Bad Deeds

Bad Deeds for 6-23-2008

Energy Speculators Trading on "Dark Markets" - One of the biggest factors in high oil prices, according to many experts,…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-20-2008

FISA Bill Destroys the Fourth Amendment - Urgent Action Needed Now to Protect and Defend Our Constitution - Constitutional expert…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-19-2008

Rich Hunters Want Polar Bears for Trophies - Just days after polar bears gained new life-saving protections, the powerful Safari…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-18-2008

Medical Exams Reveal Abuse and Torture of Detainees - Former terrorist suspects detained by the United States were tortured, according…

17 years ago

Domestic oil and gas production.

The Republicans blame Democrats for the high cost of gasoline, saying that if we only drilled in ANWAR we'd have…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-17-2008

Fox News Promotes "Carbon Belch Day": Waste as Much Energy as You Can - Fox News aired a story about…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-16-2008

Republicans Block Consideration of Medicare Bill - Republican senators blocked legislation Thursday that would trim payments to private health insurers…

17 years ago

What if the inexperienced Barack Obama had been president in 2002?

Here is what Obama said at noon on October 2, 2002, the same day and hour that President Bush and…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-12-2008

Republican Claim About Chinese Oil Drilling off Cuba is Untrue - As Congress has debated energy policy over the past…

17 years ago

Bad Deeds for 6-11-2008

McCain's Tax Plan: Super Big Tax Cuts For the Super-Rich; Poor People Get $19 - According to the Tax Policy…

17 years ago