Andy Hailey

Political Democracy v Economic Authoritarianism: Checks and Balances

In our Constitution, our democratic political system includes a division of responsibilities to enable a means of checks and balances.…

5 years ago

A Scale of Equality – Maximizing Turnout for 2020 Election

What's required to activate and unify voters on the left? Kochkash Increases Inequality: America's political and economic policies have moved…

6 years ago

Economic and Political Decisions: Oligarchy v Democracy

Decisions by oligarchs only benefit oligarchs whether they control our economic or political systems. We need more democracy in both…

6 years ago

Fascist Politics for Protecting and Empowering a Demagogue

The distinct strategies of fascist politics include: the mythic past, propaganda, anti-intellectualism, unreality, hierarchy, and victimhood. Other strategies also included…

6 years ago

American Socialism – Equally Empowering and Protecting All US Citizens

(A cycle of building, destroying, and now renewing/expanding) Even before FDR's socially responsible New Deal and laws passed since, corporations…

6 years ago

How do Lies Become Accepted as Fact? Please Don’t Help!

The professional messengers of Nazi Germany and the Republican Party know there are two key factors for turning a lie…

6 years ago

Full Employment at a Living Wage Is Impossible With a National Balance Budget

A federal government with a sovereign currency has a unique responsibility/capability - A Balanced Economy. Unlike the federal government, you…

6 years ago

As a progressive, am I too extreme?

Am I too extreme to want representatives who will unabashedly speak out against all forms of economic injustice spawned by…

6 years ago

Ending This Long Era of Worsening Injustice

RE: Democracy In Chains by Nancy MacLean and Conservatives Without Conscience by John Dean ... Since - Brown v Board…

6 years ago

News Media “Bad Barrels” And the Parable of the Frog in Boiling Water

Professor Phillip Zimbardo, who conducted the Stanford Prison experiment in his younger days and has since written about what he's…

6 years ago