Palin Endorsee Plagiarized President Obama's Speech - Vaughn Ward, a GOP candidate for Idaho's First Congressional district who is…
The problem with illegal immigration is US consumers and employers. Consumers want cheap stuff and employers hire cheap labor to…
Oil Hits Louisiana Wetlands - Crude oil spread through fragile US marshlands Thursday, a month after a drilling rig…
All-Time Hypocrisy Award Winner - Republican Rep. Mark Souder, an ardent "family values" congressman, not only had an extramarital…
Rick Perry Rental Mansion Costs Texas $600,000 While He Tells State to Cut Costs - With the state facing…
AT&T Front Group Plans Campaign of Lies - AT&T front group Americans for Prosperity is stooping to new lows…
Republicans Plan to Protest Democratic/Labor Rally for NASA Jobs - The Galveston County Democratic Party and local labor unions…
Waste From Overkill: The U.S. Navy Battle Fleet is Larger Than the Next 13 Navies Combined - Defense Secretary…
First, the Good News The worst month (most job losses) was January, 2008. What happened then? G. W. Bush…
Lois "Brooksie" Hailey 1/18/1915 to 4/24/2010 Lois Brooks Hailey, 95, passed away April 24, 2010 at her son's home…