Thousands of Bush Appointees – How Many More Duds Are Lying Low to Avoid Discovery!?

In October, I wrote about the Administration’s expertise at applying the Peter Principle, awarding incompetence, applying the principle to the Supreme Court, twice now, and stated that, “the application of this principle may have spread farther and deeper in to the government than anyone realizes.”

In November, I wrote about the replacement of the replacement for Michael Brown in FEMA and how this replacement, Donald Powell, got this appointment, according to Alexis Grant, Powell became a member of a group referred to as the Pioneers after ‘he raised at least $100,000 for the presidential campaign’ for President Bush.

There was also the nomination of Harriett Miers to the Supreme Court that was another attempt at applying the Peter Principle and the resignation of Ken Tomlinson from the Corporation of Public Broadcasting for various “wrongdoings.”

Well the evidence of incompetence continues to grow. At the end of January, I reported about the the attempt by another appointee to suppress a NASA expert from providing information to the public. In a comment to the article, I listed the name of that appointee as reported by the Houston Chronicle; William Deutsch.

Well guess what? Mr. Deutsch has now resigned. He lied on his resume about having a degree from Texas A&M.



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About Andy Hailey

Vietnam Vet, UT El Paso Grad, Retired Aerospace Engineer, former union rep, 60's Republican now progressive, web admin, blogger.

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