Republicans Speed Children's Health Care Bill to a Vote to Make Sure it Gets Vetoed - A defiant Democratic-controlled Congress…
Rumsfeld Pushed Hard to Create Link Between Iraq and Iran - Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld pushed hard to create…
Fox News Distorted College Students' Views to Bash Global Warming - Conservative host Sean Hannity made clear his disdain for…
Campaign News Coverage Provides Relatively Little Information About Candidates Records or What They Would Do If Elected - A study…
The Bush Wild-West Influence: Texas is Now Like Iraq; Shoot First, Gets Facts Later - Texas recently passed a law…
Glenn Beck Says "A handful of people who hate America ... are losing their homes in a forest fire today"…
Evidence of Tax Evasion by Blackwater- The Blackwater employees responsible for considerable violence in Iraq as they go about the…
Attorney General Nominee Isn't Sure if Waterboarding Should be Considered Torture - President Bush’s nominee for attorney general, Michael B.…
Fred Thompson Proposes to Cut Social Security Benefits by 25 Percent - Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson proposed to curb…
Mitt Romney's New National Security Adviser Said He'd Torture "In A Heartbeat" - Retired General James "Spider" Marks, who has…