Category Archives: Incomplete

Just never got around to finishing.

Tracking the Growth of American Authoritarianism

“Can There Really Be Fascist People In A Democracy?”
Libertarians are stealthily taking over America.

Since the 1971 Powell Memo, America has moved closer and closer to Fascism.


The Top Ten Abuses of Religion in Politics – Social Concervatives At Work

John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience documents historical activities of the social conservatives or the right-wing authoritarians (RWA). Here are a few more recent activities of the RWAs as documented by The Interfaith Alliance: 1. KANSAS ATTORNEY GENERAL USES PASTORS TO … Continue reading

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You Can’t Have Equality If Others Want to Feel Special

Those on the political extreme right, right-wing authoritarians (RWA), have a world view that includes extreme individualism and an authoritarian hierarchy that puts men above all other living forms. This world view means inequality of individuals is OK. Another element … Continue reading

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The Right to Take – A Combination of Unlimited Freedom and Excessive Greed

Labor law – right to take from union benefits without paying union dues Funding the Public – right to take citizenship benefits wihtout paying citizenship dues Gun ownership – the right to take lives with military weapons without paying for … Continue reading

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Bigotry Affects Election Results

“Barack Obama won 52.9 percent of the popular vote in 2008 and 365 electoral votes, 95 more than he needed. Many naturally concluded that prejudice was not a major factor against a black presidential candidate in modern America. My research, … Continue reading

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Be Aware of Authoritarian Messages …

As happens when you read a new ‘technical’ book, you start to recognize what has been infront of you all the time but obscurred by distracting details. My past readings, Conservatives Without Conscience, allowed me to see the authoritarians ‘everywhere.’ … Continue reading

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Purposeful Creation of Bad Investments and Buying Insurance to Protect Creator from Failure of Those Investments

Authentic journalism requires an open mind, getting the details, checking the information against multiple resources to find consistancy and add validity, and time and resources to pull the story together. Here is one journalistic example, of many, done by Planet … Continue reading

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Tea Bagger 7 Step Program – Replacing Fear with Understanding

The following is extrapolated from an article by Dr. Phil. 1) Acknowledge the purpose. Why do you do it? You have to be able to answer that question. Is it to help you deal with anxiety and stress? It may … Continue reading

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Oil – Capacity vs. Usage vs. Price

Jan 11, 2006, Personal Finance: World usage, 2006 – 29.565B barrels, plus .365B more each year China, 2006 usage – 1.46B barrels, 4.94% US annual usage – 7.54B barrels, 25.5% US consumption of crude Arab Oil Producer Costs – less … Continue reading

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