John McCain's Foreign Policy: Restart the Cold War - On March 26, McCain gave a speech on foreign policy in…
McCain Opposed Equal Pay for Women Senate Bill - Republican Sen. John McCain, campaigning through poverty-stricken cities and towns, said…
U.S. Incarceration Rate is Six Times the World Average - The United States has less than 5 percent of the…
Colorado State Rep. Douglas Bruce Calls Mexican Migrant Workers Illiterate Peasants - State Rep. Douglas Bruce's derogatory remarks Monday about…
Anti-Evolution Movie Attempts to Link Belief in Evolution to Nazi Genocide - Comedian and former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein's new…
Merck Drugs Used Ghostwriting to Make it Appear That Research Done by its Employees or Contractors was the Work of…
Conservative Pat Buchanan Predicts "Fifty-fifty chance of U.S. airstrikes on Iran by October" - On the McLaughlin Group show, Pat…
Taco Bell, Wal-Mart, NRA Hired 'Black Ops' Company That Targeted Environmental Groups - A private security firm managed by former…
Top Bush Aides Approved Interrogation Tactics According to Report - President George W. Bush's most senior advisers approved "enhanced interrogation…
Once Again, McCain Confuses Sunnis with Shiites - Last month, the Arizona senator got a whisper in his ear from…