Labor Power Loss

Is the power of labor not only falling but being suppressed? Are court rulings favoring corporations over unions? Are new court appointees more likely to be pro business? Have unions been added to the enemy list? Is union busting being sanctioned by government action or inaction? Are employees afraid that if they unionize, the store may be closed? Are national unions splitting apart? When will laws that protect workers trying to unionize be repealed? When will unions be subsumed through government mandated guilds for both employers and employees heavily weighted in favor of the corporations and their owners? When will unions be outlawed? How far is too far?

Right to Slave Wages is Now Possible as Your Own CEO.

Another example of information you won't get from profit centric MSM that must keep its profit master happy by entertaining…

9 years ago

Why Do The ONE% Keep Getting Richer?

An updated report on growing income inequality between America's profit makers and profit takers shows the growth of income for…

11 years ago

Labor Is Dealt Two New Blows – Both Limit NLRB

The following is from Thom Hartmann: You need to know this. For decades, unions have been fighting to preserve workers'…

12 years ago

Minimum Wage, Wage Theft and The Free Market at Work – Is it Fixable?

The post 80's ideas of keeping the minimum wage suppressed and not rewarding workers, profit creators, for their productivity increases…

12 years ago

Bad Deeds for 3/26/2010

But, first a thought on the future: Voting is like driving a car … Choose (D) to move forward, Or…

15 years ago

Bad Deeds for 9-30-2009

Mike and Sarah Palin are the far right of the far right. They hate what America is becoming - not…

15 years ago

Bad Deeds for 8-6-2009

We Will All Pay Dearly if Health Care Reform is Not Enacted - Every American has a direct stake in…

15 years ago

Bad Deeds for 3-12-2009

To Conservatives, Bipartisanship is Forcing Others to Agree With Them - From the Conservative Political Action Conference, “To us, bipartisanship…

16 years ago

Bad Deeds for 1-28-2009

  FBI Saw Mortgage Fraud Early; Took No Action - The FBI was aware for years of "pervasive and growing"…

16 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-1-2008

Texas Prosecutes Little Old Ladies for Voter Fraud - Willie Ray was a 69-year-old African-American City Council member from Texarkana…

17 years ago