes that more Americans believe in UFOs and ghosts than do anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming. Just 39 percent of Americans said in a February poll that they believe in evolution.


Sound familiar? US refuses to allow UN inspectors to investigate its WMDs – The United States said Wednesday that it remained opposed to international inspections of biological weapon sites, even though it stressed its commitment to a UN treaty covering such arms and invaded Iraq in part over its alleged stalling of — UN weapons inspectors.

Someone should invade us!


Independent Probe Says Fox News ACORN Videos Were Heavily Edited – ACORN, the community organizing group, found itself embroiled in controversy after some of its workers were recorded providing advice to a couple posing as a pimp and prostitute. An independent review of how ACORN operated after those sleazy videos were released by Fox News concludes the following:

“The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O’Keefe’s and Ms. Giles’s comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions.”

A real news network would have spent the time necessary to prove the accuracy of the tapes. FOX News never tried to act like a news organization when they received the tapes. It’s their responsibility as journalists to verify the information the tapes contain, but instead FOX repeatedly aired them in hopes of destroying ACORN, a group that has a history of great work with lower-income families. The damage has been done as Congress joined in the vilification process.

Proof, once again, that this is not a news network. It’s a propaganda mill posing as one.


Decade Ends Nearly as Badly as it Started 😉 – According to Professor Davis Logsdon, the proliferation of hoaxes, such as the White House state dinner-crashing Salahis, may have contributed to the sense that the decade was just a bad dream. “The decade ended with these people who didn’t belong in the White House illegally scamming their way in,” Professor Logsdon said. “But the last time that happened, they stayed for eight years.”


It’s Just a Texas-Governor Thing – The mounting ugliness between “Slick Rick” and “Kay Bailout” seems destined to turn off independent voters because, as the veteran political handicapper Charlie Cook observes: “in a primary, shrillness matters. It’s a race to the fringe.”



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Bad Deeds for 12-7-2009


Sarah Palin’s Father Says She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable – Sarah Palin journeyed to Hawaii to attend the first of the four colleges she enrolled in. She and a friend who went with her lasted only one semester. “Hawaii was a little too perfect,” Palin writes in her book. “Perpetual sunshine isn’t necessarily conducive to serious academics for eighteen-year-old Alaska girls.” Perhaps not. But Palin’s father, Chuck Heath, gave a different account. According to him, the presence of so many Asians and Pacific Islanders made her uncomfortable: “They were a minority type thing and it wasn’t glamorous, so she came home.”


Republican Effort to Mock Public Health-Care Option Backfires as Dems Like Idea – When Senators Tom Coburn and David Vitter decided to make fun of Democratic efforts to pass health reform, they probably did not see this coming.

By proposing an amendment that would require members of Congress to register for public health care if the so-called public option were to pass, the two Republicans hoped to further deter their colleagues from voting in favor.

The hitch in their plan: several Democrats took them seriously.

Speaking to MSNBC on Friday night, Sen. Sherrod Brown explained why he offered to co-sponsor the amendment.

“[With] Sen. Coburn, nine times we said we wanted to co-sponsor,” he said. “Usually it takes once and they say yes. I’ve always accepted that; so has everybody I know in the Senate. Nine times we asked to co-sponsor and their office either just said we’ll get back to you or ignored our calls and our emails because it was all a sham. … They clearly don’t like the public option. They were making fun of it. Their whole game is to delay and deceive and to play political games. … And so, it’s just a little partisan game they’re playing.”


Max Baucus Kept Relationship from Justice Department When Recommending Girlfriend – Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) did not disclose to the Justice Department anything about his personal relationship with a woman he recommended to be a United States Attorney, according to a Department official involved in the selection of federal prosecutors.


Blue Cross Pushing Plan to Declare Health Reform Unconstitutional – After months of fierce insurance industry opposition to the bill, Blue Cross is working secretively with conservative front group American Legislative Exchange Council to use the issue of states’ rights as a pretext to declaring health reform unconstitutional.

ALEC has for months worked to spread the notion that all the proposals put forth by President Obama and Democrats — including industry regulations and a public option — violate states’ rights. The group wrote a resolution declaring as much this summer.

A senior executive at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBS’ lobbying group) has admitted to Think Progress she played a vital role in crafting ALEC’s resolution, and insurance lobbyists have since worked in tandem with the group to promote it.


John Cornyn Says Medicaid is a Health Care Gulag – On Fox News Sunday, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said of Democrats efforts to reform health care, “It will limit people’s choices to, in many cases, to a government-run program like Medicaid which is essentially a health care gulag, because people will not have any choices but to take that poorly performing government plan.”


Rainforests Turned into Smoldering Ruins – The work of multibillion dollar paper, pulp and palm oil conglomerates has already caused the destruction of 85 percent of Sumatra’s forests. What is left is vanishing at an alarming rate — an area the size of 50 football fields disappears every hour, according to Greenpeace and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The peat soil of the Kampar Peninsula holds more carbon than anywhere else in the world. Greenpeace estimates that if this whole peninsula, some 1.7 million acres (700,000 hectares), is taken over by plantations, the carbon dioxide released would be the equivalent of 1.6 billion transatlantic flights.


Republicans Ignore Facts More Than Ever – CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, indicates that two-thirds of all Americans believe global warming is a proven fact. That’s down 8 percentage points since June 2008, with views among Democrats holding steady and Republicans’ belief in global warming dropping 11 points.



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Bad Deeds for 12-2-2009


‘Trigger-Happy’ Private Security Guards Undermine Mission in Afghanistan – The Army Times reported that “ill-disciplined private security guards escorting supply convoys to coalition bases are wreaking havoc as they pass through western Kandahar province … and undermining coalition efforts to bring a greater sense of security to the Afghan people, particularly because the locals associate the contractors with the coalition.”

According to one Afghan security official, private security guards have killed or wounded more than thirty civilians over the past four years in just the Marwand district, and the district chief there claims that “most of them are addicted to heroin.”


Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Customer Location Data 8 Million Times Over a Year – Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009, according to a company manager who disclosed the statistic at a non-public interception and wiretapping conference in October.

The manager also revealed the existence of a previously undisclosed web portal that Sprint provides law enforcement to conduct automated “pings” to track users. Through the website, authorized agents can type in a mobile phone number and obtain global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the phone.
The revelations, uncovered by blogger and privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, have spawned questions about the number of Sprint customers who have been under surveillance, as well as the legal process agents followed to obtain such data.

A single surveillance order against a lone target could generate thousands of GPS “pings” to the cell phone, as the police track the subject’s movements over the course of days or weeks. That, Sprint claims, is the source of the 8 million figure: it’s the cumulative number of times Sprint cell phones covertly reported their location to law enforcement over the year.


Yahoo & Verizon Say Their Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers – Indiana University graduate student Christopher Soghoian asked all agencies within the Department of Justice, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request how much phone companies and internet service providers charge to funnel your private communications or records to U.S. law enforcement and spy agencies. But before the agencies could provide the data, Verizon and Yahoo intervened and filed an objection on grounds that, among other things, they would be ridiculed and publicly shamed were their surveillance price sheets made public.

Yahoo writes in its 12-page objection letter, that if its pricing information were disclosed to Soghoian, he would use it “to ’shame’ Yahoo! and other companies — and to ’shock’ their customers.”

Verizon took a different stance. It objected to the release of its Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide because it might “confuse” customers and lead them to think that records and surveillance capabilities available only to law enforcement would be available to them as well — resulting in a flood of customer calls to the company asking for trap and trace orders.


New Ugandan Law to Execute Homosexuals Supported by Fundamentalist Christian Group – A proposed law in Uganda that would execute homosexuals thought to be HIV positive, or for repeat “offenses.” According to U.S. author and Harper’s contributing editor Jeff Sharlet, a secretive group of American politicians are supporting the Ugandan lawmakers who are leading the charge to see the draconian bill become law.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Monday, Sharlet revealed even more about the connections between The Family, the secretive religious group which runs the C Street house in Washington, D.C., to the Ugandan officials. Specifically, Sharlet claimed that the Ugandan president and his ethics minister, both key players in pushing the vicious legislation, are official members of the powerful fundamentalist Christian group.


Family Research Council Says Obama Plans to Impose Homosexuality – Far-right Christian fundamentalist group Family Research Council has a clever idea for raising money: convince supporters that President Barack Obama will take away their Bibles and turn their kids gay.

That’s essentially what the group’s newest fundraising alert amounts to, with its claim that the president has a “plan” to “impose homosexuality” and “silence Christianity.”

The group’s four-page letter, available courtesy of Think Progress, reads like end-of-days fiction, with Godless liberals on the march and only your dollars keeping America from the fires of hell.

In truth, it’s a lengthy, deceptive rant about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would ensure gay, lesbian and transgendered people have a right to work alongside other Americans without fear of reprisal by the employers due solely to their sexual orientation or appearance.


ClimateGate: The 7 Biggest Lies About The Supposed “Global Warming Hoax” – A few weeks ago, hackers broke into the emails of one of the Climate Research Unit of The University of East Anglia, and climate skeptics have been having a field day making mountains out of molehills about what the emails contain. The verdict on global warming is in — it’s caused by humans and it is happening and nothing in the emails remotely challenges that. However, with the internet abuzz about what has been labeled “ClimateGate,” we thought we should set the record straight about the rumors, lies and insinuations about what the emails actually contain — and what they “prove” about climate change. “ClimateGate” itself is a misnomer, the nickname should be “SwiftHack” for the way people with political agendas have “swiftboated” the global warming reality.

Below is one example:

CLAIM: Scientists have manipulated data.

TRUTH: Skeptics have been pointing to an email from scientist Phil Jones where he said he used a “trick” with his data. As climate expert Bob Ward writes, “Scientists say ‘trick’ not just to mean deception. They mean it as a clever way of doing something — a short cut can be a trick.” RealClimate also explained that “the ‘trick’ is just to plot the instrumental records along with reconstruction so that the context of the recent warming is clear. Scientists often use the term ‘trick’ to refer to … ‘a good way to deal with a problem’, rather than something that is ‘secret’, and so there is nothing problematic in this at all.”

P.S. As an electrical engineer, I can attest to engineers using this language, talking about some “trick” they used in designing a circuit. It just means they made it more efficient, or figured out how to do it with less parts, or using less power. – JLV


Sen. McCain Forgets All About His Best Friend, Phil ‘Mr. Enron’ Gramm, While Attacking Healthcare Reform – McCain falsely accused the Senate health care reform of using “Enron accounting” measures. His comments are ironic, however, in light of his close, personal relationship with Phil “Mr. Enron” Gramm. Gramm was National Co-Chairman Of McCain’s presidential campaign. [, accessed 6/3/08]. Gramm was a co-sponsor of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. One provision of the bill is often referred to as the “Enron loophole” because some critics blame the provision for permitting the Enron scandal to occur. And Gramm’s wife headed the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 1988 to 1993, which exempted Enron from regulation in trading of energy derivatives. Subsequently, Gramm resigned from the CFTC and took a seat on the Enron Board of Directors and served on its Audit Committee.


Republican Senator Pens Obstruction Manual For Health Care – Sen. Judd Gregg, (R-NH) has penned the equivalent of an obstruction manual — a how-to for holding up health care reform — and has distributed the document to his Republican colleagues. He highlights the use of hard quorum calls for any motion to proceed, as opposed to a far quicker unanimous consent provision. He reminds his colleagues that, absent unanimous consent, they can force the Majority Leader to read any “full-text substitute amendment.” And when it comes to offering amendments to the health care bill, the New Hampshire Republican argues that it is the personification of “full, complete, and informed debate,” to “offer an unlimited number of amendments — germane or non-germane — on any subject.”

The details of Gregg’s outline are a clear reflection of the extent to which Republicans are turning to the Byzantine processes of the Senate chamber as a means of holding up reform


Rise of the New McCarthyism – On December 2, 1954, the U.S. Senate voted to censure Sen. Joseph McCarthy, bringing to an end four years of political intimidation and character assassination so ferocious that McCarthy’s name is still synonymous with a particularly destructive form of demagoguery.

McCarthy’s campaign against supposedly widespread communist infiltration of the U.S. government brought down sitting Senators and intimidated even President Eisenhower (who loathed McCarthy) and his advisors. McCarthy’s campaign was boosted by conservative think tanks, media figures, and clergy, and abetted for years by the unwillingness of most of his colleagues to stand up against his false charges and clear abuses of power. McCarthy was fond of referring to the “Democrat Party” – using the term as a slur. The refusal to use the correct term “Democratic Party” was so associated with McCarthy that it went out of style for decades, but the rhetorical tactic has been resurrected and embraced by the Karl Rove-Newt Gingrich-Frank Luntz Republican Party of today.

Today’s McCarthyism has many faces and voices, including the household names of right-wing cable television, a plethora of radio hosts, Religious Right leaders, right-wing organizations and the bogus “grassroots” campaigns they generate – and Members of Congress and other Republican Party officials. Together they engage in character assassination and challenge the loyalty and patriotism of their targets.

McCarthy inflamed fears that the nation was being destroyed by enemies from within. Sound familiar? The attack on sinister Ivy League-educated elites is one of the essential rhetorical tools of far-right pundits and Republican politicians. Republican smear campaigns often make use of this “elites vs. real Americans” theme.

McCarthy frightened many Americans with charges that the government was infested with communist sympathizers. His current-day acolytes have made charges long considered beyond the pale of political discourse – comparisons of President Obama and other administration officials with tyrannical figures like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Chairman Mao – so frequently that they are losing their shock value. Former and likely future presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is among many who have called Obama a socialist.

McCarthy was a master of guilt by association, smearing individuals as enemies of the country based on any association however indirect or tenuous, with a suspect organization, newspaper or other publication, labor union, or individual. Criticism of McCarthy’s tactics was itself evidence: his targets included non only communists, pro-communists, and former communists, but also “anti-anti-communists.” Today’s McCarthyite right abounds with guilt-by-association attacks. In fact Glenn Beck has made a sort of art form out of them. After right-wing activists engineered a public humiliation of the group ACORN, right-wing leaders have tried to use any relationship with the organization’s decades of organizing on behalf of poor people as a disqualification for public service. Attacks on widely respected judicial nominee David Hamilton treated his one-month job as a canvasser for ACORN thirty years ago when he was 22 years old as if it had constituted a major portion of his career.

McCarthy and his subcommittee’s investigator Roy Cohn did not only target people for destruction based on alleged communist sympathies; they also hunted for homosexuals in government service. In a striking parallel, right-wing leaders, dismayed and outraged by growing public support for legal equality for LGBT Americans, have used public debates over marriage equality to attack gay people as enemies of faith, family, and freedom, and they are engaged in ongoing smear campaigns against openly gay Obama administration officials and nominees.


Teabaggers Plan to Politicize Sugarland Christmas Tree Ceremony – In what could be a shoo-in for the Scrooges-of-the-Year Award, the Fort Bend County Tea Party Society (whatever that is) is encouraging its members to politicize the Sugarland Tree Lighting ceremony on Thursday, December 3rd being held by the City of Sugarland. On the baggers’ homepage, they have an announcement telling supporters to wear their Teabagger T-shirts to the lighting ceremony to be held at Sugarland Center that evening. People who are willing to exploit a Christmas celebration for political purposes – shameless.


Worst Toys To Buy Your Kids This ChristmasPlease do not buy your children these inappropriate, crazypants toys:

  • Tongue-Kissing Pops – a pair of lips with a tongue-shaped lollipop that comes out.
  • Pole-Dancing Doll – ‘nuff said.
  • Lil Monkey – a black human baby doll with a monkey. It’s the black human that has a headband labeled “Lil Monkey.”
  • Breastfeeding Doll – a girl wears a special halter top with flowers instead of nipples that cause the baby to make sucking sounds and move its mouth. The tagline for the toy reads, “Because you shouldn’t have to wait until you have breasts before you start breastfeeding your baby.”



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Bad Deeds for 12-1-2009


The Internet as You Know it is About to End – The web as you know it is going to end if the telecom companies get their way.

They grew accustom to controlling your phone rates. They grew accustom to controlling what you saw on cable. They grew accustom to their arrangement with the studios and the networks. And they grew accustom to the manner in which they financially participated in those arrangements. Now, because of the Internet, we have a different media landscape.

In Washington right now, the Federal Communications Commission is attempting to make Net Neutrality a hard and fast rule for the Internet. This would stop AT&T and other companies from destroying web content and your access to it. Because of this, the Telecom Companies have nearly 500 lobbyists in place to steal your Internet freedom. There are only 535 members of Congress. That’s nearly one lobbyist for every member of Congress. The telecom companies have also (at press time) already spent nearly $75 million dollars to convince lawmakers to restrict your unfettered Internet access.

This is serious business. For them and for us. A liberated Internet will continue to be a reality in your life (and in the lives of your children) if rules like Net Neutrality are in place.

You have to make that happen. Tell the FCC and your representatives that the removal of your Internet Freedoms will not stand.


More Bad Telecom Practices – It’s bad enough that telecom companies lock most popular wireless devices to their own service plans – meaning your phone is effectively worthless if you want to leave for a better deal. Verizon has just announced a $350 early-termination fee for all of its new smartphone customers. It’s just another tactic to keep us from shopping around and having more choice when it comes to our wireless service. Tell Congress enough is enough.


Comcast About to Gobble Up NBC – Talk about a bad marriage. Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company, is getting hitched to NBC, one of the world’s biggest producers of TV shows and motion pictures. Comcast would have unprecedented control over what you can watch and how you can watch it. Comcast already raises its rates every year. With less competition, they’ll jack up prices even more. If you don’t have Comcast at home, you could end up paying more to get NBC shows. Comcast will have an incentive to promote NBC shows over local or independent programming, making it even harder to find alternative voices on cable. TAKE ACTION: Tell Washington to Stop This Merger



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Bad Deeds for 11-30-2009


Forty Percent of Democrats Say They Probably Won’t Vote Next Year – Forty percent of self-identified Democratic voters say they are “not likely” or “definitely” won’t vote in next year’s Congressional elections, according to a little-noticed poll released over the Thanksgiving weekend.

The poll, which surveyed 2,400 Americans nationwide between Nov. 22 and Nov. 25, found that self-identified Republicans were three times more likely to say they were going to vote next year. Among self-identified Republican voters, 81% are either “definitely” voting next year or “probably” voting, while 14% are “not likely” to vote or will “definitely” not vote.

Among self-identified Independent voters, 65% are either “definitely” voting next year or “probably” voting, while 23% are “not likely” to vote or will “definitely” not vote.

And among self-identified Democratic voters, 56% are either “definitely” voting next year or “probably” voting, while 40% are “not likely” to vote or will “definitely” not vote.


America Today: Food Stamps and Wall St. Extravagance – With food stamp use at record highs and climbing every month, a program once scorned as a failed welfare scheme now helps feed one in eight Americans and one in four children. At the same time, conspicuous consumption is making a comeback on Wall Street. As traders and investment bankers near the finish line of what looks like a boom year for pay, some are spending money like the financial crisis never happened. From $15,000-a-week Caribbean getaways to art auctions to $200,000 platinum wristwatches that automatically adjust for leap years, signs of the good life are returning. What we’re seeing in the last four to eight weeks is a fairly substantial uptick in demand for extravagant purchases.


Just Another Would-be Domestic Terrorist Found with a Bomb-Making Lab. Nothing to See Here, Just Move Along – Police found 30 completed pipe bombs in Mark Campano’s apartment along with components to make more, plus 17 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Barbara Vachon lived next door to Campano at the Center Park Place Apartments for several years and said he was a big reason she moved.

“He was always trying to get me and another neighbor to listen to anti-government tapes and watch anti-government videos,” said Vachon. “I would never watch them. He was some kind of radical, and he didn’t believe in the government.”

She said there were other warnings. “There were a few times I heard minor explosions from outside the apartment building, and he would scream that he had hurt himself,” she said. “I never knew what he was up to.”

Of course, if this had been a Muslim extremist caught with such an arsenal, we’d be getting talk-show panels on Hannity featuring Michelle Malkin ranting at length about the threat of Islamic jihad, blah blah blah. Not to mention chatty discussion on Fox and Friends and Morning Joe.

But instead, because he’s just a white anti-government extremist, hey, let’s just give it a big shrug.


How Boehner Gets His Tan: His PAC Spent $83K On Golf Outings! – On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mika and Joe have a great time bashing John Boehner after finding out the House minority leader’s PAC spent almost $83K on golf outings.

Scarborough compared him to Evita Perón, who would show poor people her jewels so they would have something to aspire to. “Think about the people in his district who are out of work right,” he said. “Thirty thousand dollars on one golf outing!” He noted that was more than most of the people in Boehner’s district make in a year.

“Howard, you wouldn’t do that, would you?” Mika asked Howard Dean.

“I don’t play golf,” Dean replies. He said it was difficult for Republicans to hold themselves up as the model for fiscal responsibility when they spent money on things like this.

A viewer wrote in to say Boehner’s tan “was proof that global warming is real.”


Palin’s Fake Bus Tour – Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue” bus has logged thousands of miles as it crosses the country, promoting her memoir. But Palin herself has been traveling by private jet, using the bus only for brief stops and media appearances.

The blog Palingates was the first to highlight the disconnect, pointing out that Palin arrived in Tri-Cities, Washington on Thanksgiving via private jet, not bus.

The flight log for the plane, a Gulfstream II, can be found here — it tracks Palin’s own movements. The Daily Beast’s Joe McGinniss reported that Palin’s staff apparently was riding the bus while their boss took to the skies:

“Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers–as she said–all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week. […] “

What’s wrong in this instance is the apparent fakery created and sustained for the sake of building pseudo-populist appeal–and selling books. Sarah Palin and HarperCollins have consciously tried to give the impression that she is doing her book tour by bus when the evidence suggests she is not. At every stop, she’s been filmed getting off Big Blue looking rested and radiant.


Palin’s Latest Rogue Gaffe – There have been so many lies and distortions pointed out in Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue since it was released last week that her memoir has already become something of a gag line.

But perhaps the most embarrassing gaffe so far is her mis-attributed quote to UCLA basketball legend John Wooden.

As the epigram to Chapter Three, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” Palin assigns the following remarks to the Hall of Fame hoops coach:

“Our land is everything to us… I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it–with their lives.”

Only the quote wasn’t by John Wooden. It was written by a Native American activist named John Wooden Legs in an essay entitled “Back on the War Ponies,” which appeared in a left-wing anthology, We Are the People: Voices from the Other Side of American History, edited by Nathaniel May, Clint Willis, and James W. Loewen.

Here’s the full quote:

“Our land is everything to us. It is the only place in the world where Cheyennes talk the Cheyenne language to each other. It is the only place where Cheyennes remember the same things together. I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it–with their life. My people and the Sioux defeated General Custer at the Little Big Horn.”

Oops! That’s not quite the sentiment that Sister Sarah was trying to convey.


The Wealthy in America Haven’t Been Paying Their Fair Share for More Than 30 Years – The USA leads the world in billionaires. We also have the developed world’s most skewed distribution of income. And our financial sector is much too large compared to the real economy it is supposed to serve. If we could see past our ideological blinders, we’d notice that there’s plenty of money in this country tucked away in private hands. The super-wealthy never had it so good. If they ever paid anything like their fair share, our budget deficits would soon evaporate.

The Forbes 400 alone collectively holds about $1.5 trillion in net worth. You want deficit reduction? Then how about a wealth tax of 5 percent a year until the unemployment rate drops below 5 percent? That small tax on just 400 fortunate souls would reduce the deficit by about $75 billion a year. If we broadened the tax to include all those with a net worth of $500 million or more, we might generate more than $200 billion a year in public funds for debt reduction, or better yet, for real job creation.



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