This new commission will decide what federal agencies should be eliminated for 'not producing results' and only an act of…
As a percentage of the workforce, union membership peaked around 1960 and has declined to one fourth of that. Continue…
Is the Pentagon Channel's presence in the public domain the first step at media control by the US government? Continue…
the application of this principle may have spread farther and deeper in to the government than anyone realizes Continue reading…
This index attempts to 'measure' the extent to which the list of 14 characteristics monitored by this blog apply to…
There is almost a sense of righteous paranoia that fuels these individual movements. Continue reading →
What factors were driving our founding fathers when writing the Constitution? One critical factor was taxation without representation. …
... open attack on the court system as a whole rather than any one issue ... Continue reading →
As happens when you read a new 'technical' book, you start to recognize what has been infront of you all…
Labor law - right to take from union benefits without paying union dues Funding the Public - right to take…