
Our Two Major Political Parties – The Illusion and Realities of Their Essences

Over the years, some have said that there is little difference between our two major political parties. This is certainly…

12 years ago

Disaster Relief Is Immoral and Requires Privatization – Who Believes This and Why?

Here is a portion of the transcript from the June 13, 2011, Republican presidential primary debate where Romney is asked…

12 years ago

Why Are Some Americans More Concerned About Consuming Than Preserving Their Democracy?

The excerpts below are from a recent article by Henry Giroux, titled "Why Don't Americans Care About Democracy at Home?"…

12 years ago

More Research Invalidates Extreme Right-wing Principle – Solely “Self-made”

The extreme right-wing, strict father, authoritarian family model, which is represented in many ways by the Romney/Ryan twosome, includes the…

12 years ago

2012 Election – Are We Going to Return to a National Legalized Gozzle-up Ponzi Scheme?

(The following is a reposting of an entry from August of 2010 with minor updates.) This posting was inspired by…

12 years ago

Moral Principles – What Conservatives Know and Progressives Take for Granted

Recent political ads lie about President Obama and his suggestions to the states on the national welfare program. As stated…

12 years ago

Destroying America’s Soul – The Devil’s Budget

In his latest article, George Lakoff discusses how The Devils Budget proposed by the opponents to President Obama will eventually…

12 years ago

Authoritarian Plan for a Koch Brothers’ America – Update to The Powell Plan

Just over a year ago, I wrote a post about The Powell Memo. This memo has been referred to by…

13 years ago

The Aurora, Colorado, Shootings – Fear Based Gun Ownership Fulfills an Authoritarian Need to Severely Punish Those Not Like Them

Those most likely to become authoritarians (social dominators or followers) are raised from a young age in a strict-father environment…

13 years ago

Our Empathy and Education Deficits – Nurtured by Right-wing Authoritarians, But Beatable

The two deficits, their causes, and solutions summarized below from writings by former Senator Barack Obama and Professor Henry Giroux,…

13 years ago