Republican Priorities: On With the Destruction! – Right now, there are a lot of American without jobs. And a lot of those with jobs get low pay and no benefits.
But quick! Medicare might start having funding problems in 2025 and Social Security might go into the red in 2040. Republicans tell us that those are obviously the problems we should be dealing with right this second. And we should deal with them by cutting spending on a bunch of other programs because, um, um, um……I forget. But I know there’s a reason. My TV keeps telling me there is. It’s something about the rest of the world forcing us to screw the poor and destroy our economy today in order to save it tomorrow. So let’s get on with the destruction!
Republicans Plan for Health Care to Cost You More While Democrats Take Action to Bring Costs Down – Most seniors will pay twice as much out of pocket under the proposed Republican voucher system as they do under the current Medicare plan. Some will pay even more than that. Click here to see your state and estimate the cost effects the Republican’s Medicare plan would have on seniors. In Texas, costs under Medicare currently run an average of $6,453 per person per year. Under the Republican voucher system, it would jump to $13,122.
Private Insurance Companies that administer Medicare “Advantage†Plans were paid on average 14% more than it costs to provide care through the Traditional Medicare Program. Those Over-Payments had drained the Medicare Trust Fund, increased premiums for seniors on Regular Medicare, and cost taxpayers $12 billion per year.
That no longer holds true…
“Advantage†over-payments to Health Insurance Companies were corrected by the Affordable Health Care Act. Democrats have helped lower Medicare costs already and will keep weeding out waste & abuse to keep Medicare strong.
Republicans in Maine Roll-Back Child Labor Laws – The Republican governor of Maine has now signed a bill into law that will roll back some of the protections placed to ensure that businesses protect employees under the age of 18. Governor Paul LePage has signed legislation allowing teens to work up to 50 hours a week, as well as up to 8 hours a day after school. LaPage claims the change in law is “not a big deal.” “Work never hurt anybody.”

Ah, the good ol’ days!
Republicans Lawmakers Do Not Really Support the Troops – Republicans like to fly flags and put “Support the Troops” stickers (made in China) on their vehicles. But, over the years, a wide range of bills to assist recent veterans have been introduced—and Republicans opposed nearly all of them:
…Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) … offered a measure that would offer emergency mortgage relief for members of the armed services. Republicans killed the bill on a party-line vote.
In February, Republicans passed a budget bill that slashed $75 million that would have funded housing vouchers for homeless veterans…
…Even before they were in the majority, Republicans often voted against seemingly simple measures to help out members of the armed services over-stressed by nearly a decade of war.
In June 2009, a vast majority of Republicans voted against providing extra money to active duty members of the military subject to “stop-loss†orders—those who had their enlistments involuntarily extended…
…Republicans also initially opposed a new GI bill to provide a four-year college education to those who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan…
…At the height of the economic crisis, there was a bill in Congress that would have given a tax credit to businesses that hired unemployed veterans, as well as provide a $250 economic relief payment for any disabled veterans who would no doubt have an even harder time finding work amidst a wide recession. Republicans uniformly opposed the bill.