Strict-father State

Ready For A More Caring Economy – Democratic Socialism?

Do you now see what America has become: An Inverted Totalitarian State of, by, and for the capitalists? Would you…

5 years ago

Two Broken Systems – More Democracy is the Solution

Both our political and economic systems are broken and making our economic system more democratic would enhance Maclean's salvation recommendations…

5 years ago

Inequality of Endless Growth vs Justice of Universal Wellbeing

Quotes from "Outgrowing growth: why quality of life, not GDP, should be our measure of success" The world's right-wing authoritarian,…

5 years ago

American Capitalism’s Immoral Response to COVID-19

Quotes from The Virus and Capitalism. America’s unique, right-wing authoritarian, self-enriching, gobble-up, neoliberal, form of capitalism is helping it’s wealthy owners again…

5 years ago

Oligarchs – The Abusers Behind Our Authoritarian Economic Systems.

It’s going to take a vibrant democratic political system with massive citizen participation to enable this new democratic economic system…

5 years ago

Political Democracy v Economic Authoritarianism: Checks and Balances

In our Constitution, our democratic political system includes a division of responsibilities to enable a means of checks and balances.…

5 years ago

A Scale of Equality – Maximizing Turnout for 2020 Election

What's required to activate and unify voters on the left? Kochkash Increases Inequality: America's political and economic policies have moved…

6 years ago

Economic and Political Decisions: Oligarchy v Democracy

Decisions by oligarchs only benefit oligarchs whether they control our economic or political systems. We need more democracy in both…

6 years ago

Fascist Politics for Protecting and Empowering a Demagogue

The distinct strategies of fascist politics include: the mythic past, propaganda, anti-intellectualism, unreality, hierarchy, and victimhood. Other strategies also included…

6 years ago

American Socialism – Equally Empowering and Protecting All US Citizens

(A cycle of building, destroying, and now renewing/expanding) Even before FDR's socially responsible New Deal and laws passed since, corporations…

6 years ago