Republicans Slam Spending on Wildlife Preservation - As President Barack Obama pushed his new $100 million campaign to cut government…
Rove Mocked Spending on Flu Preparedness - Writing in a column in the Wall Street Journal in February, Rove…
At Least 110,600 Iraqis Have Died in Violence Since the 2003 U.S.-Led Invasion - Combined with tallies based on…
Glenn Beck Expresses 'Erotic' Joy From Caller Hunting And Cutting Down Trees On Earth Day - It turns out…
Abusive Tactics Used to Seek Iraq-al Qaida Link According to Report - The Bush administration applied relentless pressure on…
What is a grassroots movement? From Wikipedia: A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is…
Republican Women's Newsletter Spreads False Information - The Spirit of Freedom Republican Women's Club (Ft. Bend County, TX) newsletter…
CIA Waterboarded Al Qaeda Suspect 183 Times in 1 Month, Memo Reveals - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (still in U.S. custody)…
Want to get steamed on tax day? Well, here are some things to get steamed about, and it's not that…
Right-Wing Extremism is a Growing Threat to America According to Dept. of Homeland Security - A new report issued by…