Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


ExxonMobil and The Neocons – $10,000 Bribes To Dispute Global Warming

As I have written in previous postings, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has helped Bush II with his latest plan for the conflict in Iraq, want’s to minimize and control our liberties, and represents the authoritarian leadership of the extreme political right. They are also part of the effort to deny global warming and the possibility that humans are a contributing factor.

Back in 2005, MotherJones reported on the denial efforts of AEI and others. As part of that report they documented the forty public policy groups that ExxonMobil is paying to use Noble Lies and dispute the facts behind global warming and its link to human activity. This report showed that ExxonMobil had given AEI $960,000 in 2005 and that AEI had produced a publication in 2004 called Don’t Worry Be Happy where they stated, “So, in a nutshell, the leading scientific study supporting global warming has been thoroughly debunked.”

ExxonMobil and AEI are at it again. According to The Guardian, “Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby group funded by one of the world’s largest oil companies to undermine a major climate change report due to be published today.” Various scientists and economists were sent letters by AEI and offered cash and travel expenses for articles that dispute the latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

According to the Guardian, AEI’s funding from ExxonMobil is in excess of $1,600,000. Also, Lee Raymond, a former executive at ExxonMobil is the vice-chairman of AEI’s board of trustees. Kenneth P. Green, a visiting scholar at AEI, authored the letters and confirmed making the request.

The Guardian article concluded with:

Ben Stewart of Greenpeace said: “The AEI is more than just a thinktank, it functions as the Bush administration’s intellectual Cosa Nostra. They are White House surrogates in the last throes of their campaign of climate change denial. They lost on the science; they lost on the moral case for action. All they’ve got left is a suitcase full of cash.”

On Monday, another Exxon-funded organisation based in Canada will launch a review in London which casts doubt on the IPCC report. Among its authors are Tad Murty, a former scientist who believes human activity makes no contribution to global warming. Confirmed VIPs attending include Nigel Lawson and David Bellamy, who believes there is no link between burning fossil fuels and global warming.

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Bad Deeds for 2-2-07

Right-wing think tank offers $10,000 to dispute climate study – Letters sent by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered $10,000 for articles that emphasize the shortcomings of a report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The UN report was written by international experts and is widely regarded as the most comprehensive review yet of climate change science. The AEI has received more than $1.6m from ExxonMobil and more than 20 of its staff have worked as consultants to the Bush administration. Lee Raymond, a former head of ExxonMobil, is the vice-chairman of AEI’s board of trustees. (Note that the AEI is paying for people to agree with them, regardless of the facts.)

Boston thrown into a panic because of over-reaction of city officials to Lite-Brite-type displays – Boston highways, bridges and river traffic were shut down in several areas while police checked out Lite-Brite-type signs that were part of a nationwide marketing campaign for the Cartoon Network. The Mayor and the rest of the city government threw the city into a panic when they could’ve solved the “crisis” by talking to a ten-year-old. Wait until somebody leaves a Speak and Spell lying around. They’ll probably send in a hostage team to negotiate with it. Has the Bush Administration and Fox News conditioned us to be in a perpetual state of hysteria? Here’s a photo of the thing that scared the authorities so much.

Lite-Brite marketing campaign sign

FOX Hosts Drool Over Prospect of Time Warner Execs in Jail – FOX News, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, covered the “explosive” story of a “botched publicity stunt” engineered by those nefarious nabobs of anti-Americanism, the Cartoon Network! The Studio B show spent the whole hour on it. ‘Fox and Friends‘ and FOX News Live were going ape over it. The FOX hosts were almost salivating as they interviewed various legal experts and discussed possible prison sentences for big wigs at Turner Broadcasting and its parent company, Time Warner. As everyone knows, Time Warner is one of News Corporation’s biggest rivals in the media business. Shades of the famous Orson Welles’ broadcast of the War of the Worlds!

Fox News’ and Bill O’Reilly’s version of an expert – Julie Banderas, a media expert on the “O’Reilly Factor,” commented that Peter Jennings had stepped down as anchor of ABC News, apparently ignorant of the fact that Jennings had died.

Fox News showing plenty of sex-laden videos while saying tsk, tsk, isn’t that just awful
O’Reilly shows “coffee shop babes” with videos shot from all the right angles
O’Reilly does a segment on naked parties at Brown University
O’Reilly shows bikini-clad female for a plastic surgery segment
Cavuto does “Girls Gone Wild” segments (disguised as business news)
Cavuto interviews a group of Hooter’s waitresses (to understand the business, of course)
Morning of 2/1/07, Fox female weather-person was hounded by the guy hosting the morning program about doing the weather in a bikini, then they showed her head pasted on a photo of a girl in a bikini.

All Fox segments about the troubles of Miss USA feature videos of her in a bikini
Here is what you can find on the Fox News web site today (2/2/07):
– Jennifer’s ‘new’ nose, Timberlake’s love triangle and Mary Kate’s cover-up in this week’s Lips & Ears
– Round-the-clock parties; where will Carmen Electra be?
– ‘Harry’ in the buff
– We spot Britney shopping for underwear
– Another Sex Teacher!
– More Hooters!
– Game Day Girls – Learn what it takes to be a sexy sideliner!
(Fox will do anything to alarm you, and show anything to get ratings)

Fox News’ Fair and Balanced Report on AL Gore’s Oscar and Nobel Nominations – John Gibson couldn’t bring himself to be respectful, never mind congratulatory, to the former Vice-president and majority presidential vote-getter as he announced that Al Gore has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. No, he had to be juvenile and grudging in his reporting of this national story.

“It appears global warming is good for somebody. It’s given Gore’s career a much-needed boost. First his documentary on climate change, “An Inconvenient Truth”, was nominated for an Oscar, and now the former vice-president’s head may swell to match the rest of his growing body because he’s been nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Gore was nominated this morning by a Norwegian lawmaker who said Gore has done more than anyone else to draw attention to the dangers of global warming.

If he’s going to borrow Michael Moore’s triple-X tuxedo for the Oscars, he might as well keep it a bit longer. He may need it in Sweden to pick up his Nobel.”

What an ungracious, unprofessional, biased, hateful piece of garbage

Here’s that list of Fox News’ advertiser’s again so you can write more letters.

Bush Low-Balled the Number of New Troops to Iraq – President Bush’s plan to send 21,500 more combat troops to Iraq might require a total troop increase of 48,000 troops to provide critical support during the deployment, making the “surge” in US military forces far larger than previously revealed, according to an analysis released yesterday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The CBO also predicted that the increase could cost up to $27 billion to sustain over the next year – more than three times the largest estimate of the troop expansion’s cost provided by the Bush administration.

Video: What’s Happening in Iraq – “Battle for Haifa Street” is a piece of first-rate journalism but one that only appears on the CBS News website–and has never been broadcast. It is a gritty, realistic look at life on the very mean streets of Baghdad.

Republicans Halt Ethics Legislation – Senate Republicans scuttled broad legislation last night to curtail lobbyists’ influence and tighten congressional ethics rules, refusing to let the bill pass without a vote on an unrelated measure that would give President Bush virtual line-item-veto power.

Bob Perry’s son has filed suit against Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace – Wallace allegedly conspired with others to create a fraudulent contract showing that W.C. Perry Brokerage Service Group LLC, general partner of Perry Properties, owes Tanner for real estate commissions on 38 properties, the lawsuit says. Perry’s lawsuit could conceivably have political implications. His father is local homebuilder Bob Perry, one of the nation’s top contributors to Republican candidates and causes.



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Bad Deeds for 1-31-07

Conservative theologian on Fox News says churches should stop raising ‘nice’ boys and, instead raise ‘warriors’ – On this morning’s Fox and Friends broadcast, guest Doug Giles, a conservative theologian said, “The church is known for raising ‘nice’ boys. I don’t know about you, Steve, but when I was young, I didn’t dream of growing up and being ‘nice.’ ” As an alternative, he calls for churches “to go back to the biblical example. Like David. David was a warrior. You know, Moses, he was a tough, rowdy guy.

Global Warming Debate, FOX News Style: Two Questionable Guests With The Same Opinion – Last night’s (1/30/07) Hannity & Colmes offered a “debate” about global warming with a panel made up of global-warming deniers, only. Each of the two guests has ties to the energy industry that were not disclosed to viewers by the “we report, you decide” network.

You can make a difference! – Several News Hounds who sent letters to advertisers of the O’Reilly Factor confirm they have received this or a similar letter from Lowe’s (Hardware):

Thank you for taking the time to share with us your concerns regarding our recent advertising on the FOX network. We appreciate your feedback and want you to know that we take your comments quite seriously.

Effective January 25, we have pulled Lowe’s advertising from the O’Reilly Factor program.

Please accept this letter as a sincere apology from Lowe’s and reassurance of Lowe’s commitment to you, our valued customer. If Lowe’s can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to write or call us. We encourage you to continue to share your comments and feedback, whenever you think it would be appropriate.

As Keith Olberman said, “Why is this guy (Bill O’Reilly) still on the air?
Here’s the list of advertisers; start writing.

Tens Of Millions Of US Dollars Wasted In Iraq Reconstruction



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Bad Deeds for 1-30-07

Evidence shows that senior Bush administration officials sought repeatedly “to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming – “We know that the White House possesses documents that contain evidence of an attempt by senior administration officials to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming and minimize the potential danger,” said Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of a House panel examining the government’s response to climate change.

FBI conducting sweeping Internet wiretaps that mirror warantless NSA surveillance – “The FBI appears to have adopted an invasive Internet surveillance technique that collects far more data on innocent Americans than previously has been disclosed,” according to a story posted Tuesday on ZDNet, a technology news website. “Such a technique is broader and potentially more intrusive than the FBI’s Carnivore surveillance system, later renamed DCS1000,” ZDNet’s Declan McCullagh writes. “It raises concerns similar to those stirred by widespread Internet monitoring that the National Security Agency is said to have done, according to documents that have surfaced in one federal lawsuit, and may stretch the bounds of what’s legally permissible.”

Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies – The President “signed a directive that gives the White House much greater control over the rules that the federal government develops to regulate public health, safety,” privacy and other issues. In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Bush said that each federal agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee” who will monitor the creation of process and procedures and the associated documentation. The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency.

Fox News Claims that the Weather Channel has a political agenda



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Bush’s Administration – Neocons Everywhere According to Bush and Rumsfeld

At the end of my last posting, I listed four neocons that are closely linked to the philosophy of Leo Strauss and the Bush II. Here they are again:

Irving Kristol, father of neo-conservatives

Irving Kristol, devoted follower of Leo Strauss, godfather of neoconservatives, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 by The Decider.

Paul Wolfowitz, pusher of preemptive strikes

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, former Bush Deputy Secretary of Defense, considered to be one of the most prominent and “hawkish” of the neo-conservatives, is the principal author of the “Wolfowitz Doctrine“, also known as the Bush doctrine, received his doctorates under Strauss in 1972. Wolfowitz is now president of the World Bank.

Abram N. Shulsky, has worked in the Office of Special Plans, a secretive intelligence outfit in the Pentagon that was charged with digging up information on Iraq that would support the administration’s arguments for going to war, received his doctorates under Strauss in 1972.

Bill Kristol, son of Irving Kristol

William Kristol, son of Irving Kristol and Vice President Dan Quayle’s chief of staff and chairman of The Project for the New American Century – inactive since late 2005, is the neo-conservative editor of the Weekly Standard and now a Time magazine columnist.

This posting is about the neocons that President Bush has in his inner circle of friends and staff. It also exposes the spread of neocons within the current administration through quotes from Bush II and his former Secretary of Defense, Don Rumsfeld (Now an “non-paid consultant” for the department.)

But first, here are summaries of the neocon think tanks whose associates are helping the Decider with his neocon decisions.

The Americans for Victory over Terrorism (AVOT) – This organization was founded by William Bennett, who is also a founding member of William Kristol’s Project for the New American Century. One of their guiding principles is to identifying internal enemies (dissidents) of the neocon’s view of the world. According to Right Web:

During the press conference announcing the new organization, AVOT leaders said that as part of the effort to combat the internal “threat” posed by dissidents of President Bush’s war on terrorism, they had compiled a list of statements by professors, legislators, and writers that the group deemed objectionable–an effort that mirrored an earlier initiative to monitor war opponents by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA).

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), a group founded by Lynne Cheney and Senator Joe Lieberman (Remember that kiss Bush II gave Joe.) Despite their mission statement to, “ensure that the next generation receives a philosophically-balanced, open-minded, high-quality education,” one of their first acts was to identify those who they felt were too far left to keep things balanced. They titled their report, “Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America and What Can Be Done About It.” The Nation had this to say about the ACTA report:

They painted academe as a passivist fifth column undermining the war effort through equivocation, “moral relativism” and outright opposition, noting: “Some [professors] even pointed accusatory fingers, not at the terrorists, but at America itself.” And they named names: academics who had supposedly pointed such fingers and uttered such equivocations in 117 instances collected from media sources. They also announced that they would send the list to 3,000 trustees at colleges across the country.

The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) met last December with Bush II to present their solution to the conflict in Iraq. Their plan is very similar to The Deciders plan. At an AEI dinner in 2003, Bush II had this to say about Irving Kristol, “You do such good work that my administration has borrowed 20 such minds.” (And I’m only mentioning a few of those 20.) Also, President Ronald Reagan’s administration attracted so many AEI associates, that the AEI offices were relatively empty.

The Center for Security Policy was founded in 1988 by Frank Gaffney. Their slogan is, “to promote world peace through American strength.” Their “Keeper of the Flame Award” recipients include Newt Gingrich and Don Rumsfeld. In November 2001, Don Rumsfeld said to Frank Gaffney, “If there was any doubt about the power of your ideas, one only has to look at the number of Center associates who people this administration—and particularly the Department of Defense—to dispel them.” Rumsfeld has been a CSP financial backer and Cheney was formerly a board member of CSP.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) describes itself as a “nonprofit educational organization supporting American military, diplomatic, and moral leadership.” William Kristol is listed as their chairman. The offices of the PNAC are collocated in the same building as the AEI offices. (Here is a list of PNAC members working for Bush II.)

Here are the neocons that work closely with President Bush or have a direct link to his inner circle and are associated with one or more of the organizations above:

Karl Zinsmeister was appointed in June 2006 as the Assistant to the President (Bush II) for Domestic Policy and is director of the Domestic Policy Council. He is a neo-conservative, was a J. B. Fuqua Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and for 12 years was the Editor in Chief of The American Enterprise.

Dick Cheney is a former board member of the Center for Security Policy and has become the most powerful Vice President in U.S. history. He was also Chief of Staff to President Ford and Secretary of Defense under Bush I. During his time with Bush I, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and “Scooter” Libby put the Defense Policy Guidance doctrine together, which was used by Bush II to support his preemptive assault on Iraq.

Stephen Hadley was appointed Bush’s National Security Advisor in November 2004. He is a foreign policy hawk closely associated with Dick Cheney and was an assistant to Wolfowitz while Wolfowitz developed the 1992 Draft Defense Planning Guidance for preemptive strikes. He participated in the study team at the hardline National Institute for Public Policy (NIPP) that produced Rationale and Requirements for U.S. Nuclear Forces and Arms Control. This study called for the development of “mini” nuclear weapons or bunker busters. Recently, after delivery of the final report of the Iraq Study Group (ISG), Hadley suggested that the United States consider a significant short-term surge in the number of troops sent to the Iraq before eventually deescalating.

David Addington has been a loyal Cheney supporter since the mid-1980s. According to Ryan Lizza of the New Republic’s “ … Libby’s resignation may be a bigger boon to Democrats than they realize. Addington is both more extreme and more politically tone-deaf than his predecessor. He and Cheney are the harbingers of bad times for Bush. When their names are in the news, political peril seems to follow.” According to New York Times (November 3, 2005), Addington helped draft the White House “torture memos,” which claimed that the president could sidestep the Geneva Conventions in the “war on terror.” According to the New Yorker’s Mayer, Addington is the architect of what is known as the “New Paradigm.” This paradigm provides that “the president, as commander-in-chief, has the authority to disregard virtually all previously known legal boundaries, if national security demands it. Under this framework, statutes prohibiting torture, secret detention, and warrantless surveillance have been set aside.”

Lynne Cheney, the wife of the Vice President and former chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, is a hard-line conservative who works at the American Enterprise Institute. She and Senator Joe Lieberman founded American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) and criticized dozens of college professors for making ‘anti-American’ statements as reported above in this posting. Irving Kristol is a member of their National Council.

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Bad Deeds for 1-26-07

Fox News to air fabricated excerpts from ‘Path to 9/11’ miniseries – Fox News said Thursday that it planned to broadcast footage from ABC’s controversial miniseries “The Path to 9/11” that was edited out of the docudrama amid criticism that it inaccurately portrayed the Clinton administration’s response to the terrorism threat. The outtakes, scheduled to air Sunday on “Hannity’s America,”, include a made-up scene showing then-national security advisor Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger refusing to approve a CIA request to attack Osama bin Laden, an event that Berger and the Sept. 11 commission say did not occur.

Call or e-mail Fox and tell them this is unacceptable:

Fox News Channel

Fox News’ Sean Hannity “Explains” “New” Military Strategy to a Four Star General – There’s perhaps nothing funnier than a propagandist college dropout trying to explain military strategy to a Rhodes Scholar and retired four-star Army General. That’s just what happened when General Wesley Clark was Hannity’s guest.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity falsely claimed Fox poll found Dems don’t want Bush’s plan to succeed in Iraq – On the January 25 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity falsely stated that “a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll recently showed that most Democrats don’t even want the president’s plan to succeed in Iraq.” In fact, the poll showed that 51 percent of Democratic respondents said they want President Bush’s “Iraq plan” to succeed, compared with 34 percent who said they don’t.

Right-wing Radio Host Smears Obama, Clinton, and Edwards – Melanie Morgan of the irrational right in KSFO in San Francisco, repeating the story the “Washington Times” made up about Senator Obama going to a Muslim training school, and attributing the smear not just to Senator Clinton, which also is a smear, but now to Senator Edwards as well. Three, three, three smears in one.

Rush Limbaugh read a made-up quote from Obama – supposedly responding to an endorsement from actress Halle Barry. Limbaugh later admitted it was made-up, but he still said, as an Half-African-American, I am honored to have Miss Barry‘s support, as well as the support of other Half-African-Americans. Not the first time Limbaugh has used the Half-African insult.

Dick Cheney Led Effort Against Wilson Says Cheney Ex-Aide – Vice President Cheney personally orchestrated his office’s 2003 efforts to discredit an Iraq war critic who Cheney believed was making him look foolish, according to former Cheney aide Cathie Martin, testifying yesterday in the Libby trial. Martin clearly recalled telling both Cheney and Libby that the wife of that critic was a covert CIA operative well before they claimed to have learned that fact from a reporter, contradicting a key claim made in Libby’s defense.

Senate Intelligence chairman quietly ‘fixed’ intelligence, and diverted blame from White House over Iraq

Cheney’s six-year push to strike Iran

Pentagon Lied About Troop Deaths; Troops Died After, Not In, Sneak Attack

What is it with Republicans and their refusal to help the working class? – “Do you have such disdain for hard-working Americans that you want to pile all your amendments on this? Why don’t you just hold your amendments until other pieces of legislation? Why this volume of amendments on just the issue to try and raise the minimum wage? What is it about it that drives you Republicans crazy? What is it? Something. Something! What is the price that the workers have to pay to get an increase? What is it about working men and women that you find so offensive?” – Senator Ted Kennedy speaking to Senate Republicans.

Republican Senator introduces bill to eliminate the Minimum Wage – Republican Senator Wayne Allard (Colorado) introduced a bill this week that would have eliminated the Federal Minimum Wage entirely and left the wage rate for the lowest-paid workers to each state.



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Bad Deeds for 1-25-07

V.P. Dick Cheney Says Talk of Blunders in Iraq is ‘hogwash’

Cheney’s annual State of Delusion address

And don’t forget, you only need one kidney – In July, bankrupt Northwest Airlines begins laying off thousands of ground workers, but not before issuing some of them a handy guide, “101 Ways to Save Money.” The advice included dumpster diving (“Don’t be shy about pulling something you like out of the trash”), making your own baby food, shredding old newspapers for use as cat litter, and taking walks in the woods as a low-cost dating alternative.

Civil rights leader and former U.N. ambassador Andrew Young makes racial remarks – In an August interview with an African American newspaper in Los Angeles, Young says Wal-Mart “should” displace its urban corner-store competition. “You see, those are the people who have been overcharging us…. I think they’ve ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans, and now it’s Arabs.”

Oh, you were doing it to keep your employees from improving their working conditions? Well, that’s all right then… – Former Wal-Mart vice chairman Thomas Coughlin – whose compensation from salary, bonuses, and stock grants totaled several million dollars per year – is discovered to have cooked up fraudulent expense invoices in a scam to siphon off $500,000 over the course of seven years. Coughlin, who reportedly told enabling subordinates that he was using the funds for a secret antiunion initiative, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to more than two years of home confinement.

Ohio Poll Workers Rigged 2004 Election Recount – Two election workers were convicted Wednesday of rigging a recount of the 2004 presidential election to avoid a more thorough review in Ohio’s most populous county. Both the elections coordinator and ballot manager of the Cuyahoga County Elections Board were found to have secretly reviewed pre-selected ballots before a public recount, working behind closed doors for three days to pick ballots they knew would not cause discrepancies when checked by hand.

Tarleton State University students held a Martin Luther King Jr. Day party that mocked black stereotypes by featuring fried chicken, malt liquor and faux gang apparel – Photographs posted on social networking Web site showed partygoers wearing Afro wigs and fake gold and silver teeth. One photo showed students mocking how African-Americans do step shows. In another picture, a student is dressed as Aunt Jemima and carries a gun.

Minimum wage bill stalled by Senate Republicans

Donald Rumsfeld has NOT left the Defense Department; he is now an nonpaid consultant – On Jan. 4, Mr. Rumsfeld opened a government-provided transition office in Arlington and has seven Pentagon-paid staffers working for him. The Pentagon lists Mr. Rumsfeld as a “nonpaid consultant,” a status he needs in order to review secret and top-secret documents

Florida Republican fumes at not having a chair in meeting, leads walk out – A Florida Republican, who is the ranking minority member of the Transportation Committee in the House of Representatives, stormed out of a meeting last week, leading other Republican members with him. Rep. John Mica was angry because he was not seated at the head of the room during an orientation session.



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Bad Deeds for 1-24-07

Lies About Barak Obama’s Schooling Debunked – CNN has proven that a story claiming that Sen. Barack Obama attended a madrassa, or Muslim school, while living in Indonesia as a child is false. The story, which originated in Insight magazine published by the right-wing Washington Times newspaper, was quickly picked up by Fox News, the New York Post, and the conservative Glenn Beck program on CNN Headline News. (Fox News and the New York Post are both owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.)

Lobbyists Find New Congress is Open for Business – From one end of the House Democrats’ “first 100 hours” agenda to the other, businesspeople and their lobbyists have found success amid the fear in dealing with the new Congress with both energy and pharmaceutical interests able to fend off some of the most severe provisions of the recent legislative marathon. In part, the business community’s early influence reflects its status as a constituency Democrats can’t afford to ignore.

Bush Claims of Iran-Iraq Arms Link Has Little Evidence – For all the Bush administration’s aggressive rhetoric about Iran’s alleged shipment of advanced arms to Iraqi militants, it has provided scant evidence to support those claims, leading to questions about whether the administration is overstating its case. Some suggest Bush and his aides are pointing to Iran to deflect blame for U.S. setbacks in Iraq, while others see ominous parallels to the faulty case made ahead of the 2003 invasion.

Scooter Libby Says Bush Administration Set Me Up

Microsoft Caught Trying To Pay Someone To Edit Its Wikipedia Entries



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January 2007, WAWG Index – Up 7%

Month to Month Change

In this fifteenth survey of the web, The WAWG Index group average was up by 6.9 percent from December 2006. Of the fourteen categories tracked, 3 were down, 11 were up, and none was unchanged. The cumulative change for the index is up 224 percent since October 2005. The largest decrease for January, at 24%, was for “control of mass media,” which was last month’s largest increase at 63%. The largest increase this month was for “disdain and suppression” of intellectuals and the arts at 57%.

Twelve Month Moving Average

Through January, the 12 month group moving average for all fourteen categories was at 19.6 percent. It was 19.7 percent last month. Of the fourteen categories tracked, 3 have twelve month averages that were down while 11 are up – unchanged from last month.

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Bad Deeds for 1-19-07

Presidential recount rigged in Ohio county according to prosecutor – Three elections workers in the state’s most populous county conspired to avoid a more thorough recount of ballots in the 2004 presidential election, a prosecutor told jurors during opening statements Thursday.

‘No one in this administration’ has the ‘vaguest notion’ of Middle East history, says Ex-Rice speechwriter

Attorney General Gonzales Says, “The Constitution does not say that every citizen has the right to habeas corpus.”



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