Bad Deeds for 8-29-2010


Putting the Relationship Between Americans, Muslims, and Al Qaeda into Perspective – Should we blame everyone in the big green circle for the actions of those in the little black dot?


Fox News Jumps to Conclusions, Then Tells Others to Not Jump to Conclusions – While reporting on the stabbing of a Muslim New York City cab driver, Fox News host Alisyn Camerota maintained anti-Islamic rhetoric had nothing to do with the crime. But the New York Daily News reports that there is even more evidence that says Enright was harboring anti-Muslim feelings. When he was arrested Tuesday in midtown, Enright had a personal diary filled with pages of “pretty strong anti-Muslim comments,” a police source said. The source said Enright’s journal equated Muslims with “killers, ungrateful for the help they were being offered, filthy murderers without a conscience.”

Fox News anchor Brian Kilmeade said he was aware of the diary, but he seemed to dismiss that it could be related to opposition to the Park51 cultural center, an Islamic center and mosque planned near Ground Zero. “He has kept a diary with some anti-Muslim phrases and beliefs but let’s not everyone jump to conclusions and immediately tie his actions to the mosque,” said Kilmeade.

But, it seems OK to jump to conclusions that anti-Islamic rhetoric had nothing to do with the crime?


Ben Quayle Made Posting to a Dirty Web Site, Then Said He Didn’t, Then Admitted He Did, Then Said He Has Been Consistent – Republican candidate Ben Quayle has made postings to the racy web site That site is no longer available but its successor The Dirty still has some of as they call it Ben Quayle’s “best work” posted — Ben Quayle Is Brock Landers (warning, may not be safe for home or work).

Five of nine questions Quayle took at a victory press conference on Wednesday were about the website controversy, including ones on how his involvement would play with conservative Christian voters and on his varying answers about the extent of his involvement.

“I’ve been consistent from the very beginning on this issue and I’ve answered questions from numerous people,” he said to the latter.

That’s not true. Quayle first denied then admitted writing for the website.


Former Republican Governor Lies About the Cause of the Deficit – Republicans have been trying very hard to blame President Obama for the nation’s deficit (which he largely inherited from his predecessor), but former Gov. George Pataki (R-NY) today may have gone to the most absurd lengths yet. On MSNBC, Pataki said that the health care reform bill that became law this year is “one of the reasons we have this deficit”:

Pataki made no attempt to explain how a law that was passed this year and has yet to be implemented could have possibly caused this year’s deficit. Here’s a handy chart from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explaining where the deficit actually comes from:


See health care on there anywhere? No. The deficit was caused by the Bush’s economic downturn (and the drop in tax revenue that came along with it), Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Bush-era tax cuts that turned a record surplus into a deficit, and Bush’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).



Jim Vogas

Texas A&M Aggie, Retired aerospace engineer, former union member, Vietnam vet, Demcratic Party organizer, husband and father.

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