Many People Are Easily Misled; Don’t Help Spread the Lies - At a recent town hall meeting, a man stood…
If Bruce became President of the United States, what would become of America? Decide for yourself. Bruce on the use…
Part I: Why do they fear a public insurance plan? We keep hearing that a pubic option will be far…
Glenn Beck Has Meltdown Over Protecting Turtles And Otters That Don't Carry Guns - It's a challenge to keep being…
Conservatives Lie About What They Said (Again) - When the Dow was down below 7,000, Republicans couldn’t stop citing it…
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The best lack all conviction, while…
Republican Senator Says at Least Half Our Opposition to Health Care is Just Plain Politics - Half the Republicans' opposition…
Poll: Just Six Percent of Scientists are Republicans - Now, why would that be? Scientists deal with facts; Republicans deal…
Senator Jim DeMint, R SC, succinctly laid out what is important to the Republican Party on a conference call to…
Mr. Holder, Every time the executive branch of our federal government erodes the rule of law, our nation takes one…