Crazy in Arizona - Videographer Dennis Gilman attended last weekend's "Phoenix Rising" rally in Phoenix last weekend and made…
Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; Republican Leader Agrees - The U.S. Chamber…
John Culberson Says Gulf Oil Spill is a 'Statistical Anomaly' - In a letter to President Obama, Culberson says…
Records Show That Rick Perry Did No Scheduled State Work on One-Third of Business Days - The governor's official…
Arizona City Councilman/Talk-Show Host Doesn’t Like Black or Brown Faces on Mural - The leader of a group of…
People Wishing for American Failure Prior to SpaceX Launch - While waiting for the historic launch of the SpaceX…
Arizona Governor Lies About Her Father’s Death - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer made the following comment to The Arizona…
BP CEO Says There Are No Plumes of Oil; Disregards Scientists - During a tour of a BP PLC…
The table below is mostly from an October 4, 2007 News Release from the conservative Tax Foundation. They point out…
Glenn Beck Attacks Obama’s Daughter - It took talk show host Glenn Beck all of two days to go…