Republican Senator/Congressman:
You may be dependent on the voters in your state, but you are a senator in our nation’s congress. You don’t just represent your state. You represent all of we the people and that should have more weight in your congressional decisions than looking out for your state or your party. If you are only there for your state, then you need to consider changing jobs and get elected to your state’s congress.
With that said, you need to recognize that your conservative rhetoric on what is right for our economy is not what the nation voted for last November. We have learned from the mistakes of the conservative worldview that has brought us to this economic crisis. You should try and learn from it also.
You have supported years of borrow and spend. You have supported huge deficit spending for the war in Iraq. You have supported tax cut after tax cut while sending more and more. Your president Bush never vetoed any spending bill and pork reached record levels under conservative leadership. And now you are worried about spending and tax increases to cover some of that spending. Give us a break!!
We need to start paying for our way of life. We need to stop asking others, China, to pay for our mistakes. The Greatest Generation paid tax rates of up to 94 percent to help fund a war they all supported. On the other hand, all we were asked to do to support our wars was ‘shop.’
The “core membership” you are pandering to represents less than a quarter of the voting public. Please stop bowing to the Republican leadership under threat of “you’re on your own” come election time. Please, start working for the majority of the nation whom you represent.