Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds for 3-4-2011


Texas State Senator Proposes Cuts for Public School Funding, But Proposes State Funded Textbooks for Private Schools – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden filed a constitutional amendment on Monday that, if approved, would make it the state’s responsibility to provide free textbooks to students in private schools.

The effort comes as the state faces a massive budget shortfall that Ogden is particularly involved in trying to fix. That shortfall may prevent the state from providing textbooks to public schools as scheduled.


Stopgap Federal Spending Bill Slashes Education – The stopgap federal spending bill almost certainly spells the end of federal funding for more than a dozen education programs, at least until the end of the current fiscal year, and quite possibly forever.

The list of funding cuts includes:

  • National Writing Project—$25.6 million
  • Teach for America—$18 million
  • Reading is Fundamental—$24.8 million
  • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards—$10.7 million
  • New Leaders for New Schools—$5 million
  • Arts in Education—$40 million
  • We the People—$21.6 million
  • Close Up fellowships—$1.9 million
  • Exchanges With Historic Whaling and Trading Partners—$8.6 million
  • Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity program—$3 million
  • B.J. Stupak Olympic Scholarships—nearly $1 million


Conservative Government in Canada Tries to Make It Legal to Lie on the News So They Can Start “Fox News” Type Channel – After the public discovered that the Conservative Harper government was attempting to change the rules that prevented media outlets from broadcasting false or misleading news, their reaction was swift and decisive.

No freaking way.

The Harper government was quietly attempting to change this rule to make broadcasting false news illegal only in cases where it could be proven that the broadcaster “knew” the news was false prior to broadcast. Coincidentally – or not – the change was being discussed just in time for the launch of a brand new right wing television news station in Canada.

Sun News, the brainchild of Harper’s former chief of staff Kory Teneycke, nicknamed “Fox News North,” was expected to provide vitriolic political rhetoric and right-wing attacks in much the same vein as Fox News in America.


Toxic Sludge on Your Food – Millions of pounds of toxic sludge are routinely disposed of on farmland used to grow food, where it is touted by the sludge industry as natural “fertilizer.” Sewage sludge contains everything the sewage treatment plant was able to remove from the sewage – plus every new chemical and pathogen formed in the mad synergy of this chemical soup, including virulent, antibiotic-resistant bacteria created through horizontal gene transfer.

H.R.254, the Sewage Sludge in Food Production Consumer Notification Act, would prevent food and animal feed from being grown on land spread with toxic sludge. The bill isn’t perfect, as it would only apply to the application of sewage sludge in the year before planting. But, it’s a good start, and could lead to the phasing out of farmland disposal of sewage sludge.




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Bad Deeds for 3-2-2011; Volume 2


Fox News Reporter Lies About Being Punched During Protest – Fox News reporter Mike Tobin, reporting from amid the massive demonstration in Wisconsin on Friday, claimed that one of the protesters “punched” him in the arm. Tobin’s allegation that he was assaulted might have slipped past without rebuttal were it not for a camera-equipped bystander, who captured the scene. Turns out, someone merely touched his shoulder, as evidenced in the video. The incident he claimed was a “punch” could instead be described as a pat, at most. Tobin later claimed that he was just too nice of a guy to press charges.



Ohio Republican Leaders Replace Republican on Committee Who Spoke Out Against Union-Busting Bill – Just before a crucial committee vote on a union-busting bill in Ohio, Republican Leadership in the Ohio Senate replaced Republican Bill Seitz, who had spoken out against the bill. His replacement voted for the bill and allowed to pass the committee, then the bill went to the Senate floor. The Republican-backed measure which would restrict the collective bargaining rights of roughly 350,000 teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public employees squeaked through the state Senate on a 17-16 vote.


Wisconsin Republican Lawmaker Calls Protesters ‘Slobs’ – Wisconsin’s Republican State Sen. Glenn Grothman called protesters in the Capitol “slobs” for demonstrating against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget plan, which strips the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions. The protesters are teachers, firemen, policemen, and other public workers.


Texas Governor’s Budget Throws Away Our Future – Two years ago a blue ribbon panel with conservative business leaders appointed by Governor Perry reported that Texas “faces a downward spiral in both quality of life and economic competitiveness if it fails to educate more of its growing population.” The panel focused on the need to increase college attendance and to improve higher education.

Governor Perry’s budget proposes a 20% cut in state support for higher education. For the impact of the current proposed budget cuts on specific student aid programs and colleges throughout the state, click here.


Stop the Republican War on Working Families



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Bad Deeds for 3-2-2011


The Koch Brothers Latest Acquisition: Wisconsin – Does Wisconsin have a short-term budget deficit? Yes, but only because of the $141 million in special-interest tax breaks that Governor Scott Walker pushed through in January. Does Wisconsin have a long-term problem? Yes, because of a projected shortfall in public employee pension obligations. But state employees, who willingly worked 14 furlough days last year to help the state balance the budget, have already agreed to the financial sacrifices demanded by the governor: contributing more toward their health and retirement coverage — which translates into a 7 percent pay cut.

If workers have already agreed to his budget demands, why is Governor Walker stubbornly insisting on breaking the backs of the unions? Because that’s what the Koch brothers told him to do. And, in Wisconsin, as well as many other states, what the Koch brothers want, the Koch brothers get. And they’re willing to pay handsomely for it.

By day, the Koch brothers are major polluters, heads of the energy and consumer products conglomerate Koch Brothers, based in Wichita, Kansas. By night, they are one of the most powerful and secretive forces in American politics — whose stated goal is to get rid of all government regulation. The Koch boys operate with many tentacles, their principal one a faux-grassroots, corporate-funded organization called Americans for Prosperity. In 2009 and 2010, AFP provided most of the funding for tea party rallies nationwide. They bused people to Washington to protest President Obama’s health care reform and global warming legislation. They paid for buses to Glenn Beck’s rally at the Lincoln Memorial. They put up the money for Proposition 23, an unsuccessful effort to overturn California’s strict climate change laws. And, all the while, they fueled a relentless series of vicious, personal attacks on President Obama.

They were also active at the state level, supporting Republican candidates for governor who would embrace their anti-government agenda. And they found their poster boy in Scott Walker, always willing to dance to the Koch brothers’ tune — and take their call, even when it’s fake. Buried deep inside the governor’s so-called “budget repair” bill is a totally unrelated provision allowing no-bid sales of state-owned heating, cooling, and power plants. And, in Wisconsin, guess who’s the leading customer for buying power plants? Koch Industries.

Follow the money. In Wisconsin, it leads to Charles and David Koch.


The Average CEO Now Gets 185 Times the Average Worker’s Pay

CEOs have reaped the benefit of middle class productivity gains


Is Donald Rumsfeld Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? – Ever wonder what the Bush Administration’s most brilliant thinking on foreign policy looked like? Now we know, thanks to this 2003 document from former Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld imagines fearful fantasies and wants solutions


Nebraska Republican Wants to Legalize Murder – Nebraska Republican state Sen. Mark Christensen has introduced bill LB 232, which will allow anyone to commit “justifiable homicide” in defense of a fetus.



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Bad Deeds for 2-28-2011


The Superrich Have Grabbed Nearly Everything While Many Suffer – As seen in the graph below, the top 1% of earners are doing just great, the top 20 % are doing OK, and everyone else is losing ground. [more …]

The rich getting richer does not create jobs while the middle class falls further behind


First Big Coal Broke the Union; Then It Broke The Town – From a chair on the porch of her home in a hollow deep in the Appalachians, Lora can see the top of Montcoal Mountain being blasted off. The explosions a mile and a half away ruffle her curtains, rattle family photos in her living room, and may be why her walls are laced with cracks. A fine gray dust settles on the steps as fast as she can sweep it off. The noise and “fly rock” raining down have forced her daughter and dozens of neighbors to sell their houses and move away. Lora worries she’ll be next.

The roughly 1,000 union workers who toiled underground during the height of the mining boom of the late ’70s enjoyed some of the best benefits in the country. At one time, the Twilight area boasted two grocery stores, a company store called the Robin Hood, a movie theater, and a mine-sponsored softball league. That’s all gone now. Lora can’t even buy a loaf of bread in Twilight anymore. The stores are gone. Massey’s mountaintop mine there, the largest east of the Mississippi, has consumed the only road leading to the neighboring valley, turning a 15-minute drive into an hour-long trek. Traditionally, locals chose to be buried on the mountaintops, as the Native Americans had before them, so they might be laid to rest as close to God as they could get. The old cemeteries are now green islands amid rocky fields of gray, inaccessible without a mining-company escort. Lora’s friend, a 75-year-old woman who resembles Betty White (I’ll call her Opal), says she denied her husband’s dying wish to be buried up there—how would she ever visit him?

The strip mines have also buried the trout streams in rubble, polluted the water with toxic selenium, and filled the air with silica dust. All told, 501 mountaintops, more than 1,800 square miles of land, and 2,000 miles of streams across Appalachia have been affected.


Maine Governor LePage Hired Pro-BPA Lobbyists – Maine governor Paul LePage’s recently made weird comments about the chemical BPA. “The only thing that I’ve heard is if you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen,” remarked LePage, scientifically. “So the worst case is some women may have little beards.” Uh-huh.

Turns out LePage has hired some lobbyists for out-of-state drug and toy industry groups to help him form his opinions on environmental and kid-safety legislation.

Shortly after he was elected last year, LePage released a “wish-list” of environmental and health regulations he hoped to roll back. LePage said the ideas in the document came from small business owners in Maine. But it turns out that the wish list was actually the work of Ann Robinson, head of the corporate lobbying group Preti Flaherty Beliveau & Pachios. Robinson’s clients have included PhRMA and Merck. Also the Toy Industry Association of America, which fought Maine’s proposed BPA ban in baby bottles and sippy cups last year. Robinson served as co-chair of LePage’s transition team and is currently his head advisor on regulatory reform.
In addition to Robinson, LePage also hired Patricia Aho, a lobbyist with the law firm Pierce Atwood, as his deputy commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.

Robinson and Aho are not exactly unbiased when it comes to regulations. Lobbying disclosures on file with the state Ethics Commission show both PhRMA and Merck paid Robinson to defeat the KID-SAFE PRODUCTS ACT, a 2008 law that phased out toxic chemicals in toys, car seats, baby clothes, and other children’s products. The AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE and drug maker ASTRAZENECA paid Aho to do the same. The governor’s wish list calls for “revisions to prohibitions of chemicals and materials in products”


California Lawmaker Receives Racist Death Threat Warning ‘Rush Limbaugh Will Kick Your Chink Ass’ – California State Sen. Leland Yee (D) called on right-wing hate radio host Rush Limbaugh to apologize for mocking Chinese President Hu Jintao and the Chinese language by speaking gibberish “ching chong chang” Chinese on his radio program. Yee, who is Chinese-American and chairs the state Senate Select Committee on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, said Limbaugh owes the Chinese-American community an apology for his “pointless and ugly offense.” Naturally, Limbaugh did not apologize, and instead railed against Yee the following day on his radio, calling him out repeatedly by name.

Yee’s call for civility did not sit well with one Limbaugh fan, who responded by sending several racist death threats to Yee’s office this week. “Rush Limbaugh will kick your chink ass and expose you for the fool you are,” the faxes read, threatening him with “death.” As the San Francisco Chronicle notes, “The faxes include a drawing of a U.S. flag-adorned pickup truck towing a noose that is looped around what appears to be a caricature head of President Barack Obama.”

(Warning, contains racial expletives):

Authoritarians spread fear and hate with hateful labels



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Bad Deeds for 2-24-2011 – Volume #2

Yes, there are so many Bad Deeds that it took two installments today.


Law Firm for U. S. Chamber of Commerce and Bank of America Planned Dirty-Tricks Campaign Against Journalists and Unions – Two weeks ago, 71,000 emails created by investigators working for Hunton & Williams were leaked by the hacktivist network Anonymous. They showed that the lawyers, on behalf of their clients, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Bank of America, solicited and conspired with the investigators to engage in a long list of criminal conduct and intentional torts against reporters, NGOs and unions. Dozens of these leaked emails and documents show that the lawyers and investigators actively conspired to engage in “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation,” through the use of “false documents,” “fake personas,” “false information,” and “attacks” to “discredit” NGOs, unions and reporters, including us. The complaint, by cross referencing these emails with criminal statutes listed by the Department of Justice in its manual on “Prosecuting Computer Crimes,” demonstrates that the lawyers “solicited, conspired with and counseled three of its investigative private security firms to engage in domestic spying, fraud, forgery, extortion, cyber stalking, defamation, harassment, destruction of property, spear phishing, destruction of property, identity theft, computer scraping, cyber attacks, interference with business, civil rights violations, harassment, and theft.”


U.S. Army General Ordered Psychological Operations Against U S. Senators – The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators. The orders came from the command of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops – the linchpin of U.S. strategy in the war. Over a four-month period last year, a military cell devoted to what is known as “information operations” at Camp Eggers in Kabul was repeatedly pressured to target visiting senators and other VIPs who met with Caldwell. When the unit resisted the order, arguing that it violated U.S. laws prohibiting the use of propaganda against American citizens, it was subjected to a campaign of retaliation.

“My job in psy-ops is to play with people’s heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave,” says Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes, the leader of the IO unit, who received an official reprimand after bucking orders. “I’m prohibited from doing that to our own people. When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressman, you’re crossing a line.”


Republican Governor of NJ Attempting to Bully One of Two Remaining Top African-American Officials from Office According to Public Defender – Accusations from Yvonne Smith Segars, the head of New Jersey’s Office of the Public Defender, state that Chris Christie, New Jersey’s tough Republican Governor.”violated New Jersey law as well as the State and Federal Constitutions,” in his efforts to remove her from her post, and by interfering with the operation of her office. In the letter, She says he’s actively undermining the work of the state’s public defenders by “obstructing…management decisions and by impeding the filling of constitutionally mandated positions.”

Segars accused Christie of “bullying tactics” in an effort to remove her from office. The tactics, according to NJ’s chief Public Defender, included “veiled threats”, “pressure to resign”, “interference with [the] agency’s operations” by thwarting approved promotions, and ordering her press officer to report to the Governor, instead of to her.


The Only Financial-Crisis Criminal That Went to Jail Was the One Who Conned Rich People – The financial-crisis saw virtually every major bank and financial company on Wall Street embroiled in obscene criminal scandals that impoverished millions and collectively destroyed hundreds of billions, in fact, trillions of dollars of the world’s wealth — and nobody went to jail. Nobody, that is, except Bernie Madoff, a flamboyant and pathological celebrity con artist, whose victims happened to be other rich and famous people.

The rest of them, all of them, got off. Not a single executive who ran the companies that cooked up and cashed in on the phony financial boom — an industrywide scam that involved the mass sale of mismarked, fraudulent mortgage-backed securities — has ever been convicted. Their names by now are familiar to even the most casual Middle American news consumer: companies like AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. Most of these firms were directly involved in elaborate fraud and theft. Lehman Brothers hid billions in loans from its investors. Bank of America lied about billions in bonuses. Goldman Sachs failed to tell clients how it put together the born-to-lose toxic mortgage deals it was selling. What’s more, many of these companies had corporate chieftains whose actions cost investors billions — from AIG derivatives chief Joe Cassano, who assured investors they would not lose even “one dollar” just months before his unit imploded, to the $263 million in compensation that former Lehman chief Dick “The Gorilla” Fuld conveniently failed to disclose. Yet not one of them has faced time behind bars.


Republicans Don’t Want Protection for You From Predatory Financial Firms – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an independent agency charged with regulating credit cards, mortgages and other financial products like payday loans. But Republican lawmakers want to take a bite out of the consumer bureau and bring it under their control. So far this month, they’ve launched several efforts aimed at the agency. “Politicizing the funding of bank supervision would be a dangerous precedent,” Elizabeth Warren said in a speech to the Consumer’s Union last week. “It would deprive the CFPB of the predictable funding it will need to examine large and powerful banks consistently and to provide a level playing field with their nonbank competitors.” Warren, a consumer advocate and Harvard University professor working as an adviser to both the White House and Treasury, has had more than 50 one-on-one meetings with lawmakers about the consumer bureau.


Fox Business News’ Eric Bolling Gets His Numbers Wrong About Wisconsin Teacher’s Compensation and Makes an Invalid Comparison – In an interview on Feb. 21. 2011, Fox Business News anchor Eric Bolling made a comparison between compensation for Wisconsin teachers and private sector workers. First off, he overstated the teacher’s compensation and understated the private workers compensation. But many statisticians have a more fundamental issue with Bolling’s comparison. In order to be a teacher in Wisconsin, you’ve got to have a 4-year college degree. And 52 percent of Wisconsin teachers also have a master’s degree. That’s much, much higher than the average education level for workers in the private sector. People with higher degrees in education typically get paid more.

A report titled “Out of Balance” by two University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professors for the National Institute of Retirement Security, found that when “comparable earning determinants,” such as education, are considered, state employees typically earn salaries 11 percent lower than their private sector counterparts. When you consider total compensation — salary plus benefits — the deficit dropped to 6.8 percent (because public employees generally get better benefits packages than those in the private sector).

Another report, by the liberal Economic Policy Institute, found that Wisconsin public employees earn 4.8 percent less in total compensation than comparable private-sector workers., The study’s author, Jeff Keefe, issued a policy memo on Feb. 15, 2011, titled “Wisconsin public versus private employee costs: Why compare apples to oranges?”

“Inaccurate comparisons of national and Wisconsin public employee compensation with private sector compensation are circulating in Wisconsin,” Keefe wrote. “These faulty comparisons, showing that public employees in Wisconsin are dramatically overpaid, seem to support legislative efforts to increase benefit contributions by public employees.”

“But when we compare apples to apples, we find that Wisconsin public employees earn 4.8% less in total compensation than comparable private sector workers,” Keefe wrote. “The comparisons—controlling for education, experience, hours of work, organizational size, gender, race, ethnicity, citizenship, and disability—demonstrate that full-time state and local public employees earn lower wages and receive less in total compensation (including all benefits) than comparable private sector employees.


Republicans at CPAC Stray From the Truth – Republicans at the Conservative Political Action Conference strayed from the facts. Several potential presidential candidates, congressional leaders and high-profile conservatives spoke at the annual conservative gathering in Washington. Among them:

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky wrongly claimed that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, during her confirmation hearings, agreed that “the government through the commerce clause could regulate that you eat three vegetables a day.”

Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, was wrong by more than 3 million people when he claimed that there are more unemployed Americans than employed Canadians. He also said President Obama “stood watch over the greatest job loss in modern American history,” but the fact is more jobs were lost in Bush’s last year than under Obama.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was wrong when he said Brazil is “totally energy independent,” and he also vastly overstated the U.S. natural gas supply.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour claimed that Obama “tried to impose the biggest tax increase in American history on small-business owners by letting the Bush tax cuts expire.” But Obama proposed letting cuts expire only for upper-income individuals, most of whom are not small-business owners.



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Bad Deeds for 2-24-2011


Wisconsin Governor Uses Middle-East Tactics; Blocks Website – Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker partially blocked a left-leaning website that union supporters used to rally protesters as demonstrators gathered in the state Capitol.

The website, could not be accessed in the Capitol building on Monday and Tuesday were lawmakers debated a bill to eradicate collective-bargaining rights of public sector employees. The Capitol internet service, which restricts access to certain websites considered inappropriate for lawmakers, revealed a “blocked page” when users tried to access the site using the wireless system in the building.

The Teacher Assistants Association (TAA) has also accused Walker of cutting off wifi access to a room they had taken over as a headquarters inside of the Capitol. yesterday the Wifi connection mysteriously ended with no explanation as to why.
Remind you of anyone?


House Bill Degrades and Destroys Environment – Last week, the House Majority — on a virtual straight party-line vote — passed an extreme bill that terminated funding for dozens of important environmental programs. In a clear sign that the Republicans are not interested in science or the truth, the bill would stop the EPA from even collecting data on sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollutants.

If the bill becomes law, we will return to a Bush-era policy of degrading and even destroying America’s wilderness through oil and gas development, off road vehicle abuses, and other forms of development. Meanwhile, the bill leaves untouched $4 billion in annual oil, gas and coal subsidies.


Budget Cuts Take Aim at the Poor – Over the weekend, the House approved more than $60 billion in budget cuts from hundreds of federal programs. Unfortunately, some of these cuts threaten the health and survival of the world’s most vulnerable. These cuts are more than just numbers. If approved by the Senate, these cuts will have a real impact on the men, women and children who need these programs to survive. The budget cuts to the Global Fund alone would keep 10 million malaria bed nets from being delivered to malaria prone communities, prevent 3.7 million people from getting tested for HIV and deny 400,000 new patients from getting life-saving anti-retroviral treatments. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote earlier this week, these cuts will be “devastating to our national security, will render us unable to respond to unanticipated disasters and will damage our leadership around the world.”


Republican Social Engineering – A study by Christopher Faricy, a political science professor at Washington State, shows there is no statistically conclusive evidence that Democratic control of the federal government results in higher levels of total social spending. Additionally, the study shows that Republican control of the legislature results in a higher ratio of indirect to direct social spending. An increase in indirect social spending has the same budgetary effect as direct social spending. For example, an increase in tax deductions for private health care insurance that costs the Treasury $100 million dollars has the exact same effect on the budget deficit as a newly proposed public health insurance option that is projected at $100 million dollars.

So, if Republicans are spending just as much, if not more in some cases, on social programs, then why are they constantly cutting social programs in the guise of “balancing the budget?” Because the programs being eliminated do not provide a form of wealth kickback to their pool of voters. Republicans are the ones truly doing the social engineering as they continue their crusade to defund programs and replace them with their own charities and non-profits that can pick and choose agendas to push.

Republicans, it turns out, actually spend a bit more money on social programs than Democrats, as the green bars in the chart below show. The main difference? Democrats spend it on direct programs that largely serve “the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed, and the poor…ethnic minorities, racial minorities, and single mothers.” Republicans spend it indirectly on programs that “are biased towards workers who are White, full-time, in large companies, and high-wage earners.” But spend it they do.




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Bad Deeds for 2-23-2011


Wisconsin Governor’s Plan Allows for the Selling of Energy Assets With No Bids – The fight in Wisconsin is over Governor Walker’s 144-page Budget Repair Bill. The parts everyone is focusing on have to do with the right to collectively bargain being stripped from public sector unions (except for the unions that supported Walker running for Governor). Focusing on this misses a large part of what the bill would do. Check out this language, from the same bill:

16.896 Sale or contractual operation of state−owned heating, cooling, and power plants. (1) Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state. Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3) (b).

The bill would allow for the selling of state-owned heating/cooling/power plants without bids and without concern for the legally-defined public interest.


Wisconsin Governor Talks Openly to Guy He Thinks is Billionaire David Koch – Charles and David Koch, two key financiers of the Republican tea parties, were also major financiers of Scott Walker’s bid for the Wisconsin governor’s office. Their political action committee gave Walker roughly $100,000 in campaign contributions during the 2010 election, according to campaign finance records.

Today, Walker took a telephone call from a parson identifying himself as David Koch. But it was actually a blogger from Buffalo, NY. Walker spilled the beans about his plans for dirty tricks against the unions and the Democratic senators. Walker also revealed that this is a coordinated effort between Republican governors in several states, and that he had thought about planting trouble-makers among the protesters.

But, more importantly, why would the governor give so many details out to this supposed billionaire, unless there is a tight relationship in their dealings? Oh yeah, the governor thanked “Koch” for helping push the cause forward. The caller later said he pulled the prank on Walker because he wanted to show how easily Koch could get Walker on the line when Democrats complain that Walker won’t talk to them.


Fox Reverses Poll Results to Portray Public as Anti-Union – A new poll was released Wednesday showing the public strongly supports union bargaining rights by a two-to-one margin. The Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends” program displayed and voiced the results of the poll backwards, in a way that depicts the public as strongly opposed to unions.


Indiana Official: “Use Live Ammunition” Against Wisconsin Protesters – A deputy attorney general for the state of Indiana said, “Use live ammunition” and “You’re damned right I advocate deadly force.”



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Bad Deeds for 2-21-2011


Congress Says They Want to Reduce the Deficit, But They Keep Funding Military Programs That the Pentagon Doesn’t Want – With deficit hawks looking for spending areas to cut, the Airborne Laser would appear to be an easy target. Approximately $5.2 billion has been sent on the weapon in the last 15 years, but it has only conducted one successful test. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said, “There’s nobody in uniform that I know who believes that this is a workable concept.” But Congress keeps insisting that the military spend big bucks on it.


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Used His Position to Help Enrich His Wife – Two formal legal complaints assert that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas knowingly and willfully withheld the information about his wife’s employment in order to keep litigants from using that information to ask that he be disqualified from their cases for bias and conflict of interest. Virginia Thomas worked for the conservative Heritage Foundation earning at least $600,000, which Justice Thomas denied on his disclosure forms. The Heritage Foundation benefitted from Justice Thomas’ decisions, including the controversial Citizens United decision, which allowed organizations such as the Heritage Foundation to raise unlimited funds to help conservative candidates. In the wake of that decision, Mrs. Thomas launched her own organization, Liberty Central, and raised over $550,000 in secret money. She then supposedly left that organization in November 2010 following a scandal involving an inappropriate telephone call to Anita Hill, only to start another organization called Liberty Consulting Inc. within the past month.

On February 7, 2011, ProtectOurElections tried to interview Mrs. Thomas at the office suite address listed on her Liberty Consulting website but it turned out to be a UPS Store with “Suite 302” being a mailbox. That mailbox is the same address listed on her Liberty Central IRS 990 form. A video showing UPS Store staff asking them to leave when they began inquiring about Mrs. Thomas’ office is on YouTube. Click here to view the video.


Glenn Beck Targets a 78 Year-Old Woman Who Wants to Help the Poor – Glenn Beck’s latest conspiracy theory target is a 78-year-old academic who, 45 years ago, published an article stating the need for certain reforms to help the poor.

The result? City University of New York professor and longtime advocate for the poor and working class, Frances Fox Piven has been receiving repeated death threats on online message boards and has personally received angry and violent emails. Please sign the petition at the link.


Job Killers – Policies that balance the budget on the backs of teachers, firefighters, police, public works people, and other workers are immoral. Now is the time for economic solutions, not scapegoats. Many of the proposals to reduce budgets are job killers, plain and simple, There is a big difference between the state’s economy and the state budget. Balancing the budget, while cutting funding of jobs will hurt Texas’ economy and many of it’s people.

Please support real solutions to restore the economy and the middle class.


Stealing From the Hungry – In 1953, at the beginning of his presidency, President Eisenhower gave a speech in which he said, ““Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”

Ike’s predictions define exactly where we are now. The economic crisis, high unemployment and cuts in human services compel us to organize grassroots support for even deeper cuts in the Pentagon budget.


Privatization of Public Services Can Leave you Broke and Thirsty -For the past 30 years, there has been a deliberate effort to deregulate industry and to choke off federal support for public services and public spaces, paving the way for greater corporate control. The push to privatize is nothing new, it’s just that our economic crisis is the latest opportunity. Falling on hard times, Coatesville, Penn. decided to sell off its drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in 2001 and invest the money in a trust fund to be used for city services. But privatization hasn’t been the economic boon the city was hoping for. After even tougher economic times hit Coatesville, the trust has already been drained by two-thirds and residents have seen their water and sewer rates jump 85 percent since American Water, the larger water corporation in the country, took the helm. Last year the company even proposed a 229-percent rate hike for sewer services, forcing the city to cobble together money for legal fees to fight back. This worked about as well as privatizing securiy (Blackwater, Inc.) worked in Iraq. [More on Privateering.]


Tea Party Patriots Can’t Even Handle Their Own Money – The finances of the nation’s largest tea party group have increasingly become a subject of concern—and outrage—to conservative activists. Some question whether donations to the organization, Tea Party Patriots, have gone to advance the movement, or just the careers and jet-setting lifestyles of its leaders. The group has had a man with an unusual background managing its money: He was sanctioned by the IRS several years ago for failing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in payroll taxes related to a failed business that pushed him into bankruptcy. He also happens to be married to one of the group’s leaders.

For a group that has demanded financial accountability and transparency from the Obama administration, Tea Party Patriots (TPP) has not embraced those principles in its own business affairs. It has been highly secretive about its finances, and the organization’s leaders have dealt harshly with activists and employees who’ve pressed for answers on how donor money has been spent.

Meanwhile, the group has failed to file a timely tax return indicating how much money it has raised and what, generally, it spent it on—including how much it’s paying its top staffers. And despite identifying itself for nearly two years as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, the group has neglected to actually apply to the IRS for such status.


The True Cost of Using Coal is Very High to All of Us – Energy from coal might seem cheap on the surface, but when you add in the costs of coal-related pollution and health issues, the true cost of coal starts looking pretty steep.

Coal fired power plants spew toxins into our air while mountaintop removal mining practices destroy our mountains and pollute surrounding waterways. Here are just a few of the hidden annual costs of coal from the Appalachian region alone, according to a recent Harvard Medical School study:

  • Public health: $75 billion
  • Health costs due to air pollution from coal power plants: $187 billion
  • Mercury emissions: $29 billion
  • Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions: $206 billion.

According to the study, adding up all of these hidden costs would increase the per kWh price for coal by almost 18 cents. To put that in perspective, coal power now costs around 12 cents per kWh. Solar power costs between 10 and 15 cents per kWh.


Houston Man Beaten by Police Without Cause – Chad Holley, a burglary suspect, had surrendered to Houston police officers when they began stomping, kicking, and punching him. Despite this gross and obvious betrayal of the public’s trust and the injury to the young man — including a broken nose — the officers faced misdemeanor charges and only one year in prison under state law. It appears that federal prosecution will be necessary if the officers are to receive punishment commensurate with the crime they appear to have committed.



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Fear Mongering Over Debt and Deficits – It’s Happened Before, Why Then, Why Now?

Why are we, as a nation, no longer expressing concern about the employment deficit? Because the media and the politicians are all fear mongering about deficit spending, the national debt, and terminating state employees and/or their benefits to fix their budget problems. “The sky is falling!”

The last time there were such fearful fantasies about debt and deficits was in the 80’s under Ronald Reagan when the top tax rate was reduced 42 points from 70 to 28 percent. At that time, it was done to scare us into accepting these significant income tax reductions for the mega and ultra rich and increased taxes for the poor.

Upper Tax Rates Have Been Falling Significantly

Shrinking tax rate for mega and ultra rich Americans

Lower Tax Rates Have Been on the Rise

Tax rates for the poor have increased over the decades


Today’s fantasy fear mongering is about hiding the failure of those lopsided tax breaks intended to create jobs and making sure only the bottom 98 percent of us share equally in the misery of the Great Recession.

As for the exaggerated concerns for the national debt and deficit, the chart below shows how out of proportion the debt and deficit fear mongering is. As you can see, we’ve been in worse shape before and we survived. During WWII our national debt had reached over 120% of our GDP. As of September 2010, US Debt was at 93% of GDP.

This chart shows that when we were scared into the tax law changes in the 80s, our national debt was actually at its lowest point in the last 70 years. It also shows that since those excessive tax reductions were implemented, our national debt has more than doubled as a percent of the GDP.



The current situation is worse than when President Reagan and the supply siders first scared us about it, but we are still overreacting to authoritarian fearful fantasies. Remember, fearful people do stupid things. We survived the larger deficits of WWII and should survive now unless Congress and the states start implementing fear based (stupid) changes.

The video below details who is responsible for all this debt. The authoritarians responsible for growing it are now responsible for scaring us about it.

Reagan and Bushes Raise the National Debt


Authoritarian fearful fantasies (Think Glenn Beck), or Noble Lies, helped create the current large deficit over the past three decades. In addition to creating our current debt problems and hiding the failure of supply-side tax breaks to create jobs, the fear mongering is also hiding the fact that the authoritarians have no plan for creating jobs.

As shown here and stated by others, the Bush tax breaks for today’s mega and ultra rich have not created jobs. Just look at job growth during the last ten years with the Bush tax breaks for the mega and ultra rich. The chart below shows that the total of those employed as a percent of the total population is down about six percent in the last 10 years. In other words, job growth hasn’t kept up with population growth and the Bush tax breaks did nothing to prevent this lack of job growth.


Also under G. W. Bush’s presidency, only “375,000 jobs a year [were created], the most pitiful record since 1939 when the Bureau of Labor Statistics started collecting the numbers.”

One last point about our fear driven reactions to the nation’s debt. If the national debt and deficit spending is such a threat to our economy, why has the stock market almost doubled in value in the last two years?

Stock marker rises in spite of federal budget issues


Where are the jobs Mr. Boehner? Why aren’t you working with others to promote job growth instead of scaring us with false fantasies that will kill more middle class jobs, bust unions, and hide the growing plutocracy?

Update showing how we went from a projected $6 trillion surplus to a $6 trillion deficit:

Saving the Planet or Fixing the Debt

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Social Dominance Authoritarians – Rule By Fearful Fantasies

In 2006, John Dean wrote this about neoconservatives in his book Conservatives Without Conscience:

Neoconservatives are a relatively small group of social dominance authoritarians, with significant, if not disproportionate, influence.

Dean also stated that, “Neoconservatism first surfaced in the public during the Reagan Administration.” As posted here and elsewhere, neoconservatism started with Leo Strauss, a WWII German immigrant, in the late 1940s.

Also discussed here are the ways in which American social dominance authoritarians have actually helped their Islamic counterparts. This posting uses a BBC documentary to detail that relationship where both groups use fear mongering to wreak havoc on all the world and build the myths of Soviet superiority and world-wide al-Qaeda organization.

In late 2004, Adam Curtis’ documentary, three part series, The Power of Nightmares – The Rise of the Politics of Fear, was aired on the BBC. In it, Leo Strauss and other American neocons are compared to Sayed Kotb and other Islamic radicals. Both groups, as John Dean describes, are “social dominance authoritarians, with significant, if not disproportionate, influence.”

Curtis describes what these authoritarians have done and said over recent decades. This documentary is an extension of what John Dean, Shadia Drury, and others have written about the authoritarians of our time. These authoritarians exist and this documentary shows how they rule by fear and Noble Lies.

Below, the documentary is presented in 18 segments. You will see how Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Sayed Kotb, Ayman al-Zawahiri and other Islamic radicals used Nobel Lies, or “simple powerful myths,” to promote fear and war. Eventually, these two groups actually, but not intentionally, created the myth of an al-Qaeda organization.

Both groups of social dominance authoritarians (SDA) feel the same moral duty to put a stop to individual freedoms that are corrupting the morals of America, Egypt and the rest of the Middle East. Both groups see the other as an evil that must be eliminated, and use their imaginations to replace broken dreams with frightening nightmares and thus generate fear of each other.

The original documentary consisted of three one hour programs. The SDAs gain power fighting the Soviet myth in part 1, turn inward after the collapse of the Soviet Union in part 2 while failing to rally the “masses,” and then regain control with the myth of al-Qaeda in part 3.

(YouTube provides both 18 short segments, shown below, and three longer segments. Links to the longer segments are listed at the end of this posting. )


Part I: Baby It’s Cold Outside


According to Leo Strauss and Sayed Kotb:
Individual Freedom Was Corrupting the World
SDA Must Stop the Decay with Myths –


Neocons and Muslim Brotherhood Must Lead Their “Masses”
The Culture Wars and Execution of Kotb Unite the “Masses”


Unite America Against the Evils of the World
SDA Spokesmen: Kristol, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz
SDA Message: Imaginary Superiority of the Soviets


America Must Save the World from the Soviets
Middle East Must be Saved from Corruption by the West


Egypt’s Adoption of Western Ways Must be Stopped
Ayman al-Zawahiri to Egypt’s Rescue
Killing of Muslems by Muslems Justified


Neocons Convert Evangelical “Masses” and President Reagan
Terrorism ‘Organized’ by the Soviets
CIA Lies Become Neocon Reality



Part 2: The Phantom Victory

Neocons, Evangelicals, Islamic Radicals Defeat Soviets?
Myth’s Will Unite
Stinger Missiles, IEDs, Satellite Images for Terrorists


bin Laden Brings Cash to the Cause
Ayman al-Zawahiri Released to Help
The Evil Soviet System Dies


Muslim Moderates and Political Solution Defeated
Islamic Radicals Gain Upper Hand
bin Laden comes to Power


Neocons Stymied by Bush Senior and Turn Inward
Neocons Work With Evangelicals on Culture Wars
Religion Used as a Nobel Lie


Islamists Kill Their Own – Lose Support
Neocons Attack Liberal Moral Failures – Another Myth


West and East “Masses” Could not be Mobilized
Neocons and Islamists Re-group.
New External Enemy Needed to Replace Soviet Myth



Part 3: The Shadows in the Cave

The Myth of an al-Qaeda Network
New Enemy for Neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle
bin Laden Funds Terror


The Myth of al-Qaeda Replaces the Soviet Myth
A New Noble Lie For Neocons to Scare Us


‘Coded Evidence’ of Terrorist Sleeper Cells Everywhere
Few Terrorist Convictions
Neocons Grow Myth of al-Qaeda ‘Organization’


Neocons and Radical Islamists
Perpetuate the Myth of a World-wide al-Qaeda Organization
al_Qaeda ‘Sleeper Cells’ Unsuccessfully Prosecuted


Projecting the Fantasies of the Neocons
Abu Zubaydah and ‘Dirty Bombs’
al-Qaeda ‘Linked to’ Saddam Hussein


The Fear of an Imaginary Future
Evidence Not Required
The Precautionary Principle:
The More Dire The Fantasy – The More Power to Act


Imagine the Worst Scenarios
– Scare the Masses –
Control The Masses


Three longer videos available from one video blogger:


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