93-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Who Cleaned State Capitol for 30 Years Denied Voter ID – A 93-year-old Tennessee woman who cleaned the state Capitol for 30 years, including the governor’s office, says she won’t be able to vote for the first time in decades after being told this week that her old state ID failed to meet new voter ID regulations. Thelma Mitchell was even acÂcused of being an unÂdocÂuÂmented imÂmiÂgrant beÂcause she couldn’t proÂduce a birth cerÂtifiÂcate.
ALEC-Linked Group Revealed as Major Secret Donor in Referendum on Maine Voting Rights – EarÂlier this year, Maine legÂisÂlaÂtors passed a bill reÂpealÂing the state’s 38 year-old law alÂlowÂing citÂiÂzens to regÂisÂter at the polls on elecÂtion day. Tens of thouÂsands of MainÂers reÂsponded by peÂtiÂtionÂing for the matÂter come to a refÂerÂenÂdum. Issue 1 was one of the most-anÂticÂiÂpated votes on elecÂtion day this year, with punÂdits watchÂing closely to see how citÂiÂzens would react to the ReÂpubÂliÂcan-led war on votÂing, which ramped up in states across the counÂtry this year.
RecÂogÂnizÂing the refÂerÂenÂdum’s imÂporÂtance, votÂing rights opÂpoÂnents poured money into the camÂpaign to reÂpeal elecÂtion day regÂisÂtraÂtion. In fact, just two days after the state’s camÂpaign fiÂnance reÂportÂing deadÂline, a seÂcret conÂserÂvÂaÂtive donor funÂneled $250,000 into the race, alÂlowÂing the No On 1 camÂpaign to make sigÂnifÂiÂcant TV ad buys in an inÂexÂpenÂsive media marÂket.
Per state law, howÂever, the idenÂtity of donors must be reÂvealed within 45 days after the elecÂtion. In fact, the enÂtire $250,000 worth of late money came from a sinÂgle source: the AmerÂiÂcan JusÂtice PartÂnerÂship. Though the AJP doesn’t disÂclose where its fundÂing comes from, the BanÂgor Daily News notes that it has partÂnered with the AmerÂiÂcan LegÂislaÂtive ExÂchange CounÂcil (ALEC) in the past, a group that has been inÂstruÂmenÂtal in the proÂlifÂerÂaÂtion of voter ID laws across the counÂtry. The AJP’s seÂcret $250,000 conÂtriÂbuÂtion ulÂtiÂmately acÂcounted for over 78 perÂcent of all the money raised by the No On 1 camÂpaign. In other words, over three-quarÂters of the fundÂing for opÂpoÂnents of elecÂtion day regÂisÂtraÂtion in Maine came from MichiÂgan. (This money was then used to run ads deÂcryÂing “outÂsiders from other states†who were inÂfluÂencÂing the Maine elecÂtion.)
Though AJP’s webÂsite corÂrectly warns that “Your right to vote is at stakeâ€, it’s groups like AJB and ALEC that are threatÂenÂing that right in the first place.
Wall Street Tells Boehner What to Do, and He Listens – In NoÂvemÂber PresÂiÂdent Obama said, “enough is enough” to China’s curÂrency maÂnipÂuÂlaÂtions. China maÂnipÂuÂlates its curÂrency to keep it “unÂderÂvalÂued.” This means that things made there cost less in world marÂkets than things made in other counÂtries. The reÂsult is that manÂuÂfacÂturÂing moves there, bringÂing them enÂtire inÂdusÂtries, supÂply chains, and the “inÂdusÂtrial comÂmons” of exÂperÂtise, supÂpliÂers and culÂture that brings with it new busiÂnesses and inÂdusÂtries. Many econÂoÂmists say that China’s curÂrency is unÂderÂvalÂued by 25 to 40% meanÂing prodÂucts made there have a 25-40% pricÂing adÂvanÂtage beÂfore any other adÂvanÂtages, subÂsiÂdies, maÂnipÂuÂlaÂtions, etc. are conÂsidÂered.
In OcÂtoÂber the SenÂate passed a biÂparÂtiÂsan bill — on a vote of 65 to 35 — a bill reÂquirÂing the adÂminÂisÂtraÂtion to label China a curÂrency maÂnipÂuÂlaÂtor and begin the necÂesÂsary steps to remÂedy the probÂlem. The House ReÂpubÂliÂcan leadÂerÂship has reÂfused to allow this to come up for a vote – beÂcause it will pass. House Speaker John Boehner has made it clear he wants nothÂing to do with the legÂisÂlaÂtion that has alÂready raised heckÂles in BeiÂjing., And for now he seems to be in conÂtrol deÂspite loud protests inÂcludÂing from within his own party.
Even though many ReÂpubÂliÂcan memÂbers of the House say they supÂport the bill, none of them will sign a disÂcharge peÂtiÂtion to force Speaker Boehner to allow a vote. Wall Street opÂposes adÂdressÂing the curÂrency imÂbalÂances, and has made it clear through their front-group Club For Growth that Wall Street will opÂpose House memÂbers who help bring this up for a vote. And right now Wall Street has more inÂfluÂence in DC’s onÂgoÂing inÂfluÂence scheme than those who want to manÂuÂfacÂture in the US, thereby bringÂing jobs, facÂtoÂries, inÂdusÂtries, inÂnoÂvaÂtion and money back to the US.
Rick Perry Thinks Canada is Part of the U.S. – “Every barrel of oil that comes out of those sands in Canada is a barrel of oil that we don’t have to buy from a foreign source,†— Rick Perry (12/28/2011) [All Canadian oil will go on the world market to the hightest bidder – regardless of which seaport it is piped to. It will not necessarily help the U.S. market.]
Republican Presidential Candidates Year in Review on YouTube –
Merry Christmas …

and Happy New Year!
