Joe Barton Too Busy Tweeting to Pay Attention to President's Speech; Blames It On a Staffer - During President Obama's…
Hero Pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger To Congress: My Pay Has Been Cut 40 Percent In Recent Years, Pension Terminated -…
Diebold 'Offices' Turn Out to Mostly be Wal-Marts - To convince Utah decision-makers that Diebold (voting machine company) was…
John Cornyn Introduces Bill That Would Require Home Owners To Retain Internet Access Logs - Republican politicians on Thursday called…
“There’s class warfare, all right but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning,†Warren Buffet,…
John Boehner Complains About Non-Existent Stimulus Bill Las Vegas High-Speed Rail Project - The madness continues on the right-wing’s crusade…
Conservative Columnist Makes Stuff Up About Global Warming - Syndicated columnist George Will presents only one piece of evidence in…
Creationists Besiege Texas State Board of Education with Calls to Dumb Down Science Education in Texas Public Schools -…
Dirty Bomb Parts and Instructions for Assembly Found in U. S. - A man who police say was shot to…
Conservative Group Circulates "No Stimulus" Petition - A conservative group called "Americans For Prosperity" has started a petition against the…