Republicans Insult Democratic Women - The home web page for Minnesota’s Republican District 56 has a video comparing Republican…
Rupert Murdoch’s Hypocrisy - Monday, NewsCorp, parent of Fox News, gave $1,000,000 to the Republican Governors Association, making them…
Anti-tax, Anti-Spending Republican Takes Tax Money for Himself - A Republican north Texas state representative who rails against the…
Senator Reid, Have you been punked by the Republicans - like so many Democrats have been? Their right-wing authoritarian minions…
Rick Perry Afraid to Interview With Texas Newspaper Editorial Boards - In not-so-shocking news, Rick Perry's campaign declared that…
For Newt Gingrich, "Family Values" is Just a Phrase He Likes to Use - According to Newt's second wife…
Republicans Destroyed U.S. Economy According to Ronald Reagan’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget - David Stockman…
This posting was inspired by an article at Rational Revolution. It takes another look at the disproportionate shift in income…
Conservative Says Einstein's Theory of Relativity is a Liberal Plot - The Theory of Relativity was Albert Einstein's formulation…
Republican Jobs Plan: Bigger Tax [Breaks] For The Rich - After opposing, stalling, stonewalling and filibustering almost every recession-related…