Palin Billed State for Spending Thanksgiving at College Basketball Game, Husband's Sled Race, and Numerous Nights Spent at Home -…
Sarah Palin Supports Brutal Aerial Hunting - Aerial hunting is a brutal practice where wolves are shot from low-flying…
Lieberman and Thompson Make Misleading Claims About Obama on Day Two of the Republican Convention - Joe Lieberman and…
Sarah Palin Confuses Our Troops With the Blues Brothers: " Our national leaders are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a…
On Fox & Friends, Millionaire Donald Trump Falsely Claimed That Obama Plans to Have "Everybody ... Pay Double and…
McCain Decides to Continue the Bush Legacy of Destructive Environmental Policies - Senator John McCain just announced his choice for…
Fox News Cuts Democratic Keynote After Two Minutes; Switches to Anti-Obama Coverage - In its August 26 coverage of the…
The McCains Lied Repeatedly About Their Baby Adoption Story, Then Changed It Just Before the 2008 Campaign Began - As…
McCain to Mom of Veteran: I Don't Disagree With Reenacting the Military Draft - An audience member at a McCain…
Texas Board of Education Under Control of a Rogue Faction With a Specific Agenda - Recent actions have landed Texas…