Bad Deeds

Bad Deeds for 4-27-07

Justice Dept. Withholding More Than 170 Documents Related to Attorney Firings - The Justice Department has notified Congressional investigators that…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-26-07

U.S. Prison Chief in Iraq Charged with 'Aiding Enemy' - A U.S. Army officer who was commander of a military…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-25-07

Republican Representative's Aide Accepted Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Gifts from Lobbyist Jack Abramoff - A former congressional aide…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-24-07

Tom DeLay Says Top Democrats Are Acting Like Traitors [More Bush enemies]- Democratic leaders are acting like traitors by opposing…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-23-07

Down and Dirty with Republican Candidates Down South - Vote buying, astroturfing, anonymous attacks -- the 2008 Republican contenders keep…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-20-07

Tom Delay keeps running away, but he can't hide - FBI agents continue to interview aides to former Rep. DeLay,…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-18-07

Republican Senator Connected to Prosecutor’s Dismissal - The Senate on Tuesday confirmed that Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) is the subject…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-17-07

Bill O'Reilly and Tom DeLay Together - O'Reilly renewed his attacks against Rosie O'Donnell on 4/16/07 with the help of…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-16-07

Gonzales Claims Contradicted Again - The former Justice Department official who carried out the firings of eight U.S. attorneys has…

18 years ago

Bad Deeds for 4-12-07

Inappropriate government lawyers' membership in Republican group - The Republican National Lawyers Association, which trains lawyers to monitor elections, has…

18 years ago