Bad Deeds

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-24-06

Report Finds U.S. Freedom of Press Slipping The United States has dropped nine spots on Reporters Without Borders’ fifth annual…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-18-06

Bush Space Plan Reserves Right to Kick Others Out of Orbit President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-17-06

Bob "Swift Boat" Perry is finance chairman for Sekula-Gibbs' congressional campaign Houston homebuilder Bob Perry funded the "Swift Boat Veterans…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-16-06

Tom Delay says vote for Republican on "Dancing with the Stars"; then she withdraws; files for divorce; husband involved with…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-12-06

Number two person at the White House Office of Faith Based initiatives says administration repeatedly uses evangelical Christians for their…

18 years ago

Republican bad Deeds for 10-11-06

Rumsfeld Sat On Board of Company That Sold Reactors to North Korea Rumsfeld in 2000: director of a company which…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-10-06

Election Fraud Special Bobby Kennedy's first Rolling Stone article, "Was The 2004 Election Stolen?" and Bobby Kennedy's second Rolling Stone…

18 years ago

Republican Bad Deeds for 10-9-06

Federal Election Commission Tells Tom Delay to Return Campaign Contributions That He Received After He Quit (Originally found on…

18 years ago