Bad Deeds

AP Poll: Bush #1 Villain of 2006

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for President Bush, AP comes out with a new poll. SCARBOROUGH:…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-21-06

Fugitive Iraqi minister was a Bush campaign donor - An Iraqi minister who is on the run after breaking out…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-20-06

Republican Rep. Warns About First Muslim In Congress: “If American Citizens Don't Wake Up There Will Likely Be Many More”…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-19-06

EPA Not Acting On Soot Emissions - Thirteen states sued the EPA on Monday for failing to set air quality…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-18-06

India Helps Iran Build the Bomb, While the White House Looks the Other Way - The U.S. government usually takes…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-14-06

Tom Delay Says, “Fight. Fight. Fight. There Is No Such Thing As Bipartisanship” (Spoken like a true double high authoritarian…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-13-06

Swiftboat Veterans and POWs for Truth violated the Federal Election Campaign Act They failed to register as a political committee…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-11-06

Tom DeLay has a Blog "to provide Americans with a new meeting place where such opinions and viewpoints might be…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-08-06

Bill O'Reilly says "we are going to level that country (Iran), because you ... need gasoline to live" Republican “Do-Nothing”…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 12-06-06

Richest 2 percent own more than half the world Study shows that the richest 2 percent of adults own more…

18 years ago