Andy Shanks

Three reasons to vote Democratic

This isn't rhetoric, friends, this is hard cold fact gathered from government websites using official census data and US Department…

17 years ago

Domestic oil and gas production.

The Republicans blame Democrats for the high cost of gasoline, saying that if we only drilled in ANWAR we'd have…

17 years ago

The surge is working?

I keep hearing that the “surge” is succeeding. Really? There are still 600 attacks from insurgents every month. Those attacks…

17 years ago

Joe Barton says there is no climate change.

Joe Barton (R-TX) doesn't believe that global climate change exists or if it does Man has nothing to do with…

17 years ago

Our Congress at Work – They Can’t Fix National Problems, But They Can Do This …

Contrary to the whining of many, the United States was not founded by Christians or on Christian principles. As close…

17 years ago

Yellow Ribbons and Emails

On this Veterans Day there’s an email floating around suggesting we all send a Christmas card or letter to a…

17 years ago

So many outrages, so little time

I’ve waited a few days before writing about Bush’s veto of the SCHIP bill . Had to. Otherwise the profanity…

17 years ago