Search Results for: RWA john dean

Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


The Right-wing Authoritarians (RWA) Need Leadership – Neocons Are Their Commanders and Their Plan to Fix the Middle East is Still a “Go” Despite the Midterm Election Setback

John Dean described the makeup of authoritarian conservatism as follows: Two factions of conservatism currently embrace a contemporary adaptation of authoritarian conservatism: neoconservatives and social conservatives. Neoconservatives are a relatively small group of social-dominance authoritarians, with significant, if not disproportionate … Continue reading

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Authoritarian Domination by 2030 in US!

In 2030, the entire world is condemned to extreme inequality, slavery, baby farms with women dressed in red and world domination as originally planned in 1997. Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Avid Militarism, Church/State Unification, Corporate Intrusion, Election Fraud, Human Rights Abuse, Media-Info Control, Rampant Sexism   |   Tagged ,   |   1 Comment   |  

End The Authoritarian Nightmare – Cage The Rampaging Republican Elephant!!!

The Republican Party is populated by almost all those in America who tested as highly prejudicial and authoritarian as documented in Dean’s new book. As Dean documents, They are not going away and the rest of us will need to stand up, en masse, to keep these confirmed authoritarians under control FROM THIS ELECTION FORWARD! Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Church/State Unification, Human Rights Abuse, Obsession with Punishment   |   1 Comment   |  

Authoritarian Nations – They Grow Slowly and Imperceptibly

In summary, a 400 year-old authoritarian economic system gave birth to our authoritarian policing system to put property rights over human rights, legalized massive looting, stealthily stole ownership of the citizen’s government and is maneuvering to turn it into a fascist-like totalitarian state. Continue reading

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Who’s in Control and Who Helped Put Them There?

John Dean referred to them as Conservatives Without Conscience in his 2007 book by that title. (There was no Tea Party in 2007.) Robert Altemeyer, a key contributor to Dean’s book, refers to them as right-wing authoritarians (RWA): Social/religious RWAs … Continue reading

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Supporters of DOMA, Prop 8, and Texas Special Session SB 5 – How Their Authoritarian World View Can Predict Their Actions

While driving home from lunch today and listening to the discussion on NPR’s ‘Talk of the Nation’, the strong unreasonable comments of a caller disturbed me. This caller was stating that overruling California’s Proposition 8 was not right. Prop 8 … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Human Rights Abuse, Obsession with Punishment, Rampant Sexism   |   Leave a comment   |  

The Danger of American Fascism – Then and Now

Back in August 2006, I wrote a post called, “Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?” I think we are much closer to knowing our answer now and President Obama’s progressive inauguration speech provided a glimpse of the beginning of the end of this corporate threat to America. Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Corporate Intrusion, Enemy/Scapegoat, Media-Info Control   |   Tagged   |   Leave a comment   |  

The Arab Spring and America’s Winter – Where the Authoritarians Are Taking Us, If We Let Them

In several Arab countries, citizens have been demonstrating and demanding their authoritarian governments be replaced with a democratic form of government. In America, citizens have ceded control of their democracy to a hateful minority of right-wing authoritarians. As democracy is … Continue reading

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The Tea Party – The “Masses” for American Authoritarianism

In 2003, Laurence W. Britt, reviewed seven national regimes which followed the “fascist or protofascist model in obtaining, expanding, and maintaining power.” From his study, he developed fourteen basic characteristics or “common threads that link them in recognizable patterns of … Continue reading

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Ron Paul Is Right – He Just Didn’t Fully Describe Who’s at Fault.

RE: Ron Paul to Sunshine Patriots: Stop Your Demagogy About The NYC Mosque!,   Representative Paul, I think John Dean, former counsel for Richard Nixon’s White House, best described those inflicting this insult on the nation as “Conservatives WIthout Conscience” – also … Continue reading

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Powerful Nationalism and the Right-wing Authoritarians

One of the categories for this blog is Powerful Nationalism. In a recent Pew Research survey of 1,001 adults, some measures of this powerful nationalism were captured. These metrics confirm what has been posted previously in this blog and add … Continue reading

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The Changing Nature of Right-wing Authoritarian Lies – Then and Now

One of the tools used by the right-wing authoritarian (RWA) or “Conservatives Without Conscience” (CWC) leaders (Rep. Senators, Dick Arm…, Rush Lim…, Glenn Be.., Bill O’…, Newt Ging…, Michele Bach…, Sharron Ang…, Ann Coul…,) is the Noble Lie. These lies … Continue reading

Posted in Disdain of Educated & Artists, Enemy/Scapegoat   |   Tagged ,   |   Leave a comment   |  

Where is the Right-wing Authoritarian Triad Taking Us?

This blog tracks where we are going by documenting the characteristic categories of the minority right-wing authoritarians (RWA) in the United States. The RWAs are part of our political system and are currently represented by the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, … Continue reading

Posted in Avid Militarism, Church/State Unification, Enemy/Scapegoat   |   7 Comments   |  

Amazing – Health Care Passes!!!!!!!!!

Earlier this evening, Frank Schaeffer in his latest blog posting, predicted this moment. Being the eternal pessimist, I was surprised when it happened. The right-wing authoritarians, all 212 of them, have failed to block the correction of America’s biggest human … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Corporate Intrusion, Human Rights Abuse, Media-Info Control   |   3 Comments   |  

Bad Deeds for 8-13-2009

Lou Dobbs Promoting Hate and Inciting Violence Towards Howard Dean – CNN pundit Lou Dobbs, speaking about Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean on August 10, said that the “bloodsucking liberal” could only be stopped by “a stake through his … Continue reading

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Causation – Paying Taxes Contributes to Everyone’s Success

… paying taxes supports America’s infrastructure and improves the chances of success for all citizens. However, cutting taxes, as the CWCs suggest, especially for the mega rich, only increases the chances of success of the mega rich. Continue reading

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Caring as a National Policy – What Empathy Can Bring Back to America

The talk of change is all around. We are seeing its potential in the transition from one president to the next. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of change that will rekindle the ideas of our founding fathers and their … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin, The New Leader of the Social Conservatives – Just What Do They Represent?

I’ve written about the teamwork of the neocons and social conservatives (also known as values voters) throughout this blog. I’ve attempted to explain what they want for this nation. This includes a single-party Republican state, violating human rights at every … Continue reading

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Bad Deeds for 7-29-2008

  McCain (Who Thinks He is Best Qualified to be Commander-in-Chief) Doesn’t Know Who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U. S. Military – McCain said this to George Stephanopoulos in his interview on Sunday … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Bad Deeds, Media-Info Control, Rampant Cronyism/Corruption   |   Leave a comment   |  

Bad Deeds for 6-16-2008

Republicans Block Consideration of Medicare Bill – Republican senators blocked legislation Thursday that would trim payments to private health insurers serving people in Medicare and use the savings to raise reimbursement rates for doctors. The advocacy group AARP had lobbied … Continue reading

Posted in Bad Deeds, Church/State Unification, Enemy/Scapegoat, Media-Info Control, Rampant Cronyism/Corruption   |   Leave a comment   |  

Favorite Quotes Collected While Trying to Figure Out Where We Are Going

That [NSA survellance] capability at any time could be turned around on the American people and no American would have any privacy left, such [is] the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no … Continue reading

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Authoritarian Issues vs. The Concerns of Others

Throughout this blog, I have written about those that have lead us into the current political mess in our country. They are the right wing authoritarians (RWAs): the social dominators like GWB, his VP Dick, and their followers. They are … Continue reading

Posted in Authoritarianism, Avid Militarism, Enemy/Scapegoat   |   Leave a comment   |  

Mike Huckabee – Another Step Closer to Theocracy and Religious Dictatorship?

As I have posted several times in this blog, the religious right, or right-wing authoritarians (RWA), are a significant voting block in this country and they want to make major changes in our laws, our government and our way of … Continue reading

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Right-wing Authoritarians – The Social-issue Republicans and What They Want of You

In 2006, John Dean made the following statements about social conservatives in his book Conservatives Without Conscience: Social conservatives, whose core members are Christian conservatives, comprise the largest and most cohesive faction of conservatism. They are, by and large, typical … Continue reading

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Want to Feel Safe – Here’s One Way … For Some of Us

We are constantly told that we must fight the terrorists over there so we don’t have to fight them here. In other words, our safety is directly and only dependent on finishing what we started. Do you believe that? I … Continue reading

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Where Are We Going – Trends from 1994 to 2007, Are Republicans Becoming “The Masses” Needed for a Single-party State

This is the tenth in a series about the results of the Pew Research survey, Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987-2007. The Pew Research subtitle for this survey was “Political Landscape More Favorable to Democrats.” Their survey showed … Continue reading

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2006 Election – Evangelicals Still Strong Backers of Republican Party

Right-wing authoritarian (RWA) followers are still supporting their favorite party just as their social dominator leaders, or the neocons, are. The following was compiled for a review by Pew Research to show a trend toward Democrats in the last three … Continue reading

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The Iraq Study Group Report For a “New Approach” Is Collecting Dust – But Bush Has His Answer from the Neocons

According to John King, of CNN, ” … to embrace the gloomy verdict of the Iraq Study Group, Mr. Bush would have to concede he got just about all of it wrong.” But not to worry, the American Enterprise Institute … Continue reading

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Don’t Let The Authoritarians Distract You – They Still Want a Single-Party State and All Its Trappings

President Bush has been taking exception to our laws by using signing statements and to our Constitution by eliminating part of it. All the while, the Republican Congress has been sparing the rod and spoiling the child and letting him … Continue reading

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Government by the Party, for the Party, and of the Party – Part 1a, The House that Newt Built

As I said in Failed Single Party Nations of the Past – Where Are We Going Now?, “Nations run by a single party (political, army or dictatorship) tend to become intensely nationalistic, racist, militaristic and imperialistic. They are supported by … Continue reading

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The Top Ten Abuses of Religion in Politics – Social Concervatives At Work

John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience documents historical activities of the social conservatives or the right-wing authoritarians (RWA). Here are a few more recent activities of the RWAs as documented by The Interfaith Alliance: 1. KANSAS ATTORNEY GENERAL USES PASTORS TO … Continue reading

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