Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds for 8-5-2010

A quote worth remembering in these times:

“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
— Harry S Truman, in Look, Apr. 3, 1956


Republicans Defeat Bill to Aid 9/11 Heroes; They Like Foreign Multinational Corporations Better – House Republicans killed a bill that would provide up to $7.4 billion to first responders and relief workers now suffering chronic health problems due to being sickened by toxins during their service during the 9/11 attacks. The cost of providing care to these heroes was to be paid for by a measure to prevent foreign multinational corporations from avoiding paying income tax on U.S.-earned money stored in offshore banks. Republicans objected to having rich boys actually paying for something in this country.


Republican House Leader John Boehner’s Idea: More Golf! – Despite all of the problems facing Ohio families, according to Golf Digest Magazine, Congressman Boehner finds time to play about 100 rounds of golf a year – most with special interest lobbyists. He says he pays special attention to the lobbyists he meets on the golf course, bragging “…if someone I’ve gotten to know on the golf course comes into my office with a good argument, I tend to want to listen,”— Golf Digest, October 2005


Republicans Have Been Lying About Action on [Undocumented Workers] – The Obama administration is deporting more [Undocumented Workers] than ever before. Statistics compiled at Syracuse University challenge criticism by Republicans, including Gov. Jan Brewer, that federal authorities are failing to deal with the problem.

Findings by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse show more [Undocumented Workers] were removed from the United States during the first nine months of this fiscal year than during the same period in 2008, when Republican George W. Bush was president and controlled immigration enforcement.

The number of those ejected from the country between Oct. 1, 2009, and June 30 of this year is nearly twice as high as it was in the same period ending June 30, 2005.

The TRAC report also shows the Obama administration is devoting more resources to removing those who have committed serious crimes. During the first nine months of the fiscal year, TRAC, using Immigration and Customs Enforcement data, figures 136,714 “criminal aliens” were deported. That same figure in 2008 was 85,334.


The Conservative Movement Has Undergone a Shift Toward Demagoguery and Hucksterism According to a Noted Conservative Author – David Klinghoffer, who writes for various conservative publications, says the following in his article titled “From neocons to crazy-cons”:

“Today, far more representative [of the political right] is potty-mouthed Internet entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart, whose news and opinion website,, is read by millions. In his most recent triumph, Breitbart got a U.S. Department of Agriculture official pushed out of her job after he released a deceptively edited video clip of her supposedly endorsing racism against white people.”

“More characteristic of conservative leadership are figures on TV, radio and the Internet who make their money by stirring fears and resentments. With its descent to baiting blacks, Mexicans and Muslims, its accommodation of conspiracy theories and an increasing nastiness and vulgarity, the conservative movement has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism. Once the talk was of “neocons” versus “paleocons.” Now we observe the rule of the crazy-cons.”


Fox News Has No Shame – Fox stood behind Beck calling the president a racist, now they’re standing behind him when suggesting the long-held beliefs of the Jewish people led to Nazism. Beck said that the head of the Jewish Funds for Justice’s statement in support of social justice “is exactly the kind of talk that led to the death camps in Germany.” Despite the fact that the Jewish passion for social justice is reflected in the ancient words of Jewish prophets and sages and in the declarations of their movement’s leaders throughout its history, Senior Vice President for Development at Fox, Joel Cheatwood, said, “We absolutely stood behind Glenn Beck 1000%.”


A Slimy, Toxic, Oozing Gusher is Polluting Our Nation (and it’s not an oil well) – The news this summer has largely focused on a slimy, toxic, oozing gusher polluting our nation. That, and also on the BP oil disaster.

As to the unstoppable, slimy, toxic, oozing gusher, the Associated Press has continued in the recent tradition of its failed corporate media brethren by gracing Rightwing propagandist Andrew Breitbart with yet another puff profile piece today. A few months ago, Time Magazine also did a feature story on Breitbart as if he was some kind of role model. Breitbart’s faked ACORN “Pimp” Hoax tapes were completely phony. Then there was his edited Shirley Sherrod tapes. And there’s the daily slime on his web sites. The more Breitbart reveals himself to be a fully-discredited, pathological-liar, race-baiter and opportunist, it seems, the more the corporate media regard him as a player in modern Republican politics. That kind of makes sense when you think about it. The “crazy-cons” have become today’s Republicans.



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Bad Deeds for 8-4-2010


Republican Plan: Bigger Tax Cuts For the [Mega] Rich – After opposing, stalling, stonewalling and filibustering almost every recession-related bill for the past year, Republican lawmakers have finally proposed a jobs plan of their own: a bigger, more expensive version of George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.

The Economic Freedom Act of 2010 — introduced by Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) — proposes deep tax cuts favoring the wealthiest in America, a reduction in regulatory oversight and the elimination of a federal tax on the estates of millionaires, which will allow wealthy investors to escape taxes entirely on a significant portion of their income.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said in a conference call on Tuesday that the GOP’s proposal will not only fail to stimulate job growth, but will triple the deficit by 2015 and devastate an already-shrinking American middle class.

“The tax cuts they want to give, as usual under Republican policies, will give 62 percent of the tax cuts to the top 1 percent of Americans,” Hoyer said. “Or said another way, an average $467 tax cut to working Americans in the middle of the income levels, and to the top 1 percent earners, an average of $157,000 tax cut, and to Goldman Sachs, $2.6 billion in tax cuts. When you analyze that, you know what is happening is the same old Bush policies of advantaging the wealthy at the expense of the middle income working people and tax cuts which did not, as they were advertised to, grow the economy and grow jobs. In fact, they did just the opposite.”

Michael Linden, associate director for tax and budget policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, said the Republican proposal is “unaffordable on a level we’ve never seen before.” This is almost five times bigger than Bush tax cuts were,” Linden said. “It really represents a doubling down on Bush’s economic agenda. Where he skewed his tax policy heavily to the rich, this would skew it even further, even to the exclusion of the middle class. $7 trillion in additional debt and deficit over next ten years would be calamitous,” Linden added. “I think it’s hard to understate the radicalism of this plan.”


Republican Extremists and Tea-Partiers Run Over a Decent Long-Time Republican – Republican Rep. Bob Inglis, who has a 93 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union, received the wrath of the tea party and lost his primary. In the weeks since, Inglis has criticized Republican House leaders for acquiescing to a poisonous, tea party-driven “demagoguery” that he believes will undermine the GOP’s long-term credibility. And he’s freely recounting his frustrating interactions with tea party types, while noting that Republican leaders are pushing rhetoric tainted with racism, that conservative activists are dabbling in anti-Semitic conspiracy theory nonsense, and that Sarah Palin celebrates ignorance. Read the whole article if you have time.


Republican Candidate’s Crazy Talk: Bike-Sharing Program May Threaten Our Personal Freedoms – Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes is warning voters that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper’s policies, particularly his efforts to boost bike riding, are “converting Denver into a United Nations community.” The Democrat’s B-Cycle program places a network of about 400 red bikes for rent at stations around the city. It is funded by private donors and grants.

“This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed,” Maes told about 50 supporters who showed up at a campaign rally last week in Centennial. Maes said in a later interview that he once thought the mayor’s efforts to promote cycling and other environmental initiatives were harmless and well-meaning. Now he realizes “that’s exactly the attitude they want you to have.”

“This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms,” Maes said. Maes acknowledged that some might find his theories “kooky.” Really?


FOX’s Six Tricks: How to Spot Their Next Deception – To arm yourself for the next fake scandal, ideally go to, Bill Press’s new book Toxic Talk, or numerous clips on Jon Stewart/Steven Colbert/Rachel Maddow. Otherwise, here’s a brief guide to the six parlor tricks that Fox News incessantly uses to mislead the credulous:

  • Rhetorical Questions – Examples: “Is the NAACP racist?”, asked Bill O’Reilly last month, leading some viewers to an obvious – though false – answer. “Will the [New Start treaty] leave the U.S. Defenseless until it’s too late?”, wondered anchor Megyn Kelly. Rinse. Repeat. Every day.
  • Creating reality by repeated slogans – Fox’s anchors and hosts reiterate certain loaded phrases to see if they’ll catch on and reframe the political conversation. Examples: “death taxes”, “death panels” and “climate-gate.” But all of these are fakes.
  • Conclusory lies delivered with certainty – To rational minds, facts lead to conclusions – at Fox News, conclusions lead to ‘facts.’ The key is that they are said so quickly and confidentially – think of Limbaugh’s theatrical and deep-throated delivery — that they sound self-evident. Example: Last week Fox hosts authoritatively said that the public opposes both Wall Street Reregulation and a comprehensive immigration reform bill – but all polls show the opposite.
  • Highlight out-of-context aberrations and ignore all contrary data – Example: Did you know that Ted Williams always struck out? I can prove it with a tape only showing his strikeouts, not those hits that produced a lifetime .344 batting average.
  • McCarthyism and causation – Example: Liberals are evil because in 1969 the Weathermen issued a manifesto suggesting revolution in America, said Glenn Beck on two shows last week. Without serious explanation, this 40 year-old report was somehow linked to Obama and his appointees.
  • When in doubt, race-bait – This is not to accuse Fox of racism, which is a losing line of argument since, in America today, it appears to be worse to call someone a racist than to be one. Examples: Sotomayor, ACORN, Van Jones, two weirdos in Philly that call themselves the New Black Panther Party, Sherrod.

When it comes to being “fair and balanced,” Fox ‘News’ reminds me of a spokesman of the magician’s trade association who, explaining the popularity of his members, said “some people want a fraud they can really believe in.”


Corn Byproduct Fructose Fuels Cancer Cell Growth – Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that challenges the common wisdom that all sugars are the same. Americans take in large amounts of fructose, mainly in high fructose corn syrup, a mix of fructose and glucose that is used in soft drinks, bread and a range of other foods. U.S. consumption of high fructose corn syrup went up 1,000 percent between 1970 and 1990, researchers reported in 2004 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Politicians, regulators, health experts and the industry have debated whether high fructose corn syrup and other ingredients have been helping make Americans fatter and less healthy. The American Beverage Association, whose members include Coca-Cola and Kraft Foods have strongly, and successfully, opposed efforts to tax soda.

The industry has also argued that sugar is sugar. Heaney said his team found otherwise. They grew pancreatic cancer cells in lab dishes and fed them both glucose and fructose. Tumor cells thrive on sugar but they used the fructose to proliferate. “Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different,” Heaney’s team wrote.



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Bad Deeds for 8-3-2010


In Rick Perry’s Texas, There is Only One Inspector for Every 4,586 Oil and Gas Wells – In Texas, there are 86 inspectors for 394,365 oil and gas wells, including 282,150 active wells. As of May 28, 2010, these included 740 bay and 341 offshore wells in state waters, which extend about 10 miles offshore. Overall, that makes the inspector/wells ratio about 1-to-4,586. That makes it impossible to inspect each well once per year. Due to state budget problems, there is a hiring freeze on inspectors.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Breaks for the Rich

· Lie #1: Democrats Plan Across the Board Tax Hikes on January 1st
· Lie #2: Democrats Want a $3.8 Trillion Tax Increase
· Lie #3: Tax Cuts Pay for Themselves
· Lie #4: The Bush Tax Cuts Didn’t Add to the Deficit
· Lie #5: Expiring High Income Tax Cuts Will Hurt Small Business
· Lie #6: The Estate Tax Devastates Small Businesses and Family Farms
· Lie #7: The Bush Tax Cuts Helped All Americans
· Lie #8. Extending Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy is the Best Way to Stimulate the Economy
· Lie #9. Bush Tax Cuts Produced 52 Straight Months of Job Growth
· Lie #10: The Rich Pay Too Much in Taxes Already

Taxes under Bush and Obama are compared in the table below.


Notice that if every family making less than $300,000 will have lower taxes under President Obama’s proposal.


Two Republican Senators Continue False and Misleading Attacks on Recovery Act – This morning two senators — John McCain and Tom Coburn — released their third report critiquing 100 Recovery Act projects. And just like the last two, this one was an inaccurate and misleading attack on programs that are putting Americans to work across the nation.

Just last week two prominent, independent economists released a rigorous study on how actions by the government (and the Federal Reserve), including the Recovery Act, helped to end the Great Recession. One of the authors — Mark Zandi — was one of McCain’s top advisers during his presidential bid. He and Alan Blinder (a former vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve) found that the Recovery Act has created or saved about 2.7 million jobs so far, and shaved about a point and a half off of the unemployment rate.

These jobs are the result of over 70,000 projects in action around the country, of grants to states supporting jobs of teachers, police, and firefighters, of tax cuts for working households, loans to small businesses, and investments in innovative new industries producing advanced batteries, clean energy, and much more. They’ve helped reverse a situation where last year, we were losing millions of private sector jobs; in the first half of this year, we’ve added 593,000 private sector jobs.


Republican Says News Should be Reported the Way They Want it Reported – A Republican has admitted that they are not interested in seeing the truth reported on the news. During yesterday’s Fox News Channel’s special elections show on primaries and midterms around the country, Sharron Angle had the following exchange with an incredulous Carl Cameron about her media strategy so far:

Angle: “We needed to have the press be our friend.”
Cameron: “Wait a minute. Hold on a second. To be your friend…?”
Angle: “Well, truly–”
Cameron: “That sounds naive.”
Angle: “Well, no. We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported.”
Cameron: [speechless, laughs]

Angle then goes on to repeat a statement she has made in the past, that she wants to be able to mention her website during interviews so she can ask viewers to donate money.


Republicans Win! (In List of Crooked Candidates for 2010) – Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has released their list of Crooked Candidates 2010 to shine the spotlight on some of the lousy politicians vying for federal office in 2010. In compiling the list, CREW left aside all incumbents. CREW’s research team pored over news articles, blogs and public records to find those candidates who have engaged in criminal or unethical conduct. The list includes 8 Republicans, 3 Democrats and 1 Independent candidate.

· Roy Blunt (R) U.S. Senate, MO
· Charlie Crist (I) U.S. Senate, FL
· Jeff Denham (R) U.S. House, CA
· Alvin Greene (D) U.S. Senate, SC
· Jeff Greene (D) U.S. Senate, FL
· Timothy Griffin (R) U.S. House, AR
· J.D. Hayworth (R) U.S. Senate, AZ
· Ed Martin (R) U.S. House, MO
· Kendrick Meek (D) U.S. Senate, FL
· Dino Rossi (R) U.S. Senate, WA
· Marco Rubio (R) U.S. Senate, FL
· Allen West (R) U.S. House, FL


Fox News is Inciting Violence – On Fox News, Glenn Beck demonizes and scapegoats the Tides Foundation. Then, one of his viewers engaged Oakland police in a massive shootout that wounded two police officers, en route to a planned terrorist attack on Tides’ Bay Area offices that no doubt would have left a number of innocent people dead had he not been apprehended beforehand. Then, Beck pretended that the shootout hadn’t even happened, refusing to even mention it in segments featuring Netroots Nation panel remarks in which the planned terrorist attack was the de facto context. On Wednesday, he continued to smear Tides’ work by claiming it promotes an ideology identical to that held by the Weather Underground. Then on Friday, he made up his own “facts” in order to compare it to a sniper shooting in Oakland that had no known political component.

Make no mistake: Fox News has been inciting acts of terrorist violence. It in fact was preceded by several similar cases in which the dehumanizing rhetoric, scapegoating and conspiracist smears promoted by Fox clearly played a powerful role in the violence that ensued:

  • Jim David Adkisson’s shooting attack on a Knoxville Unitarian church. Adkisson left behind a manifesto that repeated numerous right-wing talking points generated by Fox commentators and specifically cited a Bernard Goldberg book. His library at home was stocked with books by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.
  • Richard Poplawski’s shooting of three Pittsburgh police officers, because he believed a conspiracy theory that President Obama intended to take Americans’ guns away from them, and he reportedly believed the cops had arrived to carry it out. Poplawski, a white supremacist, liked to post Beck videos about FEMA concentration camps to the Stormfront comments board.
  • Scott Roeder’s assassination of Dr. George Tiller. Roeder was heavily involved in Operation Rescue and avidly read its newsletters — which featured weekly pieces from Bill O’Reilly, including several attacking Tiller as a “baby killer” — and its website, which liked to feature O’Reilly videos attacking Dr. Tiller. Indeed, O’Reilly had indulged a high-profile and unusually obsessive (not to mention vicious) jihad against Tiller, resulting in 42 such attacks on Tiller.


Conservatives Outraged Over Chelsea’s Wedding, But Forget Their Own Lavish Lifestyles – Some conservative critics have shown outrage over Chelsea’s big fat Liberal wedding, and its estimated price tag of $2-3 million. For shame! Never mind Rush Limbaugh’s $54 million Gulfstream jet, Mitt Romney’s $42 million donation to his own presidential campaign, John McCain’s seven or eight houses, the RNC’s vacations in Hawaii, or President George W. Bush once joking at a dinner about “the haves and the have-mores….Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.”


Republican Officials Put Out False Reports About Illegal Aliens – The political rhetoric coming from some Republican officials right now on immigration might make one believe that skyrocketing crime rates are a direct result of [undocumented workers]. But as Rachel Maddow pointed out last night, not only are crime rates way down, but so too are the number of [undocumented workers] apprehended at the Arizona border. Maddow points out some specific reports that have spread around right-of-center websites that seem to be straight up lies. Yes, it’s yet another patented “Scaring White People” segment.


Right-Wingers Fabricate Mexican Drug Cartel Raid Story – According to anonymously-sourced reports pushed by right-wing blogs last weekend, members of Mexico’s notorious Zetas drug gang crossed the border into Texas and, “in what could be deemed an act of war,” seized two ranches near the border town of Laredo. The situation was dire, wingers warned, but a government enforced media blackout kept knowledge of the raid from the general public.

Not really. Here’s the thing: the “raid” never happened.

The story originated with Jeff Schwilk, the founder of the anti-immigration San Diego Minutemen.
The story spread. Conservative sites Michelle Malkin, and the Jawa Report picked it up, among others. The report raged on Twitter. The Laredo police department was flooded with calls.
But as local reports suggested and TPM confirmed, law enforcement in the area had no idea where the bogus story came from.

“Basically everyone was shrugging their shoulders,” Joe Baeza, an investigator and public affairs officer with the Laredo Police Department, told TPM. “There was no proof or evidence that was found.”
And furthermore, the ranches where the raid supposedly took place aren’t even within the Laredo police department’s jurisdiction, so there is no reason to believe department personnel would have responded to an incident there.


Florida Church Plans ‘Burn a Koran Day’ – Nowhere is it more in evidence that a wave of anti-Muslim activism among some conservative and religious groups exists than in a non-denominational church’s plan to hold a “Burn a Koran Day” on the next anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. “On September 11th, 2010, from 6pm – 9pm, we will burn the Koran on the property of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, FL in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam,” says the church’s Facebook page. “Islam is of the devil!”

The church has drawn condemnation from the National Association of Evangelicals, which said in a statement that “Burn a Koran Day” shows “disrespect for our Muslim neighbors and would exacerbate tensions between Christians and Muslims throughout the world.”

“It sounds like the proposed Koran burning is rooted in revenge,” NAE President Leith Anderson said. “Yet the Bible says that Christians should ‘make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else’.”



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Bad Deeds: The Republican Tea Party Contract on America


Protecting the Mega Rich and Bleeding the Middle Class – With the recent Republican-sponsored launch of the Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill garnering the support of Republican leaders like National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Pete Sessions and Republican Caucus Chair Mike Pence, the Republican Party agenda has become clear. Republican leaders and Tea Party-supported Republican candidates can now rally around the “Republican Tea Party Contract on America” as the blueprint for how they would govern.

Here is what the Republicans promise to do:

1. Put insurance companies back in charge of your health, repeal tax credits for small businesses, allow insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions and to drop coverage when a person gets too sick and make prescription drugs for seniors less affordable.
2. Turn the guaranteed retirement benefits of Social Security earned by America’s seniors over to Wall Street CEOs by putting Social Security at risk in the stock market or phase out Social Security altogether and end a program millions of American seniors rely on for their survival.
3. Phase out and end Medicare as it presently exists for future generations of seniors — ending Medicare’s guaranteed healthcare benefits for more than 40 million American seniors — and replace it with a voucher system which will result in higher premiums and fewer services for seniors.
4. At a cost of nearly $700 billion, extend the Bush tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and big oil, which are set to expire and which have and will continue to explode the federal budget deficit.
5. Roll back the toughest consumer protections ever enacted under Wall Street Reform, allow banks to continue to grow too big to fail, and ensure that predatory lenders continue to utilize their most abusive practices.
6. Cap liabilities for those responsible for environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill and let companies like BP decide which victims deserve compensation for the disaster and what the timeline for relief should be.
7. Put the big banks back in charge of student loans and put an end to federal assistance for public schools.
8. End America’s investments in a clean-energy future and disband the organization responsible for oversight of nuclear materials.
9. Gut the laws that protect our kids from air pollution and that keep our drinking water safe — and disband the watchdog that holds polluters accountable.
10. Take away your right to pick your U.S. Senator by repealing the 17th Amendment.



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Bad Deeds for 7-30-2010


Republican Fiscal Policies Are a Bad Investment – According to Moody’s Analytics (hardly a left-wing group), for every dollar of government money spent on extending the Bush tax cuts, there’s only a 32-cent return on investment in terms of economic stimulus. Not a solid investment. How about cutting the corporate tax rate? Also a 32-cent return in economic stimulus. Capital gains tax cuts? 37-cents. And, lumped together, there’s your Republican plan for growing the economy. Dumb investments. Goldman Sachs would short these policies.

Return on Investment

But what about the Democratic spending? For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, there’s a $1.61 return in economic stimulus. Good investment! How about infrastructure spending? $1.57 return. Aid to the states? $1.41. Temporary increase in food stamps? $1.74. Even the Obama tax credits for the middle class, $288 billion of the Recovery Act, account for up to $1.30.


What Did the Republican Policies Get Us?

  • 61 percent of Americans “always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
  • 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1 percent of all Americans.
  • Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.
  • The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.
  • In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
  • More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.
  • Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.

Oh, and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reported that wages for the highest 20 percent of earners rose by nearly 300 percent since 1979, while wages for the bottom and middle 20 percent increased only by 41 percent — combined. Plotted on a graph, middle and working class wages have flatlined for 30 years.

By the way, the Republicans also recently voted against and defeated an amendment to strip Big Oil of its $35 billion in subsidies. Just thought I’d pass that along. Put another way, $678 billion in tax cuts for the wealthy? No problem. Deficit-shmeficit! And the Republicans want to give $35 billion to Big Oil in the form of corporate welfare during the worst oil spill in American history.

Do we have a clear picture in terms of who and what the Republicans care about? It surely isn’t fiscal discipline or the deficit. And it surely isn’t the middle class.


Republicans Block Routine Nominees at Unprecedented Rate – The Center for American Progress released a report this morning, and the results are both striking and irrefutable. Even district court nominees, whose confirmations used to be routine, are being blocked in record numbers, thanks to Republican tactics that have never even been tried in the Senate.

From the report: “Such tactics are completely unprecedented, and so are their results. Fewer than 43 percent of President Obama’s judicial nominees have so far been confirmed, while past presidents have enjoyed confirmation rates as high as 93 percent. And President Obama’s nominees have been confirmed at a much slower rate than those of his predecessor — nearly 87 percent of President George W. Bush’s judicial nominees were confirmed.”

The party of "No." is also the party of delay.


John Boehner and His Republican Buddies Lie About Funding Abortions – Boehner lied about federal funding of abortions in a news release July 13. Then, Ohio’s eight Republican members of Congress kept up the chorus of lies. The Obama administration has clearly stated it won’t allow abortion to be covered under the new plans, save for cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. State officials in Pennsylvania and Ohio have insisted their new programs will comply with the federal ban. The high-risk plans in question are designed to cover older people with chronic health conditions rather than the healthy young women most likely to seek elective abortions. Politifact’s investigation finds Boehner’s statement to be False.


Republican Mike Pence Lies About Effects of Expiring Bush Tax Breaks on Small Business Owners – Mike Pence repeats the Republican lie that getting rid of the Bush tax cuts is going to raise taxes on small businesses. The truth is that only about 2% are impacted by the return to higher rates for incomes over $250,000.


Republican Rand Paul Likes Large-Scale Destruction – Republican Rand Paul believes mountaintop removal just needs a little rebranding. “I think they should name it something better,” he says. “Most people”, he continues, “would say the land is of enhanced value, because now you can build on it.”

I don’t know, this doesn’t look all that enhanced to me:

Build Here.

Big Coal wants to keep doing this, so their handiwork can spread throughout more of Appalachia like a malignant tumor.

Here’s a satellite photo of the Hobet Mine, WV, taken in 1984:


Here’s a satellite photo of the same area at the same scale, taken in 2009:

Hearing Rand Paul talk, is it any wonder that Big Coal is mobilizing to spend whatever it takes to get him into office?


Republicans Don’t Care If People Are Poisoned – During the Bush years, Republicans managed to legislate an exemption for fracking fluid into the Clean Water Act. Then, Republicans in Congress blocked the proposed FRAC Act, which wouldn’t even ban fracking fluid — it would simply require drilling companies to disclose what’s in the fluids they are pumping into the earth near critical groundwater supplies. And now, in perhaps the most extreme step yet, Republicans here in Colorado (a state with one of the biggest natural gas reserves in the world) are demanding the Environmental Protection Agency never regulate fracking, regardless of whether or not the agency discovers that fracking is poisoning people.



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Bad Deeds for 7-29-2010


Another Right-Wing [Domestic] Terrorist – On Monday, the U.S. attorney in Seattle will ask a judge to give Michael Fenter 13 years for bank robbery and a weapons offense. When Michael Fenter was arrested coming out of a Tacoma bank last fall with $73,000 in a bag and a gun at his hip, just about everyone had the same question: “Why?”

During the robberies, Fenter told bank employees that he was angry about the government bailout of banks. Upon his arrest, he said his name was “Patrick Henry,” a Revolutionary War-era governor famous for his “Give me liberty or give me death!” speech. Fenter said robbing banks wasn’t to get money for himself or his family. Instead, he did it because he was a “true patriot.” The money, he said, went to fund that cause.

One Bank of America employee said at Friday’s sentencing hearing in Tacoma that she thinks about the robbery everyday and her heart races. “He’s a terrorist,” she said.


Tax Cuts and Military Spending Are the Main Reasons for the Growing Deficit – The new Congressional Budget Office budget projections released today show that the nation faces a fourth consecutive year of substantial budget deficits. Some seek to portray “runaway domestic spending” or growth in the costs of entitlement programs as the primary cause of the shift in recent years from sizeable surpluses to large deficits. Such a characterization is incorrect. In 2005, the cost of tax cuts enacted over the past four years will be over three times the cost of all domestic program increases enacted over this period.

Decades of Republican tax breaks and Republican Wars raise deficit to record levels

The new CBO data show that changes in law enacted since January 2001 increased the deficit by $539 billion in 2005. In the absence of such legislation, the nation would have a surplus this year. Tax cuts account for nearly half — 48 percent — of this $539 billion in increased costs. [1] Increases in program spending make up the other 52 percent and have been primarily concentrated in defense, homeland security, and international affairs.


Billionaire Tries to Convince Us That We Don’t Want to Retire – On June 26, results were released of a nationwide survey of participants in town hall events dedicated to discussing ways to reduce the deficit. The events were organized by America Speaks and largely funded by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Peterson is a hedge-fund billionaire dedicated to cutting Social Security in the name of deficit reduction. The group falsely reported that a majority of Americans favor raising the age of retirement to 69.

America Speaks has since corrected the survey in an online slideshow and a PDF of the report that lives on its site. The incorrect number had already been blasted out to the press and delivered to the deficit commission. The correct number is only 39%.


In Rick Perry’s Texas, the Internet is Really Slow – Akamai Technologies “State of the Internet” report for the first quarter of 2010 shows that Texas has the eight slowest internet connection speeds in the nation and the U.S. is slow compared to Europe and highly-populated areas of Asia.


Senior Citizens In the Dark on Benefits of Health-Care Reform – A recent National Council on Aging poll conducted between July 9 – July 12, 2010 yielded some pretty startling statistics.

  • 21% of respondents said they were “very familiar” with the law, and an additional 64% said they were “somewhat familiar” with it. Of those, 60% said they were satisfied that the information they received was accurate and reliable.
  • Yet, when asked if the new law would result in future cuts to their basic Medicare benefits, 55% of the “very familiar” group answered “Yes”, as did 47% of the “somewhat familiar” group.
  • 62% of the “very familiar” group said they believed the new law would increase the federal budget deficit over the next 10 years, with 57% of the “somewhat familiar” group concurring.
  • Half of those “very familiar” with the law believes it does not improve the quality of care for beneficiaries with chronic illnesses, and 46% believe Medicare payments to doctors will be cut.
  • Remarkably, only 52% of the seniors “very familiar” with the law agreed that uninsured Americans will be covered and younger people would have extra protections.

How many of those misinformed seniors claiming to be “very familiar” with the law watch Fox News?

The National Council on Aging has created materials to help seniors understand the law and what their benefits are under the law. Now we need to get out there and help them understand it.


Fox News: Still Lying After All These Years – For some time now, various “reporters” and on-air personalities on the Fox News Network have failed to report the full story or relevant facts, instead indulging in race baiting in order to exploit people’s fears and crank up the fringe of their audience. This was exemplified by Glenn Beck’s nightly assault on Van Jones earlier this year. It turns out Van Jones’ name was added to a website without his permission, a fact the group finally admitted some time after he resigned.

Then Fox News aired and supported fake videos about ACORN. Those videos were proven edited and false, but by then, the group that helped poor people had been defunded and disbanded.

Recently, Fox has cranked up stories about the Department of Justice’s decision not to prosecute a voter intimidation case against a Black Panther group and even worse, calls for Atty. General Holder’s resignation. It turns out that it was the Bush Administration who decided not to prosecute the case against the black panthers because as Bush’s Assistant Attorney General Perez testified, “the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal statutes. Under the Obama Administration, the Justice Department won a judgment in a civil case against the group.

And by now we all know how the Sherrod story went down. Despite his claims to the contrary on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace didn’t have his facts quite right. As a media matters study showed, Fox News did in fact spend a lot of air-time on July 19th and 20th cranking up the false story. Not to mention that bragged that shortly after they posted a “report” about the video Mrs. Sherrod resigned.

None of this is new. I don’t believe all or even most of the Republican party voters are racist, but going at least as far back as Lee Atwater, the Willie Horton ads, and the attacks on John McCain in the South Carolina primaries in both 2000 and 2008, the immigration debate in 2006, there is a persistent willingness in the Republican party to use race baiting for electoral advantage.

After the year and a half this country has just been through, it is pretty obvious that the right-wing has no intention of cooperating with anyone, and that they will do anything to regain power, just as they were willing to do anything to hold on to it. The only reasonable approach is to stand up to them as you would any group of bullies. Call them out for what they do- or don’t do as the case may be. That means we have to work hard and stand up for the truth.


Republican Platform of Iowa Embraces Plan To Strip Obama’s American Citizenship For Accepting Nobel Peace Prize – The Republican Party of Iowa’s platform includes, among the instances of “North American Union” paranoia and the upholding of manure as the only agricultural poop inveighed by its creator with American exceptionalism, a bizarre plan to strip President Barack Obama of his citizenship for accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. The Iowa GOP is calling for the “reintroduction and ratification of the original version of the 13th amendment” of the Constitution, which proposed in 1810, but was never ratified and thus, never became law. It stated:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

Not only do they want to take us back 200 years, they want us to adopt ideas that were thrown out 200 years ago.


More Fear Mongering About Muslims – A recent series of unsigned emails and anonymous Web postings has called for a Tea Party protest during Friday prayers outside the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley, in Riverside County. Protest organizers are upset at the Islamic group’s plans to build a new mosque to replace its current makeshift mosque.

One of the emails states, Muslims “hate dogs. … Tennessee was able to stop the Mosque so bring your Bibles, flags, signs, dogs and singing voice on Friday.”

If the Tea Party is about freedom, they have a weird idea of what freedom of religion means.


Republican Rand Paul: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Rules – The federal code as revised by Republican Rand Paul might yield fewer rules than the game of Yahtzee. Paul has said, “Things that are nonviolent shouldn’t be against the law.” That means unless it physically wounds or kills you, you’re out of luck (rich/strong guy wins).

As an example, Paul doesn’t like the provisions of the Civil Rights Act that forced private businesses, like the infamous Woolworth’s lunch counter, to desegregate. He illustrated his argument this way: “If you decide that restaurants are publicly owned and not privately owned, then do you say that you should have the right to bring your gun into a restaurant, even though the owner of the restaurant says, ‘Well, no, we don’t want to have guns in here…because people might drink and start fighting and shoot each other’? Does the owner of the restaurant own his restaurant? Or does the government own his restaurant?” Replace guns with black people and his point becomes clear.

In December, Rand Paul’s campaign spokesman, Chris Hightower, resigned after a public airing of his MySpace page, which included his “LOL!” posting about some “Afro-Americans” giving him “snarls” for wearing a hoodie adorned with what he jokingly called KKK imagery and a friend’s posting, undeleted for almost two years, wishing Hightower “Happy Nigger Day!!!” with a photo of a lynched corpse, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


Republicans Just Want to Have Fun – Republican Rep. Lee Terry of Nebraska was recently witnessed in close conversation with a comely lobbyist at the Capitol Hill Club in DC recently. “Why did you get me so drunk?” Terry asked the giggling woman, among other personal remarks. When Terry realized he was sitting near a reporter, he quickly changed the topic of conversation to his three children and the struggle to pay their college tuition. Terry was given a 100 percent rating by the Christian Coalition for his pro-family voting record.

Meanwhile, a Kansas City blog posted photos of Missouri Republican Rep. Sam Graves dining with a blond lobbyist from the Patriot Group at a DC restaurant. His office didn’t respond to our repeated requests for comment.

And lobbyist Glenn LeMunyon’s DC row house has been a hot spot for lobbyists who want to meet House members, including California’s Republican Duncan Hunter, Pennsylvania’s Republican Bill Shuster and Republican Lee Terry. LeMunyon uses the house as an office during the day, a fund-raising space. Some nights, and a place for congressmen to mingle after-hours with lobbyists.


Defiant Arizona Governor Vows to Block Immigrants on Facebook 😉 – Hours after a federal judge struck down Arizona’s controversial immigration law, Gov. Jan Brewer decried the decision and vowed to block illegal immigrants on Facebook.

Speaking to reporters at the state capitol, a defiant Gov. Brewer pledged to build a “virtual wall” around Arizona’s Facebook page, guarded by hit men from Mafia Wars.

“A federal judge has decided that these people can sneak over our border and live with us,” Gov. Brewer said. “Well, they can’t play Farmville with us.”



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Bad Deeds for 7-28-2010


Every Republican Senator Voted to Kill the DISCLOSE Act – Yesterday, 40 Republican senators blocked the passage of legislation that would counteract the growing influence of corporations in the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.

The DISCLOSE Act would have helped shed light on the hundreds of millions of dollars corporations and special interests plan to spend to influence our elections this fall — and would have helped ordinary Americans to make their voices more clearly heard in campaigns across the country. Under the current rules, special interests “can hide behind a name like ‘Citizens for a Better Future,’ even if a more accurate name would be ‘Companies for Weaker Oversight.'”

Republicans believe that killing the bill and strengthening corporate power gives them a tactical edge, allowing right-wing groups to raise more than ever to help their candidates win. Not a single Republican voted for the bill. Not a single Republican was willing to bring greater transparency to our election process.

The bottom line is that right-wing corporate interests don’t want any restriction on their efforts to sway elections. Even letting the American people know just who is pouring millions into negative campaign ads is too much accountability for them.


In Rick Perry’s Texas, We Do Risky Business With School Money – Texas State Board of Education Board members have decided to risk funds set aside since the beginning of Texas. Last year the financial consultants hired to give advice to the SBOE were fired when some board members did not like the advice they paid for. That advice included not investing Permanent School funds in risky schemes, and one example was real estate for charter schools. After an amazingly convoluted session of arm-twisting last weekend, it appears that the Texas SBOE has decided to toss prudence to the wind along with any appearance of propriety and buy real estate to lease back to Texas charter schools at a reduced rate. After the first vote failed, a second vote was taken the following day, after two Democrats had left.

I’m not sure what I think is worse: Rewriting history or bankrupting the funds set aside to teach it.


Rick Perry’s Campaign Pays to Settle Campaign Violation Lawsuit – A lawsuit brought against Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign by Democratic challenger Chris Bell alleging Perry did not properly identify his campaign contributors was settled earlier this month with Perry’s campaign paying Bell $426,000. Bell alleged that Houston homebuilder Bob Perry tried to hide a $1 million contribution to Rick Perry (no relation) late in the 2006 campaign by sending it to the Republican Governors Association, which then sent $1 million to Perry.

Bell named the Perry campaign and the governors association in his lawsuit. Because the campaign did not properly identify the group on state finance reports, donors to the governors’ group were not properly disclosed to the public, Bell alleged.


Breaking News: Conservative Andrew Breitbart Admits True Allegiance to Al-Qaeda 😉 – We’ve just uncovered a video in which Andrew Breitbart admits he “hearts” terrorists while a conservative audience applauds.

The news media is ignoring this new video entirely, even though just last week they took at face value Breitbart’s selectively-edited video purporting to show USDA official Shirley Sherrod making racist comments. That claim, of course, was quickly exposed as fraudulent.

Is this video real? Hey, video can’t lie, right? Just ask Fox News and other news outlets who’ve faithfully covered Andrew Breitbart’s videos.

This video is just as truthful as any Breitbart has ever released, and deserves equal coverage. Click the link to watch it.



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Bad Deeds for 7-27-2010


Rick Perry’s “Shady” Acres Deal – Three years after Gov. Rick Perry’s biggest real estate score, questions persist about whether the governor benefited from favoritism, backroom dealing and influence-buying. The Dallas Morning News found evidence that Perry’s investment was enhanced by a series of professional courtesies and personal favors from friends, campaign donors and the head of a Texas family with a rich history of political power-brokering.

Together they may have enriched Perry by almost $500,000, according to an independent real estate appraisal commissioned by The News. County tax appraisals at the time also indicated that the governor was able to buy the land below market value and sell far above it.

State Sen. Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay), a friend and political ally of Perry’s, sold the lot to Perry for just above $300,000. An appraiser hired by The News determined that the land actually was worth $450,000 when Perry bought it. One of Perry’s first acts as a new property owner was to appeal his appraisal. The lot had been valued for tax purposes at $414,700.

Perry asked attorney Colleen McHugh to handle his tax appeal. A corporate labor lawyer from Corpus Christi, McHugh had just been appointed by Perry as chairman of the Texas Public Safety Commission. The appeal saved Perry about $14,000 over the six years that the appraisal district kept the value at purchase-price level. McHugh did not bill Perry for her services. Craig McDonald, executive director of Texans for Public Justice, a liberal Austin watchdog group, said McHugh’s legal services had the appearance of a gift.

Another property owner in the same development also filed a similar tax appeal, bur was denied. (Sorry, Jeff, you’re not the Governor.)

Ron Mitchell, the vice chairman of Horseshoe Bay, made an in-kind contribution of $9,725 to help put on a fundraiser for Perry at Horseshoe Bay, then helped Perry unload his lot.

Perry sold the property in 2007 to Alan Moffatt, who paid Perry $1.15 million for the parcel. The News’ appraiser, who has decades of experience in Horseshoe Bay real estate, found that price to be $350,000 above market value. Moffatt, as the owner of an aviation firm, was questioned, but never prosecuted, for his company’s international arms shipments to Africa in the 1990s for use in the Rwandan genocide. The tribal conflict may have claimed about 800,000 lives.

Perry did not pay a real estate commission on his sale to Moffatt. Mitchell said the waiver of the fee was a favor to Moffatt. The fee, typically 6 percent of the sales price, could have amounted to as much as $69,000. Real estate commissions usually are paid from the seller’s proceeds. Asked if the company would have charged a commission if the sale involved anyone else, Mitchell laughed and said, “We’re here to make money.”


Rick Perry’s Air Pollution Scheme Gets Undone – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday officially overturned a 16-year-old Texas air permitting program it says violates the Clean Air Act. The EPA’s move on Wednesday addresses Texas’ so-called flexible permits, which set a general limit on how much air pollutants an entire facility can release. The federal Clean Air Act requires state-issued permits to set limits on each of the dozens of individual production units inside a plant. The EPA says Texas’ system masks pollution and makes it impossible to regulate emissions and protect public health.

Texas has been issuing the permits since 1994 even though it never received the required federal approval. The EPA made clear at least five years ago it believed the permits violated federal air laws, warning Texas and the refinery and petrochemical industry it would take action.

EPA regional director Al Armendariz said he has instructed his staff to work closely with Texas and industry leaders to fix the permits. The EPA has been working with industry leaders to find a way to effectively and efficiently issue new air permits to the impacted plants, including the nation’s largest refinery, Exxon Mobil in Baytown, Texas. The EPA has offered them an independent audit mechanism that would allow them to correctly measure air pollutants to get the new permits, while ensuring them they would not be penalized for violations uncovered.
(Perry Motto: Who needs clean air when you’ve got good hair? – JLV)


In Rick Perry’s Texas, We Love Executions – Led by Governor Rick Perry, the believers proclaim the United States to be a Christian nation. But, if Texas were an independent nation, we would be the seventh-largest practitioner of capital punishment, just a smidgen behind Yemen, a failed state with a medieval judicial system.

Last month, David Lee Powell was executed by our “Christian” system for killing an Austin police officer 32 years ago. Powell had demonstrated his remorse and humanity by living a redemptive life for three decades. He had taught illiterate inmates how to read, write and improve their lives. He had no history of violence before his crime and none in his 32 years on death row. And he has expressed his deep remorse to Ablanedo’s family. Restorative justice called for Powell to be spared so that he could continue to address the needs and concerns of the Ablanedo family and the prison community in which he lived. While many groups and newspapers advocated for commutation of Powell’s sentence, Rick Perry and the righteous didn’t see things that way.

If St. Paul had been a Texan, the ruling “Christians” of this grand Republic would have executed him.

St. Paul, originally known as Saul, was an accessory to the murder of Stephen, one of the original church Deacons. Among the groups involved in his stoning were the “Freedman.” Today they would be FOX News commentators. Before his Damascus road conversion St. Paul (then Saul) was “breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord.” Saul had received warrants from the Supreme Court to search the synagogues for Christian disciples whom he would arrest and drag to prison.

Because Saul was afforded the opportunity for redemption, he became Paul, the greatest evangelist in the history of the Christian faith.

If Saul were a Texan he would have never become St. Paul. Before he had a chance to print up his gospel tracts, our pious officials would have executed him just like they did David Powell. The crude and cruel irony is that in so doing they likely would not have the honor of calling themselves by that noble name: Christian.

More information on David Lee Powell:


Republican National Committee Event Co-Stars Professional Liar Andrew Breitbart – The Republican National Committee has a party fundraising event coming up in August that is scheduled to feature a very special guest: Conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart. It’s certainly some odd timing for the RNC to be working closely with Breitbart, who, of course, has made headlines recently for circulating an edited video clip that misrepresented then-Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod. Breitbart was also involved in the faked-up ACORN video tapes that got the organization defunded.


Republican Candidate: Me Loves the Tea Party, Me Hates the Tea Party – Ken Buck a self-proclaimed tea partier who trashes tea partiers when he thinks no one is looking. The Republican candidate in Colorado said in June, “Will you tell those dumbasses at the Tea Party to stop asking questions about birth certificates while I’m on the camera. God, what am I supposed to do?” Another time, Buck said people should vote for him because he doesn’t wear high heels. His opponent is female.


Republican Candidate Says Islam May Not Be a Religion – A Republican running in Tennessee’s gubernatorial election made comments earlier this month questioning whether Islam is a religion. Ramsey, who has been endorsed by 20 Tea Party organizations, said he is a supporter of religious freedoms but such protections may not extend to facilitating “shariah [Islamic] law into the state of Tennessee . . . into the United States. “Now, you could even argue whether being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, way of life, a cult, whatever you want to call it,” he continued.


Big Money Guy Says It’s Time for Poor to Get Less, Rich to Get More – Back during the financial crisis, Neel Kashkari sat at the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Stability, where he was in charge of implementing George W. Bush’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)– the fancy name for a wheelbarrow full of $700 billion in taxpayer money that went to revive the do-not-resuscitate banks of the world, which is exactly what those banks asked the government to do. Now he’s on the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, with a message for the rest of us: You need to stop being so “Me, first!” You need to have your Social Security, Medicare, etc. cut for the common good. But he also wants us to know that “Me, first!” works great for business and rich people, so please don’t ask for them to give up anything.


Another Republican Says You Need to Have Your Social Security Privatized – The Republican bosses have put out the word – everybody loudly repeat: The poor should pay more, but not the rich, and forget about Social Security, Medicare, etc. Former US Comptroller David_M._Walker and Pete Peterson, Austerity Pimp, appeared on MSNBC to warn all of the peons that we’d better get ready to be paying more in taxes because heaven forbid we can’t dare to ask the rich to do any more to reduce the deficit.

He also had some new snake oil to sell all of us with his description of privatizing Social Security; we need to make it “more savings oriented.” That just sounds so much nicer than saying let’s turn it over to Wall Street, doesn’t it?

The truth is that Social Security is a pay-as-you-go program which funds itself. All Social Security needs to stay 100% funded through the next 50 years is to remove the cap on earnings placed there under Ronald Reagan as a perk for the well-to-do, and raise the rate by one percent.


Republicans Feign Deficit Angst, Tout Policies Sure to Increase It – After years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, the same people who didn’t have any problem spending hundreds of billions of dollars on tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans are now saying we shouldn’t offer relief to middle-class Americans. Republicans want to extend the Bush tax cuts of 2001 & 2003 — an initiative which would deprive the government’s balance sheet of $678 billion over the next ten years — while simultaneously screaming about the perils of the budget deficit.

Republican deficits

The hypocrisy is apparent; but, more importantly, when Republican lawmakers publicly defend these policies they put their insincerity on display along with their flippant disregard for the facts.



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Bad Deeds for 7-26-2010


In Rick Perry’s Texas, Only Twenty-Seven Percent of Texans Hold College Degrees – According to a recent report from the College Board, which administers the SAT and AP tests, ranks Texas 40th in the number of people ages 25 to 34 who hold at least a college associate degree. In addition, less than one-third of Texans in that age group have a postsecondary degree, far below the 41 percent national average.” [Makes it easy for RWA leaders to manipulate their uneducated followers.]


Rick Perry’s Texas Has Three of the Five Poorest Counties in America – According to CNN Money, three of the top five poorest American counties with a population of 250,000 or more are in Texas. In Hidalgo County, Cameron County and El Paso County, median household incomes per year in 2004 ranged from $24,778 to $28,925.


Rick Perry’s Texas Has the Least Educated Area in America – A recent report from the Brookings Institute identified McAllen, TX as the least-educated metro area in America, with only 15.1 percent of its residents holding bachelor’s degrees. El Paso, TX wasn’t far behind (or ahead, depending on how you look at it).


Rick Perry Put Drug Company Money Ahead of Texas Children and Parents – Rick Perry put the financial considerations of his “big business special interest cronies” before the rights of Texas parents and the well-being of Texas children. There is a clear financial connection between a drug giant Merck & Co. (maker of the dangerous and withdrawn drug, Vioxx), top Austin lobbyist Mike Toomey, and Rick Perry’s own campaign. Perry and his aides were in extensive talks with Merck representatives for months before announcing their mandate to vaccinate girls in Texas with the drug Gardasil.

Mike Toomey, Perry’s former chief of staff, is one of Merck’s lobbyists here, and Merck gave $6,000 to Perry’s re-election campaign. On the same day the donation was made from Merck to Perry’s campaign, Perry’s chief of staff, Deirdre Delisi, met with Merck representatives to discuss Gardasil. Perry’s chief of staff, Delisi, met with Mike Toomey, the Merck lobbyist, three times to discuss the HPV vaccine.

Mike Toomey was also recently involved with the scandal involving the Green Party’s petition to get onto the ballot here in Texas, and he may be hiding out on his own private island that is co-owned by Perry’s political strategist, to avoid being served with a subpoena by the sheriff’s office in Austin.


Did You Like [Invading] Iraq? Then You’ll Love This New Republican Push for New, Bigger War – Republicans in the House of Representatives have introduced a measure that would green-light an Israeli bombing campaign against Iran. The resolution, H.Res. 1553. US military leaders have warned that strikes could be catastrophic to US national security interests and could engulf the Middle East in a “calamitous” regional war.

Nearly a third of House Republicans have signed onto the resolution, which has been publicly discussed and circulated by its lead sponsor, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), for months. The introduction of the measure coincides with a pattern of renewed calls for military strikes that have escalated since President Obama signed “crippling” Congressional Iran sanctions into law. Neoconservatives who were instrumental in orchestrating the Iraq War, such as Bill Kristol, and Reuel Marc Gerecht, have led the stepped up calls for military action.

Hawkish former Bush Administration official John Bolton recently laid out the game plan to prod Israel into attacking Iran, arguing that outsiders can “create broad support” for a strike by framing it as an issue of Israel’s right to self defense. Supporters for military strikes, Bolton says, should “defend the specific tactic of pre-emptive attacks” against Iran.

Send your letter demanding that House Republican Leader John Boehner denounce the Iran War Resolution.


Boehner Cites Not Knowing Whether Three Of His Brothers Have Found Jobs As Evidence Of ‘Empathy’ – House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) revealed on Wednesday that three of his brothers lost their jobs during the recession, but he’s not sure whether the three brothers remain unemployed.

“I’ve got real empathy for those who are unemployed, as most of you know I’ve got 11 brothers and sisters. I know that three of my brothers lost their jobs, I’m not sure whether they’ve found jobs, yet, so I’ve got a lot of empathy for those caught in this economic downturn,” Boehner said.

Boehner doesn’t have time to check how his brothers are doing; he’s too busy playing golf.



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Bad Deeds for 7-23-2010


Rick Perry Likes the Death Penalty But Doesn’t Care Much for Science or “Experts”Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in 2004 for a fire that killed his three daughters. Prosecutors argued that Willingham deliberately set the 1991 blaze — but three reviews of the evidence by outside experts have found the fire should not have been ruled arson.

According to an August 2009 investigative report by an expert hired by the Texas Forensic Science Commission, the original claims of arson were not sustainable. Since Willingham’s execution, persistent questions have been raised as to the accuracy of the forensic evidence used in the conviction. Fire investigator Gerald L. Hurst reviewed the case documents, including the trial transcriptions and an hour-long videotape of the aftermath of the fire scene. Hurst said in December 2004 that “There’s nothing to suggest to any reasonable arson investigator that this was an arson fire.” An August 2009 Chicago Tribune investigative article concluded: “Over the past five years, the Willingham case has been reviewed by nine of the nation’s top fire scientists—first for the Tribune, then for the Innocence Project, and now for the commission. All concluded that the original investigators relied on outdated theories and folklore to justify the determination of arson.

Texas Governor Rick Perry refused to grant a stay of execution for Willingham, saying that the “supposed experts” (using finger quotes) were wrong. Willingham was executed. Death-penalty opponents and Willingham’s family say that an impartial review of Willingham’s case could lead to the unprecedented admission that Texas executed an innocent man.

The Texas Forensic Science Commission was scheduled to discuss the report by fire science expert Dr. Beyler at a meeting on October 2, 2009, but two days before the meeting Texas Governor Rick Perry replaced the chair of the commission and two other members. The new chair appointed by Perry canceled the meeting. The commission’s new chairman has ordered a review of its operating rules. The panel meets again today in Houston, and one of the items on its agenda is a legal opinion arguing that the panel has “relatively narrow investigative jurisdiction.” The unsigned memorandum argues that the commission’s mandate covers only cases on which a state-accredited forensic laboratory worked. In other words, seeing that the evidence not support them, they are trying to wash their hands of the whole thing.

Rick Perry’s ideological belief in the death penalty may have sent an innocent man to his death, and a cover-up of the facts appears to be in progress.


Rick Perry is 21 Years Late and Several Thoughts Short – Last Thursday, Rick Perry got an idea without even thinking. He said that students who drop out of school shouldn’t be able to get a driver’s license and he called for new legislation to enforce his plan.

However, such a law has been on the books since 1989:

Texas Transportation Code, Title 7, Subtitle B, § 521.204: RESTRICTIONS ON MINOR
(a) The department may issue a Class C driver’s license to an applicant under 18 years of age only if the applicant: …

(3) has obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent or is a student …

The Bill White Campaign, upon hearing of Rick Perry’s half-baked plan, issued this statement:

“Unfortunately for Rick Perry, this law has been on the books since 1989 and he’s been responsible for enforcing it. Only a career politician would try to sell a law already in existence as his own slick new idea,’ said Katy Bacon, campaign spokesperson. ‘We need a governor who’s actually going to work on the dropout crisis instead of dredging up election year sound bites.”

What is truly tragic is that this has been the law of the land for over 20 years now, and it is abundantly clear that it has done nothing to curb the dropout rate. A rate that has risen since the bill became law. Rick Perry not only has no new ideas, but he also has no knowledge of things that have been tried, and failed. In short, Rick Perry exhibits, in this proposal, a shocking display of ignorance.


Republican Candidate is Proud of His Bullsh*t – Republican Candidate Ken Buck in Colorado, who is running against a woman, said last week, “Why should you vote for me? Because I do not wear high heels. I have cowboy boots. They have real bullsh*t on them.”

Buck may not be too bright. The electorate in the district is mostly female.


The One Republican Idea: Return to the Bush Policies – The only problem Republicans ever had with George W. Bush was his low approval rating. They always loved his policies and his governing style — and now they want them back. In recent weeks, Republican leaders have come out for a complete return to the Bush agenda, including tax breaks for the rich and financial deregulation. They’ve even resurrected the plan to cut future Social Security benefits.

Mr. Bush’s two signature initiatives were tax cuts and the invasion of Iraq were abject failures. Tax cuts never yielded the promised prosperity, but along with other policies — especially the unfunded war in Iraq — they converted a budget surplus into a persistent deficit.

So, now the Republican leadership is betting that your memory is short, and they have begun spewing talking points about how well Bush did. Here’s an example of their trickery:

Mitch McConnell recently said, “The last year of the Bush administration, the deficit as a percentage of gross domestic product was 3.2 percent, well within the range of what most economists think is manageable.” But that 3.2 percent figure, it turns out, is for fiscal 2008 — which was not the last year of the Bush administration, because it ended in September of 2008. In other words, it ended just as the failure of Lehman Brothers — on Mr. Bush’s watch — was triggering a broad financial and economic collapse. This collapse caused the deficit to soar: By the first quarter of 2009, when Bush left office — with only a trickle of stimulus funds flowing — federal borrowing had already reached almost 9 percent of G.D.P.


Boehner’s Recipe For Creating Jobs: Do Nothing – In a meeting with several reporters this afternoon, House Minority Leader John Boehner outlined the top three measures he’d pursue if he becomes Speaker of the House next Congress to create new jobs. But, those who thought he’d outline specific programs and how they would create jobs were disappointed with a familiar litany of wish-list items: repeal health care reform, eschew climate legislation, and renew the Bush tax cuts.

In other words, repeal a program that largely hasn’t yet taken effect yet; prevent new legislation that is has not even been passed; and keep a current Bush tax structure in place. Boehner somehow thinks that changing nothing will fix everything.


Republicans Push for Oligarchy – While the middle class disappears and poverty increases, the wealthiest people in our country are not only doing extremely well, they are using their wealth and political power to protect and expand their very privileged status at the expense of everyone else. This upper-crust of extremely wealthy families are hell-bent on destroying the democratic vision of a strong middle-class which has made the United States the envy of the world. In its place they are determined to create an oligarchy in which a small number of families control the economic and political life of our country.

The 400 richest families in America, who saw their wealth increase by some $400 billion during the Bush years, have now accumulated $1.27 trillion in wealth. Four hundred families! During the last 15 years, while these enormously rich people became much richer, their effective tax rates were slashed almost in half. While the highest paid 400 Americans had an average income of $345 million in 2007, as a result of Bush tax policy, they now pay an effective tax rate of 16.6 percent, the lowest on record.

Last year, the top 25 hedge fund managers made a combined $25 billion but because of tax policy their lobbyists helped write, they pay a lower effective tax rate than many teachers, nurses, and police officers. As a result of tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and elsewhere, the wealthy and large corporations are evading some $100 billion a year in U.S. taxes. Warren Buffett, one of the richest people on earth, has often commented that he pays a lower effective tax rate than his secretary.

But it’s not just wealthy individuals who grotesquely manipulate the system for their benefit. It’s the multi-national corporations they own and control. In 2009, Exxon Mobil, the most profitable corporation in history made $19 billion in profits and not only paid no federal income tax — they actually received a $156 million refund from the government. In 2005, one out of every four large corporations in the United States paid no federal income taxes while earning $1.1 trillion in revenue.

But, perhaps the most outrageous tax break given to multi-millionaires and billionaires happened this January when the estate tax, established in 1916, was repealed for one year as a result of President Bush’s 2001 tax legislation. This tax applies only to the wealthiest three-tenths of one percent of our population. We’ve had the estate tax for the last 95 years — until 2010. But today, not content with huge tax breaks on their income; not content with massive corporate tax loopholes; not content with trade laws enabling them to outsource the jobs of millions of American workers to low-wage countries and not content with tax havens around the world, the ruling elite and their lobbyists are working feverishly to either eliminate the estate tax or substantially lower it. If they are successful at wiping out the estate tax, as they came close to doing in 2006 with every Republican but two voting to do it, it would increase the national debt by over $1 trillion during a 10-year period.


Republican Mike Pence Lies About Tax Increases – Do Democrats want every tax bracket to rise, as Pence suggests? In a word, no. The Politifact Truth-O-Meter rates Pence’s statement as false.

For many months, Democratic officials have consistently said that they intend to let only the tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals lapse. The cutoff they usually suggest is $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for married couples filing jointly. President Obama campaigned on just such a plan, and those promises are recorded in the Obameter campaign promises database.


Deepwater Horizon Alarm Had Been ‘Inhibited,’ Technician Testifies – An alarm system on the Deepwater Horizon had been “inhibited” for about a year before the April 20 explosion that killed 11 workers and started the worst oil disaster in the nation’s history, the platform’s chief electronics technician testified to a federal panel Friday.

An inhibited mode means sensors for toxic or combustible gases or fire are active and will alert the platform’s computer system, but the computer does not trigger an audible or visual alarm, technician Mike Williams told the six-member panel.

Supervisors on the Transocean rig were aware that the alarm system had been inhibited, Williams said.

“When I discovered about a year ago it was inhibited, I inquired as to why it was inhibited, and the explanation I got is that … they did not want people woke up at 3 o’clock in the morning due to false alarms,” Williams said.

No alarms sounded or could be seen the night of the fire, he testified.


Why Factory Farms Threaten Your Health – According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, only about 30 percent of the antibiotics used in the U.S. are administered to people to treat diseases. The other 70 percent, the vast majority, are administered to U.S. livestock, primarily to compensate for the unnatural and unhealthy conditions of factory farming. “Industrial livestock systems,” the organization concludes, “are hog heaven for resistant bacteria.”

Now Congress is considering a bill that would attempt to save the remaining viability of our antibiotics. It is H.R. 1549, the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act. Introduced by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), it would prohibit several types of antibiotics from being used routinely in animal feed.

The farm lobby and the drug industry are fighting H.R. 1549, because they know that it would take away a critical support for large scale intensive confinement animal agriculture. They want to retain the right to continue the widespread use of the drugs, even though this practice has repeatedly been proven to cause resistance among bacteria, jeopardizing human health and causing diseases that are difficult or impossible to cure.


China to Start Carbon Trading While U.S. Senate Fiddles as Earth Burns – The irony could hardly be stronger: amid reports that an obstructionist minority has blocked US Senate action from moving on clean energy and climate legislation that would create real incentives for clean energy, news reports from China indicate that top government officials met this week to discuss how China can start its own carbon trading program.



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