Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


Bad Deeds: Republican Galveston District Clerk accused of threatening wife, arrested for DWI

Republican Galveston District Clerk accused of threatening wife – former 2008 Harris County Judicial nominee

A Galveston county official was barred Monday from contacting his wife after being accused of threatening to kill her last week.

Jason Murray, the Republican district clerk of Galveston County, was in a Harris County courtroom Monday working out bond conditions that included not venturing to any zip code where his wife, a criminal defense lawyer, lives or works.

The 37-year-old, who is out on bail, is accused of threatening to kill Mekisha Jane Murray on March 25.
“There’s an allegation about, perhaps, a volatile phone conversation that he may or may not have had with the complainant in the underlying assault case,” said Murray’s attorney Carson Joachim. “This is tough – he’s a loyal and faithful servant of the community.”

Murray also has to contend with driving while intoxicated charges after being arrested March 27 in League City after his car struck two other vehicles.

Police said Murray’s car hit a car stopped at a red light about 4:45 p.m. After being cited and released, the 37-year-old was driving erratically and clipped another car, police said. Murray told officers he had a prescription for Xanax, an anxiety drug, and Zoloft, an antidepressant. He was arrested for DWI and taken to Galveston County jail.

In court Monday, prosecutors said Murray has violated the terms of probation he agreed to when he pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife after a Christmas party last year.

Murray admitted guilt in exchange for deferred adjudication, a form of probation that would have allowed him to escape a conviction if he had abided by the terms for two years.

During a hearing yet to be scheduled, prosecutors will ask the judge overseeing Murray’s probation to agree that Murray violated his probation, which means he will be convicted of assault, a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a year in jail.

County Court at Law Judge Robin Brown could find Murray violated his probation because of the DWI or the threat, according to court records.

Murray is expected to back in court Tuesday to finalize the conditions of his bail, which include no contact with his wife or child and also could include a GPS monitor. Murray was elected as district clerk in 2010.

Mekisha Murray lost her 2008 bid as a Democratic Harris County judicial candidate.



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Bad Deeds for 3-29-2012

Republican Lawmaker Thinks Women Are Better Off Beaten Than Divorced – Meet Wisconsin Republican Rep. Don Pridemore. He’s best known for his avid support of Wisconsin’s puppy mills, but he is the co-sponsor of the bill that declares single mothers are a cause of child abuse. Pridemore apparently is positioning himself as an expert on abuse, since he also has some very helpful advice for women who are victims of domestic violence.

Don’t leave him, just try to remember what you loved about him in the first place.

“Representative Don Pridemore, told TODAY’S TMJ4 he thinks even in abusive relationships, there are other options than divorce. ‘If they can refind those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help,’ said Representative Don Pridemore.”

And without even a trace of irony, he also claims that the reason women can’t single parent — one of the reasons he supports the bill — is because children will “go astray” since the father is usually the “disciplinarian.”

So to clarify, single parent homes run by mothers cause child abuse, but if there is spousal abuse in a two parent home the wife should stay with her husband, especially since he is needed because he is obviously the disciplinarian.

Let him beat you, let him beat your children, whatever it goes on in a house is just fine as long as you stay married.

Tea Party Group King Street Patriots Illegally Aided the Republican Party – A Travis County district court judge ruled this week that a Houston-based tea party group is not a nonprofit corporation as it claims, but an unregistered political action committee that illegally aided the Republican Party through its poll-watching efforts during the 2010 elections.

The summary judgment by Judge John Dietz upheld several Texas campaign finance laws that had been challenged on constitutional grounds by King Street Patriots, a tea party organization known for its “True the Vote” effort to uncover voter fraud.

The ruling grew out of a 2010 lawsuit filed by the Texas Democratic Party against the King Street Patriots. The Democrats charged that the organization made unlawful political contributions to the Texas Republican Party and various Republican candidates by training poll watchers in cooperation with the party and its candidates and by holding candidate forums only for GOP candidates.

Republican Cuts Were Too Much for Legislative Staffer – Allison Catalano, 26, went to work for state Rep. Myra Crownover, R-Denton, in August after graduating from the University of North Texas. She started as an unpaid intern and became a paid staffer.

It was a promising start to what she calls her “first ‘big girl’ job after graduation.”

Then she saw something she couldn’t stomach – GOP-led cuts and restrictions in family planning programs “announced as a victory.” That’s where her letter came in.

After thanking Crownover for the opportunity to work for her, Catalano wrote, “Your decision to cut the funding of clinics that provide free and low-cost health care to over 100,000 low-income Texas women is shameful. … I cannot in good conscience continue to be associated with you or a Legislature that would so unabashedly and unapologetically belittle the hard-fought rights of women. … Trampling the rights of women in an effort to grandstand against the federal government is simply wrong and I cannot be a part of it.”

Republicans Refusing to Pass Bill to Fix Bridges and Provide Jobs – More than 17 percent of construction trades workers are looking for jobs. Meanwhile, 68,842 American bridges are deficient. More than 282 million vehicles cross those bridges every day. And many public transit systems have serious problems and are in need of critical upgrades.

But obstructionists in the House of Representatives—led by House Speaker John Boehner—are refusing to pass the Senate’s bipartisan surface transportation bill.

Tell Speaker Boehner and GOP obstructionists: Stop holding jobs and public safety hostage—pass the Senate’s bipartisan surface transportation bill immediately!

Romney Says Tough Luck to Sick People Without Medical Insurance – Last night on the Jay Leno show Romney was asked what he would do to help people with preexisting medical conditions who are denied coverage by insurance companies. Romney’s answer: nothing.

For Romney this simply isn’t his, or our, problem. So long as there’s no gap in coverage (say from losing a job or being kicked off one plan for exhaustion of benefits) then coverage should still exist. But if they’ve never been insured before, or if they are so unfortunate that at some time, even briefly, they lost coverage, well then they are gaming the system and don’t deserve insurance coverage to begin with.

Under this approach people born with a preexisting condition would be completely unable to ever get insurance. This is why the mandate is so important because it not only guarantees coverage for individuals, it spreads the costs for insurance companies in covering their most expensive clients. And insurance companies have already said that without the mandate they’ll simply go back to denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions because after all, it’s the profitable thing to do.


Preemptive attacks on possible crime limits freedom.




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The Four Fundamentalisms of America’s Authoritarian State – Threats to Our Democracy

The excerpts below are from a recent article by Henry Giroux, author of Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, who discusses the major fundamentalisms of our growing authoritarian state. But first, my two cents:

There is free market fundamentalism which redefines citizenship as being a faithful, unquestioning consumer. Where freedom is about shopping while a small minority fights expensive and unnecessary international wars. Where all public spaces are commercialized and those running the privatized public spaces are accountable only to the a minority of citizens who are significant shareholders.

There is religious fundamentalism which redefines freedom of religion as the right to impose Christian values on all Americans and declare war on those who oppose this freedom to abuse.

There is educational fundamentalism where only the rich can afford an education that will lead to more than a subsistence life style. Where critical thinking is shunned and zero tolerance prepares many for a life void of any chance of success. Where citizens are misinformed without challenge and public discourse is brought down to the lowest common denominator.

There is military fundamentalism where local police are given military grade weaponry to use against citizens and public universities are becoming a critical element in our national security state.

More from Giroux:

Free Market Fundamentalism

A number of powerful anti-democratic tendencies now threaten American democracy and at least four of these are guaranteed to entail grave social and economic consequences. The first is a market fundamentalism that not only trivializes democratic values and public concerns, but also enshrines a rabid individualism, an all-embracing quest for profits and a social Darwinism in which misfortune is seen as a weakness, and a Hobbesian “war of all against all” replaces any vestige of shared responsibilities or compassion for others. Free-market fundamentalists now wage a full-fledged attack on the social contract, the welfare state, any notion of the common good and those public spheres not yet defined by commercial interests. Within neoliberal ideology, the market becomes the template for organizing the rest of society. Everybody is now a customer or client, and every relationship is ultimately judged in bottom-line, cost-effective terms. Freedom is no longer about equality, social justice or the public welfare, but about the trade in goods, financial capital and commodities.

In the land of the isolated individual, everything is privatized and public issues collapse into individual concerns so there is no way of linking private woes to social problems – the result is a dog-eat-dog world. Moreover, when all things formerly linked to the public good are so aggressively individualized and commercialized, it leaves few places in which a critical language and democratic values can be developed to defend institutions as vital public spheres.

Religious Fundamentalism

The second fundamentalism is seen in a religious fervor embraced by a Republican Party that not only serves up creationism instead of science, but substitutes unthinking faith for critical reason and intolerance for a concern with and openness toward others. This is a deeply disturbing trend in which the line between the state and religion is being erased as radical Christians and evangelicals embrace and impose a moralism on Americans that is largely bigoted, patriarchal, uncritical and insensitive to real social problems such as poverty, racism, the crisis in health care and the increasing impoverishment of America’s children. Instead of addressing these problems, a flock of dangerous and powerful religious fanatics, who have enormous political clout, are waging a campaign to ban same-sex marriages, undermine scientific knowledge, eliminate important research initiatives such as those involving embryonic stem cells, deny the human destruction of the ecological system, overturn Roe v. Wade and ban contraceptives for women. This Taliban-like moralism now boldly translates into everyday cultural practices and political policies as right-wing evangelicals live out their messianic view of the world. For instance, in the last decade, conservative pharmacists have refused to fill prescriptions for religious reasons. Mixing medicine, politics and religion means that some women are being denied birth control pills or any other product designed to prevent conception; sex education in some cases has been limited to “abstinence only” programs inspired by faith-based institutions; and scientific research challenging these approaches has disappeared from government web sites. But the much-exalted religious fundamentalism touted by fanatics such as Santorum and many of his Tea Party followers does more than promote a disdain for critical thought and reinforce retrograde forms of homophobia and patriarchy. It also inspires a wave of criticism and censorship against all but the most sanitized facets of popular culture. Remember the moral outrage of the religious right over the allegedly homoerotic representations attributed to the animated cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants.(15) There was also the conservative Texas lawmaker who jumped onto the moral bandwagon by introducing a bill that would put an end to “sexually suggestive” performances by cheerleaders at sports events and other extracurricular competitions.

Educational Fundamentalism

The third, related anti-democratic dogma is a virulent form of anti-intellectualism visible in the relentless attempt on the part of the Obama administration and his Republican Party allies to destroy critical education as a foundation for an engaged citizenry and a vibrant democracy. The attack on all levels of education is evident in the attempts to corporatize education, standardize curricula, privatize public schooling and use the language of business as a model for governance. It is equally evident in the ongoing effort to weaken the autonomy of higher education, undercut the power of faculty and turn full-time academic jobs into contractual labor. Public schools are increasingly reduced to training grounds and modeled after prisons – with an emphasis on criminalizing student behavior and prioritizing security over critical learning. Across the board, educators are now viewed largely as deskilled technicians, depoliticized professionals, paramilitary forces, hawkers for corporate goods or money and grant chasers.

Military Fundamentalism

The fourth anti-democratic dogma that is shaping American life and one of the most disturbing, is the ongoing militarization of public life. Americans are not only obsessed with military power, “it has become central to our national identity.”(19) What other explanation can there be for the fact that the United States has over 725 official military bases outside the country and 969 at home? Or that it spends more on “defense” than all the rest of the world put together? As Tony Judt states emphatically, “this country is obsessed with war: rumors of war, images of war, ‘preemptive’ war, ‘preventive’ war, ‘surgical’ war, ‘prophylactic’ war, ‘permanent’ war.”(20) War is no longer a state of exception, but a permanent driving force in American domestic and foreign policy. Cornel West points out that such aggressive militarism is fashioned out of an ideology that supports a foreign policy based on “the cowboy mythology of the American frontier fantasy,” while also producing domestic policy that expands “police power, augments the prison-industrial complex and legitimates unchecked male power (and violence) at home and in the workplace. It views crime as a monstrous enemy to crush (targeting poor people) rather than as an ugly behavior to change (by addressing the conditions that often encourage such behavior).”


In opposition to the rising tide of authoritarianism, there is a need for a vast social movement capable of challenging the basic premises of an ever-expanding, systematic attack on democracy. The elements of authoritarianism must be made visible not simply as concepts, but as practices. The Occupy movement and others arising in its wake need to build a network of new institutions that can offer a different language, history and set of values, knowledge and ideas. …

If progressives don’t want a neocon led plutocracy with their fundamentalist “Casino Capitalism” and war-on-everything-not-like-them mentality, who will placate evangelical authoritarian followers with laws to support their Christianist beliefs, who will privatize all public spaces and convert caring citizens into either obedient consumers or prisoners – all for the benefit of the ONE%, then we need to unite, quit bickering amongst ourselves, and recognize there are Executive and Legislative imperfections. These imperfections are engendered by the “bad barrels” created within these institutions by past authoritarians like GWB, Newt G, and T. Delay.

Edcuation costs, like medical costs, have accelerated unreasonably.
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Bad Deeds for 3-21-2012

Military Members Were Among the Worst Victims of Fraudulent Practices of Wall Street Banks – In 2010, more than 20,000 active-duty veterans and reservists with government-sponsored mortgages lost their homes, a 32-percent increase from 2008 and the largest loss since 2003. The number could have been worse were it not for Veterans Administration programs that helped 66,000 military families avoid foreclosure in 2010. Even worse, military members are often victims of foreclosure fraud. In November, federal regulators released data showing that more than 5,000 military members may have been illegally foreclosed upon by the nation’s 10 largest banks, and veterans continue to battle banks to stay in their homes on a daily basis.

President Obama outlined a plan to assist struggling homeowners and address improper foreclosures at a press briefing on March 10th, where he called it “unconscionable” that military members were among the worst victims of the foreclosure crisis and the fraudulent practices from Wall Street banks that have occurred during it. The plan, which requires no Congressional action, will reduce refinancing fees for homeowners with government-backed loans, but the plan’s major focus was on helping military veterans who were the victims of foreclosure fraud, predatory mortgage practices, and other improper foreclosures.

Right Wingers Attack Innovative $50 Light Bulb Because They Can’t Do Basic Math – One of the strangest phenomena of modern-day politics is the right-wing antagonism toward American clean-energy manufacturing, a consequence of the fossil-fuel industry’s stranglehold on our nation’s conservatives. The right wing misinformation machine, including the Drudge Report, Machelle Malkin, and others, attacked the LED light bulb as something ” people either can’t afford or won’t want.” The bulbs are assembled in Wisconsin with computer chips made in California, with high-efficiency natural-color light. The lifetime cost of one bulb, including electricity, is $80, whereas the cost of traditional bulbs over the same period of time is $210. Rising electricity costs would make the LED bulb even more advantageous.

Republicans Vote Against American Labor, American Manufacturing, and Energy for the U.S. – Democrat Ed Markey offered an amendment to to the Transportation bill, to “ensure that if the Keystone XL pipeline is built, the oil that it transports to the Gulf of Mexico and the fuels made from that oil remain in this country to benefit Americans.” The amendment also would require the pipeline to be built by American labor using American iron and steel. 230 Republicans voted against this amendment, defeating it.

Kansas Considers Bill to Allow Doctors to Lie to Women About Unborn Baby’s Condition – The “let doctors lie” provision of a new Kansas anti-abortion bill would give legal protection to a doctor who discovers that a baby will be born with a devastating condition and deliberately withholds that information from his patient.

At Least 48 Million Could Become Uninsured Under Republican Paul Ryan’s Budget – Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) new budget eliminates $1.5 trillion from the Affordable Care Act, cuts $770 billion from Medicaid and reduces Medicare spending by $200 billion, which could result in at least 48 million Americans losing their health insurance.

Republican House of Representatives Scandals: – (One for Every Month)

  • Jan 2011 – Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick and Rep. Pete Sessions skipped their oath of office to improperly host a fundraiser in the U.S. Capitol.
  • Feb 2011 – Congressional investigators allege Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon received a preferential loan not available to ordinary borrowers.
  • Mar 2011 – Rep. Scott Tipton may have violated House Ethics rules three times as a freshman Member of Congress.
  • Apr 2011 – Reports indicate that the FBI may be investigating Rep. Gary Miller for tax evasion.
  • May 2011 – Rep. Frank Guinta “forgot” to disclose a “mystery” bank account worth as much as $500,000.
  • June 2011 – Rep. Charlie Bass may have improperly used his office to promote a tax rebate program that would have benefited a family member’s company.
  • July 2011 – Rep. Stephen Fincher violated campaign finance law.
  • Aug 2011 – The New York Times took Rep. Darrell Issa to task for using his public office for personal gain.
  • Sep 2011 – Rep. Joe Walsh may owe more than $100,000 in child support payments to his ex-wife and three children.
  • Oct 2011 – Rep. David Rivera is under simultaneous state and federal investigations for his involvement promoting slot machines and a contract awarded to a company controlled by his mother.
  • Nov 2011 – Karl Rove’s protégé, Rep. Tim Griffin, led an effort to suppress African American voter turnout and was intimately involved in the firings of nonpartisan U.S. attorneys for nefarious political reasons.
  • Dec 2011 – Rep. Pete Sessions may be under a House Ethics Committee investigation for receiving a preferential loan not available to ordinary borrowers.
  • Jan 2012 – House Republican fundraising chief, Rep. Vern Buchanan, is under multiple ethics investigations for what has been termed an “extensive and ongoing scheme” to reimburse his employees for contributing to Buchanan’s congressional campaign.
  • Feb 2012 – The FBI is potentially investigating Rep. Michael Grimm for extorting as much as $500,000 worth of campaign contributions from a rabbi and his followers.
  • Mar 2012 – Rep. Mary Bono Mack and her husband are being investigated for potentially cheating on their taxes.



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Bad Deed: Domestic Terrorism Is Still a Threat

Texas Democratic Senator Wendy Davis’ Fort Worth Office Hit With Molotov Cocktail – A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the front door of Davis’ third floor office in the West 7th area near Montgomery Plaza. Anthony Spangler, the senator’s communications director, said a staffer reported hearing a large thud at the door, followed shortly by the building’s fire alarm. He said it appeared there was more than one device, but was unsure exactly how many. The staffer opened the door to find the bottle spewing waist-high flames. Another staffer then jumped over the fire to escape the building while the other individual doused the blaze with a fire extinguisher.



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Bad Deeds: It’s War!

Republicans love war. Lots of war! Such as:

  • War on Social Security!
  • War on consumers!
  • War on improving America’s vital infrastructure!
  • War on Medicare!
  • War on home owners!
  • War on credit card holders!
  • War on the Veterans Administration!
  • War on sick people!
  • War on protecting Americans from polluted air!
  • War on the middle class!
  • War on protecting Americans from polluted water!
  • War on poor people!
  • War on affordable health care!
  • War on Muslims!
  • War on government workers!
  • War on science!
  • War on transforming NASA from Apollo to Star Trek technologies!
  • War on immigrants!
  • War on union workers!
  • War on reason!
  • War on teachers!
  • War on the truth!
  • War on women!
  • War on negotiation!
  • War on non-whites!
  • War on education!
  • War on intelligence!
  • War on seeking common ground!
  • War on the United Nations!
  • War on peace seekers!
  • War on protecting Americans from dangerous products!
  • War on empathy!
  • War on gays and lesbians!
  • War on understanding!
  • War on Habeas Corpus!
  • War on safe food!

I bet you could add many more.



“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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The 2012 Authoritarian Strategy and How Democrats Could Lose The Presidency

George Lakoff, professor of linguistics at UC Berkeley, has published an article called The Santorum Strategy. Here are some excerpts if you don’t have time for the whole article:

…The Republican presidential campaign is about a lot more than the campaign for the presidency. It is about guaranteeing a radical conservative future for America.

… And among the things they and their fellow conservatives managed to do was change public discourse, and with it, change how a great many Americans thought.

… This is extremely important for so-called “independents,” who actually have both conservative and liberal moral systems in their brains and can shift back and forth. The more they hear conservative language over the next eight months, the more their conservative brain circuitry will be strengthened.

… No matter who gets the Republican nomination for president, the Santorum Strategy will have succeeded unless Democrats dramatically change their communication strategy as soon as possible. …

… When you negate conservative language, you activate conservative ideas and, hence, automatically and unconsciously strengthen the brain circuitry that characterizes conservative values.

… I think Democrats need much better positive messaging, expressing and repeating liberal moral values — not just policies– uniformly across the party. That is not happening.

One of the reasons that it is not happening is that there is a failure to understand the difference between policy and morality, that morality beats policy, and that moral discourse is absolutely necessary. This is a major reason why the Democrats lost the House in 2010. Consider how conservatives got a majority of Americans to be against the Obama health care plan. The president had polled the provisions, and each had strong public support: No preconditions, no caps, no loss of coverage if you get sick, ability to keep your college-age child on your policy, and so on. These are policy details, and they matter. The conservatives never argued against any of them. Instead, they re-framed; they made a moral case against “Obamacare.” Their moral principles were freedom and life, and they had language to go with them. Freedom: “government takeover.” Life: “death panels.” Republicans at all levels repeated them over and over, and convinced millions of people who were for the policy provisions of the Obama plan to be against the plan as a whole. They changed the public discourse, changed the brains of the electorate — especially the “independents” — and won in 2010.

As long as the Democrats have no positive moral messaging of their own, repeated over and over, the Santorum Strategy will go unchallenged and conservative populism will expand.

The Santorum Strategy does not end with this election. It is part of a permanent campaign that has been going on since the Gingrich revolution of 1994, and will continue into the indefinite future.

Democrats tend to be literalists, assuming that the presidential campaign is only about the presidential campaign and that birth control is only about birth control. In 2010, they thought that health policy was only about health policy, even as conservatives were metaphorically making it about freedom (“government takeover”) and life (“death panels”).

It is vital that Democrats not make that mistake again.

Even progressive news programs promote the conservative worldview by replaying the conservative talking points during their programs. On the other hand, DEMs and progressives provide few progressive “thinking points” for these programs to replay.

Santorum could be our next president for the same reasons Reagan, Bush II, and 40 Tea Party Reps got elected.

If we don’t change the conversation to progressive moral values, we’re going to lose – again.

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Bad Deeds for 3-10-2012

Privacy Nightmare: McCain Bill Could Have Military Monitor The Internet – New bill by John McCain would result in the military monitoring the civilian Internet.

House Republicans Vote Against Keeping Keystone XL Oil In America – When the House of Representatives voted on a transportation bill, H.R. 3408, that expands oil drilling into long-protected areas and forces construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, Republican lawmakers proved their complete allegiance is to Big Oil. Although Republicans like House Speaker John Boehner have parroted the myth that the pipeline would “lower gas prices” and “reduce our dependence on hostile, unstable sources of energy,” their actions show that helping American families is only an empty promise.

Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) offered an amendment to the bill during the Feb. 15 vote, giving the House a chance to “ensure that if the Keystone XL pipeline is built, the oil that it transports to the Gulf of Mexico and the fuels made from that oil remain in this country to benefit Americans.” But the amendment failed 173-254. Not surprisingly, the 254 members who voted against the amendment have collected seven times more total campaign cash from oil and gas interests. The 254 members (230 Republicans) took in $37.3 million in career campaign contributions from oil and gas companies and executives.

The vote shows that House Republicans will not even support their own spin about the supposed benefits of increasing U.S. oil and gasoline supplies from the Keystone XL pipeline. In fact, the pipeline does nothing to impact production and Time magazine concurred that “Keystone would have little immediate [price] effect, especially since there’s already sufficient pipeline infrastructure in place for the next few years.” At best, gasoline prices in the Gulf Coast region would be only one and three-quarter cents lower per gallon, while prices would increase in the Midwest because the current oil glut keeps prices there lower.

Indiana’s Republican Secretary of State Guilty of Three Counts of Felony Voter Fraud – The chief election official in the very first state in the nation to implement polling place photo ID restrictions — under the guise of preventing “voter fraud” — has been found guilty of three counts of felony voter fraud.

A jury in Hamilton County found Indiana’s Republican Secretary of State Charlie White guilty of three counts of voter fraud related to having voted in a precinct where he did not live and where he was illegally registered to vote. The Hoosier State’s controversial first-in-the-nation Photo ID restrictions, originally implemented in 2008, did nothing to prevent either White’s illegal registration or his unlawful vote for himself as Secretary of State in 2010 when he was elected to office.

The jury also found him guilty of three other Class D felonies related to perjury and theft.

Republican Attacks on Teachers Are Destructive, Hurting Educators’ Morale and Hurting Students’ Educational Opportunities – The latest “MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Teachers, Parents and the Economy” shows that education budget cuts to public schools and the demonization of teachers have taken a toll on teachers’ job satisfaction.

The findings of this new national survey echo what we have found in our two recent Texas surveys of teachers and other school personnel, parents, and superintendents: Deep budget cuts are destructive, hurting educators’ morale and hurting students’ educational opportunities.

Some key findings from “The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Teachers, Parents and the Economy”:

* Teacher satisfaction has decreased by 15 points since “The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher” measured job satisfaction two years ago, now reaching the lowest level of job satisfaction seen in the survey series in more than two decades.

* This decline in teacher satisfaction is coupled with large increases in the number of teachers who indicate they are likely to leave teaching for another occupation, and in the number who do not feel their jobs are secure.

* More than three-quarters of teachers have faced budget cuts in their schools in the last year.

* Two-thirds of teachers report that their schools have had layoffs of teachers, parent/community liaisons, or other staff in the last year.

* Nearly three in 10 teachers indicate that there have been reductions or eliminations of health or social services in their schools.

* Six in 10 teachers report that the average class size in their schools has increased.

* One-third of teachers also indicate that educational technology and materials have not been kept up to date to meet student needs.

Tea Party Judge E-Mailed a Racist, Misogynist “Joke” About President Obama’s Deceased Mother – A Montana Tea Party federal judge got caught forwarding a disgusting racist, misogynist “joke” about President Obama’s deceased mother. Judge Richard Cebull, the chief Federal District Court judge in Montana, admitted that sending the email to his personal contacts — from his official email account on a government computer — showed “terrible judgment” and that he was aware that the joke was racist, but that he did not send it because it was racist. He sent it because it was “anti-Obama.” And, in his eyes, that made it okay.

Republicans At Work! – There are 450 bills on birth control and abortion in state legislatures across the country. In Texas, the legislature is in the midst of a bitter fight to eliminate state support for a wide range of women’s health services. They’ve already eliminated two-thirds of their funding for women’s health, closing more than half of the state’s Planned Parenthood and other clinics. And now they’re voting to reject aid for the Medicaid Women’s Health Program, denying hundreds of thousands of women access to basic health care. Don’t Mess with Texas Women



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Bad Deeds for 2-29-2012

Wyoming, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Texas. If your state has Republicans, your rights are in danger.

Wyoming Republican Wants His Landlocked State to Acquire an Aircraft Carrier for Use in Doomsday Event – On Friday, the Wyoming House of Representatives advanced a bill to set up a task force to prepare for the total economic and political collapse of the United States. Per the bill, the panel would investigate things like food storage options and metals-based currencies, to be implemented in the event of a major catastrophe.

Then it goes three steps further. An amendment by GOP state Rep. Kermit Brown*, calls on the task force to examine “Conditions under which the state of Wyoming should implement a draft, raise a standing army, marine corps, navy and air force and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.” Wyoming’s largest body of water is Yellowstone Lake, which is frozen from December through June. The newest aircraft carrier cost an estimated $6.2 billion to construct (aircraft sold separately), 50 percent more than the state’s annual budget of $4 billion. (Is this what Republicans call fiscal conservatism?-JLV)

Update: The Wyoming Tribune Eagle’s Trevor Brown reports that, as of Monday afternoon, the aircraft-carrier amendment has been scrapped. The rest of the bill to create a Doomsday task force is still alive.

Wisconsin Republicans Want to Eradicate Equal Pay Law – Wisconsin Republicans don’t just have their sights set on union busting and eradicating safe, affordable access to health care for women and the poor. They are also looking to make it easier for corporations to pay women less for comparable work.

The Equal Pay Enforcement Act, passed by the Wisconsin legislature in 2009, made is easier for victims of wage discrimination to press charges by opening up Wisconsin state courts to claims. Usually victims of pay discrimination must bring those claims in federal court, a process that can be more cumbersome and difficult than bringing a claim in state court.
But in November the state Senate approved SB 202, a bill that rolls back this right and last week the Assembly passed their version of the bill. Both versions passed on party-line votes. The bill now moves to Gov. Scott Walker (R) where he is expected to sign it.

Oklahoma Republican Wants to Restrict Policies on Discrimination – A state representative who has previously pledged to return Oklahoma to traditional Judeo-Christian precepts has authored a bill which would strip rights from Norman and other municipalities if passed. State Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, introduced House Bill 2245 to limit nondiscrimination ordinances for municipal employees by restricting those protections to only those also provided for state employees under Oklahoma statute.

Texas Republican Lawmakers Pledge to End the Entire Women’s Health Program – Two of the Texas Legislature’s top public health leaders are defending Republican lawmakers’ pledge to end the entire Women’s Health Program rather than allow Planned Parenthood to participate. The joint state-federal reproductive health program provides contraception and cancer screenings — but not abortions — to 130,000 poor Texans, many of them at Planned Parenthood clinics.



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Bad Deeds for 2-27-2012

Republican Representative Says “Killing a Couple” of Democrats Only Way To Pass Ryan Budget – Oklahoma Republican John Sullivan told the crowd, “Like I said, after this last election, the first order of business is pass a budget. Now, I believe that. I supported the Paul Ryan budget and sent it over to the Senate. Now I live with some Senators, I yell at them all the time, I grabbed one of them the other day and shook him and I’d love to get them to vote for it — boy I’d love that. You know but other than me going over there with a gun and holding it to their head and maybe killing a couple of them, I don’t think they’re going to listen unless they get beat.”

Incited by politicians and pundits, the 2010 elections saw a surge in violent outbursts, both at candidate events and, prior to that, during fights against health care reform. But politicos shied away from violent rhetoric for a long time after the assassination attempt on Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who, prior to the shooting, was pegged as a “target” with crosshairs by Sarah Palin’s PAC in the 2010 elections. But the moratorium appears to be reaching an end. Last month, five Missouri Democrats found crosshair stickers on their nameplates at their offices in Jefferson City. And the Kansas Speaker of the House was recently chastised for what some construed as “praying” for the president’s death.

Texas Republicans Take Away Health Care From 130,00 Poor Women – Texas Republicans effectively killed off one of the state’s most successful public health initiatives as part of the ongoing crusade to strip funds from Planned Parenthood. The Republicans crafted a new rule that is designed to exclude Planned Parenthood from participation in the Women’s Health Program. The WHP is a Medicaid-waiver program that provides basic healthcare and family planning services to low-income and uninsured women who would not otherwise be eligible for Medicaid unless pregnant. WHP was designed to increase access to preventative health care for women and to reduce the number of births paid by Medicaid.

It’s done both with great success. Texas currently has about 1,600 WHP providers located across the state and in 2010 Planned Parenthood served 46% of all WHP clients, estimated at more than 84,000 women.

Planned Parenthood effectively provides half of all WHP services across the state of Texas, which is no small service in a state where more than half of all births are paid for Medicaid. In 2007, the first year of the program, the WHP served 91,683 women; by 2010 the program served 183,537 women. Those are women who would otherwise end up on Medicaid because of their pregnancy.

Those gains are now at risk. The rule approved today redefines the word “affiliate” in order to exclude any Planned Parenthood clinic from participation in WHP by defining “affiliate” so that Planned Parenthood clinics that do not perform abortions are considered affiliates of clinics that do, even if that affiliation is nothing more than a shared name.

Upper-Class People More Likely to Cheat According to Study – People from the wealthy upper classes are more likely than poorer folks to break laws while driving, take candy from children and lie for financial gain, said a US study on Monday.

The seven-part study by psychologists at the University of California Berkeley and the University of Toronto analyzed people’s behavior through a series of experiments.

For instance, drivers of expensive vehicles such as Mercedes, BMW and Toyota’s Prius hybrid were seen breaking the rules more often at four-way intersections than people who drove a Camry or Corolla. They were also more likely to cut off pedestrians trying to cross the street than drivers of cheaper cars.In another test using a game of dice, given the opportunity to win a $50 prize, people who self-reported high socio-economic status were more likely to lie and say that they had rolled higher numbers than they actually had.

“Even in people for whom $50 is a relatively small amount of money, cheating was three times as high,” said lead author Paul Piff of UC Berkeley.

“It really shows the extreme lengths to which wealth and upper rank status in society can shape patterns of self-interest and unethicality,” he told AFP.
In other studies, people with higher status were less likely to tell the truth in a hypothetical job negotiation in which they were the employer trying to hire someone for a job they knew was soon to be eliminated.

And when given a jar of candy that they were told was for children in a nearby lab — though they could take some if they wanted — the richest people took more candy than anyone else.

According to Piff, people with more money tend to look more positively on greed and rely less on family and friend networks for support in times of need, and this elevated status tends to disconnect them from society.
“It is that very different level of privilege in your everyday life that gives rise to this independence from others, this reduced sensitivity to the impact of your behavior on others’ welfare, and the prioritization of your self-interest,” he said.

Rupert Murdoch’s ‘Sun’ Newspaper Found to be Illegally Paying Sources – Journalists at Britain’s Sun newspaper paid large sums of cash to corrupt public officials, aware the practice was criminal, an inquiry into press ethics heard on Monday, revelations that could prove damaging to Rupert Murdoch’s media empire (which includes Fox News).

The police officer heading three criminal inquires centered on Murdoch’s British newspaper arm, News International, said, “There appears to have been a culture at the Sun of illegal payments, and systems have been created to facilitate those payments whilst hiding the identity of officials receiving the money.”

The disclosure could damage Murdoch’s News Corp if it gives ammunition to the FBI and other American government agencies that have stepped up their hunt for signs of illegality at the U.S.-based company.



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