Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds for 4/30/2010


Rush Limbaugh Lies About Big Branch Mine – Rush Limbaugh lambasted the Mine Workers (UMWA) for not protecting their members who, he claimed worked at the Upper Big Branch mine in Raleigh County, W.Va., where 29 coal miners were killed when the Massey Energy Co. mine exploded.

Of course, as has been widely reported, Upper Big Branch was a non-union coal mine.


Rush Limbaugh Blames Environmentalists for Massive Oil Spill – While there’s not yet any indication as to what caused the disastrous explosion that sunk a British Petroleum drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico, right-wing radio personality Rush Limbaugh says that since the explosion happened on Earth Day, what better way for environmentalists to head off more oil drilling than for them to blow up an oil rig.


Seven Dirty Facts About Offshore Drilling – The Risk to Human Life – Offshore drilling is inherently a risky procedure—attempting to withdraw unstable substances from the planet remains a perilous task, no matter how advanced the technology currently is. Unfortunately, countless lives have been lost from malfunctioning equipment or user error. The recent offshore disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, leaving 11 missing and presumed dead, is but one of many tragic examples. The Piper Alpha Platform exploded in 1988 killing 167, the Enchova Central Platform claimed 42 lives after its 1984 blowout, and the C.P. Baker Barge resulted in 22 fatalities after its 1964 blowout. Many offshore rigs have been inadequately prepared for the harsh environment they are put in. Dangerous weather has caused more deaths than faulty machinery, as many facilities have capsized in storms, taking the crew with them. The Alexander L. Kielland claimed 123 lives in 1980, 91 lives were lost in 1989 aboard the Seacrest Drillship, 84 lives in 1982 on the Ocean Ranger, and the list goes on.

Oil Spills – With current offshore drilling methods and transportation, oil spills are not only a dismal possibility but a sad inevitability. In 1969, the blowout on an offshore oil platform off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA led to around 4 million gallons of oil devastating over 40 miles of California coastline. This disaster led to offshore drilling being banned in many areas around the country. Since the passage of the 1990 Oil Pollution Act, the U.S. Coast Guard says we have reduced the amount of oil spilled into American oceans each year from the horrendous 11.8 million gallons it was prior to 1990, but unfortunately we are still releasing 1.5 million gallons of the destructive pollutant into our waters each year. Obviously, the effects of these spills on marine life and their delicate ecosystems is detrimental. The recent offshore disaster near Louisiana, currently leaking 200,000 gallons of oil a day into the Gulf Of Mexico, is a reminder that drilling remains perilous.

Other Environmental Hazards – Offshore drilling isn’t just hazardous to the environment simply because of the potential threat of oil spills. Offshore drilling actions destroy kelp beds, coral reefs, and coastal wetlands. The lifetime of a single oil rig can dump almost 200 million pounds of drilling fluid and metal cuttings into the ocean, releasing millions of pounds of toxic metals and carcinogens, and polluting the air as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles a day would.

Minimal Effect on Gas Prices – US Department Of Energy’s Energy Information Administration assessed that opening up new areas of the oceans to drilling would not have any significant impact on crude oil production or prices before 2030, as it would only increase domestic production by 1.6%, and in 2030 gas prices would only drop 3 cents per gallon as a result.

Less Jobs Than Green Energy Would Provide – Proponents of increased offshore drilling like to cite the many new jobs it would create, but a University of Massachusetts study reveals that investing the same amount of money in renewable energy projects would create triple the amount of jobs with wages of $16 an hour.

It’s a Distraction From Real Solutions – New offshore drilling takes the focus off of renewable energy projects and moving toward a clean energy America. It gives people a false sense of hope that the insignificant amount of oil we may acquire will lead to cheaper gas prices or energy independence for the US. If the entire nation switched to hybrid electric vehicles it would save twice the amount of oil a day that new offshore drilling would create. Offshore drilling will only contribute to environmental degradation, from extraction to refining and then the transportation and ultimate use of it. 1000 pounds of CO2 are associated with every single barrel of oil, and oil accounted for 47% of American fossil fuel-based energy consumption in 2006.


(courtesy of Americans Opposed to Racial Profiling on Facebook)



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Bad Deeds for 4/29/2010


Voters Conned into Switching to the Republican Party – Since mid-March, at least 99 written complaints have been submitted to state elections officials by Orange County residents who say they were registered to vote Republican without their consent. The Register found an additional 74 voters who said they were duped or coerced into registering to vote as a Republican by signature gatherers who initially asked them to sign petitions for causes like legalizing marijuana, fighting cancer or cleaning up beaches.

This isn’t the first time. A similar situation in Orange County occurred in 2006, when a similar fraud pattern in Orange County resulted in 167 voters complaining to election officials that they were switched to Republican registration without their permission.


How Wall Street Creates Socialists – Maybe the next time someone calls Barack Obama a socialist, the president shouldn’t issue a denial. He might instead urge his accuser to read the hearing transcript of this week’s congressional testimony from the Goldman Sachs guys in their beautiful suits.

Capitalism has not taken a hit like this since Mr. Potter made his appearance as the evil banker on “It’s a Wonderful Life.” No leftist polemicist could come up with as damning a description of contemporary capitalism as the contents of an e-mail that Goldman’s Fabrice “Fabulous Fab” Tourre sent to his girlfriend.

“Well,” he wrote, “what if we created a ‘thing’, which has no purpose, which is absolutely conceptual and highly theoretical and which nobody knows how to price?”

Perhaps Fab once read the Karl Marx who wrote: “The more abstract money is, the less natural its relationship to other commodities.”

If money is an abstraction, the investment industry’s creative inventions are abstractions of abstractions of abstractions. Banks no longer just give people loans to buy houses. Now Wall Street’s geniuses — and they are ingenious — trade bizarre financial products in which the original loan is packaged with thousands of others and buried under piles of equations and economic gibberish.

Goldman may face SEC charges, but it’s the entirety of our deregulated financial system that’s on trial. In this new order, the inventiveness of our entrepreneurs goes not only into creating products that actually enhance our lives (from refrigerators to laptops to iPods) but also into fashioning “absolutely conceptual and highly theoretical” financial products whose main function is to enrich a very small number of well-placed people.


New Mine Accident: Mine Had Numerous Safety Violations – Two western Kentucky miners were missing Thursday and rescuers were unable to contact them after a roof collapsed in a large underground coal mine that had a history of safety violations, officials said.

The Dotiki mine has recorded well over 300 “significant and substantial” violation reports from the Mine Safety and Health Administration since the start of 2009. The tally ranked the mine seventh among U.S. mines for the most such violations, according to a report published earlier this month by Business Week magazine.

So far this year, Dotiki Mine near Nebo, Ky., also has been cited at least three times for violating an MSHA standard regarding “protection from falls of roof, face and ribs” of mine areas.


Mine Industry Spokesman: No New Regulations Are Needed – What did you expect? Mining industry spokesman Bruce Watzman said there is no need for new regulations.

Massey Energy Company used a tactic popular with some companies to avoid being placed on notice of a “pattern of violation” that could result in tougher enforcement. Mining companies are contesting hundreds of citations, creating a backlog that is overwhelming government officials. The massive backlog often delays a finding of a pattern of violation.

Lawmakers heard from a coal miner who said he used to work at the Upper Big Branch mine but quit because he claimed Massey tolerated unsafe working conditions.

Jeffrey Harris, of Beckley, W.Va., said mine workers would take a number of gas monitors to check for gas levels, but only report the lowest reading.

“They would take air readings until they got the right one,” Harris said.

Harris said workers would tear down ventilation curtains and rehang them only when inspectors came. Workers also shut down equipment when inspectors were at the mine so they couldn’t take readings while they were mining, he said.


A Registered Hate Group Helped Write Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law – Certain moments in our nation’s history have consistently opened the door for the least civil voices to enact evil through civil policy: think the institution of race-based U.S. slavery, the Indian removals, Jim Crow laws, legalized segregation, the federal protection of lynching mobs, and, don’t forget, the Japanese internment camps, among others. In each case, hard economic times led otherwise sane people to unleash insane injustice under the guise of public policy.

There’s something about hard-knock times that consistently opens civil minds to uncivilized acts. When those minds hold the power of the policy pen, then personal malice becomes government-sponsored acts of terror against its own citizens.

This time it is the good, economically recessed, fear-ravaged people of Arizona who have elevated bottom-dwellers to the place of law-makers. They actually handed a registered hate group, FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), the pen and asked them to help write Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, SB1070, which requires police officers to ask for “papers” from anyone they “suspect” might be an illegal immigrant. If they cannot prove their legal residence, they will be thrown in jail. This Machiavellian law places the U.S. in company with Apartheid South Africa, Nazi Germany, and the Antebellum South, each of which demanded the presentation of “papers” demonstrating the individual from the minority group was allowed to be in certain areas of town.


FAIR Pres. Dan Stein suffers brutal takedown

When faced with government sponsored evil, look injustice in the eye and say “no.” Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform now.


10 of 20 Supermarkets Fail Seafood Sustainability Rating – Greenpeace has released the fourth update of their Carting Away the Oceans report, where they give us the latest review of the best and worst sustainable seafood supermarkets for 2010. In an effort to push for an environmentally friendly and sustainable seafood marketplace, Greenpeace has done an in-depth ranking of 20 popular seafood retailers, rating them on factors like their seafood policies, initiatives in sustainability, and the quality of their labeling in providing consumers concise and accurate information about the seafood they purchase. Greenpeace also makes note of how many species each company sells that are on Greenpeace’s red list, a list compiling the 22 most unsustainable seafood products on the market.

Greenpeace gives each grocery chain an overall rank from 1-10. 1-3 is a failing grade, 4-6 is passing, and 7-10 is good. Though no one has yet reached that highest division, 10 of the 20 companies reviewed made a passing grade, with many taking audacious strides to improve their previous scores, and setting new precedents in the marketplace for sustainable seafood (Target’s score went from 30 to 60 in less than two years.).

Here are the scores:

· Target 62.24
· Wegmans Food Markets 60.89
· Whole Foods Market 60.49
· Safeway 58.1
· Ahold 57.84
· Harris Teeter 51.46
· The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P) 48.71
· Delhaize 45.11
· Wal-Mart 43.47
· Trader Joe’s 40.2
· Price Chopper 39.54
· ALDI 38.75
· The Kroger Company 32.25
· Costco 18.75
· Giant Eagle 13.5
· Publix 12.5
· Winn-Dixie 12.5
· Meijer 10
· H.E. Butt (HEB) 7.5


Rick Perry’s Shaky Coyote Story – By James Moore

The governor of Texas is a weinie. I can’t reach any other conclusion after reading the report about him shooting a coyote that threatened his daughter’s puppy. Rick Perry said that he was jogging on a hill country trail near where he lives in a rented home and the animal came out and threatened his little dawgie. Governor Gun pulled out a Ruger and sent the coyote to the big lonesome and empty prairie coyotes go to when governors gun them down.

But I’ve got some questions, your governorship.

First, I can say I’ve run thousands of miles on trails in Texas and I have never once thought of carrying a gun. Well, yeah, a squirt gun. I used to have a Doberman that came after me on a dirt road and I solved that by mixing some ammonia into water and putting it into a little squirt gun. Got the big dog in the eyeballs next time he came barking after me and when he saw me pass by a few days later he ran away more like a chicken than a dog. No shot fired in anger.

Perry said he carried the gun because he was afraid of snakes and that a number of people living in that area have lost pets to wild animals. Well, Governor Gun, that’s the way nature is ordered. Big fish eat little fish. Wild animal eat domestic animal. You don’t want your cat turned into a coyote hairball, keep it in the house. But afraid of snakes and you carry a gun? I don’t know any trail runner under the Lone Star sky that hasn’t come across a rattler or seven. And not one of them ever said, “Hey, I think I’ll carry a gun and kill rattlers the next time.” Unless you surprise a rattler, it’s going to slither away real danged fast. And governor, I’ve seen you run; you aren’t going to surprise a snake or a turtle.

And, although I’ve never done it, seems to me like running and carrying a gun has to be kind of uncomfortable. I read you were packing your pistol in a holster. I just find it odd that you put on the running shorts, the Nike shoes, a tee shirt, and a ball cap, and then strapped on your coyote widow maker. Who the hell does such a thing?

There’s something else. If this happened in February, why are you just now sharing this? It seems to me that you would have been a little excited the day you turned coyote killer and you might have mentioned it to a reporter or a political pal that could have let it slip to someone, somewhere. But nothing until two months later? Sorry, sounds a little too neat. And if you were trying for the tough guy image, whacking a coyote isn’t really gonna do that for you. Nor is packin’ heat cuz you are afraid of things that go slither in the sun. I guess I have to say I don’t believe your story.

Prove you killed a coyote. Habeas coyote corpus. Ah, but you can’t produce a body because the critter has been gone for two months. You said he’s “mulch.”

So’s your story, Governor Gun.



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Bad Deeds for 4/28/2010


New Oklahoma Law Allows Doctors to Lie About Health of Unborn Babies– A new law in Oklahoma protects doctors from malpractice suits if they decide not to inform the parents of a unborn baby that the fetus has birth defects. The intent of this measure is to prevent parents from later suing doctors who withhold information to try to influence them against having an abortion. Gov. Brad Henry said, “It is unconscionable to grant a physician legal protection to mislead or misinform pregnant women in an effort to impose his or her personal beliefs on a patient.”


Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: An Attempt to Suppress Minority Voting – Don’t be fooled. The way the media plays the story, it was a wave of racist, anti-immigrant hysteria that moved Arizona Republicans to pass a sick little law, signed last week, requiring every person in the state to carry papers proving they are US citizens.

What moved GOP Governor Jan Brewer to sign the Soviet-style show-me-your-papers law is the exploding number of legal Hispanics, US citizens all, who are daring to vote — and daring to vote Democratic by more than two-to-one. Unless this demographic locomotive is halted, Arizona Republicans know their party will soon be electoral toast. Or, if you like, tortillas.

In 2008, working for Rolling Stone with civil rights attorney Bobby Kennedy, our team flew to Arizona to investigate what smelled like an electoral pogrom against Chicano voters … directed by one Jan Brewer (the current governor).

Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer’s command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.


Justice Scalia Thinks You’re Stupid – When Antonio Jackson believed he had been subjected to racial discrimination as an employee at Rent-A-Center, he sought to bring a claim in federal court under section 1981, a statutory provision originating in the Civil Rights Act of 1866 that prohibits discrimination in contractual relationships, including employment. He argued that the arbitration agreement he signed was “unconscionable” in that it was unfair and was forced on him by his employer (e. g., sign the agreement or no job).

Unfair, forced arbitration is not just a problem in civil rights cases, however. As Justice Ginsburg noted at oral argument yesterday, mandatory arbitration agreements are “very common in consumer, credit card agreements, in employment contracts,” and “one party has no say except to sign or not to sign.” This is quite true—as Mr. Jackson’s counsel pointed out to the Justices today, it was likely that many people, even in the gracious courtroom of the Supreme Court, were subject to arbitration agreements they didn’t even know about. If you have a cell phone, see a doctor, or have signed just about any employment contract with a large, corporate employer, you’re likely subject to mandatory arbitration of claims that haven’t even arisen yet. The terms of this arbitration agreement could be incredibly unfair to you, while favoring the big corporation on the other side, and even if you might have agreed to arbitration had you focused on it, you likely had no opportunity to negotiate these terms to something more equitable.

But don’t look to Justice Scalia for any sympathy if you want access to justice and find the terms of the mandatory arbitration agreement unfair. In his view, you haven’t been coerced into anything—you’re just “a stupid person who voluntarily signs an unconscionable contract.” According to Justice Scalia, the law may in some circumstances “protect you because you are stupid, but you haven’t been coerced.”


Grassley Takes Credit for Health Reforms He Voted Against – In a sign Republicans may be worried that health reform is more popular than they’re willing to admit, the GOP senator famed for saying the health overhaul will “pull the plug on grandma” is now taking credit for some of its elements.

In a press release put out this past weekend, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said he “worked successfully to improve Medicare payments to doctors in rural states like Iowa and, in turn, access for beneficiaries, as part of the health care reform enacted this year.”



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Bad Deeds for 4/27/2010


The Party of No … Credibility – American right-wing leaders are responding to complaints about their adherents’ insults, threats, and acts of violence by claiming that such problems occur on the left as well. Of course, they don’t dare to compare and quantify such behavior.

To keep on top of urban myths of all kinds, I subscribe to the update list, and I noticed a pattern there that I thought deserved to be examined more arithmetically. It struck me I was seeing a lot more rumors about President Obama, and a lot more false rumors, than I remembered from earlier years. So I ran the numbers, as of this week.

· After eight years in the White House (with around all that time), George W. Bush has been the subject of 47 internet rumors. After less than two years in office, Barack Obama has been the subject of 87, or nearly twice as many.
· Even more telling is the relative accuracy of those stories. For Bush, 20 rumors, or 43%, are true. Only 17, or 36%, are false. The remainder are of mixed veracity (4), undetermined (4), or unclassifiable (2).
· In contrast, for Obama only 8 of the 87 rumors, or 9%, are true, and a whopping 59, or 68%, are whoppers. There are 17 of mixed veracity and 3 undetermined.

This evidence accumulated over ten years shows a shameful but undeniable fact of American politics: Our right wing now contains a lot more liars, and a lot more folks who spread lies out of gullibility or wishfulness, than our left wing.


Back in the USSR; Oh, I Mean Arizona – An Arizona man says he was pulled over Wednesday morning and questioned when he arrived at a weigh station for his commercial vehicle along Val Vista and the 202 freeway. He was told he did not have enough paperwork on him when he pulled into a weigh station to have his commercial truck checked. He provided his commercial driver’s license and a social security number but ended up handcuffed.


Big Oil Fought Off New Safety Rules Before Oil Rig Explosion – BP and TransOcean have aggressively opposed new safety regulations proposed last year by a federal agency that oversees offshore drilling — which were prompted by a study that found many accidents in the industry.

There were 41 deaths and 302 injuries out of 1,443 incidents from 2001 to 2007, according to the study conducted by the Minerals and Management Service of the Interior Department. In addition, the agency issued 150 reports over incidents of non-compliant production and drilling operations and determined there was “no discernible improvement by industry over the past 7 years.”
As a result, the agency proposed taking a more proactive stance by requiring operators to have their safety program audited at least once every three years — previously, the industry’s self-managed safety program was voluntary for operators. The agency estimated that the proposed rule, which has yet to take effect, would cost operators about $4.59 million in startup costs and $8 million in annual recurring costs.

The industry has launched a coordinated campaign to attack those regulations, with over 100 letters objecting to the regulations — in a September 14, 2009 letter to MMS, BP vice president for Gulf of Mexico production, Richard Morrison, wrote that “we are not supportive of the extensive, prescriptive regulations as proposed in this rule,” arguing that the voluntary programs “have been and continue to be very successful,” along with a list of very specific objections to the wording of the proposed regulations.

The next day, the American Petroleum Institute and the Offshore Operators Committee, in a joint letter to MMS, emphasized their preference for voluntary programs with “enough flexibility to suit the corporate culture of each company.” Both trade groups also claimed that the industry’s safety and environmental record has improved, citing MMS data to show that the number of lost workdays fell “from a 3.39 rate in 1996 to 0.64 in 2008, a reduction of over 80%.”

The Offshore Operators Committee also submitted to MMS a September 2, 2009 PowerPoint presentation asking in bold letters, “What Do HURRICANES and New Rules Have in Common?” against a backdrop of hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico. On the next page, the answer appears: “Both are disruptive to Operations And are costly to Recover From”.
(So who you gonna’ believe: Big Oil or your lying eyes? – JLV)


New Study Shows Chernobyl Radiation Killed Nearly One Million People – Nearly one million people around the world died from exposure to radiation released by the 1986 nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl reactor, finds a new book from the New York Academy of Sciences published today on the 24th anniversary of the meltdown at the Soviet facility
The authors said, “For the past 23 years, it has been clear that there is a danger greater than nuclear weapons concealed within nuclear power. Emissions from this one reactor exceeded a hundred-fold the radioactive contamination of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
“No citizen of any country can be assured that he or she can be protected from radioactive contamination. One nuclear reactor can pollute half the globe,” they said. “Chernobyl fallout covers the entire Northern Hemisphere.”

Yablokov and his co-authors find that radioactive emissions from the stricken reactor, once believed to be 50 million curies, may have been as great as 10 billion curies, or 200 times greater than the initial estimate, and hundreds of times larger than the fallout from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The proportion of children considered healthy born to irradiated parents in Belarus, the Ukraine, and European Russia considered healthy fell from about 80 percent to less than 20 percent since 1986.

Numerous reports reviewed for this book document elevated disease rates in the Chernobyl area. These include increased fetal and infant deaths, birth defects, and diseases of the respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, hematological, urological, cardiovascular, genetic, immune, and other systems, as well as cancers and non-cancerous tumors.

In addition to adverse effects in humans, numerous other species have been contaminated, based upon studies of livestock, voles, birds, fish, plants, trees, bacteria, viruses, and other species.
Foods produced in highly contaminated areas in the former Soviet Union were shipped, and consumed worldwide, affecting persons in many other nations. Some, but not all, contamination was detected and contaminated foods not shipped.

The authors warn that the soil, foliage, and water in highly contaminated areas still contain substantial levels of radioactive chemicals, and will continue to harm humans for decades to come.


Conservatives Are Seeing God’s Punishment Everywhere – First there was televangelist Pat Robertson who in January told his audience that the Haitian earthquake was punishment for Haiti’s founders having signed a “pact with the devil.”

Then came radio host Rush Limbaugh, who last week suggested that the Iceland volcano was “God’s punishment” for the US passing health care reform.

Now a Texas state representative has taken the notion a step further, declaring that an elected official — rather than a natural disaster — is a sign of God’s displeasure.

“I believe that Barack Obama is God’s punishment on us today,” Rep. Leo Berman of Texas’ 6th district told the audience at a Glenn Beck appearance in Tyler, Texas. Berman added, “But in 2012, we are going to make Obama a one-term president.”

Berman, whose comments were first reported on by the Tyler Morning Telegraph, appeared alongside a number of other prominent Texas conservatives at the Oil Palace arena on Saturday night, including Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Perry “described Beck as a national leader of a powerful group sending a message to the current administration and Congress about Washington, DC, how to control spending and Americans taking their country back,” the Morning Telegraph reported.

“I consider myself proud to be in that army,” Perry said.

Rep. Berman has built a track record of controversial comments. Last year, activists launched a now-defunct Web site,, after Berman told a Chinese-American lawyer to “kiss his a$$” and “go home,” presumably to China.

In 2007, Berman delivered what one blogger called a “hate-filled speech” in which he claimed that “illegal immigrants were bringing Polio, the plague, leprosy, tuberculosis, malaria, Chagas Disease and Dengue Fever to the United States in alarming numbers,” the Capitol Annex reported.


Brazoria County Commissioner’s Court Rewrites History – The Brazoria County Commissioner’s Court voted 5-0 to recognized April as “Confederate History and Heritage Month in the State of Texas.” And while it included that “morally abhorrent practice of slavery” portion as one of its Whereases, the very next paragraph has this:

“Whereas politically correct revisionists would have Texas children believe that their Confederate ancestors fought for slavery when in fact most Texans joined the Confederate armed forces to defend their homes, their families and their proud heritage as Texans…”

I have to ask this: who but a blindingly rabid racist would vote for and then sign a document that contains that language?


Rick Perry Is One of Worst Governors According to National Ethics Watchdog Group – Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the nonpartisan watchdog group that has hounded politicians from both parties, this morning chose Perry as one of “the nation’s most incompetent and unethical governors.”

The list of 11 governors — including nine Republicans and two Democrats — is composed of elected officials “who have pushed their states’ best interests aside in favor of their supporters, families, political parties and bank accounts,” CREW said in its announcement.

CREW singled out six Perry controversies:

· Allegedly disregarded campaign finance laws and aided a business that was especially generous to his campaign
· Refused to operate transparently, and has blocked access to information related to a death penalty case
· Rejected federal stimulus funds in a manner that appeared to put partisan politics ahead of the interests of the citizens of Texas
· Has perpetuated the revolving door between government and special interests
· Accepted travel and campaign donations from a business that received benefits from his official actions
· Used campaign funds for a personal trip with questionable relevance to his campaign for office


Perry Campaign Balks at Debate with Bill White – Gov. Rick Perry’s Republican re-election campaign is balking at debating Democratic challenger Bill White. WFAA and The Dallas Morning News is trying to woo the two into a televised debate this fall. White has accepted that invitation, along with a separate one from Dallas public television station KERA.
A Perry campaign spokesman tells WFAA-TV of Dallas-Fort Worth that the governor wants White to release income tax returns for the past six years.

White campaign spokeswoman Katy Bacon says the demand shows Perry doesn’t want to face White in debate, but Perry campaign spokesman Mark Miner says forcing White to be open to scrutiny is the real issue.

White has released his 2009 tax return and promises to release returns each year he runs for or holds statewide office, just as Perry has.


Goldman Sachs Made Money Off the Souring of the Very Securities it Had Peddled to the Market – As homeowners were falling behind on their subprime mortgages, wreaking havoc for investors that owned slices of their mortgages in securities peddled by Wall Street, Goldman Sachs was “well positioned,” according to internal company emails from top executives.
The firm had “the big short,” declared chief financial officer David Viniar — Goldman Sachs was making money off the souring of the very securities it had peddled to the market.

The internal emails released Saturday by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations paint a picture long known by most of the country, yet never before so vividly and explicitly articulated by Goldman officials. (Scroll down to see the full text of the emails.) As early as May 2007, as homeowners were being crushed under the weight of subprime mortgages, the most profitable firm on Wall Street had long taken out a form of insurance on those delinquencies.
The firm made money on the upside — originating, securitizing and selling subprime mortgage-based securities to investors — and on the downside, thanks to the insurance.

“Bad news,” a May 17, 2007, email began from one Goldman employee to another. A security the firm had underwritten and sold had just lost value, costing Goldman about $2.5 million.

Further down in the email, the employee, Deeb Salem, wrote “Good news…we own 10mm protection…we make $5mm.”

The firm made $5 million betting against the very securities it had underwritten and sold.


Senate Republican Leader Calls for the Abolition of Fire Departments (Sort Of) – It’s crucial to avoid disorderly bank collapses, just as it’s crucial to avoid out-of-control urban fires. But, Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, doesn’t seem to understand that. So, here’s an analogy of what McConnell said about financial reform:

On Tuesday, McConnell called for the abolition of municipal fire departments. Firefighters, he declared, “won’t solve the problems that led to recent fires. They will make them worse.” The existence of fire departments, he went on, “not only allows for taxpayer-funded bailouts of burning buildings; it institutionalizes them.” He concluded, “The way to solve this problem is to let the people who make the mistakes that lead to fires pay for them. We won’t solve this problem until the biggest buildings are allowed to burn.”

Letting banks fail — as opposed to seizing and restructuring them — is a bad idea for the same reason that it’s a bad idea to stand aside while an urban office building burns. In both cases, the damage has a tendency to spread. In 1930, U.S. officials stood aside as banks failed; the result was the Great Depression. In 2008, they stood aside as Lehman Brothers imploded; within days, credit markets had frozen and we were staring into the economic abyss.

Proposed reform legislation gives regulators “resolution authority,” which basically means giving them the ability to deal with the likes of Lehman in much the same way that the F.D.I.C. deals with conventional banks. Who could object to that?

Well, Mr. McConnell is trying. His talking points come straight out of a memo Frank Luntz, the Republican political consultant, circulated in January on how to oppose financial reform. “Frankly,” wrote Mr. Luntz, “the single best way to kill any legislation is to link it to the Big Bank Bailout.” And Mr. McConnell is following those stage directions.

It’s a truly shameless performance: Mr. McConnell is pretending to stand up for taxpayers against Wall Street while in fact doing just the opposite. In recent weeks, he and other Republican leaders have held meetings with Wall Street executives and lobbyists, in which the G.O.P. and the financial industry have sought to coordinate their political strategy.

So don’t be fooled. When Mitch McConnell denounces big bank bailouts, what he’s really trying to do is give the bankers everything they want.



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Bad Deeds for 4/26/2010


Spill, Baby, Spill; Oil May Affect Louisiana Coast – Oil is leaking from the ruptured well of a large rig that exploded, burnt and sank in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this week, the US Coast Guard said Saturday.

The Coast Guard estimated that up to 1,000 of barrels of oil, or 42,000 gallons (158,987 liters) were spewing each day from a riser and a drill pipe, prompting further concerns of damage to Louisiana’s fragile ecosystem, already stressed by hurricanes and coastal erosion. Officials confirmed the discovery a day after the Coast Guard said that no oil appeared to be leaking from the well head.

The best case scenario is sealing off the pipe ruptures in a few days; the worst case scenario is a matter of months. The Coast Guard said it would take several days before they determine how to stop the pipe leaks 5,000 feet (1,525 meters) down in the Gulf waters. Petty Officer Connie Terrell told AFP the oil sheen was now 20 miles (32 kilometers) in diameter about 40 miles (64 km) off the Louisiana coast.


Senate Republicans Fighting To Keep Wall Street Negotiations Secret – For the better part of a year, the GOP has blasted Democrats for legislating “behind closed doors” and making “secret deals.” On Monday afternoon, the Senate will vote on a motion to proceed to debate Wall Street reform in public on the Senate floor.

Yet Republicans say their 41 members are united and will oppose the motion, in order to encourage Democrats to continue negotiating with them behind closed doors.


The Arizona of 2010 is the Soviet Union of 1963 – A new Arizona law requires that all police officers with a reasonable suspicion that an individual might not be in our country legally, must demand to see that person’s papers.

It also requires that each person who has immigrated carry those papers at all times or be in violation of the law themselves.

It even creates a private right of action that allows anyone, from an ordinary citizen to the Minutemen, to file suit against individual law enforcement officers who they believe are refusing to enforce the new act.

The new law makes anyone with brown skin, anyone who looks like he might be from Eastern Europe, the Irish guy who works behind the bar at a pub, anyone with an accent – frankly anyone who looks the least bit like they might be an immigrant – subject to the demand: “Papers please.”
That phrase — “papers please” – is something that the authorities asked you in the old Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. It has never been something we ever expected to hear uttered in the United States of America. It is as un-American as jack boots. Unless this law is stopped, thousands of people – many of them perfectly legal American citizens – will begin to hear it regularly in the state of Arizona.


South Carolina Lt. Gov., Blames ‘Flat-Out Lazy’ People For Immigration Problems – South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer (R-S.C.) introduced a new line of reasoning into the contentious immigration debate last week, blaming “flat-out lazy” people for allowing illegal immigrants to thrive in his state.

“The real problem is the work force,” Bauer said during the first Republican gubernatorial debate on Friday. “The problem is we have a give-away system that is so strong that people would rather sit home and do nothing than do these jobs.”

“Laziness is not a disability,” Bauer continued. “There are a lot of people that are flat-out lazy and they are using up the goods and services we have in this state.”

Lt. Governor Bauer received national attention earlier this year when he compared people receiving public assistance to stray animals, and then delivered a half-hearted apology.


Republican Newsletter Insults Women – A statement published in the Medina County Republican Newsletter aimed at the Democratic female incumbent stated, “Take Betty Sutton out of the House and put her back in the kitchen.” The statement reflects a callous dismissal of the millions of ways women add value to our society and our country, whether they work within the home or outside the home.



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Bad Deeds for 4/15/2010


Tea Parties Were Created as a Republican Political Ploy – The Tea Party has been billed as an organic grassroots operation, but a newly uncovered document obtained by Politico suggests the movement has been successfully co-opted as a Republican fundraising ploy.
GOP political consultant Joe Wierzbicki floated the proposal a year ago today to create the Tea Party Express, a nationwide bus tour to “give a boost to our PAC and position us as a growing force/leading force as the 2010 elections come into focus.” His idea eventually became one of the best known brands in the Tea Party movement.

The document cautioned planners to be careful when discussing the ruse to use Tea Parties for political gain. “We have to be very, very careful about discussing amongst ourselves anyone we include ‘outside of the family’ because quite frankly, we are not only not part of the political establishment or conservative establishment, but we are also sadly not currently a part of the ‘tea party’ establishment,” Wierzbicki wrote.

Wierzbicki, who works for the Sacramento firm Russo Marsh + Rogers, went on to outline how conservative media including Fox News could be leveraged to hype the Tea Party Express. He recommended using “mentions and possibly even promotion from conservative/pro-tea party bloggers, talk radio hosts, Fox News commentators, etc…”


Ohio Tea Party Leader Calls Hispanic Immigrants “Spicks”; Asks “Where’s My Gun?” – CNN host Rick Sanchez described the leader of an Ohio Tea Party group as “a bigot and a liar” on Tuesday, after he had first referred to Hispanic immigrants as “spicks” and then attempted to defend himself by claiming he had merely been quoting a 1960’s Bee Gee’s song.

Several weeks ago, during a march supporting immigration reform, Tea Party leader Sonny Thomas had tweeted, “Illegals everywhere today! So many spicks makes me feel like a speck. Grr. Where’s my gun?” That original tweet appears to have been scrubbed from Thomas’s Twitter feed, although a few retweets calling it “disgusting” can still be found.


UnitedHealth Group CEO’s Income Increases by 973 Percent – Health insurer UnitedHealth Group managed a 28 percent profit growth and rewarded CEO Stephen Hemsley by increasing his total compensation by 178 percent (2.78 times what he got last year).

An Associated Press analysis found that the 57-year-old executive received 2009 total compensation valued at $8.9 million from the Minnetonka, Minn., company, up from $3.2 million the year before.

But that doesn’t include the exercise of his stock options. When options are added in, the top dog at the nation’s largest health insurer by market capitalization made a cool $102 million vs. $9.5 million the previous year (a 973 percent increase or 10.73 times what he made last year)


John McCain Says U.S. Should “Pull the Trigger” on Iran – Senator John McCain said the United States has been backing away from a brewing fight with Iran, while that country moves ever closer to having nuclear weapons. McCain opened a Senate hearing Wednesday by saying that Iran will get the bomb unless the United States acts more boldly. Speaking figuratively, the Arizona Republican says the U.S. keeps pointing a loaded gun at Iran but failing to “pull the trigger.”


Conservative Pundits Say Obama Nuclear Summit Logo is a ‘Muslim Crescent’ – For the second time in the past few months, conservative commentators see something sinister in an Obama administration logo.

Following a controversy in February over what some said was a “Muslim crescent” in the logo of the US Missile Defense Agency, some commentators are saying they see the same thing in the thin, white crescent that borders the logo of President Barack Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit.
The administration says the logo is a stylized hydrogen atom symbol, but wait…

Did you know that the Rowan County, NC Republican Party has a CRESCENT Republican Women’s Club? Why crescent when there are so many other shape names available? What’s the real message there?

Then, of course, the 2010 Southern Republican Leadership Conference was held in….the CRESCENT City, aka New Orleans. With all the cities in America to choose from, they went to the CRESENT City?
And that’s not all. Over and over again, the Republicans associate themselves with things Crescent. The Greeneville, NC Sun newspaper noted in 2008, for example, that The Greene County Republican Women were hosting a McCain/Palin Rally and barbecue supper at….the CRESCENT School on West Main Street.

And several Republican events have occurred at Crescent Sheraton hotels.

And, millions of God-fearing Americans are duped every day into eating croissants!

Oh yes, it’s true! The tasty but sinister breakfast pastry is in the shape of the Moslem holy symbol!!! Even worse, it is named in the treasonous French foreign language!!


And think how evil mechanics must be, since they use CRESENT wrenches!


Bill O’Reilly Lies About What Was Said on Fox News and Even His Own Show – A couple of weeks ago, Republican U.S. Senator Tom Coburn warned a town hall audience in Oklahoma against “being biased by Fox News,” telling his constituents not to believe everything they hear on the network.

Yesterday, Coburn appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s show to give Fox a chance to respond to his criticism. In the interview, O’Reilly repeatedly slammed Coburn for saying that Fox News had claimed that health care reform would send people who don’t buy insurance to jail. O’Reilly adamantly denied that anybody had ever said any such thing on Fox and accused Coburn of launching an unfair and untruthful attack on FNC.

I’m sure you’ll be stunned to learn that O’Reilly was lying through his teeth. Not only was Coburn completely accurate — Fox News has repeatedly broadcast the false claim that health care reform would send people who don’t buy insurance to jail — the claim has been made on Bill O’Reilly’s own show!


Tea Partiers Are Confused – While some say the Tea Party stands for “Taxed Enough Already,” most Tea Party supporters – 52 percent – say their taxes are fair, a new CBS News/ New York Times poll shows. Just under one in five Americans say they support the Tea Party movement.

Americans overall are more likely than Tea Partiers to describe the income taxes they’ll pay this year as fair – 62 percent do, according to the poll, conducted April 5 – 12.


The Maddest of Mad Tea Parties – Seated, from left: Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Bill O’Reilly. Top: John McCain (out on a limb), Rush Limbaugh, Ayn Rand, and William Kristol.

In Wonderland, Alice found a contract saying “Sign me,” and got her own tea party on Foxy News. “Did you know Obama wants to socialize the gene pool?” confided Glenn the Mad Hater. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” explained Bill O’Hare. “Everybody’s mad here—aren’t you?” asked Glenn the Mad Hater. “Say, I just remembered I’m really mad!” said John McCaterpillar. “I’m so mad I could bite my cigar,” said Rushy Dumpty, falling off the wagon. “Well, you’re all mad and I shall be your president!” said Alice. “And I’ll show you just how to win,” purred the Kristol Kat. With that, he vanished. “Socialist tyranny!” cried the Mad Hater. “Off with her hairstyle!” yelled Queen Ayn of Hearts. “Will you all just shut up!” said Bill O’Hare.



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Bad Deeds for 4/12/2010


Oklahoma Conservatives, Lawmakers Plot Anti-Federal Militia – Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.
Tea party movement leaders say they’ve discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force. They say the unit would not resemble militia groups that have been raided for allegedly plotting attacks on law enforcement officers.

Critics also asserted that the force could inflame extremism, and that the National Guard already provides for the state’s military needs.

“Have they heard of the Oklahoma City bombing?” said Joseph Thai, a constitutional law professor at the University of Oklahoma. The state observes the 15th anniversary of the anti-government attack on Monday. Such actions could “throw fuel in the fire of radicals,” he said.


NY Tea Party Gov. Candidate Sent Videos of Bestiality, Pics of Obama as Pimp – The Tea Party-backed Republican candidate for governor of New York State sent dozens of sexually explicit and racially insensitive mass emails as a matter of course in recent years, including one featuring bestiality and another that was made popular by a neo-Nazi organization.

An online news source in western New York has uncovered dozens of emails from Carl Paladino, a Buffalo-area land developer who threw his hat into the ring for governor last week.

Among the emails Paladino forwarded to numerous people was one of a photo of President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama dressed in pimp and prostitute outfits. The email subject line read “White House Ball.”


Tea Party Movement Spreads To Military – A new Tea Party group, Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots, has grown quickly since being launched last month by an active duty Marine Corps sergeant. The group, which vows to “stand up on the very soil we defended to preserve common sense conservatism and defend our Constitution that is threatened by a tyrannical government,” currently has over 400 members, who have signed up through its Facebook page, though many are not active duty military. And it has close ties to the broader Tea Party movement.


More Compassionate Conservatism From the Teabaggers – Grand Rapids resident Sharon Downer said, “[The health care bill is] going to tax the system way beyond what we have. For some reason, liberals seem to think people deserve paychecks who don’t work and that’s silly considering I don’t want my hard earned money, my parents money, my siblings money to go to people who don’t deserve it.” [It’s a matter of paying back to the nation for the protection and empowerment provided by the government to the citizens. Those who gain the most from the infrastructure pay the most through taxation. Those who don’t gain from the infrastruction pay the least.]

Hmmmm… I wonder just who she thinks those lazy “people” are that don’t deserve anyone’s help. I guess this gal will sign a statement right now that says if she is ever disabled she’ll turn down that government “paycheck”, right? We wouldn’t want her contributing to the lazy people living off of the government dole.


Bill O’Reilly Ambushes Al Gore – Everyone in the journalism business knows that Bill O’Reilly’s ambush crews are among the more outstanding examples of the gaping lack of anything resembling journalistic ethics at the Fox News Channel.

But no one wants to talk about it. So like clockwork, we can count on Jesse Waters and his intrepid crew ambushing various people — some of them public figures, some of them private citizens.
Their most recent victim was Al Gore, who knows a thing or two about journalism. He recognized what Waters was up to and told him flatly at the outset: “I don’t like ambush journalism.”

Finally, Gore had to get in Waters’ face to explain to him he had no intention of being interviewed under those circumstances. O’Reilly seems to think that this was some sort of coup.

But notice that Waters does get off two questions. And they’re very revealing, because both are predicated on falsehoods. In other words, Waters’ questions are lies.

A. “What’s your reaction to the fact that the Arctic ice is increasing?”

Actually, the Arctic ice cap is indeed shrinking dramatically, with 2007 being the worst year on record. However, things got slightly better in 2008 and 2009: they were only the second- and third-worst ice-cap melt years on record.
See, for folks on the right, that constitutes an “increase.” But only for folks on the right.

B. “Are you embarrassed at all by Climategate, sir?”

Actually, the scientific work and the scientists involved have been completely exonerated and the entire “Climategate” dustup revealed as a right-wing hoax that served double duty as propaganda and a smear campaign.

[This is also how conservatives without conscience conduct their opinion polls. They ask questions about situations that don’t exist to make you think they do. They reinforce beliefs that contradict the facts. They scare their supporters into suporting beliefs.]


AP Fact-Checks Andrew Breitbart; Breitbart Loses – For weeks, an argument has been raging between liberal and conservative commentators over whether or not Tea Party protesters yelled racist and homophobic slurs at Democratic lawmakers on the day the House passed the health care overhaul.

Stung by linking of the Tea Party movement to racism and homophobia, conservative pundits began to fire back. At the head of the pack was Andrew Breitbart, who asserted that the incidents never happened and offered $10,000 for video footage proving otherwise. He has since increased his offer to $100,000.

“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up,” Breitbart wrote. “Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N-word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once.”

To back up his claim, Breitbart posted a short video clip of Reps. Lewis and Cleaver, among others, walking through the protest with no racial slurs audible on the video.

But an article from the Associated Press says the video Breitbart trumpeted was not shot at the time the black lawmakers say they were targeted with the N-word; rather, the video was shot an hour later, as the group emerged from a congressional meeting. They had alleged that they were targeted as they were walking into the meeting.

Asked by AP about the inconsistency, Breitbart responded, “I’m not saying the video was conclusive proof.”

On Sunday, the Washington Post’s ombudsman asserted that there was at least some truth to the allegations of abusive behavior at the protest.

Responding to criticism of the paper’s coverage by conservative activists, ombudsman Andrew Alexander went through a list of allegations of slurs, and found merit in many of them:
Many readers have told me there is no evidence to support The Post’s report that Frank was subjected to anti-gay slurs. They’re wrong. An ABC News video recorded the incident inside a House office building. When ABC aired its video, the epithets were bleeped. A review of the unaltered footage, made by ABC at my request, clearly captures a protester shouting, “Barney, you faggot.” Case closed.

Alexander wrote that video footage does show that Rep. Cleaver was spat on as he walked through the crowd, but he says the video “suggests” Cleaver may have been spat on accidentally.

And he also reported that spokespeople for Reps. Carson and Lewis are standing by their assertion that they were repeatedly called the N-word.

“Breitbart’s $100,000 challenge may be publicity-seeking theater. But it’s part of widespread conservative claims that mainstream media, including The Post, swallowed a huge fabrication,” Alexander wrote, in calling for reporters to get back onto this story and determine the truth.
“After all, a civil rights legend is being called a liar. That aside, there’s serious money at stake,” he wrote.


Who is Sarah Palin Looking Out For? Herself! – Since leaving her post as Alaska’s governor last July, Sarah Palin has earned a whopping $12 million, according to a new estimate published Tuesday by ABC News.

For her speaking gigs, Palin has received as much as $200,000 a pop, making the $12 million figure seem eminently more plausible. Last October, Palin also received a $1,250,000 retainer for publication of her memoir “Going Rogue” from HarperCollins, which doesn’t include royalties she’s been paid since the book’s publication last December.

While governor of Alaska, Palin earned a (relatively measly) $125,000 annual salary. By contrast, Palin now earns as much in a single day: she’s said to be accruing a nearly $200,000 honorarium for speaking to a hospital fundraiser in Toronto on Thursday.


Glacier Breaks Away in Peru, Causing Tsunami in Andes Lake – A huge glacier broke off and plunged into a lake in Peru, causing a 75-foot (23-meter) tsunami wave that swept away at least three people and destroyed a water processing plant serving 60,000 local residents. It was one of the most concrete signs yet that glaciers are disappearing in Peru, home to 70 percent of the world’s tropical icefields. Scientists say warmer temperatures will cause them to melt away altogether within 20 years.



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Bad Deeds for 4/11/2010


Huckabee Compares Gays To Drug Users – Former Arkansas governor and current Fox News personality Mike Huckabee gave an interview with the College of New Jersey’s magazine The Perspective in which he made clear that he is just as intent on depriving gay men and women of equal status as ever. For instance, he said that gay couples shouldn’t be able to get married because it would be like accommodating drug habits of addicts:

“You don’t go ahead and accommodate every behavioral pattern that is against the ideal,” he said of same-sex marriage. “That would be like saying, well, there are a lot of people who like to use drugs, so let’s go ahead and accommodate those who want who use drugs.”


Laura Ingraham Attacks Middle Class Tax Cuts – Laura Ingraham plays concern troll for the rich or the “givers” as she cries about how overburdened they’re going to be if they have to pay more taxes. She also attacks recent tax credits given to “middle class” earners as well. Watch out or the middle class isn’t going to pay any taxes either just like those lazy “takers” at the bottom she was referring to.


Palin, Bachmann, Seek Two Additional Horsemen 😉 – Making a joint appearance at a Tea Party rally in Minneapolis, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) put out a cryptic call for “two more horsemen” to join their movement.

“Michele and me, that’s two horsemen right there,” Gov. Palin told the exuberant crowd. “You add two more horsemen into the mix and we’ll be good to go.”

While the two politicians were cagey about what the duties of the aforementioned horsemen would be, Rep. Bachmann said, “You can bet it will be a mission to end all missions.”

According to a source close to the two politicians, they have already drawn up a list of possible candidates for the additional two horsemen, a list which includes Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and the entire Cheney family.

“It’s a long list,” the source said. “If you add up everyone on the list the number you get is 666.”



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Bad Deeds for 4/9/2010


Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld Knew Many Guantanamo Prisoners Were Innocent – Former US president George W. Bush and his top aides were accused Friday of covering up that many Guantanamo Bay detainees were innocent, amid fears releasing them could harm the ‘war on terror’.

The allegations were made in a document by Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, once chief of staff to Bush’s first secretary of state, Colin Powell, in a lawsuit filed by a former Guantanamo inmate and published by The Times in London.

Wilkerson alleged Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney, and defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld knew that most detainees held at the US detention camp in 2002 were innocent but believed it was “politically impossible to release them”.

They were also keen to avoid revealing the “incredibly confused” detention operation, Wilkerson said, claiming prisoners were often rounded up by Afghan and Pakistani forces in return for cash, with little or no evidence as to why.

Wilkerson alleged Cheney “had absolutely no concern that the vast majority of Guantanamo detainees were innocent… If hundreds of innocent individuals had to suffer in order to detain a handful of hardcore terrorists, so be it”.


The Horrors of War – Truthout has spoken with several soldiers who shared horrific stories war in Iraq:

“I remember one woman walking by,” said Jason Washburn, a corporal in the US Marines who served three tours in Iraq. He told the audience at the Winter Soldier hearings that took place March 13-16, 2008, in Silver Spring, Maryland, “She was carrying a huge bag, and she looked like she was heading toward us, so we lit her up with the Mark 19, which is an automatic grenade launcher, and when the dust settled, we realized that the bag was full of groceries. She had been trying to bring us food and we blew her to pieces.”


An Organization That Helped the Poor is Gone Because Conservatives Lied – When conservative activists James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles released tapes last fall purporting to show ACORN employees advising them on how to set up a child prostitution ring, it resulted in widespread praise for their intrepid journalism and a Congressional defunding of the anti-poverty group. But it is now clear that the O’Keefe “expose” was deliberately misleading.

Last week, California Attorney General Jerry Brown released some of O’Keefe’s raw footage, which he obtained as part of an agreement not to prosecute O’Keefe for violating state privacy laws. The result showed severe distortions by editing the footage, starting with O’Keefe’s claim that he was wearing his outrageous pimp outfit when he visited the ACORN offices.

That claim was promoted heavily by Fox News and swallowed uncritically by most of the media. The unedited tape of O’Keefe’s visit to the ACORN office in San Diego, however, includes a shot of his arm as he opens the door to leave, and he is clearly wearing a nicely pinstriped dress shirt.

The edited video released by O’Keefe also appears to show an ACORN employee advising him on how to smuggle underage girls into the United States. However, in the previously unreleased portion of the video, the employee continues asking very detailed questions about O’Keefe’s phone number and the exact time and location of the girls’ arrival. The ACORN employee used that information and called the police and reported what they’ve told him is going to be a crime.

According to Jerry Brown’s report (pdf), “Immediately after the couple left, Vera telephoned his cousin, Detective Alejandro Hernandez, at the National City Police Department… [and said] that a self-admitted prostitute had been to the office and was discussing human smuggling.”

For that, the ACORN employee ended up getting fired. And later, ACORN got defunded and disbanded.
The O’Keefe video was a dishonest political stunt that bears no resemblance to journalism and no resemblance to the actual facts. But it worked. Who do you think is next on their list?


Fox News Disproves Itself: Network’s Own Poll Finds Americans Favor ‘IRS’ Over ‘Tea Party’ – After months upon months of enthusiastic, cheer-leading coverage of any rally that involved tea, tea bagging or tea partying, the Fox News network has miraculously disproved itself by producing a new poll that finds Americans think more highly of the Internal Revenue Service than they do the vocal conservative minority.

Atop the fourth page of a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll released April 8, the questioner explains that respondents would be read a series of names and asked whether their opinion is positive or not. The most popular among the names is Barack Obama, who scored a 50 percent approval rating. Second was the Internal Revenue Service, at 49 percent.

Down below Democrats and even below Republicans is the “Tea Party,” at 36 percent approval.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, received 16 and 29 percent favorability ratings, respectively. But, House Minority Leader John Boehner, one of the GOP’s top men and a key public face for the party, received just 12 percent approval.


Deadly Mine Was Ordered Closed 61 Times in Past 15 Months for Safety Violations – Parts or all of the mine where at least 25 workers died were ordered closed 61 times in the past 15 months, according to information from the Mine Safety and Health Administration.


33,000 Texans Lose Benefits Because of Republican Congressman’s Action – Rosharon mom Shant’e Kelley says she is out of money and praying for a miracle to help provide for her five children because Congress failed to extend emergency unemployment benefits before taking its two-week spring break.

Kelley figures an extension would have put $576 in her pocket for two weeks and kept her from having to borrow $680 from her mother to pay bills.

“The Easter Bunny didn’t come to my house this year,” said Kelley, who was laid off from her secretarial job at Methodist Hospital in July 2007 and has been looking for work ever since.

Kelley, 35 and single, is among the estimated 33,000 Texans — and 212,000 people nationwide — who did not receive unemployment benefits this week and cannot pursue additional financial assistance.

Democratic attempts to extend the jobless aid just before Congress’ spring break were blocked by Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who used parliamentary tactics to delay consideration of the short-term extension.


Glenn Beck Smears Pres. Obama’s Mother and Grandparents – Glenn Beck says the president had no chance to become anything other than a Marxist because of his mother and grandparents.

But Beck chooses to ignore the preponderance of evidence that is relevant. For example:

Why was Obama elected President of Harvard Law Review? According to fellow members, it was because the Review was sharply divided into conservative and liberal camps, and he was the one candidate that conservatives felt would listen to them. He listened to the views of some of the brightest conservative minds of his generation and weighed their arguments. No chance to hear anything but Marxism, as Mr. Beck says? Hardly!

Pres. Obama taught for approximately twelve years at the University of Chicago Law School. Of the major law schools, University of Chicago is the most conservative in the country. No opportunity to hear anything but Marxism? Hardly!

Pres. Obama seems to have tremendous regard for his grandmother. She was a bank vice-president. Being vice-president in a privately-owned bank makes it almost impossible to be a Marxist, since Marxists believe that capital should be owned in common. One doesn’t generally find bankers storming the barricades. Mrs. Dunham was not a Marxist, and find it a bit hard to believe that her husband, an insurance agent, was either.


Why Are 25 Hedge Fund Managers Worth 658,000 Teachers? – In 2009, the worst economic year for working people since the Great Depression, the top 25 hedge fund managers walked off with an average of $1 billion each. With the money those 25 people “earned,” we could have hired 658,000 entry level teachers. (They make about $38,000 a year, including benefits.) Those educators could have brought along over 13 million young people, assuming a class size of 20. That’s some value.

Apparently the 25 hedge managers did something that is even more valued in our society. But how valuable was it, really? To assess that, we need to answer a few basic questions:

1. What do hedge managers do?
They run funds into which very rich people put money to make even more money. Hedge fund managers move the money around in very risky ways to get the most enormous yields possible. (Wealthy investors believe they are entitled to double digit and even triple digit returns.)

Because hedge funds are considered playthings for the rich, who presumably are fully aware of all the risks, they are exempt from most financial regulations. (We’ll soon see if the financial reform bill now moving through the Senate changes this in any substantial way.)

The wealthy will have placed an estimated $2 trillion into hedge funds by the end of this year. (That’s about $6,500 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.)

2. Where does all that hedge fund money come from?
It’s mostly excess cash the super-rich have in hand now that their tax rates have dramatically declined. In the 1970s the marginal rate on those with incomes above $3 million (in today’s dollars) was 70 percent. Today, the effective rate on the 400 richest Americans is 16 percent, according to the most recent IRS data.

The wonderful thing about putting your money in a hedge fund (or managing one) is that the income you get from it is not taxed as income (say, officially at the rate of 35 percent). Instead, it is treated as a business investment, something that’s good for the economy and that we need to encourage through a low tax — a “capital gain.” The tax rate on capital gains is 15 percent. This is one reason that Warren Buffett can say that he pays a smaller percentage in taxes than his secretary.

3. How do hedge funds make money?
Some hedge fund managers use computerized modeling to decide where to invest or to make investments automatically. Other managers claim they just make good judgment calls. They also make enormous bets using lots of leverage and deploy an arsenal of derivatives.

It’s a dicey business, but it’s not supposed to put the larger system at risk… until it does. In the late 1990s, the hedge fund known as Long Term Capital Management, run by the brightest bulbs in the financial universe (including a couple of Nobel laureates), found itself with over $100 billion in assets but only $4 billion in capital. When that upside down pyramid began to crumble, the effect was systemic. So systemic that the Federal Reserve, fearing a major meltdown of the financial markets, forced Wall Street banks and investment houses to bail out the fund’s investors. Some economists argue that risky gambling by hedge funds did not cause the current crisis. But no one has conducted an impartial investigation into that question.

The $1 billion each those 25 hedge fund managers netted (for themselves) was impressive — but doing it in the year 2009 was also slap in the face of struggling Americans. That’s because hedge funds would have earned little or no money at all in 2009 had the government not bailed out the financial sector with trillions in loans, asset guarantees and other forms of financial assistance. It was, in effect, a generous gift from we the taxpayers. Much of that money was “earned” by betting that the government would not let the financial sector collapse. Smart bet.

How to tame these runaway paydays? Just institute a financial transaction tax or a windfall profits tax. The fix is technically simple but politically complex. It’s going to take a lot of political will — over a long period of time — to reorder our most basic economic values.

Local schools are laying off teachers and cutting programs. Try explaining to your kids why their teachers won’t be back next year or why school programs are being cut while 25 shrewd gamblers are living like Pharaohs.


Conservatism Has Failed – The right-wing ideology that ran the US for thirty years has proven to be a total failure. Classic conservatism promised to keep us safe, reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and manage the economy. Republicans broke each of these commitments:

Keep us Safe [from external threats]: Republicans lost credibility with the debacle of the Iraq war. Despite the transition from the Bush to the Obama Administration, there has been little change in the military budget (+ 3 percent). Not surprisingly, voters now see little difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue.

Shrink [destroy] Government: Conservative ideologue Grover Norquist famously promised, “Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.” Nonetheless, the Federal bureaucracy grew during the Bush presidency. Now the Republican base – frustrated with the failure of their leaders to follow through on this promise – has turned to the futile pursuit of “state’s rights” or, as Texas Governor Rick Perry has proposed, the notion of secession from the USA.

Lower Taxes [for the rich]: Beginning with the Reagan Presidency, conservatives have argued that much of the Federal government is a waste of money and, therefore, Americans shouldn’t have to pay for it. As a result, the marginal tax rates for individuals and corporations were diminished until today they are roughly half of what they were in 1980. However, while Federal revenues diminished, expenditures surged. During the Bush Administration, the Federal deficit became a serious impediment to US economic growth. Not surprisingly, voters now trust Democrats more than Republicans on economic issues such as taxes, the deficit, and the economy, in general. While voters are suspicious of taxes, in general, they are now willing to tax the rich and to enact penalties on corporations that don’t play by the rules.

Manage [let it run free] the Economy: Conservatives claimed that Republicans are “professional managers” who know how to run government like a business. Eight years of George W. Bush – touted as America’s first “CEP president” – proved this to be a lie.

The promise of competent management covered a more sweeping assertion: conservatives knew best how to manage the economy. The result was a savage increase in monopoly capitalism and inequality, and the loss of eight million jobs. The performance of the Bush Administration and 2008’s financial meltdown destroyed the last pillar of conservative orthodoxy.

But it’s not only conservative ideology that’s failed. As UC professor George Lakoff brilliantly argues in Moral Politics, conservatives have a different worldview than liberals do. Conservatives believe in the “strict father” model: the world is dangerous – there’s an angry mob at the gates of fortress America – and what’s required are strong, righteous men to lead the US.

The conservative worldview proved a delusion. The supposedly strong, righteous Republican leaders turned out to be incompetent. Worse yet, they often favored their own interests over those of the public; they abandoned the common good for the personal good. In reality the strict father was an abuser.

As a result, right-wingers are thrashing in pain from the death of conservatism. They don’t know what to believe in, so they reflexively unite in opposing whatever liberals propose. It’s understandable, but it doesn’t contribute anything to our joint challenge to make the United States safe and prosperous.


A Local Example of the Above Story: When Republicans Fail, They Blame Liberals – Juanita is white hot mad. She’s all horns and rattles this morning. She read some of the local [Fort Bend County, TX] real blogs last night. Bad mistake.

There’s a mess bigger than a basket of wire coat hangers at the Fort Bend Independent School District and the local damn fools are blaming “the liberals,” and the “liberal education take-over,” and one guy even said that you can expect this kind of thing when you elect a socialist President.

“Caca del toro,” Juanita shouts this morning when telling us about it.

“Just for fun, I looked up the voting record of our school board members. There are 7 school board members. Six of them are what we call triple R Republicans. Hard core kiddos who vote in every Republican primary, some of them for as long as record keeping goes back,” Juanita announces.

“One of them – Daniel Menendez, voted in Republican primaries consistently until 2010. He voted Democratic this election. Hell, he even voted in the Republican primary when Barack Obama was on the ballot and it mattered.”

“Heckfire,” she continues, “even the Superintendent is a Republican. He’s voted in Republican primaries since he got here.”

“I ain’t listening to them try to blame Democrats for the mess that Republicans made,” she stomps.
“However,” she says with a sly grin, “I do have some news about the mess that Democrats made. Well, it’s not really a mess. In fact, you might refer to it as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
“The only – I repeat, ONLY – Democratic Mayor in Fort Bend County, Leonard Scarcella, my friend and the smartest guy I know, had a little announcement this week ——

While a lot of cities and other public sector governmental agencies are dealing with budget issues or shortfalls, Stafford not only is debt free, it even has a budget surplus in spite of sales tax revenue being down 20 percent. “We resisted strongly with regard to debt,” he said speaking about projects such as roads improvements and many other things that cities typically borrow from cash reserves to accomplish. “We want to make sure to use the money we receive not to pay interest and escrow payments related to bonds, which can be quite sizeable, but have all the money to pay,” for necessary projects.

“So, the city of Stafford has a budget surplus, and even built the outstanding Stafford Centre to bring extra class and culture to their city, and their leader is a hard core, liberal, yellow dog Democrat. And let me rub this in a little harder to really make the GOP seethe – Stafford has no property taxes. None. Zero. I am not kidding,” Juanita says.

“And,” she recalls with a smile the size of Vermont, “I do recall that Leonard Scarcella pulled his city out of your school district and founded they only municipal school district in Texas in 1977 because he was sick, sick, sick of your big spending ways that didn’t benefit his minority kids.”

“Not only is his city doing fine, so is his school district.” Juanita sticks a needle in a another Republican balloon. It’s her job.


The NRA Likes the “Might Makes Right” Approach – Last year, NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre explained in chilling terms to the wild cheers of the Conservative Political Action Conference. that we are free only to the extent that our guns allow us to impose our will on others. Here are LaPierre’s words:

“Our divine rights, they might have been endowed by a Creator, but they are preserved by mortals, if we mortals have the means and the will to make it stick….Freedom is nothing but dust in the wind till it’s guarded by the blue steel and dry powder of a free and armed people….Our founding fathers understood that the guys with the guns make the rules.”

It is worth pausing to reflect on that phrase: “The guys with the guns make the rules.” In the NRA’s distortion of democracy, the rules we live by are not ultimately the result of our collective decision-making, made through our elected representatives, after we have had a fair opportunity to exercise our First Amendment right to be heard. In LaPierre’s view, the rules are made by those who are more powerful than the rest of us because they are armed. [Right-wing authoritarinas are of the strict father worldview and believe that severe punishment is the only way to teach those doing things they don’t agree with to stop.]



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Bad Deeds for 4/8/2010


Fox News Got Man Worked Up to Make Death Threat According to His Mother – Gregory Giusti was arrested Wednesday afternoon for threatening Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi over recent healthcare legislation. His 83-year-old mother blames Fox News for getting her son worked up.

“Greg frequently gets in with a group of people that have really radical ideas and that are not consistent with myself or the rest of the family, which gets him into problems,” Eleanor Giusti said. “I say Fox News, or all of those that are really radical, and he, that’s where he comes from.”


The Attitude of Don Blankenship – As more details continue to surface about the checkered safety record of the Massey Energy coal mine where 25 workers perished Monday, the lavish lifestyle and allegedly cavalier attitude of the company’s controversial chief executive, as described in lawsuits and corporate documents, are now coming under intensifying scrutiny.

One miner who worked in Massey mines most of his 25-year career said working for CEO Don Blankenship was “like living under a hammer. It’s all about the bottom line, we all know that.” The miner, who would only agree to speak with an ABC News reporter if his name was not used, said Blankenship believes in “stretching the men to the limit … they want every ounce out of the men that they can get.”

According to freelance writer Michael Shnayerson, Blankenship had a special red phone installed at Upper Big Branch so he could reach managers whenever he needed to. “It was like the line to the Kremlin, only it went to Don.” Blankenship would call any time coal production slowed.

When Blankenship first took control of the mine, he spent more than a year trying to woo the miners to abandon their allegiance to the labor union that had represented them.

“Don made it his own personal campaign. He began flying in every week in his helicopter. He gave pep talks. He took a whole bunch of them on trips to Dollywood, where they went to concerts. He went with them and bonded with them. New cars started turning up in their driveways,” Shnayerson said.
But as soon as the union was gone, Shnayerson said Blankenship shifted gears. Work hours increased from eight hours to 12 hours. Bonuses were cut. If they got injured, their jobs were at risk.

And according to federal mining data, citations and safety violations started to rise. Ellen Smith, a mine safety expert who publishes a mining industry news letter, said a number of violations at Upper Big Branch signaled significant risks, including one incident where a ventilation system was malfunctioning and sending coal dust into a primary escape shaft. Two violations were cited on the day of the explosion.

The safety complaints were also the subject of increasing unease from investors, who worried Blankenship’s management style was putting the future of Massey Energy at risk. In June 2007, two board members resigned from Massey’s board of directors. Daniel S. Loeb and Todd Q. Swanson submitted a resignation letter saying they were stepping down in part because of Blankenship’s “poor risk management” and the company’s “confrontational handling” of regulatory matters.


“DermDoc” Lays Off Employee for Voting for Obama – Last Friday, someone going by the name “dermdoc” posted a thread on a message board for Texas A&M students and alumni with this topic: “Laid off my first Obama voting employee today.”

“Our reimbursement rates are spiraling downward, taxes are projected to go up with Obamacare, so I did it,” the person wrote. He later added: “I made this decision because I can.”

“It is kind of interesting watching their face as you explain to them the economic consequences of the policies of the guy they voted for,” wrote dermdoc. “And what a lot of you guys and gals don’t seem to understand is that as long as I make the money, pay the bills, pay the taxes, pay the salaries, assume all the legal liability, etc., that I can do just about what I want to (as can every other business owner in the US),” he added.

Hotsheet reached out to the person who we believe to have been responsible for the posting, but requests for comment went unanswered. Late Wednesday afternoon, after Hotsheet’s inquiry, the thread appeared to be removed from the Web site.



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