In a previous article based on a 1996 study by Pew Research, I stated, “In conclusion, the white evangelical Protestants get little return from the party they support. Money may not be what they are looking for, but mixing religion and politics isn’t the answer either.”
Well, Pew Research has released updated data for 2006 and white evangelical Protestants are getting poorer and getting less from the 2006 tax cut.
The table below combines data from the two studies and compares income ranges for white mainline Protestants and white evangelical Protestants. The second and third columns combine the actual population distribution percentages from both Pew Research Studies by income range. The fourth and fifth columns show the changes in population distribution over the past ten years by income range.
These two columns also show how the two population groups have migrated up or down the income ranges. While more mainline Protestants have moved up the income scale, white evangelical Protestants have not kept up.
On average, evangelicals have fallen behind mainline Protestants in income by another 21 percent over the last ten years and, as a result, get less from the 2006 tax cut as indicated by the last column of the table. As the mainline Protestants move up the income scale, they get more of the tax reduction. As the evangelical Protestants slide further behind in income, they get less.
Which party passed the tax cut? Which party do the evangelical Protestants continue to support as they fall farther behind and benefit less? Why?
Family Income White Mainline Protestant % (1996/ 2006) White Evangelical Protestant % (1996/ 2006) 1996 to 2006 Change % (Main) 1996 to 2006 Change % (Evan) Average Tax Reduction from 2006 Tax Cuts $0 – $20,000 19/12.9 22/19.2 -37.4 -12.7 $2 $20,000 – $29,999 18/8.5 18/12.4 -52.8 -31.1 $10 $30,000 – $49,999 27/22.0 28/25.7 -18.5 -8.2 $32 $50,000 – $74,999 13/18.6 12/14.1 +43.1 +17.5 $112 $75,000 + 12/30.6 8/18.6 +155 +133 $10,950
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