Categories: Bad Deeds

Bad Deeds for 12-01-06

U.S. Assigns Secret ‘Terror Scores’ to Travelers
Without notifying the public, federal agents for the past four years have assigned millions of international travelers, including Americans, computer-generated scores rating the risk they pose of being terrorists or criminals. Travelers are not allowed to see or directly challenge the risk assessments, which the government plans to hold for 40 years. Criteria considered in assigning the scores include the travelers’ nationality, seating preferences, and the meals they have ordered. The program also raised the possibility that faulty risk assessments could cost innocent people jobs in shipping or travel, government contracts, licenses or other benefits.

Christian conservative leaders are pushing Congress to cut US support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The fund has become one of the pillars of the international effort to fight infectious diseases, growing into a $6.6 billion organization that supports programs in 136 countries.

Bush Administration appointee may be representing the interests of the shareholders of Lockheed Martin rather than the interests of the American people. Former general is supposed to be working against terrorism in Turkey, but seems to be selling jet fighters for Lockheed Martin.

Conservative talk-show host doesn’t like freedom of religion for swearing-in ceremony
Newly-elected Congressman Keith Ellison is a Muslim. Ellison is setting yet another precedent in January when he takes the oath of office on the Koran, Islam’s holiest book—an event that evoked conservatives to accuse him of deviating his allegiance from the Constitution to Allah. On Tuesday, conservative radio talk show host and columnist Dennis Prager wrote: “America is interested in only one book, the Bible.” Directly addressing Ellison, he added “If you are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don’t serve in Congress.” Ellison said that he’s not changing his mind about the sacred text he’s swearing on. “The Constitution guarantees for everyone to take the oath of office on whichever book they prefer,” he said in a telephone interview. “And that’s what the freedom of religion is all about.”

Prager’s column on a conservative web site with comments from readers. There are some extreme people there. Most of them seem to have lost sight that the congressman is swearing to uphold the laws and constitution on the United States of America no matter what book his hand is on. Placing his hand on a religious book means he swears to God. Christian Bible, Jewish Bible, Koran – it’s the same God.

Then there was CNN’s Glenn Beck saying to the first-ever Muslim congressman: “What I feel like saying is, ‘Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies’ ”



Jim Vogas

Texas A&M Aggie, Retired aerospace engineer, former union member, Vietnam vet, Demcratic Party organizer, husband and father.

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