The Bush Administration Aided by AEI, CSP and Pat Robertson’s Lawyers

18 years ago

I have written in several other articles about the neocons that make up a significant portion of those who contribute…

April 2007, WAWG Index – Down 11%

18 years ago

Month to Month Change In this eighteenth survey of the web, The WAWG Index monthly average was down by 10.5…

Bad Deeds for 4-12-07

18 years ago

Inappropriate government lawyers' membership in Republican group - The Republican National Lawyers Association, which trains lawyers to monitor elections, has…

Bad Deeds for 4-10-07

18 years ago

Data Shows Veterans’ Disabilities Being Downgraded - The U.S. military appears to have dispensed low disability ratings to nearly 93%…

Bad Deeds for 4-9-07

18 years ago

Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist 'no-fly' list - Identifying their enemies- A top Constitutional scholar from Princeton who…

Beyond Nine-Eleven – Enabling My Evolving Hopes

18 years ago

I started writing this in late 2001 and have not revisited if for quite some time. I'm posting it with…

Bad Deeds for 4-6-07

18 years ago

Hussein’s Prewar Ties to Al Qaeda Discounted by Pentagon - Captured Iraqi documents and intelligence interrogations of Saddam Hussein and…

Bad Deeds for 4-5-07

18 years ago

Houston Councilman Michael Berry says American Indians do not deserve the federal assistance that they're getting because they were "whipped…

John Bolton – Another Wrongheaded Neocon

18 years ago

I have written about many of the prominent neocons that are influencing the direction of this country. There is Eliot…

Bad Deeds for 4-4-07

18 years ago

The Secret War Against Iran - A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside…