I've said that there isn't anything we can do to bring gasoline prices down in the near future. I was…
Sucker Fish Go to Aquarium to See Bottom-Feeder - Last night at the Aquarium Restaurant, Karl Rove was the…
US Customs Can Seize Your iPod - US customs have the power to seize your laptop or iPod when entering…
To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them - Seymour Hersh…
Senate Republicans Block Effort to Aid Paralyzed Veterans - The Christopher and Dana Reeve Act, named for the actor who…
McCain (Who Thinks He is Best Qualified to be Commander-in-Chief) Doesn't Know Who is the Chairman of the Joint…
Fear-Mongering Conservatives Make Up Stories About American Boys Held Captive in a Pakistani Madrassa - Since early July, Republican Congressman…
Anbar Sheik That McCain Said Was Protected by the Surge Was Assassinated Last Year - The major Sunni sheik who…
Conservative Michael Savage Claims That Autism is Almost Always the Result of a Brat Who Hasn't Been Told to…
Right Wing Radio Host Michael Savage Says 99 Percent Of Autistic Children Are Misdiagnosed Brats - Radio talk show host…