Categories: Bad Deeds

Bad Deeds for 1-31-07

Conservative theologian on Fox News says churches should stop raising ‘nice’ boys and, instead raise ‘warriors’ – On this morning’s Fox and Friends broadcast, guest Doug Giles, a conservative theologian said, “The church is known for raising ‘nice’ boys. I don’t know about you, Steve, but when I was young, I didn’t dream of growing up and being ‘nice.’ ” As an alternative, he calls for churches “to go back to the biblical example. Like David. David was a warrior. You know, Moses, he was a tough, rowdy guy.

Global Warming Debate, FOX News Style: Two Questionable Guests With The Same Opinion – Last night’s (1/30/07) Hannity & Colmes offered a “debate” about global warming with a panel made up of global-warming deniers, only. Each of the two guests has ties to the energy industry that were not disclosed to viewers by the “we report, you decide” network.

You can make a difference! – Several News Hounds who sent letters to advertisers of the O’Reilly Factor confirm they have received this or a similar letter from Lowe’s (Hardware):

Thank you for taking the time to share with us your concerns regarding our recent advertising on the FOX network. We appreciate your feedback and want you to know that we take your comments quite seriously.

Effective January 25, we have pulled Lowe’s advertising from the O’Reilly Factor program.

Please accept this letter as a sincere apology from Lowe’s and reassurance of Lowe’s commitment to you, our valued customer. If Lowe’s can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to write or call us. We encourage you to continue to share your comments and feedback, whenever you think it would be appropriate.

As Keith Olberman said, “Why is this guy (Bill O’Reilly) still on the air?
Here’s the list of advertisers; start writing.

Tens Of Millions Of US Dollars Wasted In Iraq Reconstruction



Jim Vogas

Texas A&M Aggie, Retired aerospace engineer, former union member, Vietnam vet, Demcratic Party organizer, husband and father.

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