Does Obama almost always vote with his party? The Statement: Gov. Sarah Palin said at the Oct. 2 vice presidential…
Palin Billed State for Spending Thanksgiving at College Basketball Game, Husband's Sled Race, and Numerous Nights Spent at Home -…
Let's go back in time a few weeks, return to the present and then look to a probably future if…
Lieberman and Thompson Make Misleading Claims About Obama on Day Two of the Republican Convention - Joe Lieberman and…
I've written about the teamwork of the neocons and social conservatives (also known as values voters) throughout this blog. I've…
Sarah Palin Confuses Our Troops With the Blues Brothers: " Our national leaders are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a…
On Fox & Friends, Millionaire Donald Trump Falsely Claimed That Obama Plans to Have "Everybody ... Pay Double and…
McCain Decides to Continue the Bush Legacy of Destructive Environmental Policies - Senator John McCain just announced his choice for…
Fox News Cuts Democratic Keynote After Two Minutes; Switches to Anti-Obama Coverage - In its August 26 coverage of the…
The McCains Lied Repeatedly About Their Baby Adoption Story, Then Changed It Just Before the 2008 Campaign Began - As…