Accused of Returning to Terrorism, Former Gitmo Detainee Turns Out to be a Respected Afghan Politician - A former…
Texas Gov. Perry May Appoint Rightwing Extremist to Head State Board of Education - The Houston Chronicle reports Gov. Rick…
Health Care Industry Has Hired Over 350 Lobbyists (Enough to Make You Sick) - The health care industry, in…
Swiss Bank Helped Rich Americans Evade Taxes - Swiss bank UBS AG "systematically and deliberately" violated U.S. law by…
Private Banker Moved Funds Undetected, No Oversight, No Regulation - As Hernán E. Arbizu tended the fortunes of his gilded…
Conservative Internet Radio Host, Arrested For Inciting Violence Against Public Officials - Hal Turner, an occasional talk show host on…
"Fair and Balanced" Fox News Argues in Court For Right to Lie and Deliberately Distort News Reports - The attorneys…
"God Bless Charities": A Fake Street Corner Charity Scamming City Residents - Calvin Tarver recruits workers, gives them T-shirts and…
Conservative Radio Commentator Attempts to Rig Election - Conservative radio commentator Dale Jackson of WVNN in Huntsville read a phony…
Over-Paid Insurance CEOs Oppose Public Healthcare Option - The public healthcare option has the potential to make private plans…