Turkey of the Year Award Goes to Shelly Sekula-Gibbs
Fun With Shelley, Part XVII
Sekula-Gibbs had said in an interview that the deaths of 2,800 Americans in Iraq needed to be put “in perspective” because after all, 9,000 Americans were killed each year by illegal immigrants, according to the General Accounting Office. Seeing as how only 16,000 Americans are murdered each year, that seemed like those dadgum illegals were being very, very busy. So we called the GAO. They were baffled. “I’m trying to think how she got there,” says Rich Stana, the GAO’s director for homeland security and justice issues. So where did Sekula-Gibbs get her 9,000-deaths-a-year figure? Not from the GAO, as it turns out.
U.S. involved longer in Iraq war than World War II
Rumsfeld OK’d prison abuses, ex-general alleges
Memo Says Drug Companies Fear Democratic Congress, Lament Loss of Santorum
A post-election internal memo at one pharmaceutical company illustrates an industry-wide concern that the good times may be coming to an end as the author writes “we now have fewer allies in the Senateâ€. The memo says the loss of Republican Rick Santorum “creates a big hole we need to fillâ€, while the ascendance of senators-elect Jon Tester and Sherrod Brown are expected to create problems for the industry. In other words, the power has shifted from the big drug companies to the people.