Bad Deeds for 1-8-2009

Conservatives Advocate Punching, Tasing Protestors – Do you remember when Free Speech was honored in America? It seems that Conservatives would rather replace it with bullying and violence. Is that the future we want?

Conservative author Ann Coulter said Republicans should have “punched” two protesters who interrupted Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s speech to the Republican National Convention last September on Tuesday’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”‘ Coulter, known for her over-the-top attacks on Democrats, bemoaned the liberal protesters and the muted response of “strong Republican men” on the convention floor.

Fox News morning host Brian Kilmead said that a protester at a Hillary Clinton speech should have been tased. “They should Tase this guy,” Kilmead said. “At one point with security so high and tensions on edge, don’t you think they’re going to get at the very least Tased or beaten to a pulp by somebody? These people look threatening. I would be for Tasing anyone in Code Pink,” he added. “I’m pro-Pink Tasing.”


Shameless Conservatives Resurrect the Schiavo Debacle to Attack Obama’s DOJ Nominee – Conservatives are now brushing off the Schiavo case to use it against Thomas Perrelli, President-elect Obama’s pick for the no. 3 spot at the Justice Department. Right-wing websites are outraged at Obama’s association with Perrelli, since he was one of the lawyers who represented Michael Schiavo, who wanted his wife’s feeding tube removed. The Washington Times today reports that these conservatives are now gearing up to fight Perrelli’s nomination.


Fox News’ War On Textbooks That “Could Rob Your Child Of A Fair Learning Experience” – Oh, The Irony! – While Fox News might not recommend a Fahrenheit 451 burning of all books, they sure want to get rid of those “liberal” texts that say bad things about good conservatives and don’t say bad things about bad liberals. And to reinforce this message, Fox features – without any opposing viewpoints – conservative Dayton University Professor Larry Schweikart to push this meme. (So there are conservative professors – who knew!) Schweikart, who makes frequent appearances on Fox News, has written a book, “48 Lies About American History” – a book that catalogues the (according to Larry) liberal lies that your children are being exposed to in high school texts. Fox News is doing their best to make sure that American youth are getting the “right” stuff as detailed by Schweikart who has appeared on Hannity’s America and Fox&Friends.

If Fox were truly “fair and balanced” and “real journalism” they would interview educators and those involved in publishing texts. Missing from the equation were facts about the location and number of school districts that use the books. I guess Fox would like history texts to be like Fox News – conservative and totally devoid of anything that requires nuanced thinking – not fair and balanced, not real, just ideology meant to stifle intelligent discussion.


FOX News Promotes Crooked Bernard Kerik As “Anti-Terror Expert” – FOX News may be obsessed with corruption in Chicago but it has completely ignored the corruption of former New York City police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Kerik, you may recall, is the disgraced former partner of Rudolph Giuliani who withdrew from a nomination by President Bush to head the Department of Homeland Security amidst a stream of accusations about personal financial and ethical improprieties. Just last week, new corruption charges were filed against Kerik. He has already pleaded guilty to accepting gifts from a company associated with organized crime, that was also seeking to do business with the City of New York. Nevertheless, the “we report, you decide” network deemed none of that important enough to reveal to its viewers when it presented Kerik last night as an “anti-terror expert” during a segment last night devoted to the Israeli/Gazi war. This reminds me of Fox promoting Watergate burgularly chief operative G. Gordon Liddy as a “Great American.”


Man Shot by Police in His Own Driveway – According to family members, Robbie Tolan and his cousin were returning to Tolan’s home in the Houston suburb of Bellaire in the early hours of December 31, when they were approached by officers who suspected the SUV they had just gotten out of was stolen.

Tolan’s parents, who own the SUV, came out of the house to explain the situation. An altercation ensued and Tolan’s mother was thrown against the garage door by an officer. According to Tolan’s uncle, “Her son was on his back at the time, and he raised up and asked, ‘What are you doing to my mom?’ and the officer shot him — while he was on the ground.”
Bellaire’s assistant police chief told reporters, “As far as any allegations of racial profiling, I’d probably say that that’s not really going to float.” However, there has been no other explanation offered for why the officers might have thought the SUV was stolen.



Jim Vogas

Texas A&M Aggie, Retired aerospace engineer, former union member, Vietnam vet, Demcratic Party organizer, husband and father.

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